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1、八年级英语上册语法填空单元测试题含答案1八年级英语上册语法填空单元测试题(含答案)1一、八年级英语上册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。 Do you know our town? Its very big. There are three great clothes _there. Trendy Clothes is the biggest _all It has the best service(服务) and always makes you _(feel) at home when shoppin

2、g. Good Times _quite great, too. You can always buy the newest clothes there. And it has _(comfortable) seats for you to sit on. Mr. Cools has the most ideas when _(sell) clothes. Sometimes they invite some famous singers to sing _and give interesting shows. So the store is always _of people. Which

3、store is _(good)? You may ask this question. It is _(real) difficult to answer because each store has its specials.【答案】 stores;of;feel;is;the most comfortable;selling;songs;full;the best;really 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者小镇上的几家店铺。 (1)句意:那里有三家很棒的服装店。根据 Trendy Clothes可知store商店,基数词three后是名词复数 , 故填 stores。 (2)句意:时尚

4、服装店是最大的,它有最好的服务,总是让你在购物时有宾至如归的感觉。of all,固定搭配,所有的,故填of。 (3)句意:时尚服装店是最大的,它有最好的服务,总是让你在购物时有宾至如归的感觉。make sb+动词原形,是某人,故此处是动词原形,故填 feel。 (4)句意:好时光也很美好。great是形容词,此处缺少系动词be,是,主语是 Good Times第三人称单数,全文是一般现在时,故be用is , 故填is。 (5)句意:它有最舒适的座位供你坐。根据 the newest clothes there. And可知and前后都是最高级,seats是名词其前是形容词,comfortabl

5、e是形容词,最高级是most comfortable,其前有定冠词the , 故填 the most comfortable。 (6)句意:酷先生卖衣服的主意最多。句子中用谓语has,故此处是非谓语动词,sell主语是主动故选,故用现在分词形式,故填 selling。 (7)句意:有时他们会邀请一些著名的歌手来唱歌,表演有趣的节目。singsong,固定搭配,唱歌,表示泛指用名词复数 , 故填 songs。 (8)句意:所以店里总是挤满了人。befull of,固定搭配,挤满了 , 故填 full。 (9)句意:哪家商店最好?前文提到的三家服装店,故此处是最高级,good的最高级是best,最

6、后的,其前有定冠词the , 故填 the best。 (10)句意: 这很难回答,因为每个商店都有自己的特色菜。副词修饰形容词difficult,real是形容词,really是副词 , 故填 really。 【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的非谓语动词,词性,最高级搭配等多种用法。2阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 The friendship between humans and dogs probably began 14, 000 years ago. Here is _example of a dogs l

7、ife in the human world today. Jessie is Nancys pet dog. She is just _a member of Nancys family. Nancy looks after her very_(care). Jessie can always find _delicious in her bowl when she is hungry. Every day, Nancy _(prepare) meat, chicken and different kinds of vegetables for her. Jessie also has yo

8、gurt and two _(spoon) of honey after dinner. After that, they go out for a walk. Nancys husband is a famous doctor and_(they) only son is away in Beijing,_she has enough time and money to look after Jessi, and she really enjoys _(do) it. I want to give her the healthiest and _(wonderful) life as lon

9、g as possible! she says.【答案】 an;like;carefully;something;prepares;spoons;their;so;doing;(the) most wonderful 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一只狗的生活起居。 (1)句意:这儿是一个今天在人类社会里一只狗的生活。根据下文提到一只狗的生活,可知空缺处的意义为一只,填入an,故答案an。 (2)句意:它就像南希家庭的一员。根据根据后文提到南希对它有多好,可知它被当成一家人,故填入like,短语,be like,像,故答案为like。 (3)句意:南希很细心的照顾它。根据空缺处修饰look aft

10、er,可知应该填入副词形式,故答案为carefully。 (4)句意:当她很饿的时候,她总是可以在碗里找到美味的食物。根据空缺处的意义可知,为一些东西,填入something,故答案为something。 (5)句意:每天,南希喂他准备肉,鸡肉,和各种不同种类的蔬菜。根据 Every day , 可知用一般现在时,主语是 Nancy,第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单三式,故答案为prepares。 (6)句意:吃饭后,Jessie有牛奶和2勺蜂蜜喝。根据空缺处前面有two,可知用复数,填入spoons,故答案为spoons。 (7)句意:他们唯一的儿子在北京。根据空缺处修饰som,可知填入形物代,

11、填入their,故答案为their。 (8)句意:因此她有足够的时间和金钱照顾Jessi。根据该句和前面的句子构成因果关系,可知空缺处填入so,故答案为so。 (9)句意:她真的很喜欢做这件事。根据短语enjoy doing sth,喜欢做某事,故答案为doing。 (10)句意:我想给她最健康和最好的生活。根据空缺处前面用了最高级,可知这里用最高级,填入the most wonderful,故答案为the most wonderful。 【点评】本文考查了语法填空,做此类题时,注意熟记相关语法点和短语,结合上下文,选出正确的选项, 给出单词正确的形式。3阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(

12、1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(最多三个字单词)。 One day, lily father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus(马戏团). Finally, there was only_family between the ticket office and us. There were eight children in the family. All of the children, _(old)child is only 12. Their clothes were not expensive but

13、clean. The children talked_(happy). The ticket lady asked how many_(ticket)the father wanted, he proudly answered, Please let me buy eight childrens and two adults. The lady_(tell)him the price. There was no longer a smile on his face. He didnt have enough money. But_could he tell his kills the bad

14、news? My dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped it_the ground. He said, Excuse me, sir, this_(fall)out of your pocket. The man picked tip the money, looked straight into my _(father)eyes and replied in tears, Thank you. This really means a lot to_(I) and my family. 【答案】 a;the oldest/the eld

15、est;happily;tickets;told;how;on;fell;fathers;me 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者的爸爸是怎样帮助一个贫穷的家庭买到票的。 (1)句意:在买票中心和我们之间仅仅有一家。family是可数名词单数,以辅音音素开头,所以用a,故填a。 (2)句意:最大的孩子仅仅12岁。all表明数量是三者以上,所以用最高级,old的最高级是the oldest/the eldest,故填the oldest/the eldest。 (3)句意:孩子们愉快地交谈。副词修饰实义动词,talked是实义动词,所以用happy的副词happily,故填happily。 (4)句意

16、:女售票员问那个父亲想要多少票。how many后面用可数名词复数,ticket的复数是tickets,故填tickets。 (5)句意:女士告诉他票价。时态是一般过去时,tell的过去式是told,故填told。 (6)句意:但是他怎样告诉他的孩子们这个坏消息呢根据句意可知是怎样告诉,所以用how,故填how。 (7)句意:把它掉在地上。on the ground在地上,故填on。 (8)句意:这个从你的口袋里掉出来的。时态是一般过去时,所以fall用过去式fell,故填fell。 (9)句意:直直地看着我爸爸的眼睛。father和eyes都是名词,所以第一个用名词所有格,即fathers,

17、故填fathers。 (10)句意:这真地对于我来说意义重大。to是介词,后面用宾格。I的宾格是me,故填me。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,首先理解文章大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答。注意考虑句型、搭配、语境等,最后通读一遍检查验证。4阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内所给单词的正确形式。 Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons. First, reading is _ (education). You can always keep yourself happy _ you like

18、 reading. You will never feel _ (boring) or tired. Next,you can read a book anywhere in a car, _a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need _ (be) a book. Another good reason for reading is that it is _ (use). If you regard reading as a hobby, you will get better and be better at it. And you will

19、 read _ (fast) and find it easier to understand _ you read. As your reading skills improve, you will find your schoolwork becomes much easier. Some people say that reading is out of date. This is not true. You can read on computers, and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be. G

20、ood _ (learn) may become writers, too. They always have more things _ (write) about. Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now?【答案】 educational ;if;bored;on;is;useful;faster;what;learners;to write 【解析】【分析】主要讲了阅读是一种好的爱好的原因。 (1)句意:首先,阅读是有教育意义的。be+形容词,education是名词,其形容词是educational,故

21、填educational。 (2)句意:你可以总是保持愉悦,如果你喜欢阅读。根据句意可知前后阅读是保持开心的条件,如果,if,引导条件状语从句,故填if。 (3)句意:你将永远不会感到无聊。主语是you,指人,以ing结尾的形容词修饰物,以ed结尾的形容词修饰人,boring修饰物,bored修饰人,故填bored。 (4)句意:你可以在车上、飞机上的任何地方,甚至在卫生间读书。on a plane,在飞机上,故填on。 (5)句意:所有你需要的仅仅是一本书。主语是单数book,所以用is,故填is。 (6)句意:读书的另一个英语是它是有用的。be+形容词,use的形容词是useful,故填u

22、seful。 (7)句意:你将读得更快。根据后句easier是比较级,所以fast用比较级faster,故填faster。 (8)句意:并且发现更容易理解你读得内容。根据句意可知是宾语从句,所以用what,指读得内容,故填what。 (9)句意:好的学习者也可能成为作家。writers是名词,指人,所以learn用表示人的名词,即学习者learner,writers是复数,所以learner也用复数learners,故填learners。 (10)句意:他们总是有写的更多的东西。things是名词,to do不定式做定语,故填to write。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力

23、。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。5语法填空 I had a great winter vacation last year. I went to the mountains _ my family and we stayed with some friends. _ (they) house was really big, with lots of trees around it. You could get lost very _ (easy). Last year, the weather was very bad. It was windy, we

24、t and snowy. _, the mountains were beautiful. I love climbing, so we climbed every day. I took quite a few _ (photo), usually of different animals. The countryside was very quiet, but across from the house there was _ farm. The farmer had many cows, and they were _ (loud) than cars! Every day we wal

25、ked to the farm to get milk. It was so delicious! There was a village that I _ (ride) my bike to. It was very small. There wasnt anywhere to go shopping, but it was the best place _ (go) on vacation! I even met two women from Canada. We are now friends. In _ (fact), we are the same in many ways.【答案】

26、 with;Their;easily;However;photos;a;louder;rode;to go;fact 【解析】【分析】主要讲了去年寒假的经历。 (1)句意:我和我的家人去爬山。根据句意可知是和家人去的,所以用with,和,表伴随,故填with。 (2)句意:他们的房子是真大。house是名词,所以前面用形容词性物主代词修饰,they是主格,其形容词性物主代词是their,故填Their。 (3)句意:你可能很容易迷路。get lost是实义动词短语,副词修饰实义动词,easy的副词是easily,故填easily。 (4)句意:然而,山是漂亮的。根据前句the weather

27、was very bad.可知天气是糟糕的,但是山却很漂亮,根据逗号可知用however,但是,故填However。 (5)句意:我拍了许多照片。quite a few后面用可数名词复数,photo的复数是photos,故填photos。 (6)句意:但是房子对面有个农场。farm是可数名词单数,以辅音音素开头,所以用a,故填a。 (7)句意:它们比车更大声。than是比较级的标志词,所以用比较级louder,故填louder。 (8)句意:有一个我骑自行车去的村庄。was表明时态是一般过去时,所以ride用过去式rode,故填rode。 (9)句意:但是它是度假的最好的地方。the best

28、 place to do sth.做某事的最好地方,动词不定式to do表目的,故填to go。 (10)句意:事实上,我们在许多方面是相同的。in fact事实上,故填fact。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,首先理解文章大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答。注意考虑句型、搭配、语境等,最后通读一遍检查验证。6阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的内容(1个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。 As we all know, it is very important to keep healthy. But do you know_to keep healthy. Firstly

29、, I think we must have enough food to keep_(we) energy for breakfast. We must also have the right kind of food. Remember to eat _(many) fresh fruit and vegetables but less junk food. Dont forget to wash your hands_meals. Secondly, its necessary for us_(take) exercise. Exercise will keep us active an

30、d strong. _(third), I think staying up is bad for our health. _we cant get enough sleep, we may have a headache. We should go to bed early_get up early. Lastly,_(listen) to music or chatting can also make us_(feel) relaxed.【答案】how;our;more;before;to take;Thirdly;If;and;listening;feel 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了保持健康的方法。(1)句意:但是你知道怎样保持健康吗?根据下面的 Firstly, I think we must have enough food., Secondly.是介绍健康的方法可知上文应该是问怎样保持健康。how是怎样,故答案为how。(2)句意:我认为我们必须早餐吃足够的食物保持我们的能量。名词前应用形容词性物主代词,we的形容词性物主代词是our。故答案为our。(3)句意:记住吃更多的新鲜的水果和蔬菜但是吃更少的垃圾食物。根据 bu

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