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1、冀教版五年级英语下册期末综合测试题1五年级英语期末练习一、按要求写单词。(5分)1、woman(复数形式)姓名2、know(同音词)分数3、fall(现在分词)4、man(复数形式)5、top(对应词)6、easy(反义词)7、twelve(序数词)8、 left(对应词)9、sun(形容词)10、smile(近义词)二、英汉互译(5分)1、arrive in Beijing2、 in the train statio n3、take a picture4、在邮局5、指向6、a cup of tea7、the bottom of the enevlope8、去散步9、fly a kite10、

2、be careful三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1、 Li Ming , here is (a) apple for you.2、 I want (have )some fruit.3、 Li Ming and Danny (be) very hungry.4、 I ( not) know where to go .5、 Danny would like some (soup)6、 Let s (drive) to the train station.7、 Danny walks (slow) to school.8、 These are (woman). They are sing

3、ing.9、 “ Who is hun gry? (ask) Li Ming.10、 Jenny and Li Ming (be) slow.四、用下列所给的词填空。(5分)un der, by, up, for, to , dow n , at, in1、 They live Shijiazhuang.2、 May I talk Danny s mother?3、 I go to school bike.4、 Please stand , Tom.5、 Look the photo.6、 Sit ,please.7、 Where are your pens? They re my penci

4、l-box.8、 They are leav ing Beiji ng on Mon day morning.9、 Danny 丄i Min g,Je nny and Tom arrive Beiji ng at 2:00 in the after noon.10、 Jenny puts a new film her camera.五、句型转换。(10分)1、Li Ping s mother wants to go shopping.( 对画线部分提问)。2、Walk slowly, please.( 改为否定句)3、 Danny has a big panda.( 对画线部分提问)4、 It

5、 s 5:00 now.(对画线部分提问)5、 这张明信片上有一只熊猫。6、 Lucy can sing many songs.( 改为一般疑问句 )7、 The park has many children.( 改为同义句)。 many childre n the park.&我可以帮你写明信片吗?9、 I can fly a kite.(变为一般疑问句)10、 这本书多少钱?六、连词成句。(5分)1、 is, the, ten, stamp, yuan.2、 I , may, picture, take, your.3、 Danny, for, snack, a, buy, me.4、 n

6、eeds, a , he, letter, his , for , stamp.5、walk, Li Ming , down , and, the, Jenny, street.七、选择正确的答案.(10分)()1.Li Ming n eeds a stamphis letter.A. to B. forC. withD. in()2. The men and women walk .A. slow B. quickC. quicklyD. quiet()3.The tea is hotdrink.A. too, to B. to, tooC. too, forD. too, of()4 m

7、writing a lettermy pen.A. with B. onC. ofD. on()5.Everyone scared.A. feel B. to feelC. feeli ngD.feels()6.Je nny wantsto the park.A. go B. to goC. goi ngD.goes()7.These are manyA. baby B. babysC. babiesD.bobies()8.Da nny his tailin Beiji ng.A. broke B. breaked C. breakD.breaks( )9.Your address and h

8、er address are same.A. the B. a C. an D. /( )lO.What would you like to drink?A. grapes B. rice C. tea D. bread( )11.1 am out of the win dow.A.po inting B.draw ing Cooking( )1 2.1 see some play ing.A.childre n n C.woma n( )1 3.You can t walk the hotel with that! B.a nd )14.This is Dann

9、y me on the tra in.A.or B.a nd C.from( )15. do you put the address?A.When B.Where C.How( )16.1 to the park yesterday.Aooked B.walked C.jumped( )17 at a map yesterday.A.looked B.talked C.liked( )18.1 to buy a gift for my mother.A.played B.we nt C.wa nted( ) go to Tian an men Square?1、for thisis

10、 youT-shirt2、did youwhatdo else3、childre nI seeplay ing some4、favouritemy isegg food5、glass awouldof milk likeyou6、your theher and addressaddress are same九、根据实际回答问题(2分)(3 分)八、连词成句1.How much is the stamp? .2.Where do you put the stamp? .3.Where do you write on a postcard? .4.Where do you put the addr

11、ess? 十、短文选词填空(5分)Play breakfast n ame birthday hotsummer get dinner win ter thi ngs to weatherMy is Amy. My birthday is in . On my birthday, I ofte n upat 7:00 a.m. At 4:45 p.m., I go the supermarker. I have a good time onthat day. In the evening, I eat at 6:00. Then I have a party. In theparty, we

12、games and eat a lot of . I can eat ice cream,too. It s myfavourite. Guess! What s the like on my birthday. It s very .一 .完型填空( 5 分)。Kate is _1_ English girl. Her mother is a teacher, and her father is a policeoffice. She _2_ a brother, his name is Jim. Kate is eight years old, and her brotheris twel

13、ve. Now, their family is _3_ the U.S. They re having fun in the U.S. Kate is _4_ TV, Jim is sending an e-mail _5_ his friend, and their mother and father is cooking now.) 1. A. a) 2. A. have) 3. A. in) 4. A. watchB. an C. theB. / C. hasB. at C. /B. watchesC. watchingD. /D. isD. goD. watched) 5. A. f

14、romB. of C. forD. toA. I amB. someC. No,l dontD.Yes,l had a great trip.十二、找朋友( 5 分)( )1.Who is thirsty?( )2.Do you like it?( )3.Is danny quiet now?( )4.Would you like some tea?( )5.what time is it?( )6.Can Danny fly a kite?( )7.What are these?( )8.Did you have a nice trip?( )9.What happened?( )10.Wh

15、at are you doing?十三.阅读理解(10 分)E.No,he is loudF.I hurt my nose.G.They are lettersH.Its five oclockI.YesJ.I am doing my homework1Wu Xinchun is from a family of three people. They like to eat different kinds offood. Wu Xinchun likes rice a lot. She likes to have rice for every meal. But shedoesn t like

16、 meat at all. Her father is from Shanghai. He doesn t like rice at all.He likes noodles and dumplings very much. Her mother is from Dalian. She likesfish, vegetables and fruit very much, but she doesn根据短文内容判断正误(正确“ T”,错误“ F”)t like rice or noodles.( ) 1. Three are three people in Wu Xinchun s family

17、.( ) 2. Wu Xinchun doesn t like eat rice at all.) 3. Wu Xinchuns mother comes from Dalian.) 4. Wu Xinchuns father doesn t like fish.) 5. Wu Xinchuns family live in China.Little Zeke lives in Emmas desk. Emma and Little Zeke are friends. He helpsEmma amd Emma helps him. Emma has a sock in her desk. I

18、t is a gift for LittleZeke. Little Zeke sleeps in the sock.( )1.Little Zeke is a boy.( )2.Little Zeke lives in Emma s bag.( )3.Little Zeke sleeps in the desk.( )4.Emma helps Little Zeke.( )5.Emma has a gift for Little Zeke.十四、按照先后顺序写出 1-12 月,以及星期天 - 星期六中英对照单词 (10 分)十五、改错 (5 分 )1.Did you had breakfas

19、t in the morning?2.Jenny put a new film in her camera.3.It s about five hundred year old.4.I m puting a film in my camera.5.These child are flying kites.6.We are arriving in home.7.Turn left for the park.8.I can buy stamps of the post office9.They are talking loud 10.Yesterday, I eat ice cream 十六、小作文( 10 分)用不少于 5 句话来介绍自己,介绍内容包括你的基本信息以及爱好

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