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Unit 3 Computers教学设计.docx

1、Unit 3 Computers教学设计Unit 3 Computers教学设计 Unit 3 putersaring Up, Pre-reading and ReadingTeahing ais1nledge ais(1)Get the students t learn the useful and expressins in this part(2)Let students t learn abut histr and basi nledge f puters1 Abilit aisDevelp students reading abilities and let the learn di

2、fferent reading sills3Etin ai:Aruse students great interest in learning puters and let the learn t use the puters in their dail livesTeahing diffiult and iprtant pints1Let the students learn re abut histr and basi nledge f puters2Get the students t learn different reading sillsTeahing ethds1 Tas-bas

3、ed teahing and learning2perative learning3Disussin Teahing predures and asStep1aring up Tas1: H uh d u n abut puters? (ae a surve) 1 hat des IT ean?Infratin tehnlg2 H t spea 科学技术 in English?Siene and tehnlg3 hat des P ean?Persnal puter4 H t spea 人工智能 in English?Artifiial intelligene hat des PDA ean?

4、Persnal digital assistant 6H t spea 笔记本电脑 in English?Nteb puter/ laptp7 hat des ean?rld ide eb8 hat an puters be used t d in ur dail life?Tas2: hat is it? Give se sentenes t desribe different inds f alulating bets and se pitures t help the students t guess hat it is? An ld alulating ahine used in hi

5、na until nAn abaus It is a ne alulating ahine hih an slve a large nuber f atheatial prblesA alulatr It is built t slve se atheatial prbles But it is t big A huge puter It is a puter hih an slve all inds f prbles and is used idel n A P / destp It is a ind f puter hih an be taen nvenientl(方便)A laptp /

6、 nteb puterStep2pre-reading an u put these inventins in an rder arding t the tie hen the appeared?( ) Analtial ahine(分析机)( ) Laptp( ) alulating ahine (计算机器)( ) Rbtandrid( ) P( ) Universal ahine(通用机器)Step3 Reading (1)SiingTas1 Find ut the tpi sentenes f eah paragraph (P19Ex2)Tas2 Suarize the general

7、idea f this passage(2)SanningTas1 True r FalseIn 1642 I began as a alulating ahine and uld slve an atheatial prble (F: slve an alulating prble) real father as harles Babbage, h rte a b and build e in 1936(F: Alan Turning)After I gt ne transistrs in the 1960s, I beae saller but leverer and quier(T)I

8、as brught int peples hes in the 1970s(T)Sine birth I have been built t tae the plae f huan rae(F: build t serve huan rae)(3)areful- readingTas 1: L at the tieline bel Fill in the blans ith infratin fr the reading textTieThe develpent f the puters16421822The Analtial ahine as ade b harles Babbage1940

9、sThe first fail f puters as nneted t eah ther 1970sn1642: The puter began as a alulating ahine1822: The Analtial ahine as ade b harles Babbage1936: The puter gre rapidl bth in size and in brainper1940s: The puters had grn as large as a r1960s: The first fail f puters as nneted t eah ther 1970s: puters ere used in ffies and hesN: puters nnet peple all ver the rld tgetherStep4 nlusin f the text H did puters develp? A alulating ahine _ _ _ an ne appliatins

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