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Text A Life Is Full of Choices.docx

1、Text A Life Is Full of ChoicesNew Horizon English CourseBook Three Unit 3 Text AText A: Life Is Full of ChoicesAims: Students will be able to:1. understand the main idea (As the text is about a story of choices. Michael is on run-of -the -mill kind of guy.) and structure of the text ;2. do practical

2、 writing of this unit;3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.New Words: Mill guy twin lest prince mood victim victory yeah bottom weekly tower surgery intensi

3、ve release metal rod scar well-being inch latter paramedic transfer action yell gravePhrases and Expressions:run-of-the-mill at work in a mood see as bottom line reflect on/upon involve in within an inch of take action Structure: a) Cause and effect.b) As if Teaching Methods: explanations& practice;

4、 ask-answering questions; reading, discussions.Materials of Teaching: recorder, blackboard, chalks & papers.PROCEDUREWarm-up:1) The teacher will ask students to read the words last lesson we have learnt, and then take a dictation. Finally ask them to check their answers.2) IntroductionIn the long jo

5、urney of life, you are surely to encounter many events. Your attitude towards those events makes your life different. Are you a victim of lifes events, choosing to see the negative side no mater what the situation is? Or, do you believe no matter what happens you should think positively and learn fr

6、om the experience? To a great extent, a persons outlook on life decides its outcome. Leading-in. 1. The teacher is advised to draw the students attention to the following* What will you do when something bad happens to you?(Reference: I will feel miserable.I will learn something from it.I will be ha

7、ppy.I will see it as a type of learning.I will try to avoid it.)* How do you make your life exciting?(Reference: Id like to get together with my friends at weekend.Id like to get something positive from something bad.Id like to buy myself whatever I want.Id like to choose to have a good mood every d

8、ay.) * Do you always choose to learn from some thing bad? * Why do people need to choose a good mood whatever happens to them?Stage I PresentationA. Vocabularymill n. 1. C a building that contains a large machine for crushing grain into flour 磨坊e.g.: It is said that a large mill will be built in my

9、hometown. 据说在我的家乡将建一个大磨坊。2. C a factory 工厂,制造厂e.g.: a steel mill 炼钢厂e.g.: cotton mills 棉织厂lest conj. in order that the stated thing should not happen; in case 惟恐;免得e.g.: Lest anyone (should) worry that this will lead to price increases, let me reassure you that it will not. 为避免有人担心这样会导致物价上涨,我再次向你们保证

10、绝对不会有这种事。e.g.: I obeyed her lest she should be angry. 我得顺着她,免得她生气。 prince n. 1. C a noble and outstanding person 品格高尚的人;非凡的人e.g.: His bravery and loyalty make him a prince among men. 他的勇敢和忠诚使他成为一个非凡的人。2. C (often cap.) a son or other near male relation of a king or queen (常用大写)王子;王孙;亲王e.g.: Prince C

11、harles 查尔斯王子e.g.: Prince Edward is the Queens youngest son. 爱德华王子是女王最小的儿子。 mood n. 1. C a state of the feelings at a particular time 心情,情绪e.g.: His moods change very quickly. 他的情绪变化无常。e.g.: The beautiful sunny morning put him in a good mood. 阳光灿烂的早晨使他心情愉悦。 2 C a state of feeling in which one is bad-

12、tempered, silently angry or displeased, etc. 情绪(心情)不好e.g.: Dont ask him to lend you money when hes in one of his moods. 他情绪不好的时候别向他借钱。e.g.: Shes in a mood this morning. 她今天早晨心情不好。victim n. C a person, animal, or thing that suffers pain, death, harm, destruction, etc. as a result of other peoples act

13、ions, or of illness, bad luck, etc. 牺牲者,受害者e.g.: She was the victim of a road accident. 她是一场交通事故的受害者。e.g.: Four people were killed in the explosion, but police have not yet named the victims. 在这次爆炸中有4人死亡,但警方尚未公布死难者的姓名。victory n. C; U the act of winning or state of having won, in war or in any kind o

14、f struggle 胜利,成功e.g.: Both sides were claiming victory last night. 双方都声称昨天晚上取得了胜利。e.g.: The captain led his team to victory. 队长带领全队取得了胜利。 weekly adv. & adj. (happening or appearing) once a week or every week 一周一次地(的);每个星期地(的)e.g.: pay rent weekly 按周付租金e.g.: a weekly visit 一周一次的访问 n. C a magazine or

15、newspaper which appears once a week 周刊;周报e.g.: This weekly is printed every Friday. 这份周报每星期五印刷。 release vt. 1. discharge; set free; let go 释放,放出e.g.: She released the rabbit from the trap. 她把兔子从陷阱中放了出来。e.g.: Four prisoners were released, but they are forbidden to leave the city. 有4名犯人被释放,但他们不允许离开这座城

16、市。2. allow (a new film or record) to be shown or sold publicly 上映或发行e.g.: a recently released record 新发行的唱片e.g.: There was not much publicity before the film was released. 这部电影发行前没有作什么宣传。well-being n. U personal and physical comfort, especially good health and happiness 健康;幸福e.g.: We are all concern

17、ed with your well-being. 我们都关心你的幸福。e.g.: The warm sunny weather always gives me a sense of well-being. 阳光明媚的暖和天气使我产生一种健康、幸福的感觉。latter n. C the second (of two people or things just mentioned) 后者e.g.: If offered red or white, Id choose the latter. 如果有人问我要红酒还是白酒,我会选择后者。e.g.: Of the two the latter is fa

18、r better than the former. 两者中后者比前者好得多。adj. near to the end; later 后一半的;末尾的e.g.: the latter part of the book 这部书的结尾部分e.g.: In the latter years of his life he lived alone and never welcomed visitors. 他晚年独居,从不欢迎来访者。transfer v. 1. move over from one place, job, position, etc. to another 转移;调动e.g.: The m

19、anagement decided to transfer production of the newspaper to its new plant in Scotland. 管理部门决定把报纸的印制转移到设在苏格兰的新厂。e.g.: His employer transferred him to another office. 老板把他调到了另一个办公室。2. (cause to) move or change from one vehicle to another in the course of a journey 转车;改乘e.g.: transfer to another bus 转

20、乘另一辆公共汽车e.g.: At London we transferred from the train to a bus. 在伦敦我们由火车改乘汽车。n. C; U an act or process of transferring 转移;职务调动e.g.: Can I have a transfer to a new office? 我能调换到新的办公室去吗?e.g.: This worker wants a transfer to another post. 这个工人要求调换工种。grave n. C the place in the ground where a dead perso

21、n is buried 坟墓,墓地e.g.: He said that he had one foot in the grave. 他说自己已进入垂暮之年。e.g.: I put some flowers on the grave. 我在坟上放了一些花。 adj. 1. giving cause for worry and/or needing urgent attention; very serious 严重的;重大的e.g.: grave news 重大新闻e.g.: The situation poses a grave threat to peace. 这局势对和平构成严重的威胁。 2

22、. serious or solemn in manner 严厉的;严肃的e.g.: a grave procession 庄严行进的队伍e.g.: His face was grave as he told them about the accident. 当他告诉他们这件意外事故时,他的神情很严肃。 in a. mood with certain feelings at a particular time 心情e.g.: Diana appeared in a happy mood as she was greeted by the local people. 当地人向戴安娜致意时,她很高

23、兴。e.g.: He is in a bad mood when the final exam approaches. 当期末考试接近时他心情不好。see. as think of as; consider as把看作e.g.: Do you see the new leader as the hope of the party? 你认为新的领导人是党的希望吗?e.g.: Most people see his action as possibly dangerous. 大多数人认为他的行动可能很危险。bottom line the most important factor or thing

24、 最重要的因素/东西e.g.: The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody. 最重要的是没有让每人发挥最好的一面。reflect on/upon think carefully about possibilities and opinion 仔细考虑;思索e.g.: As you get older you begin to reflect on the uncertainty of life. 随着年龄的增大,你会开始思索人生的无常。e.g.: After reflecting on the problem

25、 for a time, he decided not to go. 仔细考虑了这个问题后,他决定不去。 within an inch of very near 差一点儿;险些e.g.: We came within an inch of death. 我们险些丧命。e.g.: She had been within an inch of discarding the idea altogether. 她差点就彻底放弃了这想法。 take action do something 采取行动e.g.: The committee promised to take action as soon as

26、 possible. 委员会承诺尽快采取措施。e.g.: The financial crisis forced the government to take action immediately including a further cut in interest. 金融危机迫使政府立即采取行动,其中包括进一步降低利率。 B. Language Study (Text Study)Paragraph 1: 1. Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy. Meaning: Michael is by no means an ordinary man

27、.No, as a determiner (限定词), means not a or not any. But in certain circumstances no and not a cannot be used interchangeably. For example, He is no singer. means He cant sing at all (他根本不会唱歌). While He is not a singer. just indicates the fact that the person is not a singer by profession (他不是个歌唱家).

28、Therefore, the sentence Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy. suggests that Michael is an extraordinary (不一般的) kind of普通的,不突出的 e.g. - The president of our school is not a run-of-the-mill person. 我们的校长是个了不起的人。1.这出戏不够精彩。- The play was a bit run-of-the-mill.2.新来的英语老师很不一般。-

29、Our new English teacher is not a run-of-the-mill person. Note that guy is used on informal occasions in American English.2. . he would reply, If I were any better, Id be twins!Please notice the subjunctive mood used in the sentence. English people use this expression to tell others that they are in

30、a very happy mood. By saying Id be twins, the speaker means he has a maximum level of happiness himself and could only be MORE happy if there should be someone exactly like him.Paragraph 2: 3. If an employee had a bad day, Michael would tell him/her how to look on the positive side of the situation

31、lest theyd continue feeling down.Meaning: If one of his fellow workers felt miserable that day, Michael would tell him/her to be cheerful and hopeful in face of difficulties so that they would not continue to feel miserable.Lest theyd. is an adverbial clause modifying the main clause Michael would tell him/her how to. Note that the subject they in this adverbial clause refers to him/her in the main clause. It may seem that the pronoun concord is problematic, but in informal speech such disagreement is very common. For example:Everyone was clapping their hands. 大家都在鼓掌。Nobody left

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