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Lesson Plan 10.docx

1、Lesson Plan 10Lesson Plan Lesson 10Before and After September 11Time Allocation12hAims of the Unit1. Master the background information2. Comprehend the theme of the text3. Practice translating some words / phrase/ sentenceImportant & Difficult Points1. Background information of the text2. Language p

2、oints like the new words, phrase ,and structure 3. How to identify the rhetorical devices like metaphor, simile, Mytonymy, parallelism allusion in sentence.Teaching Methods and Aids1. Interactive teaching2. Group work3. Reading & discussing 4. Pictures related to the textTeaching Contents1. Warm up

3、Questions 2. Background Information3. Detail study of the textAssignment1. Comprehension / Paraphrase Translation exercises2. Sentence TranslationReflectionBefore and After September 11:Warm up Questions1. Why does the author use two opposite before and after? 2. What is the situation like in USA af

4、ter Sept.11?3. What are the impacts of that disaster on USA and the world?4. Why does the author write the article?The first paragraph on P152 offers us some information on the circumstances under which the author wrote this article. Please sum up the background for the article.Background Informatio

5、nGovernments attitude and publics reaction after September 11Governments poicy Homeland security becomes a top priority. Bush Administration declared war on world terrorism. He said, “America will do what is necessary to ensure our nations security.” Publics reaction91% of the American public consid

6、ered such policy the right one in guiding the United States along the correct path.Governments law“The Patriot Act” authorizes the interception of wire, oral and electronic communications for the production of evidence and it authorizes the FBI to request telephone toll and transaction records, fina

7、ncial records and consumer reports. Publics reaction 26%-not enough restriction on civil liberties 60%-right, 10%-go too far.Organization of the essayPart I (Paras. 1-6) Part II (Paras. 7-11) Part III (Paras. 12-15) Part IV (Paras. 16-19) Part V (Paras. 20-23) Part VI (Paras. 24-28) . Part I (paras

8、1-6) This section gives a general description of the change in the United States after September 11. “The events of September 11 divided out world into two radically different eras.” Paras11. .a new age of anxiety was born. anxiety: a state of feeling uneasy apprehensive or worried about what may ha

9、ppen; concern about a possible future eventSep. 11 attacks were not considered as single, individual actions but part of a well-coordinated, well-organized plan of a terrorists group with global reach. Terrible things or more terrible things may follow.2. If someone had slept through Sep. 11., on an

10、 astonishing new landscape: If someone fell asleep before September 11, like the hero Rip Van Winkle in the story of Washington Irving, and then woke up after September 11, he would find that great changes had taken place in the United States. Rip Van Winkle: a short story by Washington Irving which

11、 tells of a kindhearted farmer Rip Van Winkle , He is a lazy person. His wife scolded him and asked him to do sth., but he just slept and drank wine. One day, he met a stranger who was distributing wine on a mountain slope. He drank a little and soon fell asleep. When he woke up/awakened and went ba

12、ck to the village, it was 20 years later. Everything had changed. The most important change was the War of Independence had been won and the portrait of King George of Britain was replaced by American President George Washington. This figure is often used to describe the person whose thoughts are le

13、ft behind.Para2 Bush encouraged his people to face the threat. 1. Guardsmen toting M-16s are stationed at our airports: After September 11, in order to strengthen airport security, national guardsmen were dispatched to the airports throughout the United States to help tighten security to avoid simil

14、ar attacks. On July4, 2002 airspace is closed, for it is said that Monument will be attacked by terrorists. Vice-president move from place to place in case one dies the other can function. Terrorists cant find him. Bin Laden moved from cave to cave because of the bombing of USA.2.The president of th

15、e United States attends-positioned on the stadium rooftop:美利坚合众国总统出席观看全国棒球赛,于是纽约扬基体育场上空的空域关闭,禁止飞机通过,在体育场的屋顶上,部署了一排狙击手.3. The vice-presidents safekeepers whisk him-halfway across the world: 副总统的保卫人员匆匆地把他从一个地方转移至另外一个地方,就像他那难以对付的死敌本. 拉登可能在世界另一端从一个山洞转移到另一个山洞一样. Note the comparison: The choice of “whisk”

16、 and “move” is worth noting vice president whisk from place to place bin Laden is moved from cave to cave4. Anthrax panic sends Congress running from its chambers: anthrax: An infectious, usually fatal disease of warm-blooded animals, especially of cattle and sheep, caused by the bacterium Bacillus杆

17、状菌 anthrax . The disease can be transmitted to human beings through contact with contaminated animal substances, such as hair, feces, or hides, and is characterized by ulcerative skin lesions. “send”, “running” give readers the impression that members of Congress were frightened and ran for life.Par

18、a3 This paragraph describes the feeling towards the pre September 111. The events of September 11 divided our world into two radically different eras: The event of September 11 divided the world into two entirely different periods.2 . We watch wistfully ., cast in Technicolor shades of nostalgia. 带着

19、惆怅的心情,我们目送 记忆的小筏载着9.11前的世界,在一种怀旧的暗淡色彩中漂流而去.3. We will remember that assassinated world . in the reverent tones reserved for the dead.In our memory, the pre-September 11 world was peaceful, happy and safe (overlooking the fact that this was not the case) and we will talk about those days with a feeli

20、ng of deep respect and love which can only be found in talking about dead people.When we talk about pre-9/11, it was peaceful, happy, and secure; but ,in fact, it is neither safe nor happy. Now we talk about it in a respectful way/ in a tone that will only be used to remember the dead.Para41. Meanwh

21、ile the post9/11 era looms like an unmapped wilderness: How the post 9/11 era will develop (or the prospect of the post 9/11 era) appears unclear and full of uncertainties, like an uncultivated, wild region that has not been loom : to appear, take shape or come in sight indistinctly esp.

22、 in a threatening form Unmapped wilderness: unmapped means uninhabited, no people live there; wilderness means an uncultivated, uninhabited open region. Unmapped wilderness means unclaimed territories, a piece of land which does not belong to any strong power. Then there will be a battle for this la

23、nd, because every country tries to snatch it , the result is war.2. As with other unclaimed territories throughout history,- and material capital.An intense battle is being fought for the capturing of the psyche, political and material benefits of the new era. Battles of this kind had been common in

24、 the past for the grabbing of territories which had not been colonized.As with other unclaimed territories throughout history, a fierce battle is impending/approaching to decide who could mentally, politically, and materially benefit after 9/11. In the post 9/11 era, USA can do what they could not d

25、o before3.Former president Bill Clinton has called ., cherished values and liberties: In order to win the war, we might have to give /sacrifice some of the basic values and liberties we treasure most. This might be the cost we have to pay.1)The spoils of war include some of our most cherished values

26、 and liberties: spoils means goods, territory, etc. taken by force in war. Here the spoil of war refers to the influence and dominance of USA. The most cherished values and liberties are the price USA had to pay for this . Former president Bill Clinton has called ., cherished values and liberties2)

27、Note the contrast between the struggle for the soul and the loss of values and liberties. 2) If the spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties, how can we win the struggle for the soul then?4.Leading the charge are the warriors of the Bush Administration . with their own r

28、epressive agenda. 1) What are they planning to do? They are planning to carry out the plan of expanding the power of law enforcement agencies at home (Patriot Act) and of striking at the axis of evil abroad so as to extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach, such as Cent

29、ral Asia. Hence, to colonize the future.2) Repressive agenda: there should be no emergence of challenge to the global power of USA ,( for this USA had to use force.). With this agenda, USA will dominate the world forever, thus colonize the future of the world.Para51. But there is a brighter side, .

30、toward becoming a security state.1) a growing chorus of dissenting voices: more and more people join in expressing their opposition2) question the rush toward becoming a security state: challenge the wisdom of taking hasty, not well-thought-out measures to put homeland defense over everything else对这

31、种匆忙的置安全高于一切的做法提出质疑2. Ls -that has been largely ignored., multihued. 2) Mainstream media refers to the major print papers such as. New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and major TV stations such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN 3)Mainstream: The prevailing current of thought,

32、influence, or activity 主流思想、影响或者活动4)Spectrum: 1)The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, as by an incandescent body, arranged in order of wavelengths. 光谱Para61.The men in suits are telling us ., turn over the men in hiding. Those in the Bush Administration are telling us if those in Afghanistan (the Taliban) fail to turn over to US bin Laden and his followers (al-Qaeda), what our military people will do to them.Th

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