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秋季九年级英语上册学案 答案.docx

1、秋季九年级英语上册学案 答案Module 1 Unit 1 开心预习【牛刀小试 1】1. Many natural wonders 2. wonder if 【牛刀小试 2】1. wonder 2. eastern 3. discussion 4. natural 5. man-made 【牛刀小试 3】1. one of the greatest man-made wonders 2. wonder when he will go 3. had a discussion about 4. In my opinion 快乐课堂、课文导学。 1.huge 2. eastern 3. 1,700

2、4. more than 5. wide 、课文要点导学。【牛刀小试 1】1. joined in 2.joined 3. took part in 【牛刀小试 2】BAC 【牛刀小试 3】BC过关测试一、1. join in 2. agree with 3. most of 4. in ones opinion 5. millions of 6. natural wonders 二、1-5 BCAB 6-8BCA 三、A) 1.wonders 2. goes 3. high 4.exciting 5. call B) 1. wonders 2.opinion 3. millions 4. l

3、oud 5. sure 四、1.dont agree with you 2. In my opinion 3. Most of 4. more than 5. seen such a fantastic 五、1-5 CCAAC 6-10BAABC Module 1 Unit 2开心预习【牛刀小试】1. reply 2. sides 3. shone/ shined 4. cleared 5. sign 6. bottom 快乐课堂、课文导学。1. It was rainy. 2. He would go there in five minutes.3. Far below him, the g

4、round fell away and down to a river.4. It is nearly one mile deep.5. It is more than 200 miles. 6. The writer thinks it is huge and its the greatest wonder in the natural world. 、课文要点导学。 【牛刀小试1】1. got off 2. got out of 【牛刀小试2】AA 【牛刀小试3】AA 【牛刀小试4】CBB 【牛刀小试5】1. looked over him 2. are no trees / is no

5、tree 【牛刀小试6】1. the most ancient buildings 2. one of the wonders 过关测试一、1. look to the east 2. get out of the car 3. go through a gate 4. look across to 5. look down to 6. on the top of 7. at the bottom of 8. on both sides 二、1-5ABAAB 6-10CCBAB 三、A) 1. arrived 2. sky 3.dark 4. silent 5.anything 6.nearl

6、y 7. stream 8. across 9. remained 10. reply B) 1. replied 2.beside 3.below 4. by 5. silver 四、1. will be 2. to carry 3. will get 4. rose 5. remains 五、1. arrived at 2. got out of 3. on the top of 4. at the bottom of 5. one of the natural wonders 6. went through 7. looked down 8. falls away and down 六、

7、1. took 2. delicious 3. After 4. began 5. visitors 6. picnic 7. photos 8. tired Module 1 Unit 3 快乐课堂、课文要点导学。【牛刀小试1】BBBA 【牛刀小试2】1. am afraid of dogs 2. is afraid of staying 3. is afraid to 【牛刀小试3】1. richer and richer 2. more and more beautiful 过关测试1一、ABABAB二、1. looking forward to flying 2. a dozen of

8、 3. at the bottom of 4. millions of people 5.doesnt / didnt agree with me 6. is afraid of taking 、语法探究。【牛刀小试1】A) 1. play 2. finish 3. watches 4. dont like 5. doesnt have 6. doesnt buy 7. Do, like 8. Does, finish 9. is 10. doesnt rain 11. rises B) 1. tidies up 2. go to the concerts 3. worries about 4

9、. have a meeting 5. dont make a birthday cake 【牛刀小试2】A) 1. arrived 2. wrote 3. didnt do 4. lent 5. Did, workB) 1. closed down 2. saved their lives 3. didnt wake him up 4. helped me with 5. looked for, didnt find it【牛刀小试3】1. are sleeping 2. are doing 3. are learning 4. are practising 5. is playing 6.

10、 is leaving 7. are getting 8. isnt putting, is taking 【牛刀小试4】1. was reading 2. Were, going 3. werent doing, were chatting 4. was counting 5. was waiting【牛刀小试5】1. will visit/ am going to visit 2. wont go 3. will study 4. Will, make 5. Shall, go 6. is going to rain 7. rains 8. will be 【牛刀小试6】 1. have

11、had 2. has, made 3. Has, arrived 4. have, seen 5. has been 【牛刀小试7】1. have taught 2. has worked 3. has had 4. has kept 【牛刀小试8】1. has gone to 2. has been in 3. has been to 语法 过关测试2一、1. goes 2. seems 3. writes 4. is playing 5. is sleeping 6. sings, sang 7. was listening 8. was watching 9. is going to r

12、ain 10. will climb 11. is 12. comes 13. have lost 14. have kept 15. has gone二、15 CCCBC 610 ABACA 1115 CCACB中考衔接:读写天地(Module 1)一、15 ADBBD 610 ADCCA 二、A )DBDBA B)CABCD第一节 2.listening 3. classes 4. when 5. afraid 6. goes 7. dogs 1. behind 2. oldest 3. opens 4. early 5. fresh 6. food 7. point 8.

13、birds 四、 A) 1. south 2. from9:30to16:30 3. Publictoilets 4. car-parks 5. shoppingcentre B) Attention,please!Thisisyourmonitor,ChenTao.Ihavesomethingtotellyou.ThisFriday,April21st,weshallgotoStoneFieldCountryParkforthisyearsspringtrip.TheparkisinthesouthofGuangzhou.Itsaverybeautifulplace.Wecanseemany

14、kindsofplantsthere.WecanalsohavesportsgamesforfunandBBQmealsinthepark.Butrememberthatfirecanonlybeallowedinthebarbecueplaces.Pleasegetreadyforthetrip.Wearetomeetat8:00attheschoolgate.Dontbelate.Thatsall.Thankyou!Module 2 Unit 1开心预习1. UK 2. founded 3. flags 4. flags 5. bands 快乐课堂、课文导学。BACA 过关测试一、1. L

15、abour Day(May Day) 2. since then 3. all kinds of 4. take a vacations 5. a three-day holiday 6. as soon as 二、1-5ACBCA 6-10CCABC 三、1. October 2. since 3 flags . 4.founded 5. off 6.season 7. sometime 8. activities 9.bands 10. holiday 四、1. second 2. travelling 3.begins 4. watching 5. have lived 五、1. on

16、the third of August/ on 3rd August/ on August 3rd 2. was founded in 3. have a three-day holiday/ have three days off 4. arrived in/got to soon as 6.While he is staying with 7. all kinds of 8. to take a vacation 六、15BDACD 610CABCD Module 2 Unit 2开心预习1. among 2. speeches 3. lay 4. following 5. gr

17、owing 快乐课堂、课文导学。1. Its on the fourth Thursday in November. 2. They make short speeches and give thanks for their food. 3. They celebrated it by eating a dinner of the new food. 4. They celebrate it once a year. 5. There is a parade and football games.、课文要点导学。【牛刀小试1】1. Its a time 2. Its time 3. is ce

18、lebrated on the second Sunday【牛刀小试2】1. how to send 2. taught me to write 3. teaches us English 过关测试一、 1. make a speech 2. give thanks for sth. 3. arrive in 4. lay the table 5. eat too much 6. once a year 7. as well 8. be over 9. wash the dishes 10. plenty of 11. shop for sth. 12. enjoy ourselves 二、1

19、-5 BCABC 6-10BBCBA 三、1. Thursday 2. speeches 3. pioneers 4.corn 5.taught 6.plenty 7. remember 四、1. laid the table 2. give thanks for 3. prepare the food for 4. plenty of water 5. to get /come together6. is worse than 五、DCBA Module 2 Unit 3语法 过关测试一、1. as soon as 2. when 3. until 4. when 5. After 6. w

20、hile 7. since 8. before二、1-5 ACCBB 6-9 ACCB 三、1. when I came home 2. while I was watching TV 3. as soon as I finish 4. didnt get to, until 5. before you leave 6. after I have supper 7. has worked 中考衔接:读写天地(Module 2)一、15DBCAD 610 ACCBA二、A) ABDAB B)CBDAB三、1. off 2. never 3. over 4. came 5.clouds 6. hi

21、de 7. looked 8. but 9. again 10. clean 四、A. 1. 15 days 2. Dumplings 3. Red 4. say any bad words 5. borrow or lend money B.TheSpringFestivalisthemostimportanttraditionalfestivaltoChinesepeople.Severaldaysbeforethenewyear,peoplebegintoprepareforit.Myparentsbuymeat,fishandvegetables.Housesarecleanedup.


23、vesgive“RedBags(money)touschildren.Allofushaveagreattime.Module 3 Unit 1开心预习1. Hero 2. including 3. Abroad 4.attended 5. amazing 快乐课堂、课文导学。ACA 、课文要点导学。【牛刀小试1】1. likes reading 2. one of the most famous 【牛刀小试2】1. Whatever you say 2. stopped going 3. given up smoking 【牛刀小试3】BABC 过关测试一、1. choose to do s

24、th. 2. tell sb. about sth. 3. train hard. 4. stop doing sth. 5. attend university abroad 6. good enough 7. give up 8. as well as 二、1-5BCABC 6-10BCACB 三、1. players 2. competitions 3. trained 4. After 5. attended 7. victory 8. hero 四、1. chose 2. players 3. fishing 4. cleverer 5. got 五、1. bega

25、n to play 2. stopped playing 3. attended university abroad 4.Whatever you say 5. gives up studying 6. trained hard 六、1. However 2. easily 3. saw 4. Running 5. running 6. help 7. sure 8. join Module 3 Unit 2开心预习1. operation 2. continued 3. useful 5.soldier 快乐课堂、课文导学。1. Canada 2. the wounded so

26、ldiers 3. the sick 4. during the Anti-Japanese War 5. without resting 6. died of his wound 、课文要点导学。【牛刀小试1】1. one of the best students 2. one of the most popular teachers 3. died of 【牛刀小试2】1. so that they could 2. so that he could 3. so careful that过关测试一、1. die for 2. treat the wounded soldiers 3.tak

27、e care of 4. at that time 5. on ones own 6. without resting 7. manage to do sth. 8. die of 二、1-5 BACBC 6-10 AABBC三、1. treated 2. invented 3.lives 4. War 5.himself 6.managed 7.finger 8. wound 9. him 10. heroes 四、1. was 2. soldiers 3. Canadians 4. wounded 5. winning 五、1. the most famous heroes 2.on my

28、 own 3. developed new ways of 4. died of 5.At that time 6.take care of himself 7. without treating 8. managed to give 六、 DBACAModule 3 Unit 3一、 1. so that 2. because 3. so that 4. so 5. because 6. so 7. so that 二、 15 BACBB 610 CCACA 1115 ACCAA 16. B中考衔接:读写天地(Module 3)一、15 CBBCA610BADCD二、A)CABDC B) B

29、DACD三、1father/dad2.pay3.stop4.teacher5.ready/going6. play 7.ears 8. stopped/finished 9.money10.badly/terribly四、A、1. She started at the age of thirteen.2. She has already written computer games successfully. 3. She goes to school in her own car with a driver.4. She usually gets A grades. 5. She can f

30、inish her homework in half an hour. B、Yang Liwei is my hero. He was born in 1965. he joined the army in1983. in 1998, he became one of the first astronauts in China. After that, he trained a lot. He had a 21-hour journey in space in Shenzhou V . That was the most exciting moment. He recorded everything he saw in space and showed Chinas national flag to people watching on TV. And he became the first Chinese man in space. We are proud of him. As a student, I should l

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