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1、国贸英语外贸英语1. 报检基础英语词汇1.foreign trade (外贸) contract (合同) invoice (发票)2. bill of lading (提单) L/C (信用证) buyer (买方)3. import (出口) export(进口) corporation(公司)4. textile (纺织品) telephone(电话) manager(经理)5. message (文电) order (条款) trouble (麻烦)6. minute (分钟) agree (同意) machinery(机械)7. sales (销售) receive(收到) cabl

2、e (电报)8. customer (顾客) accept (接受) choice (选择)9. industrial (工业的) product(产品) terms(条款)10. important (重要) sign (签字) each (每一个)11. business (业务) start(开始) wait(等待)12. sure (肯定) service(服务) rest (休息)13. fair (交易会) spend(花费) certainly(当然)14. goods(货物) display(展示) commodity(商品)15. silk (丝绸) garment(服装)

3、sample(样品)16. sell(卖出) market(市场) world(世界)17. example(例子) of course(当然) popular(流行的)18. policy(政策) visit (拜访) relation(关系)19. past(过去的) fact(事实) benefit(利益)20. commercial(商业的) cooperate(合作) future(未来)21. specification(规格) price(价格)22. FOB(离岸价) CIF(到岸价)23. inspection(检验) test(检测) report(报告)24. certi

4、ficate(证书) stamp(印章) health(健康)25. quality (品质) weight(重量) quantity(数量)26. wrong(错误的) colour(颜色) date (日期)27. shipment(装船) answer(回答) delivery(交货)28. size(尺码) percent (百分之) toy(玩具)29. packing(包装) carton(纸箱) kilogram(公斤)30. net weight(净重) confirmation(确认)agent(代理人)31. beneficiary(受益人) applicant(申请人)

5、opening bank(开证行)32. Certificate of Quality(品质证书) Certificate of Weight(重量证书)33. Certificate of Quantity(数量证书) Certificate of packing(包装证书)34. Certificate of Health (健康证书) Certificate of Quarantine(检疫证书)35. veterinary Certificate (兽医证书) Sanitary Certificate(卫生证书)36. Certificate of Origin(产地证书) Certi

6、ficate of Fumigation(熏蒸证书)37. Fumigation / Disinfection Certificate (熏蒸/消毒证书)38. Animal Health Certificate (动物卫生证书)39. phytosanitary Certificate (植物检疫证书)40. phytosanitary Certificate For Re export(植物转口检疫证书)41. Sanitary Certificate For Conveyance交通工具卫生证书42. Quarantine Certificate For Conveyance运输工具检疫

7、证书43. veterinary Health Certificate(兽医卫生证书)44. consignee(收货人) consignor(发货人)45. description of goods(货物名称)46. quantity / weight declared (报检数/重量)47. Contract No.(合同号) Invoice No.(发票号)48. place of arrival(到货地点) means of Conveyance(运输工具)49. date of arrival (到货时间) B/L or Way Bill No.(提单或运单号)50. place o

8、f despatch(启运口岸) port of destination (到达口岸)51. Date of completion of discharge (卸货日期)52. Mark & No. (标签及号码) destination (目的地)53. Name and No. of Conveyance (运输工具名称及号码)54. port of despatch(启运口岸) port of destination (到达口岸)55. date of arrival / departure (到达/离境日期)56. name and address of consignor (发货人名

9、称及地址)57. name and address of consignee (收货人名称及地址)58. number and type of packages (包装种类及数量)59. document (单据) rule (规则) bank (银行)60. importer(进口商) exporter(出口商) trade mark (商标)61. container (集装箱) vessel(船) to order (待指定)62. plastic drum(塑料桶) gunny bag(麻袋)sack wooden case (木箱)63. packing material(包装材料)

10、 outer package (外包装)64. flexible package (软包装) transparent package(透明包装)65. wooden pallet (木托盘) corrugated carton (瓦楞纸箱)66. plywood (胶合板箱) poly bag (塑料袋)67. vacuum packaging (真空包装) cushioning material (衬垫材料)68. dozen (打) roll (卷) bundle (捆)69. water proof packaging (防水包装) rustproof packaging(防锈包装)70

11、. moisture proof packaging (防潮包装)71. shock proof packaging (防震包装)72. adhesive tape (压敏胶带) plastic foam (泡沫塑料)73. long 长 high 高 thick 厚74. top 顶 bottom 底 side 边75. fragile 易碎的 hard 硬的 sharp 锋利的76. packing soumd 包装良好 no leakage 无渗漏的77. total net weight 总净重量 pumpkin seeds 南瓜子 garlic 大蒜78. bike 自行车 rubb

12、er shoes 胶鞋 game player 游戏机79. loud speaker扬声器 citric acid 柠檬酸80. inspection Certificate 检验证书 certify 证明81. GuangDong Native Product Import & export Corporation 广东土产进出口公司82. The goods were packed in gunny bags of 50kgs net each.货物用麻袋包装,每袋净重50公斤83. The quality of the above mentioned goods were in con

13、formity with the requirement of the contract No.JBD-089. 上述货物的品质符合JBD-089合同号的品质要求。84. We need a phytosanitary Certificate.我们需要一份植物检疫证书。85. Food inspection for export. 食品出口检验86. Fill in this Application Form, please. 请填写一份申请87. Please show me the Customs Declaration Form. 请出示报关单。88. It is an irrevoca

14、ble letter of credit which can not be changed.这是一份不可撤消信用证,是不能更改的。89. The most important document is the contract.最重要的文件是合同。90. The goods are now ready for packing. 货物已备妥,可以包装了。91. Its a pleasure to be of help.很高兴为你提供帮助。92. Will you please explain it for one again?你能再为我解释一遍吗?93、How shall we be doing

15、next? 下一步我们该怎么做?94、Our goods are of best quality and lowest price. 我们的商品品质优良、价格低廉。 95、Quality is of first importance. 质量是最重要的。 96、It seems that we can catch the April shipment. 看来我们能赶上四月份装船。97、We have to hold you to the contract. 我们得要你遵守合同。 98、We have cooperated with each other nicely all these year

16、s. 这些年来我们合作得很好。 99、All the goods are selling very fast in the international. 这些商品在国际市场上销售得很快。100、What else can I do for you? 我还可以为你做些什么? HACCP 危害分析和关键环节控制点 CAC 国际营养标准委员会、食品法典委员会 OIE 世界动物卫生组织 IPPC 国际植物保护公约 SPS 实施动植物卫生检疫措施协议 TBT 技术性贸易壁垒协议 FAO 联合国粮农组织 ANSI 美国国家标准协会 ASTM 美国材料与试验协会 IEEE 美国电气电子工程师学会 UL 美国

17、保险商实验所 FDA 美国食品药品管理局 FEIS 美国食品安全检验局 ISO 国际标准化组织 IEC 国际电工委员会 ITU 国际电信联盟 ICAO 国际民航组织 WHO 国际卫生组织 ILO 国际劳工组织 IWTO 国际毛纺组织 IOE 国际动物流行病学局 CQC 中国进出口质量认证中心 CIQ 中国检验检疫 WTO 世界贸易组织 CCC 中国强制认证 报检英语重点一览1. foreign trade (外贸) contract (合同) invoice (发票) 2. bill of lading (提单) L/C (信用证) buyer (买方) 3. import (出口) expo

18、rt(进口) corporation(公司) 4. textile (纺织品) telephone(电话) manager(经理) 5. message (文电) order (条款) trouble (麻烦) 6. minute (分钟) agree (同意) machiner2. 各种检验证书的英文翻译版1.certificate of weight 重量证明书2.certificate of inspection certifying quality & quantity in triplicate issued by C.I.B.C. 由中国商品检验局出具的品质和数量检验证明书一式三份

19、3.phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证明书4.plant quarantine certificate 植物检疫证明书5.fumigation certificate 熏蒸证明书6.certificate stating that the goods are free from live weevil 无活虫证明书(熏蒸除虫证明书)7.sanitary certificate 卫生证书 certificate 卫生(健康)证书9.analysis certificate 分析(化验)证书10.tank inspection certificate 油

20、仓检验证明书11.record of ullage and oil temperature 空距及油温记录单12.certificate of aflatoxin negative 黄曲霉素检验证书13.non-aflatoxin certificate 无黄曲霉素证明书14.survey report on weight issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之重量检验证明书15.inspection certificate 检验证书16.inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之检验证明

21、书3. 冶金专业用语中英文对照iron and steel industry 钢铁工业ironworks 铁厂foundry 铸造车间steelworks, steel mill 钢厂coking plant 炼焦厂electrometallurgy 电冶金学powder metallurgy 粉末冶金学blast furnace 鼓风炉mouth, throat 炉口hopper, chute 料斗stack 炉身belly 炉腰bosh 炉腹crucible 炉缸slag tap 放渣口taphole 出铁口,出渣口pig bed 铸床mould 铸模(美作:mold)tuyere, no

22、zzle 风口ingot mould 锭模(美作:ingot mold)floor 平台hearth 炉底charger 装料机ladle 铁水包,钢水包dust catcher 除尘器washer 洗涤塔converter 转炉hoist 卷扬机compressor 压缩机tilting mixer 可倾式混铁炉regenerator 蓄热室heat exchanger 热交换器gas purifier 煤气净化器turbocompressor 涡轮压缩机burner 烧嘴cupola 化铁炉,冲天炉emptier 排空装置trough 铁水沟,排渣沟skip 料车rolling mill

23、轧机,轧钢机blooming mill 初轧机roller 辊bed 底座rolling-mill housing 轧机机架drawbench 拔管机,拉丝机drawplate 拉模板shaft furnace 竖炉refining furnace 精炼炉reverberatory furnace 反射炉hearth furnace 床式反射炉firebrick lining 耐火砖衬retort 反应罐muffle 马弗炉roof, arch 炉顶forge 锻造press 压锻pile hammer 打桩锤drop hammer 落锤die 拉模blowlamp 吹炬(美作:blowtor

24、ch)crusher 破碎机iron ore 铁矿石coke 焦炭bauxite 铁钒土alumina 铝cryolite 冰晶石flux 熔剂limestone flux 石灰石溶剂haematite 赤铁矿(美作:hematite)gangue 脉石cast iron 铸铁cast iron ingot 铸铁锭slag 炉渣soft iron 软铁pig iron 生铁wrought iron 熟铁 iron ingot 铁锭puddled iron 搅炼熟铁round iron 圆铁scrap iron 废铁steel 钢crude steel 粗钢mild steel, soft st

25、eel 软钢,低碳钢hard steel 硬钢cast steel 坩埚钢,铸钢stainless steel 不锈钢electric steel 电工钢,电炉钢high-speed steel 高速钢moulded steel 铸钢refractory steel 热强钢,耐热钢alloy steel 合金钢plate, sheet 薄板corrugated iron 瓦垅薄钢板tinplate, tin 马口铁finished product 成品,产品 semifinished product 半成品,中间产品ferrous products 铁制品coiled sheet 带状薄板bl

26、oom 初轧方坯metal strip, metal band 铁带,钢带billet 坯锭,钢坯shavings 剃边profiled bar 异型钢材shape, section 型钢angle iron 角钢frit 烧结wire 线材ferronickel 镍铁elinvar 镍铬恒弹性钢ferrite 铁氧体,铁醇盐cementite 渗碳体,碳化铁pearlite 珠光体charging, loading 装料,炉料fusion, melting, smelting 熔炼remelting 再熔化,重熔refining 精炼casting 出铁to cast 出铁tapping 出

27、渣,出钢,出铁to insufflate, to inject 注入heating 加热preheating 预热tempering 回火temper 回火hardening 淬水annealing 退火reduction 还原cooling 冷却decarbonization, decarburization 脱碳coking 炼焦slagging, scorification 造渣carburization 渗碳case hardening 表面硬化cementation 渗碳fritting, sintering 烧结puddling 搅炼pulverization 粉化,雾化nitri

28、ding 渗氮alloy 合金floatation, flotation 浮选patternmaking 制模moulding 成型(美作:molding)calcination 煅烧amalgamation 汞齐化rolling 轧制drawing 拉拔extrusion 挤压wiredrawing 拉丝stamping, pressing 冲压die casting 拉模铸造forging 锻造turning 车削milling 铣削machining, tooling 加工autogenous welding, fusion welding 氧炔焊arc welding 电弧焊elect

29、rolysis 电解trimming 清理焊缝blowhole 气孔tuyere, nozzle 风口ingot mould 锭模(美作:ingot mold)floor 平台hearth 炉底charger 装料机ladle 铁水包,钢水包dust catcher 除尘器washer 洗涤塔converter 转炉hoist 卷扬机compressor 压缩机tilting mixer 可倾式混铁炉regenerator 蓄热室heat exchanger 热交换器gas purifier 煤气净化器turbocompressor 涡轮压缩机burner 烧嘴cupola 化铁炉,冲天炉em

30、ptier 排空装置trough 铁水沟,排渣沟skip 料车rolling mill 轧机,轧钢机blooming mill 初轧机roller 辊bed 底座rolling-mill housing 轧机机架drawbench 拔管机,拉丝机drawplate 拉模板shaft furnace 竖炉refining furnace 精炼炉reverberatory furnace 反射炉hearth furnace 床式反射炉firebrick lining 耐火砖衬retort 反应罐muffle 马弗炉roof, arch 炉顶forge 锻造press 压锻pile hammer 打桩锤drop hammer 落锤die 拉模blowlamp 吹炬(美作:blowtorch)crusher 破碎机iron ore 铁矿石coke 焦炭bauxite 铁钒土alumina 铝cryolite 冰晶石flux 熔剂limestone flux 石灰石溶剂haematite 赤铁矿(美作:hematite)gangue 脉石cast iron 铸铁cast iron ingot 铸铁锭slag 炉渣soft iron 软铁pig iron 生铁wrought iron 熟铁4. 物流专业英语基本概念术语物

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