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1、九年级下学期第一次诊断考试英语试题重庆育才成功学校初xx级初三(下)第一次诊断考试英 语 试 题(全卷共九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)注意:1.试题的答案书写在答题卡(卷)上,不得在试卷上直接作答。 2.作答前认真阅读答题卡(卷)上的注意事项。 3.考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卡(卷)一并收回。2019-2020年九年级下学期第一次诊断考试英语试题I. 听力测试。(共30分)第一节 (每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Fine, thanks. B. I think

2、 so. C. How do you do?2. A. Reading a book. B. At home. C. Very funny.3. A. Its not good. B. Thats right. C. It doesnt matter.4. A. Dont worry. B. I will, thanks. C. Thats OK.5. A. Its nothing. B. With pleasure. C. I dont like you.6. A. Of course not. B. Thank you. C. Bad luck.第二节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根

3、据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.8. A. Relaxing. B. Busy. C. Important.9. A. A worker. B. A farmer. C. A teacher.10. A. Tim. B. Bob. C. Bobs friends.11. A. To be a teacher. B. To get a good job. C. To go to college.12. A. In

4、a restaurant. B. In a library. C. In the doctors office.第三节 (每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。13. How long have they been there?A. For 20 minutes. B. For half an hour. C. For 13 minutes.14. How may the weather be?A. Sunny. B. Snowy. C. Rainy.听第二段材料,回答

5、第15和16小题。15. Have both of them been to a Water park?A. Yes, they have. B. No, they havent. C. Yes, they do.16. Where do they want to go at last?A. Meixing Amusement Park. B. Water City. C. A zoo.第四节 (每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. In the USA many Chinese make th

6、eir children _.A. only learn English B. not learn Chinese C. learn English and Chinese18. In Portland Chinese and American kids study Chinese _.A. on Saturdays and Sundays B. all the week C. in Chinese family19. Miss Tian from _ teaches her students many Chinese words.A. Portland B. Chongqing C. Bei

7、jing20. In the USA the teachers in American school teach their students _.A. in English B. Chinese songs C. mother languageII单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. Mr. Jin, the headteacher of Yu Cai Middle school is _ warm-hearted person. A. a B. an C. the D. /22. The lov

8、ely girl is from Chongqing. _ name is Judy. A. She B. Her C. Its D. Hers 23. Its reported that Shuanghu Yu Cai Middle school will be built _ Sep 1th, xx. A. in B. on C. at D. for24. Im hungry. Could you please give me something to eat ?Of course. Here are some _. A. apple B. water C. bread D. egg25.

9、 - Could you tell me ? - Certainly. In half an hour. A. when will the train to Chengdu leave B. when the train to Chengdu left C. when would the train to Chengdu leave D. when the train to Chengdu will leave26. The man was seen the park. But now we couldnt find him there. A. enter B. to enter C. goi

10、ng D. went into27. -How long could I your English-Chinese dictionary? -Only one day, please. A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. get28. Can you provide me more information about Paris? A. / B. with C. for D. A and B29. How long has your grandpa _?For about 3 months. A. died B. been died C. been dead D. dea

11、th30. He is _ the dark so he usually goes to sleep with the light _.A. afraid to, on B. terrified of, on C. afraid of, open D. interested in, closed31. Must I clean up the classroom right now, Miss Green? - No, you _. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not32. We will go for a picnic if it _ tomorrow

12、. A. doesnt rain B. wasnt rainy C. wont rain D. wasnt raining33. There is _ in todays newspaper. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything34. The twins may look the same _ each other, but they are different _ many ways. A. as, from B. of, from C. as, i

13、n D. with, from35. Its an _well (井). Stay away from it. A. one meter deep B. One-meter-deep C. 18 meters deep D. 18-meter-deep 36. I find _ difficult to remember everything, though Im still young.A. that B. this C. it D. X37. Everyone passed the exam _him. So he was sad.A. except B. beside C. beside

14、s D. except that38. The songs of the rock band sound _. A. well B. good C. nicely D. badly39. 3D printers are still _ expensive for most of us _ afford. A. so, to B. such, to C. too, to D. much, to40. The party is a great success. Weve had a good time._! A. It doesnt matter B. No, just so so.C. Its not very good D. Im glad to hear thatIII完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Your junior high school (初中) years are ing to an end. Most of you will go to_

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