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1、伟大的盖茨比英文读后感伟大的盖茨比英文读后感(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如作文大全、经典美文、试题大全、教案资料、公文写作、古诗文、实用文、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you

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4、写读后感呢?可是读后感怎么写才合适呢?下面是本店铺帮大家整理的伟大的盖茨比英文读后感,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 伟大的盖茨比英文读后感1 What is true happiness for a woman? Is it a rich husband who has no feelings for each other, or a poor boy who loves each other but has no money? Daisy, a woman who lost her love and dignity due to dependence and was played by two

5、men with strong desire for occupation, is pitiful and pathetic. So the answer is independence, dignity and persistence. Without this premise, no matter how noble a woman is, she can only kneel forever. Daisy loved Gatsby, once. But love is like a cicada. She runs away for him in the middle of the ni

6、ght, endures endless superficial accusations from the world, even gets drunk the day before marriage and throws away the wedding ring. Unfortunately, life is not an idol drama for her. Independent, and then earn money to run a family, just for love, for the deep attraction when the eyes touch, no, s

7、he didnt have the courage to bet. So at the cost of a lifetime of happiness. She compromised and satisfied the possessiveness of Tom, the first man. Tom, selfish, vulgar, hypocritical, new and old, but he has money and fame, and whats more, he needs a beautiful wife who can fill the scene. So she ma

8、rried Tom successfully. Step by step, step by step. For money, she lost the initiative. She endured her husbands affair and did nothing. She became pretentious and her voice was full of money. Five years made her lose her self-esteem due to compromise. At this time, the infatuated Gatsby suddenly ap

9、peared. He made every effort to arrange his chance meeting with Daisy, and took her to visit her luxurious villa. All this was just to let the disillusioned American Dream continue in Daisys regretful and shocked tears. Daisy was shaken in the face of the man who once loved and now is rich and invin

10、cible. So Daisy was controlled by two men at the same time. Nick said: you cant ask her too much. The saddest thing in life is that you cant stand the time, including conscience. Gatsby loved her, but her only love was herself, just as she had given up Gatsby. This time, after Mollys death, Gatsby l

11、et go of her own guilt and escaped at Toms instigation. Then in the future, Tom will deal with her by more severe means, no matter in emotion, power or family property. Now he has a more deadly handle: dont forget that you are a murderer! If Daisy is independent and insists, she will not marry the m

12、an she does not love. She will not lose herself step by step in order to please him. Think of the growing social problems of today. To give up a boyfriend who really loves himself for a wealthy semi old man, and then to use all kinds of fawning and various means for money. In the end, he feels fresh

13、 and faces the situation of being spit out and unable to get money. Everything is created by his own stupidity, dependence and greed. A woman, in the face of the war, never is a group of beautiful, not how to rely on beauty and means to get more mens money, but in the competition of time, still have

14、 the courage to be independent, stick to, and be pure. So it doesnt make any difference whether Im married to a rich family or a weak one, because Ive always been on my own way. I can support my career with my own independence, stick to my love and keep my original self. Although the risk is greater

15、, harder and more tortuous, this is life, isnt it? 伟大的盖茨比英文读后感2 Know when to adopt this habit, and always write something after reading a book. For this did not hear less opposition voice, at that time was very upset for a while, thought I would like to write on their own things. But later in order

16、to study, can not help but write unfamiliar, but found that the original thought that a very bad thing. A lot of things, but the fool said it was just a dream. Its better to compromise before its too early. If you dont kill, youll get the best of both worlds. But I always dont give up. Although I ca

17、nt see the future, I can understand what I dont want. However, after watching the Great Gatsby, I had a kind of wake-up shock, shivering with cold. This book was finished on the evening of September 4, and I have been procrastinating until now. At the beginning of reading, I didnt think how good the

18、 book was. Its amazing that it can become the second best English novel in the 20th century. I would say that Gatsby, the protagonist, is stupid. First, he fell in love with a girl who paid money because she didnt have money to be rejected. Then, he tried hard to make money and became an American br

19、eakout. He wanted to reunite with her dream. But he knew that the woman who had been married was full of the voice of money, but he could not help but coax her with a mansion and a sports car. At last, he inexplicably charged the woman and was shot dead. In addition to the I in the novel, there was

20、also a fat man who had stayed in his library. There was nothing else in the funeral, which was quite different from the scene when he had a banquet and the guests were full of tents. I still remember in the novel that a car of oranges came to extract juice, and the Rolls Royce sports car became a bu

21、s from 9 a.m. to midnight, which was sent to the guests, like a beautiful and erosive dream, with gold as the base. In fact, Gatsbys tragic ending is not hard to predict. What he got in exchange for money is hypocrisy. Where can he do it really. Surprisingly, Gatsby had already seen the clue, but he

22、 was willing to jump in. The first thing that appears in the novel is Thomas Parker danviriers saying: if you can make her happy, wear a gold hat, if you can jump high, jump for her too, until she cries out: lover, lover with gold hat and high jump, I have to ask you! Its exactly what Daisy, the gol

23、d digger, looks like. This is a very successful image - her words are full of money flavor - this is the infinite charm of her voice cadence, the jingle of money, the singing of cymbals It seems that in the White Palace, the kings daughter, the golden girl. . Daisy, in Chinese, means Daisy, a small

24、yellow white flower that symbolizes money and emptiness. When she met Gatsby for the first time, she wore white clothes and drove a white sports car. On the surface, she was innocent and pure. It was the pure image of white clothes that became his dream that he pursued for his whole life but could n

25、ever reach. In fact, Daisys heart was empty and her soul smelled of copper. Though she was often dressed in white, she wore copper buttons and a small gold pen. Her goal in life is to have fun, and love is naturally based on money. She refused Gatsbys marriage to Tom because of this. When she saw Ga

26、tsbys expensive shirts, she was so excited that she buried her face in her clothes and cried. Im afraid she mostly regretted that she didnt marry Gatsby. Superficiality, emptiness, ignorance, indifference and selfishness are the essence of daisy, and in fact the root of Gatsbys tragedy. In fact, Dai

27、sy itself is the symbol of the American dream, which not only represents Gatsbys pursuit, but also represents the spirit of the whole Jazz Age, as well as the hypocritical values and moral standards of the bourgeoisie. Gatsbys deep yearning for the pure Daisy became his spiritual support, but the cr

28、uel reality once again hit him deeply. Thats why some people call this book a gorgeous elegy of the jazz age, the most touching American tragedy. As for the title of the Great Gatsby, forgive me for my stupidity, but I still havent read it. I just think he is not only stupid, but also pitiful. He wa

29、nts to integrate into the upper class society, and he has hosted many banquets with his strong economic strength. He is also a man of the moment. But when he believed that he was going to a noble family dinner party and rushed into the inner room to change clothes and come out, he was just a car to

30、meet him. The novel is written in the tone of I, a third party. It also mentions that Gatsbys efforts to squeeze out Wenzous words make it more clumsy. But I couldnt help but look at him and shout they are all bastards, and their group of bastards together cant compare with you. They mainly refer to

31、 Tom and Daisy, they are irresponsible people - they smash things, destroy others, and then retreat to their own money or apathy, carelessness, or anything they hold together, and let others clean up the mess they left behind. I cant help thinking about where I stand when I say Gatsby is stupid and

32、pitiful. Gatsbys way of hoarding wealth by selling moonshine was disgraceful, but those Daisy people were not clean enough to go there. Capital comes into the world, from head to toe, and every pore of it flows with blood and filth. Why should Gatsby be excluded because of this? If I want to say that the whole novel is described as disillusionment by one word, Gatsbys tragedy lies in the pursuit of the wrong things. So is what weve been pursuing all our lives a mistake from the beginning?

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