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1、2016 年山东省青岛市李沧区中考英语一模试卷一、.单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)1(1 分)What do you think of school trip ?Its unusual experience for me,I11never forget it()Aa; an Bthe; anCthe; a Dthe;/2(1 分)Do you like the bike ?Yes,I decide to buy in the shop ()Aone Bthis Cthat D it3(1 分)If you d

2、evelop a of talking with others in English ,you11improve your ability in speaking ()Aplan BhabitCway Dchance4(1 分)I think using Wechat every night is a waste of time YesIn fact ,there aremeaningful things to do()Aless BmoreCthe least Dthe most5 ( 1 分) Give me another chance , surprise()Aand BorCsoDb

3、utIll give you all a wonderful6(1 分)Every year ,around 20 whales are caught and traded in this industry()AthousandsBthousands of Cthousand of Dthousand7(1 分)I will call you I get to San Francisco ()AwhileBuntil Cas soon asDby the time8(1 分)Tina looks forward to on()a good senior high school to study

4、Agetting into Bstudy in Cgetting toDcome into9(1 分)The running water makes the stone smooth ()AfeelsBsoundsCfeel Dlooks10(1 分)We need a music CD that we can dance I have oneIII take it the party ()Awith,in Bin,toCto,toDto,in11(1 分)the rules()you go,you do in your school ,you must obeyAWherever; what

5、everBWhere; what CWhatever; whereverDWhat; where12(1 分)Excuse me,can you tell me where the nearest bank is ,please?- Oh,yes!Its past the office,next to a big market()AMm,let me seeBOh,I beg your pardon? CYoure welcomeDWhat do you mean?13(1 分)What should we do if we want to develop our village ?I thi

6、nk a lot of new roads ()Ahave builtBmust be built Cmust builtDmust bulid14(1 分)What else did Tina ask you about the trip to Qingdao ?She asked me()A. who was the guide of the tripB. when they will visit the Undersea worldC. how long would they stay at Qingdao MuseumD. if she can go to Qingdao Univer

7、sity alone on the second day15(1 分)Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work ?No,thanksMy father said he would on his way home ()Alook for meBpick me up Clet me down Dtake after me二、.阅读理解 A 篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C 篇为选择题,(每小题 10分,共 15 分)16(10 分)Things that make British people and Americans saysorryW

8、ould you saysorryor otherwiseapologize to someone in the following circumstances?Noof Britishapologies for every100AmericanIf I am 5minutes late to a meeting or84%73%apologies115gatheringI am in someones way in a doorway80%72%111If I interrupt someone73%71%103If I do a favor for someone but get itwr

9、ong60%58%103If I make a joke that upsets someone58%50%116If someone else bumps into me36%24%150If you sneeze32%22%145If I correct someone who is wrong27%19%142If someone interrupts me10%7%14316. About 78% American people will saysorrywhen they interrupt someone or someone interrupt them17. American

10、people saysorry10% more than British people when they sneeze 18American people apologize to others 8% more than British after they play jokes that upset others19. Of all the apologizes,coming late to a meeting or gathering ranks the top both in Britain and America 20. From the chart we can infer tha

11、t British people saysorrymore than Americans in every field21(10 分)Starting from my second year of primary school ,there was one event Ihated every year:the piano recita(l 独奏会)I didnt want to practice a boring peaceof music and was scared to perform in front of strangers Each year I would ask my fat

12、her if I could skip the recitaljust this once And he would say something about building selfconfidence and working toward a goal So I was very satisfied when I stood in church and watched my father play the piano during his very first recitalMy father wanted to play music when he was smallBut his mo

13、ther couldnt afford lessons Three years ago,when he retired,he asked the church music directorCharles,to take him as a studentJust before the recital,Charles told memy dad wasplayingthe best Ive ever seen him For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard,he simply looked down at his fingersI

14、 wondered whether he would even begin But the Aram Khachaturians Melody began It seemed that my father was so focused on the music that he didnt realize we were there My dad made it through Melody and then through another song Although he didnt have much skill ,he made up for it in feelings My 11yearold son Jeff was thereSo what did you think about your granddad?I asked Jeff laterHe was great,Jeff repliedMy father may not have reached his peak musically ,but in his grandsons eyes, hes at the top of the mountain21. From the first paragraph,we

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