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1、几个法律术语的翻译知识分享几个法律术语的翻译几个法律术语的翻译1.contract,现在多译为“合同”,我以为不分场合、不分情况一律译为“合同”是不妥的。因为我们中国人看见“合同”一词就想到一个书面的、写成一条一条的文件,可是 contract一词的含义范围却要广泛得多。contract不限于书面的文件,口头上也可订contract,打电话也可以订contract,甚至于不说话也能订contract,例如在报摊上付钱买份晚报或买票搭乘公共汽车。contract就是有法律约束力的协议,只有较重要的contract 才采取书面形式。所以一般的、泛指的contract应当译“契约”,例如law of

2、 contract应当译“契约法”,较重要的、书面的contract才译“合同”,例如contract for the international sale of goods可以译“国际售货合同”。2.intellectual property,不知道当初为何译成“知识产权”,以后竟然以讹传讹广泛沿用至今,而且订入法律,实在可叹!这个词组不论按字面上译、按含义译都不能译 “知识产权”。intellectual一词根本没有“知识”的意思,它与“知识”是两个不同的概念。作为名词intellectual指“知识分子”,但是在intellectual property词组中intellectual显然

3、是形容词而不是名词,何况“知识分子”与“知识”并不能划等号,即使退一万步对号入座地硬译,也只能译“知识分子产权”而不能译“知识产权”。当然,译“知识分子产权”也是错的。从含义上看,何谓intellectual property?它是指对于智力劳动所创造的智力产品或智力成果的权利,主要包括版权、专利权、商标权等,所以应该译为“智力产权”。我们的前辈严复曾说,“一名之立,旬月踟蹰”,我们今天对待译名何等需要那样的认真精神啊!译名宜慎重,不要随便译,使用现有的译名也该慎重,尤其不要随便跟着别人使用、传播错误的译名,应该抵制错误的译名!3.joint venture.这个术语译时要当心。因为按其原来的


5、作者”。international lawyer并不是“国际律师”,而是研究国际法的“国际法学者”。6.remedy,该词在法律文件中常用,它并不是“治疗、疗法、医药”的意思。它是指法律规定的,执行、保护、恢复权利的方法,或补救权利所受侵害的方法,应当译“补救方法”或“补救”。具体地说remedy(补救方法)包括什么内容呢?主要有支付损害赔偿金,另外有强制令 (injunction)、依约履行(specific performance)的裁定、法院宣告(declaration)等。法律文件中的redress、relief与remedy意思相同,也可译为“ 补救方法”或“补救”。常常有人将rem

6、edy译成“救济方法”,这个译法比较旧,而且容易被误解为灾难的救济,所以不合适。还有人译“赔偿”,这也不妥,因为在remedy中,赔偿固然是常见的办法,但却不是唯一的办法。还有一个常见的提法:exhaustion of local remedies,这是一条原则,意思是在外国人的权利受到侵害时,首先应当寻求所在国法律规定的补救方法,只有在使用过所有的所在国补救方法仍无效果时,才能寻求外交保护或提出国际索赔的要求。所以译“充分使用当地补救方法”为宜。有人译“耗尽当地补救方法”,这个“耗尽”是什么意思,恐怕不好懂。7.injunction,常译为“禁止令”或“禁制令”,这不大合适,因为法院为inj

7、unction包括两种情况,它可以禁止你做某件事 (prohibitory injunction),也可以命令你做某件事(mandatory injunction),若译“禁止令、禁制令”就只适用于前一种情况,而不适用于后一种情况。所以injunction该译“强制令”或“法院强制令 ”。只有prohibitory injunction才宜译“禁止令”或“法院禁止令”。8.act or omission .译“作为或不作为”,表示两方面的行为,积极和消极的行为,都是行为。例如一个铁道扳道工因为醉酒没有按时扳动道岔以致发生撞车惨剧,事故的原因就是扳道工的omission“不作为”。有时根据上下文

8、,也可将act or omission译为“行为或不行为”。9.wrongful act.“不法行为”,指的是违反法律规定、违反法律义务的行为,对此是要承担责任的。它是一个法律上的概念,不是道义上的概念。有人将此词组译成“不当行为”或“错误行为”,都是“不当”或“错误”的。 10.estoppel,个人认为译“禁止翻供”不妥,因为estoppel不但指禁止推翻自己的口供供词,也指禁止推翻自己所做的证词等等。这个术语也是英文法律术语没有适当译法的一个例子。我勉强译为“禁止改口”。11.due diligence和due care,这两个词的意思差不多,都译“应有的注意”。与之相反则是neglig

9、ence,没有做到due care或due diligence即构成negligence(过失)。有的辞典将due diligence译为“克尽职责”是不大合适的。 person, moral person, juristic person, artificial person, juridical person.都译“法人”,与自然人相对。body corporate也是“法人”,或译“法人实体”。不少的词典将body corporate译成“法人团体”,那是错误的。13.extenuating circumstances,有人译成“减罪情况”,不甚妥。因为所减的并不是罪,而

10、是刑罚。还是按我国刑事诉讼法的用语,译为“减轻处罚情节”较好一些。mon heritage of mankind,曾被译成“人类共同遗产”,这样译很不好,人类并未全部死绝,何来“共同遗产”?现在译“人类共同继承的财产”就比较好。15.reasonable person或reasonable man.有人译成“通情达理的人”,这是按其普通含义译的,在法律文件中这样译就不合适了。在法律文件中reasonable person或reasonable man就是“普通正常人”的意思。16.Service of process .有人译成“传票的送达”,不很合适,因为process不仅指传票,也指其他的


12、不要觉得无所谓、关系不大,随便找个词就用上。术语译得不准确,英文法律文件是不可能译好的。相关翻译1”Affiliate” means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is directly or indirectly controlled by a Party, including a Partys parent or subsidiary, or is under direct or indirect common control with such Party. For the pu

13、rpose of this Agreement, “control” shall mean either the ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the ordinary share capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings or the power to nominate a majority of the board of directors of the Company.for the purpose of this Agreement

14、 = in this Agreement 在本协议中general meetings = shareholders general meetings 股东大会“关联公司”指直接或间接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或间接控制,或与该方共同受直接或间接控制的任何人或公司。在本协议中,“控制”系指拥有在股东大会上有投票权的百分之五十(50%)或以上的公司普通股股本,或拥有任命公司董事会多数董事的权利。2. “Proprietary Know-how” shall mean processes, methods and manufacturing techniques, experien

15、ce and other information and materials including but not limited to the Technical Information and Technical Assitance supplied or rendered by the Lisensor to the Lisensee hereunder which have been developed by and are known to the Lisensor on the date hereof and/of which may be further developed by

16、the Lisensor or become known to it during the continuance of this Agreement excepting, however, any secret know-how aquired by the Licensor from third parties which the Licensor is precluded from disclosing to the Licensee.“专有技术”指本协议签订之日,已由许可方开发和为许可方所知,和/或在本协议持续期间可能由许可方继一部开发和为许可方获知的工序、方法、生产技术、经验及其他信

17、息和资料,包括但不限于许可方根据本协议向被许可方提供的技术信息和技术协助,但许可方从第三方获得的不允许向被许可方披露的任何秘密技术除外。3” Proprietary Information” means the information, whether patenable or not, disclosed to the CJV by neither Party or its Affiliates or disclosed by the CJV to either Party or its Affiliates during the term of this Contract, includi

18、ng technology, inventions, creations, know-how, formulations, recipes, specifications, designs, methods, processes, techniques, data, rights, devices, drawings , instructions, expertise, trade practices, trade secrets and such commercial, economic, financial or other information as is generally trea

19、ted as confidential by the disclosing Party, its Affiliates, or the CJV, as the case may be; provided that when such information is in unwritten or intangible form, the disclosing Party, its Affilates or the CJV shall, within one month of making the disclosure, provide the other Party and/or the CJV

20、 with a written confirmation that such information constitues its Proprietary Information.“专有信息”指在本合同期内,任何一方或其关联公司向合作经营企业披露的、或合作经营企业向任何一方或其关联公司披露的不论可否获得专利的信息,包括技术、发明、创造、诀窍、配制、配方、规格、设计、方法、工序、工艺、数据、权利、装置、图样、知识、专门知识、商业惯例、商业机密以及披露放,其关联公司或合作经营企业(视情况而定)通常视为机密的商业、经济、财务或其他信息;但是,如果该等信息不是以书面或有形形式披露的,披露方、其关联公司

21、或合作经营企业应在披露后一个月内,向另一方和/或合作经营企业提供该等信息系其专有信息的书面确认。4. “Encumbrances” include any option, right to acquire, right of preemption, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hypothecation, title creation, right of set-off, counterclaim, trust arrangemnet or other security or any equity or restriction (including any

22、relevant restriction imposed under the relevant law.)“权力负担”包括期权、收购权、优先权、抵押、押记、质押、留置、押汇、所有权的产生、抵付权、反诉、信托安排或其他担保、或股权、限制(包括有关法律规定的任何有关限制。)5. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:(a) headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation fo this Agreement;(b) words

23、 importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;(c) words importing a gender include any gender;(d) an expression_r importing a natural person includes any company, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation or other body corporate and any governmental agency;(e) a reference to a

24、ny law, regulation or rule includes all laws, regulations, or rules amendin, consolidating or replacing them, and a reference to a law includes all regulations and rules under that law;(f) a reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to , or replacement or novation of, that document

25、;(g) a reference to a party to any document includes that partys successors and permitted assigns;(h) a reference o an agreement includes an undertaking, agreement or legally enforceable arrangement or understanding whether or not in writing;(i) a warranty, representation, undertaking, indemnity, co

26、nvenant or agreement on the party of two or more persons binds them jointly and severally; and(j) the schedules, annexures and appendices to this Agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement.在本协议中,除非上下文另有要求,(a) 标题仅为行文方便而设, 并不影响对本协议的解释(b) 单数词包含其复数,反之亦然。(c) 单一性别的词包含其各种性别(d) 自然人的含义包括公司、合伙企业、

27、合营企业、关联企业、法人团体或其他法人和政府机构(e)凡提到的任何法律、法规或条例,包括修正、合并或替代该等法律、法规或条例的一切法律、法规或条例,凡提到的某一法律,包括根据法律项下的一切法规和条例。(f) 凡提到的文件,包括该文件的修正件、补充件或替代件(g) 凡提到的文件的一方,包括该方的继承人和被许可的受让人(h) 凡提到的协议,包括承诺、约定或法律上可强制执行的安排或谅解,无论是不是书面形式(i) 两人或两人以上的保证、陈述、承诺、赔偿、约定或协议,各人共同和分别受其约束(j) 本协议的附表、附录和附件构成本协议不可分割的部分。补充翻译练习1. “Control ” means the

28、 power of any entity to direct the affairs of another entity whether by any of the following means or otherwise:(a) beneficial ownership of or entitlement to acquire shares or assets of the other;(b) power to exercise voting rights in relation to the other;(c) power to appoint members of the supervi

29、sory board, board of directors or bodies legally representing the other; or(d) power to operate, direct or manage the general affairs of the other“控制权”指任何实体,无论是通过下列任一途径还是通过其他方式监督另一实体的事务的权利:(a) 拥有另一实体股份或资产的受益所有权或收购另一实体股份或资产的权利;(b) 行使与另一实体相关的投票权的权力;(c) 任命合法代表另一实体的监事会、董事会或机构成员的权力;或(d) 经营、监督或管理另一实体的一般事物

30、的权力。2. “Technical Information” shall mean all technical data, drawings, designs, formulae, specifications, processes, methods of manufacture, computer programs or other software or technical documents and similar intellectual property rights of or developed by the Lisensor as of the date hereof or t

31、o be developed by the Licensor during the term of this Agreement relating to the Product, including improvements hereto.“技术信息”指本协议签订之日,许可方拥有的或已开发的、或在本协议期间内许可方开发的与产品(包括产品的改进)有关的一切技术数据、图纸、设计、公式、规格、工序、生产方法、计算机程序或其他软件或技术文件及类似知识产权。3. The headings used in this Contract are for ease of reference only, and

32、in no event shall the subtance of any paragraph or the intent of the Parties be interpreted or controlled by such headings.本协议中的标题仅为方便参考而设,不得用于解释或控制协议任何条款的实质内容或各方的意向。4. References to:(a) Clauses and Schedules are to clauses in and schedules to this Agreement (unless the context otherwise requires) and the Recitals and Schedules to this Agreement shall be deemed to form part of this Agreement;(b) “person” shall include body corporate, unincorporated association and partnership (whether or not having separat

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