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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum教师版.docx

1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum教师版Unit 9 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1. Encourage: 鼓励Encourage sb to do sth:鼓励某人去做某事2. A couple of Couple: 夫妻; a couple of:两个,一对,几个3. On the one hand on the other hand:一方面。另一方面4. All the year round:整年5. Mostly:主要的,通常6. Whether:是否 7. another, other, the

2、 other, others, the othersAnother: adj.另一个,三者或三者以上不确定的另一个,后面加可数名词的单数形式,固定搭配one anotherOther: adj. 1. 泛指其他的,后面加可数名词的复数形式,如other students;The other: adj. 特指其他的,后面可数名词的复数形式,如there are 32 students in the class. 19 of them are girls, and the other students are boys. 2. 表示两者中的另一个,后加可数名词的单数形式,名词可省略,句型为onet

3、he other(one)Others: 名词。 Others=other+相应名词复数The others:名词。The others=the other+相应名词复数 another the other other others the others1. He has two daughters. One is a teacher, is a nurse.2. They study math, Chinese,history and subjects.3. There are forty five students in her class. Twenty of them are boys

4、, and are girls.4. This pen is too expensive. Please show me .5. He is always ready to help .6. I have three foreign friends. One is from America, two are from England.7. Some are cleaning the windows, are sweeping the floor.解析:1. 因为前提是two,所以是句型onethe other, 故答案为the other.2. 句意为他们学习数学,语文,历史和其他的科目,这里

5、其他的需要形容词,同时表示泛指,故答案为other。3. 本题表示特指,同时需要的是名词,故答案为:the others。4. 句意为请给我看另外一只笔,为不确定的另一个,故答案为another。5. 句意为他总是乐意帮助其他的人,此处需要名词,并为泛指,故答案为others。6. 此题需要形容词,并且为特指,故答案为the other。7. 此处需要名词,并且为泛指,故为others。基础演练1. Its a (Japan) bike.2. Mr. Wang seems (be) very angry when Jim is late again.3. She had some proble

6、ms (finish) the work on time.4. Every day, Mrs. Smith has much housework (do).5. Jenny practices (play) the piano after school every day.6. This is a great way (learn) another language.7. The box (it) is very heavy.8. Mr. Green always encourages us (answer) his questions in English.9. I want to go t

7、o a beautiful and (peace) place.10. Doing eye exercises (be) good for our eyes.11. My uncle is a great .He likes many different kinds of things. (collect)1. Japanese2. to be3. finishing4. to do5. playing6. to learn7. itself8. to answer9. peaceful10. is11. collector,collecting/to collect巩固提高1. Every

8、year, (数以千计的) visitors come to China to visit the Great Wall. (词数不限)2. (一方面), he doesnt work hard, (另一方面), he isnt good at speaking. (词数不限)3. In the factory, (超过四分之三) of the workers come from the country.4. The weather in my hometown is neither too hot nor too cold (一年到头). (词数不限)5. (这是因为) his alarm

9、clock didnt go off. (词数不限)6. 你曾经去过纽约吗? (词数不限) you New York?7. 我们可以自己搭建帐篷。 (词数不限)We can tents by ourselves.8. 很难相信她从未看过那部电影。 (词数不限) she has never seen the film.9. 她正在考虑去哪儿度假。 (词数不限)She where to go on vacation.10. 汤姆已经去过北京好几次了。 (词数不限)Tom has already been to Beijing times.11. 他们中的大多数人每天步行去上班。(词数不限) the

10、m to work on foot every day.12. 玛丽是一个留着长发的女孩。Mary is a girl .1. thousands of2. On the one hand, on the other hand3. more than three quarters4. all year round5. This is because6. Have, ever been to7. put up8. Its unbelievable that9. is thinking about10. a couple of11 Most of, go12. with long hair1. -

11、 I dont like watching TV.- . A. Me, tooB. Me, eitherC. Me, alsoD. Me, neither2. I want to know . A. what your mother doesB. what does your mother do C. how do you go to schoolD. where are you from3. He likes to watch his son the piano. A. playsB. to playC. playD. played4. I think this story is as as

12、 that one. A. more interestingB. interesting C. most interestingD. the most interesting5. - Where would you like to go on vacation?- Id like to go . A. relaxing somewhereB. relaxing anywhere C. somewhere relaxingD. anywhere relaxing6. people died in Wenchuan earthquake. It was terrible. A. ThousandB

13、. Thousands ofC. Thousand ofD. Two thousands7. Nowadays of business letters are written in English. A. two thirdB. two thirdsC. two threeD. second three8. It was raining hard outside. , none of them stopped working in the field. A. ButB. SoC. BecauseD. However9. It is said that young people may lose

14、 their abilities to hear after five years if they listen to MP4 players which are too loud for more than five hours a week. A. thousand ofB. six thousandsC. thousands of10. Our teacher often tells us in the river. Its dangerous. A. dont swimB. not swimC. not to swimD. not swimming11. The number of t

15、he cars in our neighborhood is about eight , and of them are new cars. A. hundred; two thirdsB. hundred; two third C. hundreds; two thirdsD. hundreds; two thirdDACBC BBDCCA二、完型 As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were staring(注视) forward at the mountain

16、top in the distance. It was covered with ice and snowbeautiful and dangerous. The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had 12 the top through the southern route(路线). But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the northern side. But now one man was daring to try the 13 rou

17、te. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber 14 Italy. For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him anxiously(焦虑). Now they were waiting to see his signal. If he planned to 15 the next day, he would light(点燃) a green signal(信号). A red light would mean that he was turning ba

18、ck. A tiny green light 16 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people 17 . The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 18 ! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the green light. In the morning, Bonatti 19 . He could not see the top; he knew he

19、was 20 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up. Bonatti had spent months 21 for the climb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and skill to climb to the top? He was finally at the top! News about his 22 was radioed to the world. The trip down the southern route was easy. He wa

20、s warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the 23 and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.12.A. reachedB. passedC. watchedD. followed13.A. comfortableB. importantC. difficultD. nervous14.A. withB. fromC. inD. at15.A. turn backB. come downC. go onD. get back16.A. placedB. appearedC.

21、pulledD. found17.A. criedB. laughedC. jumpedD. cheered18.A. sleepyB. excitedC. tiredD. happy19.A. woke upB. turned upC. got upD. looked up20.A. alreadyB. almostC. hardlyD. surely21.A. trainingB. practisingC. planningD. asking22.A. importanceB. successC. climbD. courage23.A. necessaryB. dangerousC. p

22、erfectD. impossibleACBCB DCDBA BD_一、单项选择 1. I you already that washing hands often will help prevent the A(H1N1) Flu. A. tellB. toldC. have toldD. am telling 2. right wrong, he always wins the argument. A. Whether; orB. Between; andC. Neither; norD. Both; and 3. - Hello! May I speak to Kate?- Sorry,

23、 she isnt here now. She to Shanghai. A. wentB. has beenC. has goneD. had been 4. - Lucy was always the first one to come.- Thats true, so it was for her to come late this morning. A. impossibleB. rightC. unusualD. funny 5. - Have you finished using my dictionary?- Yes, I put it back on your desk jus

24、t now. Who it away? A. will takeB. is takingC. tookD. has taken 6. Laura bought this house because it is close to the school. A. especiallyB. finallyC. simplyD. recently 7. I to Sanya yet. I hope to go there this week. A. have beenB. havent beenC. havent goneD. have gone 8. Edison was a great invent

25、or, ; he was an ordinary man, too. A. at that timeB. that is to say C. on the other handD. even though 9. - How do you like the play Home with Kids?- Very good! I such a wonderful play before. A. dont seeB. never see C. have never seenD. hadnt seen10. - Could you please tell me something about the t

26、wo ?- . They are exchange students of No.1 Middle School. A. Frenchmen; Yes, pleaseB. Frenchmans; Come on C. Germen; Not at allD. Germans; All right二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 11. This book is a (完美的) gift for anyone starting his school life.12. Please tell him not to drive at a (快速的) speed.13. In the eighte

27、enth century, more people came to America, (主要地,大部分地) Europeans.14. We should obey(遵守) the (社会的) rules.15. An (印度人) showed them the way on the map.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 16. 今年他在英语方面已经取得了很大的进步。This year he has great with English.17. 数千次实验后,爱迪生发明了电灯。After experiments, Edison invented the light bulb.18. 你可以选择你喜欢的任何时间来这儿。You can choose to come here .19. 你曾经读过冰心写的书吗? (词数不限) the books written by Bing Xin?20. 我们鼓励学生收集废纸、饮料瓶。(词数不限)We students waste paper and soft drink cans.四、完形填空 We

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