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1、外研版高二英语短文改错练习题一高二英语短文改错练习题(一)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。练习1:Dear Miss Veans,I was wondering that whether you could help us revise a shor

2、t play adapting from our English textbook.One of the stories we have read interest us a lot. It is about the adventures of three mena naturalist, his colleague and a sailor, they are captured at sea by Captain Nemo. At board Nemos submarine, they take an adventure across the world beneath the ocean,

3、 meeting many challengeshuge icebergs, angry sharks and terrified squids. Fortunately, the three men survive. One day the submarine is sucked into a huge maelstrom and the three prisoners made their bid for freedom. In word, it is an exciting story.Could you kindly give us some guidances? First of a

4、ll, could you check the language for us? Secondly, please give us some advice on our acting. If possibly, could I meet you in your office at 10 a.m. to discuss it with you?We are looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习2:Look at this pict

5、ure. Its the London Tea Trade Centre, located in the North Bank of the River Thames. It is the center of important industry in the everyday life of the British people. Tea is the British nation drink. Every man, woman and children over ten years of age, has on average over four cups a day, or some 1

6、,500 cups annually. About 30 percent of the worlds export of tea make its way to London. Britain is by far the larger importer of tea in the world. The second picture shows you that how tea is tasted here before its sold. Different types of tea are laying out on a long table and tasted by skilled te

7、a-tasters before they are sold. The tasters generally taste tea with milk, since that is why the majority of British people drink its tea.序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习3:Tourists climb for two hours to reach the top of a mountain in Peru, struggled for breath. But they are happy

8、to see the beautiful sceneries there. Lines of rich colors form that has become known as “Rainbow Mountain”. The colors come from special rock remains. Its five years since the world has learned of the existence of this natural wonder.Many people come to see them. To villagers who take up their trad

9、itional transport trade, the bigger difference is that they now move tourists instead goods. Tourism has provided much-needed economic help for an area. Environmentalists, besides, fear tourists will destroy everything which makes this place distinctive.序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记

10、整理练习4:You asked many question in your last letter, and now let me answer them. To start with, Beijing, the capital of China, is very attractive city with a long history. You can found all kinds of delicious food in Beijing, of that the most famous is the roast Beijing duck. I hope we will enjoy it.

11、Besides, there is a great number of tourist attractions worth visiting, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace or the Forbidden City. These scenic spots have attracted millions of tourists in this year. I promise you will have a wonderfully time here in Beijing.Im looking forward to hear from you

12、 as soon as possible.序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习5:Its great to learn that you are coming to teach at our school in next month. Im writing to apply to be your assistant. Im a senior, aging 17. I had a good command of English, which will enable me to communicate in English with

13、difficulty. Beside, I can use a computer skillfully, which will be useful in help you with your daily work. In addition, Im outgoing, enthusiastic, and ready to help other. Im confident if Ill be helpful in your work and life in China. I would appreciate it if you could give me chance. Im look forwa

14、rd to your early reply.序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习6:Last term, my parents promised when I did well in my exams, they would give me the special prize. After that I worked hardly and finally got very good marks. Knowing my dream was to see some real snow, my parents took me a lo

15、cal ski resort during my winter holiday. As we climb the mountains, we saw the snow on the tree. No one in my family had ever been touched snow before. We were all exciting like little children but delighted to play with the snow! We picked the snow up, made snowballs and threw it at each other! How

16、 happy we were!序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习7:Food is important to us human beings. However, some students are seen wasted food in the canteen these day. And now the situation is getting seriously. Saving food was our duty because food doesnt come easily. We must respect or save

17、 food to show our gratefulness. Meanwhile, if we save food, more people in the poor areas can get food eat, which also helps fight against hunger. I also suggest those which waste food should get punish. Only then will they save food and respect their meals from the bottom of our hearts. As far as I

18、m concerned, we students should form a good habit of saving food. Lets take the action now!序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习8:In a freezing cold winter, Cory Richards was climbing down from Gasherbrum II, the 13th tall mountain peak in the world, when his life changed in an instant.

19、 Lied between Pakistan and China, the mountain is not easy to climb and the cold that day was painful. As Richards and his team was climbing down, they heard a noise and looked down. They saw snow and ice coming toward them. They were hit and throwing to the ground. Luckily they all survive. Seeing

20、his partners were safe, so Richards took some pictures, which captured the accident they had experienced. One of these photo made him become famous photographer. Sometimes it is something unexpected which can change your life forever.序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习9:Cantonese is a

21、 variety of Chinese. It dated back to more than 2000 years ago. The term “Cantonese” came from Canton, a name formerly used for Guangzhou, that is the capital of Guangdong Province. In China, Cantonese is mainly speaking in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hong Kong, or Macau. I

22、t is also wide used by Chinese people living in Southeast Asia and Western country.Cantonese is ancient variety and it is also modern. Compared with other Chinese varieties, Cantonese is more difficult to understand it. So it sometimes causes puzzlement and even misunderstanding among people. But, m

23、any people show great interest to it.序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理练习10:Dear Henry,Hows it going? Im glad know that you are interested in the Chinese language and culture. Id like to offer you some suggestions, that may be beneficial to your Chinese learning.To learn the Chinese la

24、nguage and culture well, first of all, watching TV programs and reading newspapers were good ways of language learning. In the addition, you can read some classical literature which will broaden your horizons. Whats more, you should make some Chinese friend. You can communicate with them frequent to

25、 improve your spoken Chinese. Lastly, it is a good idea to attend the Confucius Institute establishing by China. There you can share that you have learned. Only by done so can you achieve your goal faster.I sincerely hope your suggestions will be helpful and that you will make great progress.Yours,Li Hua序号答案知识点错误1错误2错误3错误4错误5错误6错误7错误8错误9错误10生词+短语+笔记整理

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