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1、心灵捕手经典台词中英对照完整0831034546心灵捕手1.SEAN :尚恩:所以问你艺术,你可能会提出艺术书籍中的粗浅论调,有关米开朗基罗,你知道很多,他的 政治抱负、他和教皇性向,所有作品,对吗?But I bet you cant tell me what it smells like in the Sisti ne Chapel.Youve n ever actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling seen that.但你不知道西斯汀教堂的气味,你从没站在那儿观赏过天花板,我看过。If I ask you a

2、bout wome n,y oull probably give me a syllabus of your pers onal favorites.You may have even bee n laid a few times.But you cant tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woma n and feel truly happy.如果我问关于女人的事,你八成会说出个人偏好的谬论,你可能上过几次床,但你说不出在女人身 旁醒来很幸福的滋味。Youre a tough kid. 你是个很倔的孩子。And I ask you

3、 about war,youd probably,uh,throw Shakespeare at me,right? Once more unto the breach,dear friends But youve never been near one.Youve never held your best friendshead in your lap and watched him gasp his last breath,look in to you for help.问战争,你会说莎士比亚的话 ”共赴战场,亲爱的朋友”,但你从没接近过战争,从没有把好友的头抱在膝盖上,看着他吐出最后一口

4、气。I ask you about love,youll probably quote me a sonn et.But youve n ever looked at a woma n and bee n totally vulnera ble known some one that could level you with her eyesput an an gel on earth just for you who could rescue you from the depths of hellwould nt know what its like to be her an gel to

5、have that love for her,be thereforever through anything through cancer.问爱情,你会引述十四行诗,但你没看过女人的脆弱,她能以双眼击倒你,感觉上帝让天使为你下 凡,她能从地狱救出你, 你不解当她的天使的滋味,拥有对她的爱,直到永远。经历这一切,经历癌症。And you would nt know about sleep ing sitt inup in a hospital room for two mon ths,holdi ng her han d,because the doctors could see in you

6、r eyes that the termsvisit ing hoursdo nt apply to you.你无法体会在医院睡两个月,因为医生一看到你就知道,会客时间的规定对你无效。你不了解真正 的失去,唯有爱别人胜于自己才能体会。You dont know about real losscause that only occurs whe n you love someth ing more tha n you love yourselfdoubt youve ever dared to love an ybody that much .1 look at you.I dont see a

7、n in tellige nt,c on fide nt man.l see a cocky,scared-shitless kid.But youre a geni us,Will.No one denies that.No one could possibly un dersta nd the depths of you.But you presume to know everyth ing about me,because you saw a pain ti ng of mi ne.You ripped my fuck in life apart.我怀疑你敢那样爱人,看着你,我没看到聪明

8、自信,我看到被吓坏的狂妄孩子,但你是天才,没人 能否认,没人能了解你的深度,但你看我的画就认定了我,你把我的人生撕裂了。Youre an orpha n,right?Do you think I know the first thing about how hard your life has bee n?How you feel?Who you are?Because I read Oliver Twist?Does that en capsulate you?你是孤儿,对吧?你想我会知道你日子有多苦、你的感受、你是谁,是因为我看过孤离泪吗?那简 化你了吗?Pers on ally,I do

9、nt give a shit about all that.Because you know what?I cant lear n anythingfrom you I cant read in some fuck in book. Uni ess,you wanna ta lk about you who you are.The n rmfasci ated .Im in .But you dont want to do that,do you,sport?Youre terrified of what you might say.我不在乎,因为你知道吗?我不能靠任何书籍认识你,除非你谈自己

10、,谈你是谁,那我就着迷了, 我愿意加入,但你不想那么做,对吗?你怕你会被说出来的话吓到。2.SEAN : Oh,Christ.But,Will,shes been dead two years,and thats the shit I remember.Its won derful stuff,you know?尚恩:天哪,她去世两年了,而那是我记得的事。Little things like that.Ah,but,those are the things I miss the most.The little idios yn cracies that only I knew about.Th

11、ats what made her my wife.像那样的小事很奇妙,那是我最想念的事,这些小特点让她成为我太太。Oh,a nd she had the goods on me too.She knew all my little peccadilloes.People call these thi ngs imperfect ions.她也知道我所有的小瑕庛,人们称之为不完美。But theyre no t.Ah thats the good stuff.A nd the n we get to choose who we let our weirdworlds.其实不然,那才是好东西,能

12、选择让谁进入我们的世界。Youre not perfect,sport.A nd let me save you the suspe nse.This girl you met,she isntperfect either. But the questio n is whether or not youre perfect for each other. 你并不完美,我不吊你胃口,你认识的女生也不完美,问题是你们是否完美地合适。Thats the whole deal.Thats what i ntimacy is all about.Now,you can know everyth ing

13、in the world,sport,but the only way youre findinout that one is by giv in it a shot.亲密关系就是这么一回事,你可以知道全世界的事,但发掘的方法就是去尝试。You certa inly wont lear n it from an old fucker like me.Eve n if I did kno w,I would nt tell apissa nt like you.你不能跟我这个糟老头学,就算我知道我也不告诉你。干嘛走?我下辈子都要住在这。我们当邻居,我们会当爸爸,一起带他们打小联盟你是我的死党,I

14、ts a way outta here. 好过这东西,离开这里。WILL : What do I want a way outta here for?I want to live here the rest of my life .1 want to be your n ext door n eighbor.I want to take out kids to little league together up Foley Field.所以别误会。但20年后你如果还住在这儿,到我家看球赛,还在盖房子, 我他妈的会杀了你。那不是恐吓,CHUCKIE : Look,youre my best fr

15、iend,so dont take this the wrong way,but in 20 years,if youre livi nn ext door to me,co minover watch in the fuck in Patriotsgames and still work in con structi onll fuckin kill you. And thats not a threat,thats a fact. Ill fucki nkill you. 我会宰了你。 WILL : Chuckie,what are you talk in. 你在胡扯什么?CHUCKIE

16、: Liste n, you got someth in that none of 你拥有我们没有的天赋。us have.WILL : Why is it always this?I owe it to 拜托,为何大家都这么说?myself?What if I dont want to? 难道是我对不起自己吗?CHUCKIE : Fuck you.You owe it to me.Tomorrow 不不,你没有对不起自己,是你对不起我。Im gonna wake up and Ill be fifty 因为我明天醒来五十岁了,and Ill still be doi nthis.A nd 还在

17、这干活,thats all rightcause rm gonna make a run at it. 无所谓But you,youre sitti non a wi nning 而你已拥有百万奖券,lottery ticket and youre too much of 却窝囊着不敢兑现,狗屁a pussy to cash it in .A nd thats 我会不惜一切和交换你所拥有的,bullshitcause rd do anything tohave what you got!A nd so would any 其他这些人也是。of these guys.Itd be a fucki

18、ninsult 你再待 20 年是羞辱我们。4SEAN : Why is he hidi ng?Why is he a jani tor?Why does nt he trust an ybody?Because the first thing that happe ned to him was that he was aba ndoned by the people who were supposed to love him the most! 他为何躲避,为何不信任人?因为他被应该爱他的人遗弃。5SEAN : And why does he hang out with his friend

19、s?Because any one of those kids would come in here and take a bat to your head if he asked them to.I ts called loyalty!他为什么跟你所谓的智障混?因为如果他叫他们扁你,他们会照办,那叫做义气。6SEAN : And who do you think hes handling?He pushes people away before they have a chaneeto leave him.A nd for 20 years hes bee n alone because o

20、f that.A nd if you try to push him into this,its going to be the same thing all over aga in.And rm not going to let that happe n to him!他应付谁了?他在别人离开之前先赶人走那是防卫心理, 好么?他因此孤独了 20年,你现在逼他,事情会重演,我不会让他重蹈覆辙。7.别让他认为放弃没关系 或失败没关系 绝对有关系如果你是气我成功LAMBEAU : Now dont do that.Dont you do that! 别那么做Dont in fect him wit

21、h the idea that its okay to quit.That its okay to be a failure,because its not okay! If youre angry at me for beingsuccessful,for being what you couldhave bee n-SEAN : Im not angry at you 我没气你LAMBEAU : Yes you are,Sean.You resent me. 你有气我,你憎恨我 And rm not going to apologize for any 我不会因为成功向你赔不是你有气我能做

22、到你本来能做到的事success that rve had.LAMBEAU : Yes you do.Youre angry at me fordoing what you could have don e.Ask 你扪心自问yourself if you want Will to feel that 你要威尔有那种感受way for the rest of his life,to feel 你要他感觉像失败者like a failure.SEAN : Thats it.Thats why I dont come to 我不去同学会的原因the goddamn reunion s!Becaue

23、 I cant 是因为受不了你的眼神sta nd the look in your eye whe n you 那种屈尊难堪的眼神see me!You think rm a failure!I 你认为我失败我有自知之明know who I am.Im proud of who I am. 我为自己感到骄傲And all of you,you thi nk rm some 你和你朋友认为我很可怜,kind of pity case! 你和你的那些狗屁课程You with your sycopha nt stude ntsfollowi ng you aroun d.A nd you Godda

24、mn 你老是提自己的菲尔德奖章Medal!天呐,我回家拿给你 送给你好了I dont 拜托不要,把奖章塞进你他妈的屁眼里LAMBEAU : Is that what this is about,Sean? 你是嫉妒我奖章吗?The Fields Medal?Do you want me to go home and get it for you?The n willyou let the boy-SEAN : I dont want your trophy andgive a shit about it! Cause I knew you whe n!You and Jack and Tom

25、San ders .I knew you whe n you were因为我不在乎你的奖章因为我在你没成为数学之神以前就认识你了早在满脸青春痘、思乡,不知要尿在床的那一头的时候homesick and pimply-faced and did ntknow what side of the bed to piss on!LAMBEAU : Thats right!You were smarter than 是你过去现在都比我聪明us the n and youre smarter tha n usnow!So dont blame me for how your 你人生变成这样别怪我life

26、turned out.Its not my fault.SEAN : I dont blame you!Its not about 我没怪你,这跟你无关that!Its about the boy!Cause 你这数学混球,是关于那孩子hes a good kid! And I wo nt see this 他是个好孩子,我不会看着你happen to him-I wont see you make 像现在糟蹋我般糟蹋他him feel like a failure too! 让他也感觉是失败者LAMBEAU : He wo nt be a failure! 他不会失败SEAN : If yo

27、u push him into someth in g,if you ride him- 你如果逼他LAMBEAU : Youre wrong,Sean.lm where I amtoday because I was pushed.A nd because 我能有今天的成就是逼出来的I lear ned to push myself!SEAN : Hes not you! 他不是你,你听懂没!1.about the pain ti ngWILL:The skys falli non your head.The waves are crash inover your little boat.T

28、he oarsare about to snap.You just piss in your pants.Youre cryinfor the harbor.So maybe you do what you gotta do to get out.You kno w,maybe you became a psychologist.也许你正在暴风雨中。天色昏暗 ,海浪撞击小船,桨就要断了,你吓坏了 ,迫切需要港口。这是你成为心理医生的原因。SEAN:Bi ngo.Thats it.Let me do my job no w.You start with me.Come on.答对了,就是这样。让

29、我做事吧,你妨碍我了。2.treatme nt 治疗SEAN : Stayed up half the night thinkinabout it.Something occurred to me.I fell into a deep,peaceful sleep,a nd I have nt thought about you since.You know what occurred to me?在失眠了大半夜的思索后,我突然想起了些东西,接着就沉沉入睡。你知道我当时想到什么吗?SEAN : Youre just a kid.You dont have the fain test idea

30、of what youre talk in about.你只是个孩子,你根本不清楚你在说什么。所以如果我问你艺术,你可能会提出艺术书籍中的粗浅论调,有关米开朗基罗,你知道很多,他的 政治抱负、他和教皇性向,所有作品,对吗?所以我敢打赌你说不出西斯汀教堂散发的气味,你从没 站在真正站在那儿,仰头欣赏过它美丽的天花板。SEAN : If I ask you about women,youll probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites.You may have even bee n laid a few times.But you

31、cant tell me what if feels like to wake up n ext to a woma n and feel truly happy.Youre a tough kid.如果问你女人,你八成会说出个人偏好的谬论,你可能上过几次床,但你说不出在女人身旁醒来的 感觉,那是真正幸福的滋味。And I ask you about war,youd probably,uh,throw Shakespeare at me,right? once more unto the breach,dear frien ds.But youve n ever bee n ear on e.Youve n ever held your best frien ds head in your lap,a nd watched him gasp his last breath,look in to your for help.如果问你战争,你大概会抛出莎士比亚的名言: “共赴战场吧,亲爱的朋友”但你从没接近过战争,从没有把好友的头抱在膝盖上,看着他吐出最后一口气。I ask you about love

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