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1、新东方四级听力讲义修改新东方四级听力讲义考试结构:Section A:10 short conversations 复习的重点Section B:最可能考三个段子(3 passages)。其次,有可能考复合式听写(Compound Dictation)或听写填空(Spot Dictation)。提高听力的步骤:第一步,听懂考题;第二步,总结考题规律;第三步,了解考试本身,做类型题。短对话题型分类:Section A考题为六种题型。无论每个考题的具体内容是什么,考题的题型总在重复。我们要培养解类型题的能力。比如在态度方向题中,每个考题的内容肯定不同。但题型高度一致,解题的方向也必然相同。如:Wo

2、uld you go to dance with me tonight?第二人的回答只有两种Yes或No。我们要听的是第二个人的态度方向。这个题问去跳舞吗?而另外的一个完全不同的考题可能会问去看电影吗?去音乐会吗?去野餐吗?去看比赛吗?这些不同的考题在我们的耳朵里就应该是同一类考题。我们要听的是:他在问去还是不去?第二人要回答Yes还是No。而解题点即正确选项一定就在第二人的回答的开头。听力范围:Campus life考察对象:College students(在什么都没听清的情况下,异性猜classmate,同性猜roommate)一、语音问题:连读小练习1. rush hour 高峰时间,

3、尖峰时刻;2. cheer up 使振奋,使高兴;3. check (it) out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);4. travel agent 旅行社(travel agency, travel bureau);financial aid 经济资助;5. turn down 关掉,拒绝;turn on 打开二、口语问题:注意语气,语调,语汇。例如:1. tape 胶带;cassette 磁带。2. project 作业(homework, assignment);工程;项目;计划;任务。3. awful 糟糕的;terrific 特别棒的,好极了(口语中);

4、可怕的,恐怖的(阅读中)。4. I can tell that. 我能看得出。5. I understand that. 我听说。6. I have got this one. have= have got have to= have got to (gotta)7. must 在口语中表猜测8. Ill take this one. 我要买这个。9. I wont buy that. = I wont believe that. 我才不信呢。10. He was my boyfriend.三、考题内容:生活情景,场景会话场景题:如何出考题;判断场景的线索词。比如:book,校内library

5、;校外book store(线索词manager, order)。四、解题思路比如:交通:traffic jam车:break down题目分析:Section A为重点(主要为三种题型)but题型:but以后是重点。Test 1-9 A) Europe.B) Here.C) Canada.D) California.M: Has George returned from Europe yet?W: Yes, but he had been only here for three days before his company sent him to Canada.Q: Where is Ge

6、orge now?Test 2-3A) Because she has got an appointment.B) Because she doesnt want to.C) Because she has to work.D) Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant.M: The students English club is having a party on Saturday night. Can you come?W: I would like to, but I work at a restaurant on weekends.Q:

7、 Why can t the woman go to the party?这类考题的回答都是:Id love to, Id like to, Sounds great, Sounds a lot of fun. but .Test 3-5A) An English textbook.B) A Chinese textbook.C) A chemistry book.D) A history book.W: Has your brother bought his books yet?M: He bought a history book, but the Chinese and English

8、text-books were sold out.Q: Which book has the mans brother got?注:be sold out 售光了 wear out 穿破了; be worn out (指东西)破旧;(指人)非常疲惫 check out 借书;出院;彻底检查;退房 figure out 想清楚,弄明白;figure 数字;体形 work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym)拼命锻炼 make out 分辨出,辨认出 help out 帮个大忙 hang out 到处闲逛 dine out 外出吃饭 cook out 野餐 turn out 事实证明Tes

9、t 4-1A) The pear.B) The weather.C) The sea food.D) The cold.W: You don t feel very well, do you? You look pale. Have you got a cold?M: Oh, no, but my stomach aches. Maybe the sea food doesnt agree with me.Q: What probably caused the mans stomach-ache?注:1. 一句话后面加一个小尾巴,都是反义疑问句。核心是陈述句。 2. sth. doesnt a

10、gree with sb. 指某人不适应某种情况。Test 4-3 A) Georges brother.B) Georges wife.C) Georges father.D) Georges father-in-law.M: I wish I could see George here.W: He was planning to come, but a moment ago his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.Q: Who was ill?Test 4-4A) She can use h

11、is car.B) She can borrow someone elses car.C) She must get her car fixed.D) She cant borrow his car.W: I need a car this weekend, but mine has broken down.M: I m sorry to hear it, but you can always rent one if you have a license.Q: What does the man mean?注:1. 谈论车,预测车肯定是坏的。 2. 只要选项当中有两个正好相反的,一定有一个正确

12、。 3. license指drving license。悲惨原则:第一个人说一件事情,第二个人回答听不清或一点都没听到,一定有麻烦,回答多半是抱怨。比如:谈论买东西肯定买不到,谈论订房肯定订完了,谈论交通肯定拥挤,谈论车肯定坏掉,谈论考试肯定不及格,谈论野餐肯定下雨。解题思路:第一类,有关学习的考题基于学生身份去猜题。关于考试:考试难,时间紧,能否延期。作业难做。论文没做完。选课多。对老师评价:讲课boring,老师strict,作业多。She is one in a million. 当老师要退休的时候对老师的评价才会高。第二类,生活。学生穷poor,要省钱。时时带着学生证。购物时一定要ba

13、rgin。杂志不订应该去图书馆读,如:A: Maybe I oughtta subscribe(捐献,订购) to the magazine. B: Why dont you save the money and read it in the library?。在家看比赛没钱买票。第三类,学生忙,当话题中既包含学习又包含娱乐时体现学生忙,一定选择学习方面。Test 4-8A) At a cigarette store.B) At a bus station.C) At a gas station.D) At Aunt Marys.M: Please buy two packs of cigar

14、ettes for me while you are at the store.W: I am not going to any store. I m going to see Aunt Mary, but I will get them for you at the gas station.Q: Where will the woman stop on her way?注:1. gas station 加油站。 2. 口语中的缩略:gas station = gasoline station 生活中也可说成 filling station。 gym = gymnasium 健身房 dorm

15、= dormitory 宿舍 lab = laboratory 实验室(secretary 秘书) ad = advertisement 广告 exhibit= exhibition 展览 (场景:博物馆museum) ob = obvious 明显的 vet = veterinarian 兽医 3. 发音 /v/ /w/ very, visit, well, very well /A/ gas, lab, ad, bad We really had a bad time last night, you shouldve been there.Test 5-3A) He will go in

16、spite of the cold weather.B) He wont go since he is not feeling well.C) He will go when he feels better.D) He wont go as he hasnt finished his work.W: Would you like to go to the dance with me tonight?M: Id love to, but Im just getting over my cold.Q: Will the man go dancing with the woman tonight?注

17、:有遗憾,爱抱怨。所以此题肯定不去。Test 6-7A) The woman doesnt want to spend Christmas with the man.B) The woman is going home for Christmas.C) The woman has not been invited to the Christmas party.D) The woman is going to spend Christmas abroad.M: I hope you will spend Christmas with us. Well have a big party on Ch

18、ristmas Eve.W: Id love to, but Jack and I are going to Australia. Well send you postcards from there.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?Test 6-10A) Tennis shoes.B) Some clothes.C) Nothing yet.D) Music records.W: I suppose you have been buying Christmas gifts for your family.M: I bought tenni

19、s shoes for my son, but I havent decided what to buy for my wife. Probably some clothes or classical music records.Q: What has the man bought for his wife?注:record n.唱片,记录Test 7-3A) To make the woman angry.B) David is the mans good friend.C) To please the mans mother.D) David is good at carrying on

20、conversations.W: I really can t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If hes going to be at the Christmas party, I just won t come.M: I m sorry you feel that way, but my mother insists that he come.Q: Why is David being invited to the party?注:insist 坚持复习解题思路:1、有关学习的话题基于学生身份去猜题。

21、2、有关生活的话题基于穷人的角度出发。出现新课程,新活动,学生感兴趣的原因“省时间”或者“省钱”。3、如果以上两点出现矛盾,则体现学生忙,忙于学习。场景题:1、出题思路,解题思路。2、判断该场景的线索词。3、选项的四个特点:(1) 四个选项全是介词结构;(2) 全是to do结构;(3) 全是doing结构;(4) 全是A and B结构(人物关系题)。4、问题的特点:最常用的四个提问词:What? Where? When? Who?考题类型:1. but题型占1/3;2. 场景题型占1/3;3. 替换题型1/3。Test 1-3A) Its going to attract a lot of

22、 students.B) Its going to be a lot of fun.C) Its going to require a lot of reading.D) Its going to work out quite well.W: It looks like the English course is going to be a lot of work.M: Yes. Didnt you see the reading list is enormous?Q: What did they think of the English course?注:work out 想清楚,弄明白,解

23、决问题;拼命锻炼。作业话题:1、paper 论文:(1)paper 常用词义:paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;papers 文件;paper 纸(2)research 查询资料。对应场景library图书馆。(3)写论文的步骤:第一步,选题topic,选题难,范围广。第二步,查询资料research,图书馆场景。第三步,打出论文。typewriter 打字机,computer 计算机,printer 打印机,laser printer 激光打印机,laptop 笔记本电脑。论文没打完,typewriter/computer坏了break down 或者typewriter需要新的r

24、ibbon。(4)题目难选,资料难查,打字困难(机房总被占)。奖学金:fellowship;RA 助研:research assistant;TA 助教:teaching assistant2、presentation 口头演讲,口头报告:(1)同义词:report, speech, address。(2)考点:I. 着装正式 formal clothes(考试中另一个考到着装正式的考点是interview面试),会出现change。 II. 演讲人的内心感受:nervous紧张的。3、reading assignment 阅读作业:文科学生reading list读书清单。抱怨需要读的书多。

25、Test 1-5A) To the beach.B) To a play.C) To a movie theatre.D) To a restaurant.M: The Golden Lion sounds like a nice place to eat.W: Ok, let s go there. I hear that they have a complete menu and a warm atmosphere.Q: Where are the man and woman going?注:atmosphere 气氛。吃:(校内、校外)校内:饭堂cafeteria(不好吃)校外:rest

26、aurant有waiter, menu, order, reserve a table, make a reservationapple pie 苹果派(好吃)可以代表traditional American,比如:This picnic is as American as apple pie. John is as American as apple pie virtue = traditional American virtue在考题中形容apple pie好吃的句子举例如下:(1) Even my mothers cant match this.(2) I took

27、the last one, and it was out of the world. (3) You wouldnt have to force me to take another helping.Test 1-6A) Policeman and driver.B) Policeman and thief.C) Teacher and pupil.D) Director and actress.M: Why didnt you stop when we first signaled?W: Im sorry. Will I have to pay a fine?Q: What is the p

28、robable relationship between the man and the woman?注:1. A and B结构,考人物关系 2. 选项B非主流,应排除。 3. fine 罚款。pay the fine, check the fine 考试中涉及到fine罚款的两个场景: (1)交通traffic: break traffic rules, speeding。 (2)图书馆library:过期罚款。Test 1-8A) He is modest.B) He is satisfied.C) He is proud.D) He is upset.W: Jack, how are

29、you doing with your paper?M: Ive written and rewritten it so many times that I wonder when I can finish it.Q: What can we learn about the man?注:1. rewrite 重写,改写 2. upset 从考试痛苦可猜想该选项;modest 从西方文化可直接排除该选项。东西方文化差异:1、西方人不谦虚。一般都self-confidence。2、西方人崇尚个人奋斗。借钱肯定不借;借笔记一般也不成;对钱看的很重,很敏感。3、西方人表达直接。Test 2-1A) T

30、he man wants to go to Los Angeles.B) The man wants to go to San Francisco.C) There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.D) There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?W: Sure, the

31、 next direct flight to Los Angeles is 2 hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco, you can board now.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?注:1. transfer 转机,换车 2. board 登上(交通工具)机场场景:1、票已售完。2、接人晚点。3、送人伤感。机场线索词:airplane 飞机;flight 航班;take off 起飞;land 降落;circle 盘旋;wing 机翼,侧面建筑(常用),鸡翅;terminal 候机大厅,终端(常用),终点站Test 2-7A) He had to work overti

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