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1、本科毕业设计加拿大多元文化对教育的影响分析中英文 Abstract: Multicultural education reveals the cognitive awareness of cultural diversity and multiple choices, which enable people to re-examine the motives and ultimate destination of the main stream culture education, and consequently can face up to the limitations of educa

2、tion.Through referring to some foreign writings, multicultural and multiculturalisms concepts are defined. By combined with the description of multicultural educations concept, emphatically elaborated its basic ideas. Then, according to the real of Canada and its historical process, this paper analy

3、ses the reasons for Canadas multicultural learning and summarize Canadas multicultural policy. Finally, the analysis the same point between the Canadian multicultural education and Chinese national cultural education, from the perspectives on confirming multicultural education philosophy, fostering

4、students the cross-cultural skills and structuring cultural connotations with national cultural history, some inspirations can be explored that brings from the Canadian multicultural education to Chinese national education. Key words: Canada; multi-culture; multicultural education; inspirationsIV. 中

5、文摘要: 多元文化教育揭示了人们对文化多样性与文化多元选择的认知,使人们重新审视主流文化教育的动机与归宿,从而正视教育的局限性。本文引用多本国外著作对多元文化、多元文化主义的概念进行了界定,并对多元文化教育概念的发展进行了描述,对其概念进行了界定。着重阐述了多元文化教育的基本理念,其中双语教育是前提,课程设置是关键,教育方法是根本。结合加拿大的现实发展与历史进程,分析了加拿大多元文化学习的原因,并描述了学校及家庭里的多元文化学习、总结了加拿大多元文化的政策和教育。最后,分析了拿大多元文化教育与我国民族文化教育的相同点,并从确定多元文化教育理念、培养学生的跨文化交往能力、按照本民族的文化历史构造

6、民族教育的文化内涵等角度探讨了加拿大多元文化教育对我国民族教育的启示。关键词: 加拿大;多元文化;多元文化教育;启示 1. Induction1.1. Related notions1.1.1. Multi-culture and multiculturalism National culture is one factor of multi-culture composition, the symbol of nation state and the main feature to certify countrys own independent identity. It originate

7、d from a specific ethnic geography, environment and long-term social practice. As a national co-precious spiritual wealth, national culture not only to shape the nations life style, but also to construct the specification of the value of the nation, is the fundamental source of national community co

8、hesion.In the “Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights”,Will Kymlicka believed that cultural provides the possibility for citizens to choose a meaningful life. As a multi-ethnic nation-state, Canada should proceed from freedom and respect the cultural rights of citizens, inclu

9、sive “National citizenship” and “Thin identity” to integrate ethnic nation-state. Nation-state not have to create a unified national culture, but only to ensure that all ethnic groups have the opportunity to maintain a different culture, so that it can ensure that members of all ethnic and cultural

10、identity gain equal protection. Due to the different situation of different cultural groups, truly equal treatment of these minority cultures is to give unequal treatment.Canadian migration tide caused diverse national cultural integration, and made Canadian culture emerged a pattern of multicultura

11、l. According to the explanation of “multi-culture” from the “Canadian Encyclopedia” which edited by James H Marsh, generally, there are three meanings: First, it refers to a racial or cultural heterogeneity characteristics of the society; Second, it was the perception of the concept of equality and

12、respect between ethnic or cultural groups; Third, it was the policies that Canadian federal and provincial government implemented since 1971.Hall considered that the multi-cultural and multiculturalism segment is a useful approach in “Unsettled Multiculturalism”. He thought, multicultural as an adje

13、ctive described the coexistence of many cultures in the social community, and attempted to establish a common life, but it also can retain the original identity social characteristics. While, Multiculturalism tends to refer to those strategies and policies for governance or management differences in

14、 a multicultural society, it is a political ideology.Although scholars disagree, each has focused particularity on, but all actively agrees the core meaning of multiculturalism that respect for differences, giving full rights to minorities, implementing differentiated politics, and advocating the re

15、al democracy, in order to realize the coexistence of multiple.1.1.2. Multicultural education Since the date of submission, Multicultural education as a concept attracted the attention of the multi-ethnic countries. Many countries, from different angles, in different ways to define multicultural educ

16、ation, although have diverse statement, but generally they have the same meaning. Several representative theories are summarized as follows:James Lych, the British multicultural educationist, considered that multicultural education is an reform movement in order to meet the needs of the various mino

17、rity groups or individuals in the culture consciousness and self-evaluation. Its purpose is to help all the different cultures of the ethnic groups to learn how to live harmoniously in multicultural society actively, then to maintain the equilibrium of educational achievement among populations, and

18、based on the promotion of mutual respect and tolerance to consider all national differences.In Japan, the more representative typical opinion thought that, so-called multicultural education is to provide equal education opportunities for the young people of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, e

19、specially those children of the ethnic minorities and immigrants in poor situation. It is the implementary education on the basis of respect for their nation and its cultural identity.American multicultural educator, C James A Banks considered that, multicultural education generally refers in the mu

20、lti-ethnic country, in order to protecting the holders of a wide variety of ethnic and cultural background, in particular their children able to enjoy equal opportunities in education and their national culture and its unique characteristics achieve respect. Whats more, Banks believed that the funda

21、mental goal of multicultural education is: made groups belonging to different cultural, ethnic, social class, can learn to maintain relations so as to achieve peace and co-ordination between symbiotic. However, multicultural education is not just a concept or slogan. To become operable education act

22、ivity, practical education reform must be put forward.The early 1980s, Gollnick (from USA) integrated many scholars point of view and put forward the multicultural education have to: promote cultural diversity of features and value; promote the concept of human rights and respect for social justice

23、and equality of opportunity between individuals; so that everyone has the opportunity to choose life; promote the social become justice and equality of opportunity for all mankind; promote equal distribution of power between the different races. In our country, multicultural education is known as a

24、multi-ethnic cultural education or minority education, mainly from the perspective of cultural background to study national education issues.Since the 1990s, scholars understanding of multicultural education tend to be consistent, comprehensive up, it can be roughly like this expression: multicultur

25、al education should enable all students (not only minority students) known and understand the various cultures in the community, including students own countrys culture, as well as a universal national mainstream culture shared by all ethnic groups. while regardless of gender, race, religion, langua

26、ge, social economic status. Multicultural education must help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to survive in the national mainstream culture, but also helps to develop the ability of students in the national subcultures and other minority subcultures survival needs. Through

27、 multicultural education courses, students can know the social injustice and its causes, and can improve their ability to adapt to different cultural backgrounds are the goals of multicultural education. In short, multicultural education is a “different cultural education”, which treats respect diff

28、erent cultures as the starting point, based on every groups equality, then promoted the mutual understanding between different cultural groups with targets, plans to implement a co- equal.1.2. The theoretical basis of the multicultural education多元文化教育是当代国际流行趋势之一。它揭示了人们对文化多样性与文化多元选择的认知,它是在世界一体化格局中,人们

29、对于保持各自文化的特性,所做出的积极努力的一种结果。维持多样性,尊重差异,各民族有权利积极参与社会各方面的活动,而不必放弃自己独特的认同,是多元文化论倡导的主旨,也是多元文化教育得以产生、发展的理论基点。Multicultural education is one of the contemporary international trends. It reveals peoples awareness on cultural diversity and diverse selections of culture. Whats more, it is a result that human m

30、ade positive effort to maintain their own cultural characteristics In the pattern of world integration. Maintain diversity, respect for differences, each nation has the right to actively participate in social activities, without having to give up their own unique identity, above four aspects are mul

31、ticulturalism advocated keynote多元文化教育思想的理论基础主要由美国的社会民族理论中的文化多元主义理论;文化人类学中的文化传承理论与文化相对主义理论;心理学中的社会学习理论;教育学中的教育机会均等理论所组成。Multicultural education is one of the contemporary international trends. It reveals a diverse selection of cultural diversity and awareness, it is a result in the pattern of world i

32、ntegration, Maintain diversity, respect for differences, each nation has the right to actively participate in social activities, without having to give up their own unique identity,to maintain their own cultural characteristics, made positive efforts. Maintain diversity, respect for differences, eac

33、h nation has the right to actively participate in social activities, without having to give up their own unique identity, multiculturalism advocated keynote, multicultural education is to produce, the development of the theoretical basis points.Theoretical Basis of multicultural education by the theory of mul

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