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1、完整版专四历年非谓语动词汇总情况英语专业四级历年语法试题非谓语动词部分1.The compositions contained so few errors that theteacher got the students one another s papers.仃 EM4-1992-58) BA.correct B. to correct C. correctingD. to be correct ing2.I don t like bills but when I do get them I like them promptly. (TEM4-1992-60) BA.C. to get,t

2、o get, pay ing B. gett ing, to payto pay D. gett ing, pay ing I never regretted his offer, for it was not wheremy in terest lay.仃 EM4-1993-53) DA.not to accept B. not having acceptedC. hav ing not accepted D. not accept ingRegret to do sth. 表示遗憾要做某事; Regret doi ng sth. 表示遗憾做过某事。4. Arriving at the bu

3、s stop, waiting there.(TEM4-1994-52) BA.a lot of people were B. he found a lot ofpeople5.regular trai ning in nursing, she could hardlycope with the work at first. (TEM4-1994-55) Dreceived (TEM4-1994-57) Cthree men climbi ng dow n it. (TEM4-1995-52) Bhav ing bee n throw nhim at o nee. (TEM4-1995-53)

4、 Bto seeseeingRese nt doi ng sth. 怨恨讨厌做某事。9.This missile is designed so that once nothing canbe do ne to retrieve it.仃 EM4-1995-63) AA. fired B. being firedC. they fired D. hav ing fired10. time, he II make a first-class tennis player.(TEM4-1996-42) BA. Havi ng B. Give n C. Givi ng D. Had11.He wasn

5、t asked to take on the chairmanship of thesociety, insufficiently popular with all members.(TEM4-1996-45) DB. was con sidered(TEM4-1996-48) BA. from being beate nC. beati ngA. hav ing con sidered12. In internationalmatches, prestige is so important thatthe only thingthat matters is to avoidC. was be

6、ing consideredD. being consideredB.being beate be beate cause for alarm, the old man went back to hisroom.仃 EM4-1996-51) DA. There was B. Si nee C. Bei ng D. Therebeing14. , he can now only watch it on TV at home.(TEM4-1998-45) CA.Obtaining not a ticket for the matchB.Not obtaining a ti

7、cket for the matchC.Not having obtained a ticket for the matchD.Not obtained a ticket for the match15.The Clarks haven t decided yet which hotel (TEM4-1998-49) CA.C. to stay at stay B. is to stayis for stay ing16. eno ugh time and mon ey, the researchers would havebeen able to discover more in

8、this field. (TEM4-1998-51) CA. Givi ng B. To give C. Give n D.Bei nggive n17.The three men tried many times to sneak across theborder into the neighboring country by the policeadvanee in his research in the past years. (TEM4-1999-43)CA.hav ing made B. mak ing C. to have make19.There nothing

9、 more for discussion, the meetingcame to an end half an hour earlier. (TEM4-2000-45) CA. to be B. to have bee n C. being D. be20. at in this way, the present economic situationdoes nt seem so gloomy. (TEM4-2000-51) BA. Look ing B. Looked C. Having lookedD. To look21.Eve n as a girl, to be her life,

10、and theateraudie nces were to be her teachers. (TEM4-2001-42) DA.performi ng by Melissa was known that Melissa s performa nces wereIC.knowing that Melissa s performa nces wereD.Melissa knew that performi ng was22. him tomorrow? (TEM4-2001-43) DA. Why not to call o n B. Why dont call o nC.W

11、hy not to calli ng on D. Why n ot call on23. is not a serious disadva ntage in life.(TEM4-2001 -51) DC.Bei ng not tall D. Not being tall24.Agriculture is the country s chief source of wealth,wheat by far the cereal crop. (TEM4-2003-41) DA. is B. bee n C. be D. being25.The opening ceremony is a great

12、 occasion. It isesse ntial for that.仃 EM4-2003-47) AA. for us to be prepared B. that we are preparedC. of us to be prepared D. our being prepared述.Time , the celebration will be held as scheduled.(TEM4-2003-48) BA. permit B. permitti ngC. permitted D. permits固定搭配,time permitti ng = if time permits27

13、. If not with the respect he feels due to him,Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.仃EM4-2004-45) AA. being treatedB. treatedC. be treatedD. hav ing bee n treated爲.The ministeroffinance is believedof imposingnew taxes to raise extra reve nue. (TEM4-2004-48) BA. that is thinking B. to

14、 be thinkingD. to thinkC. that he is to think据说财政部长正在考虑增纳新税来增加额外税收。29. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, the spoilt o nes.仃 EM4-2006-63) AA. not coun ti ng B. not to count C. don t count D.hav ing not coun ted(3. Linda was the experime nt a month ago, but shechanged her mind at the last

15、 minute. (TEM4-2007-54) BA. to start B. to have started C to be have been starting考察过去将来完成时。be to do 表示按计划或安排即将发生的事情或者打算做的事情,其完成时态为 be to have done.problems ofand the young.D. to bet seem so31. It is not uncom mon for therecom munication between the old(TEM4-2007-63) DA. being B. would

16、be C. be32. at in this way, the situati on does ndesperate. (TEM4-2007-64) BA. Look ing B. Looked C. Being looked D.To look(.What does “ Hewisely refused to spend his money mean?(TEM4-2008-59)A. It was wise of him to refuse to spe nd his mon ey.B.He refused to spe nd his money in a wise manner.C.He

17、was short of money and didn t want to buy anything.D.He refused, i n a wise manner, to spe nd his mon ey.B和D句式不同但意思完全相同;由题目意思并不能直接得出 C,我们只知道他拒绝花钱这个动作是明智的,却不知道为何原 因。34. What a nice day! Howabout the three of us a walkin the park nearby? (TEM4-2009-51) CA. to take B. take C. tak ing D. to be taki ng(3

18、5. It seems that she was there at the conference. These ntence mea ns that 仃 EM4-2009-62) CA. she seems to be there at the conferen ce.B.she seemed to be there at the conferen ce.C.she seems to have bee n there at the conferenceD.she seemed to being there at the conferen ce.Seems是现在推测,was表明是对过去的事情的一

19、种推测。所以更改之后依然是“现在推测过去的一件事情” ,因此seems的时态不变,而to have been 表之前的状态。(3. The manpreparing the documents is the firms lawyerhas all the followi ng possible mea nings EXCEPT(TEM4-2009-65) DA.the man who has prepared the documentsB.the man who has bee n prepari ng the docume ntsC.the man who is preparing the

20、documentsD.the man who will prepare the documents不定式才是表将来;现在分词表示现在进行的动作或一般的 动作37. should not become a serious disadva ntage inlife and work. (2010,65)A. To be not tall B Not bei ng tallC. Being not tall D Not to be tall(3. In phrase like freezing cold, burning hot or soakingwet, the - ING participle

21、 is used (2011,55)A as a comma nd (命令) B as a con diti on (条件)C for con cessi on (让步) D for emphasis (重点)此处分词作定语39.Facing the board of directors, he didn t deny breaking the agreement. (2013, 51)A him B it C his D its40.Please pardon you. (2014,58) AA. my disturb ing B. disturb ingC. me to disturb D.that I disturb

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