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8年级上Units 9 10.docx

1、8年级上Units 9 10八年级(上) Units 910 教材基础知识梳理 重 点 单 词A.根据首字母提示写单词。 1.available adj.有空的;可获得的 2.catch v及时赶上;接住;抓住 3.invite v邀请 4.accept v接受 5.refuse v拒绝 6.weekday n工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天) 7.preparation n准备;准备工作 8.concert n音乐会;演奏会 9.event_ n大事;公开活动;比赛项目 10.meeting n会议;集会;会面 11.advice n劝告;建议 12.unless conj.除非;如果不 1

2、3.wallet n钱包 14.careless adj.粗心的;不小心的 15.mistake n错误;失误 16.himself pron.他自己 17.solve v解决;解答 v相信;信任 19.else adv.别的;其他的 页 1 第 根据汉语提示写单词。B. 使做好准备;20._prepare_ v 准备好 把 _exam_ n考试21. 流行性感冒;流感22._flu_ n )82题(2019百色 )77题为止 (2019百色23._until_ conj.& prep.到时;直到 悬挂;垂下_hang_ v24. n邀请;请柬25._invitation_

3、回答;答复 26._reply_ v v删除27._delete_ v打印;印刷28._print_ )难过的悲哀的;(令人29._sad_ adj.(令人) )没有;不(做某事30._without_ prep. 惊奇的;感觉意外的_surprised_ adj.31. 日历;日程表_calendar_ n32. 组织;筹备_organize_ v33. 出租汽车;的士_taxi_ n34. )青少年(1319岁的35._teenager_ n 正常的;一般的.36._normal_ adj 无疑;肯定;当adv.37._certainly_ 然;行 .adj发怒的;生气的38._angry

4、_ 善解人意的;体谅人的 39._understanding_ adj. 小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的adj._careful_ 40. 劝告;建议v41._advise_ n经验;经历_experience_ 42. 页 2 第 词 汇 拓 展 准备;准备工作_preparation_ n1.prepare v 有空的同义词)available adj._free_ (2. 及时赶上;接住;抓住过去分词)_caught_ (过去式/3.catch v 邀请;请柬_invitation_ n4.invite v 悲哀;忧伤_sadness_ nsad adj.5. )(做某事_without

5、_(反义词)没有;不6.with prep. )惊奇n& (使7.surprised adj._surprise_ v .令人惊奇的_surprising_ adj n开幕式;落成典礼adj._opening_ v& n会议;集会;会面_meeting_ v n组织;机构;团体_organization_ 10.organize v n劝告;建议_advice_ 11.advise v 正常地;一般地adv.12.normal adj._normally_ 无疑;肯定;当然;行adv.13.certain adj._certainly_ 愤怒地;生气地adv.ang

6、ry adj._angrily_ 14. 善解人意的;体谅人的adj.15.understand v_understanding_ 仔细地v.adj._carefully_ ad16.careful 粗心的;不小心的反义词)_careless_( 粗心地v._carelessly_ ad n解决方案v_solution_ solve 17. .经历_experiences_ pl18.experience n .有经验的_experienced_ adj 重 点 短 语 做准备1._prepare_for_ 为 _go_to_the/a_doctor_ 去看医生2. 患上流感3._have_t

7、he_flu_ 其他时间;别的时间4._another_time_ 闲逛;常去某处5._hang_out_ 前天6._the_day_before_yesterday_ 后天7._the_day_after_tomorrow_ 照料;照顾8._look_after_ _accept_an_invitation_ 接受邀请9. 拒绝_10.turn down_ 去旅行_11.take a trip_ _)分担工作、解决难题 out_(帮助 _look forward to_盼望;期待13. 信、电话等_(hear from_接到某人的)14. _给某人一些建议15.give sb.

8、some advice_ _to oneself_保守秘密keep16. _犯粗心的错误17.make careless mistakes_ 分成两半_in half_18. 页 3 第 重 点 句 型 我没空。1.Im not _available_ Sam _isnt_ leaving _until_ next Wednesday.萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。2?星期一晚上你能和我们出Can you _hang_ _out_ with us on Monday night3 去闲逛吗?My family is_taking_ _a_ _trip_ to Wuhan at the end of

9、 this month to visit 4 ,拜访我的姑姑和姑父。my aunt and uncle.我全家准备在这个月底去武汉旅行lets _have_ a surprise To show _how_ _much_ were going to miss her,5让我们在下周五为了表示我们会有多么想念她,party for her next Friday the 28th. ,给她一个意外惊喜。28号为她举行一个聚会Bring Ms.Steen to the party _without_ _telling_ her so that she can be 6 以便让她感到惊喜。_surp

10、rised_把斯蒂恩女士带来参加聚会而不要告诉她,我盼望着收到你们所有I _look_ _forward_ _to_ _hearing_ from you all.7 人的来信。!假如你去参加youll _have_ _a_ _great_ _time_If you go to the party,8 你会玩得很开心!派对, Can you give me_some_ _advice_?你能给我一些建议吗?9有时候他们Sometimes they _have_ _problems_ _with_ their schoolwork.10 有功课方面的难题。,well certainly feel

11、 worse.除非我们与人交谈_Unless_ we talk to someone,11 否则必然会感觉更糟。他父亲Her dad said he sometimes _made_ _careless_ _mistakes_ himself.12 说他自己有时候也会犯一些粗心的错误。They got her a new wallet and asked her _to_ _be_ _more_ 13 他们给她买了一个新钱包并告诉她要更加小心。_careful_最好不要逃避我们所It is best not to _run_ _away_ _from_ our problems.14 )。面对

12、的问题(困难就像把)(困难Sharing a problem is like _cutting_ it _in_ _half_15分享问题 它一分为二。So youre halfway _to_ _solving_ a problem just by talking to someone about 16 ,你就已经解决了问题的一半!你只要跟人聊聊这个问题it 页 4 第 交 际 用 语 发出、接受和拒绝邀请:?星期六下午你能参加我的聚Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon1 会吗?抱歉。/当然,我愿意去。Sure,Id love to./

13、Sorry, I have to study for a math test. 我必须要为数学考试学习。 谈论结果: 我想我会待在家。I think Ill stay at home.2 你会觉得遗憾。如果你那样做的话,If you do,youll be sorry. ?我们应该让大家带食物来吗?Should we ask people to bring food3.如果我theyll just bring potato chips and chocolate.If we ask people to bring food, 他们将仅仅带来薯片和巧克力。们让大家带食物来的话,?如果他们今天举行

14、派对的话将What will happen if they have the party today4 会发生什么? 将会有一如果他们今天举行的话,If they have it today,half the class wont come. 半的人不来。 语 法 详见第二编P144)might,should)(1.情态动词(can, 引导的条件状语从句2.if 话 题 )Unit 9 Invitations(邀请 )Unit 10 Decision making(做决定 教材重难点讲解 P67) 教材八上邀请( invite v 其常见用法如下:【点拨】 邀请某人inviteinvite s

15、b. invite do sth.邀请某人做某事 sth./地点invite (聚会、某地等邀请某人去 常用作可数名词。常用搭配如下:邀请;请柬”,【拓展】invite的名词形式为invitation意为“ 接受邀请发出/make/accept an invitation 拒绝邀请turn down an invitation 的请柬an invitation to sth. 选择填空。)Harry invited me _ with him when his parents were out of town. 天津中考1.(2019D( )stayed stay B

16、Ato stay Cstaying D 按要求填词。 页 5 第2(2019预测)I wont go to the party unless Im _invited_(邀请) 3Thank you very much for your_invitation_(invite) to your birthday party.Thank you very much for _inviting_(invite) me to your birthday party. accept v接受(教材八上P67) 【辨析】receive与accept 单词 含义 用法 例句 receive 收到; 接到多是只表

17、示客观上收到,礼物、收到实际的东西( from连用信件等);常与He received a present from his best friend yesterday.昨天他从最好的朋友那儿收 到了一份礼物。accept 接受,表示主观上(乐意)接受想(多指接受抽象的东西) 法、表扬、道歉等She offered him a lift and 她请他坐he accepted (it) ,她的车他就领情了。注意:(1)有时用词要视语言习惯而定,而不能简单地认为receive收到,accept接受。如“接受礼物”说成英语是accept a gift,而“接受教育”却是receive an edu

18、cation。 (2)表示“接见;接待”时,要用receive而不用accept。如: She was warmly received.她受到热情接待。 选择填空。 ( B )1.Tinas family are worried about her because they havent _ letters from her for a long time. Aaccepted Breceived Ccollected Dwritten ( D )2.Could you please go to the movies with me tonight? Yes,Id love to,but Iv

19、e _ Peters invitation to a party. Aordered Breceived Csent Daccepted refuse v拒绝(教材八上P67) 【点拨】refuse作动词时,其常见用法有: (1)refuse sth.拒绝某物。如: Amy refused his gift.埃米拒绝了他的礼物。 (2)refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。如: He refused to change his mind.他拒绝改变他的想法。 单词拼写。 1Mary_refused_(拒绝) my invitation to the concert,because sh

20、e had to prepare for an exam. 页 6 第选择填空。 ( C )2.(安全教育题)We should refuse _ online friends because it is too dangerous. Ameet Bmet Cto meet Dmeeting advise v劝告;建议(教材八上P77) 【辨析】advise与suggest 两者都有“建议”的意思,其具体区别如下: 单词 名词形式 用法 advise advice) 不可数(advise sb.(not)to do sth.建议某人(不)做某事 advise doing sth.建议做某事 a

21、dvise sb.about sth.对某人提出关于的建议 advisethat从句虚拟语气:主语(should)动词原形建议某人做某事 suggest suggestion ) (可数suggest sth.(to sb.)(向某人)建议某事 suggest doing sth.建议做某事 suggestthat从句虚拟语气:主语(should)动词原形建议某人做某事 注:suggest作“暗示”讲时,从句中不用虚拟语气。 I advised him to leave that factory.我建议他离开那家工厂。 She suggests going to the movies this

22、 weekend.她建议这周末去看电影。 The doctor advised/suggested (that) my father (should) stop smoking.医生建议我爸爸戒烟。 【拓展】advice为不可数名词,意为“劝告;意见;建议”,其常见搭配如下: a piece of advice一条建议/一个忠告 ask(sb.)for advice (on/about sth.)(向某人)征求 (关于的)意见/建议 give sb.advice on sth.就某事给某人提建议 take/follow ones advice听从某人的劝告/建议 选择填空。 ( D )1.(2

23、019南充中考)Have you ever read the traditional story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain? Yes,our teacher often advises us _ more meaningful traditional books. Areading Breads Cread Dto read 页 7 第( C )2.Miss Gao gave me some _ on how to learn English well. Anews Bsuggestion Cadvice Dmessage 用所给词的适当形式填空。 3The monit

24、or made a good _suggestion_(suggest) at the meeting. 4Ask your teachers _advice_ (advise) on how to prepare for the exam. Oh,but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.噢,但是萨姆直到下周三才离开。(教材八上P66) 【点拨】until在本句中用作介词,意为“直到才”,它还可用作连词,其具体用法如下: 词性 含义及用法 例句 介词 后接表示时间 点的词until表示动作或状态一直延续到 所表示的时间为止I waited until

25、 5:00 pm.我一直等到下午5点钟。 直构成not意为“句型,until所表才until”(动作到到) 示的时间才发生The noise didnt stop until midnight.噪音一直到午夜才停止。 连词 后接时间状语 从句表示某一动作或状用于肯定句中,态一直延续到另一动作或状态出现 之前She lived with her parents until she got married.她与父母住在一起直到结婚为止。 ,用于否定句中构成notuntil意为,“直到句型某一动作到另一动作或才”( 状态出现时才发生)Jim didnt go to bed until he fini

26、shed his homework.吉姆直到完成作业才去睡觉。 注意:(1)until用于肯定句中,一般可译为“直到为止”;此时句子(或主句)的谓语动词通常为延续性动词,如live,wait,last,stay,work,continue等。until用于否定句中时,一般可译为“直到才”;此时句子(或主句)的谓语动词通常为非延续性动词。 (2)until后面的从句中不能用一般将来时,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,即“主将从现”。 选择填空。 ( A )1.(2019定西中考)Never put off _ tomorrow what you can do today. Auntil Bbefo

27、re Cwhen Das ( A )2.(2019云南中考)We dont know the love of our parents _ we become parents ourselves one day. Auntil Bafter Cwhen Dsince If you go to the party,youll have a great time!如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很开心!(教材八上P73) 页 8 第【点拨】if意为“如果”,在本句中引导条件状语从句。句型结构为“If从句(一般现在时)主句(一般将来时、祈使句或含有情态动词)”,时态遵循“主将从现”的原则。如: If it

28、rains tomorrow,well stay at home.如果明天下雨,我们就待在家里。 Please call me if you come to Kunming.如果你到昆明来,请给我打电话。 If you want to attend the party,you shouldnt wear jeans.如果你要出席宴会,就不应该穿牛仔裤。 选择填空。 ( B )1.(2019遂宁中考)If it _ sunny,we _ camping this weekend. Aget;will go Bgets;will go Cgets;go Dwill get;go ( C )2.(2

29、019预测)If it _ tomorrow,we will go to Guilin to enjoy Lijiang(漓江) scenery. Arains Bwont rain Cdoesnt rain Disnt rain Unless we talk to someone,well certainly feel worse.除非我们找人谈谈,否则我们肯定感觉更糟糕。(教材八上P77) 【点拨】unless是从属连词,意为“除非;如果不”,用来引导条件状语从句,相当于ifnot,且时态遵循“主将从现”原则。如: Youll be late unless you go there by taxi.Youll be late if you dont go there by taxi.如果你不乘出租车去那里,你将会迟到。 选择填空。 ( B )1.(2019重庆中考B卷)Lots of people exercise every morning _ bad weather stops them. Aif Bunless Cuntil Dsince (

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