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English Corner Topic英语角口语主题资料汇编.docx

1、English Corner Topic英语角口语主题资料汇编English Corner Topic(英语角口语主题资料汇编) English Corner Topic: Responsibility Wht kind of responsibilities do you hve to your fmily? re those responsibilities bsed on love for your fmily or sense of duty or obligtion? Wht responsibilities do you hve to your neighbors nd your

2、neighborhood? re the qulities tht mke for good neighbor in the city the sme s those in the countryside? Wht kind of responsibilities do you hve to your clssmtes/collegues? Cn you think of time tht clssmte/collegue negtively effected clss/work environment by not fulfilling his/her responsibilities? W

3、ht does it men to be socilly responsible? Wht re your socil responsibilities? How do you know tht those re your responsibilities? re they lerned or did you think of them yourself? English Corner Topic: Relity TV Wht is your fvorite relity tv show? Why do you like tht one better thn the others? Why d

4、o you think relity tv shows hve become so populr in recent yers? Do you think tht drms nd sitcoms hve fllen in populrity? Do you think tht relity tv brings out the best in the prticipnts or the worst? How do you think relity tv shows ffect the people wtching them? If you could prticipte in relity tv

5、 show, which one would you wnt to be on? Do you think you would be the kind of person tht would do nything to win or the nice? kind of prticipnt? English Corner Topic: Thnkfulness Wht five things re you most grteful for in your life? re they tngible things or intngible? Wht person in your life do yo

6、u feel the most grteful to? Why? If someone helps you in big wy, how do you express your grtitude? Do you use words, gifts, tret them to dinner, etc.? If you do something good fo r someone but they don?t express thnkfulness, how do you feel? Should you do something in tht sitution? Is it right to ex

7、pect people to be grteful? English Corner Topic: Love How would you define love? Wht different kinds of love re there? Wht re some different wys to express love? Do you think the wy you receive love nd show love is the sme or different? Do you think tht the people you love know you love them? Wht do

8、 you think bout telling someone, “I love you”? When do you think tht is pproprite? When is it inpproprite? Is it s meningful if you sy it in lnguge tht?s not your ntive lnguge? Why is love importnt? Do you think love is s importnt s movies nd songs imply tht it is? Wht kind of love is most importnt?

9、 English Club Topic: Trust How would you define trust? Is it just feeling? Is it decision? How do you come to trust person? Does building trust require time nd experience with nother person or cn you trust someone s soon s you meet them? re there different levels of trust for different people in you

10、r life? Who in your life do you trust the most? How hs tht person gined or erned your trust? If you found out tht person hd lied to you, would you trust them gin or not? 4.Wht do you think is worse qulity in person- being too trusting or not being trusting enough? In wht wys would life be hrd for bo

11、th of these kinds of people? English Corner Topic: Fme 1. Who is your fvorite fmous person? Why do you like tht person? How did tht person become fmous? 2. Wht different kinds of fme re there? Is the fme person hs for being scientist different thn tht of movie str? Wht?s the difference between fmous

12、? nd infmous? 3. If you could be fmous, wht would you like to be known for? Do you think you would like the life of fmous person? Wht do you think would be hrd bout it? 4. Why do you think so mny people who re fmous end up in scndl? Do you think it?s possible to be fmous nd hve integrity nd good mor

13、ls? Do you know of ny fmous people tht re especilly respected for their good lives? English Corner Topic: Welth 1.Rnk the following in order of importnce to you: ) helth b) fmily c) money d) good reputtion e) eduction. Why did you choose tht order? Is there ny of these tht you could do without? 2.Wh

14、t re the dvntges nd disdvntges of being rich? Do you think the dvntges outweigh the disdvntges or vice vers? 3.Cn person be poor nd hppy? Wht do you think the hrdest prt bout being poor would be for you if you were poor? Wht do you do you think would be the hrdest prt bout being rich? 4.Whose respon

15、sibility do you think is it to tke cre of the poor: their fmily, the government, their neighbors, everyone? English Corner Topic: Music 1.Whts your fvorite kind of music? Wht do you like bout tht style of music? Wht kinds of topics does tht style of music usully tke s for its content? Is there style

16、 of music tht you especilly dislike? Why? 2.Do you like to sing or ply musicl instrument? How often do you go to kroke (k-tv)? Wht do you like/dislike bout kroke? 3.Do you like to listen to different music when you re in different moods? Wht kind of music do you like to listen to when you re sd? Hpp

17、y? Do you think music cn chnge persons mood? 4.Why do you think ll cultures hve music? Wht is the function of music in culture? Wht do you think our world would be like without music? English Corner Topic LifeStory Briefly shre the life story of someone you dmire. Why do you dmire tht person? Wht md

18、e his/her life specil? Tell the highlights of your own life story. Wht mjor events in your life mde you the person you re tody? If you could chnge one circumstnce or event in your life, wht would it be? Why? Crete n ending? to your life story. Wht re some things you wnt to do/ccomplish before you di

19、e? How cn you do/ccomplish those things? English Corner Topic: Drems 1. Do you often remember your drems? Wht?s the most recent drem you cn remember? Did you drem it in color or in blck nd white? 2. Do you ever hve recurring drems? Wht re they bout? Why do you think you drem bout tht specific thing?

20、 re your recurring drems usully good drems or nightmres? 3. If you see certin imge in drem, do you think it hs specific mening? For exmple, if you sw the following things in drem, wht do you think they would men: rod, your middle school, your mom, bird, snd, n open door, drkness, teeth? 4. Hve you e

21、ver dremed something tht cme true in rel life? Do you think it?s possible to know something in drem before it hppens in rel life? Do you think you drem bout tht thing becuse you fer it or is there nother explntion? English Corner Topic: Chnge 1. Wht kinds of chnges in life do you look forwrd to? Wht

22、 kinds of chnges do you not like? Why? 2. Do you feel like you re the kind of person tht esily dpts to chnge or new circumstnces? Cn you give n exmple from your life? If you suddenly found yourself in new city with no friends nd no job, how fst do you think you could dpt? 3. If person does not like

23、chnge or dpt esily, how do you think tht person cn develop the bility to dpt? Wht other qulities does person tht ccepts chnge esily hve? 4. re there dvntges to keeping things the sme? Wht things in your life would you not like to chnge? Wht things bout your country do you think should sty the sme? E

24、nglish Corner Topic: cceptnce 1. How much do you cre bout wht other people think of you? Do you feel like re you re confident or insecure? Do you feel self-conscious most of the time? 2. If you wnt to gin other people?s cceptnce, wht do you think is the best wy to do tht? Should you try to be similr

25、 to them? Should you be yourself? Wht should you do if the people round you don?t ccept you? 3. Do you cre most bout people ccepting you ccording to physicl stndrds, mentl stndrds, emotionl stndrds, per sonlity? If your clssmtes don?t like your personlity, do you think you should try to chnge it? 4

26、.Do you py ttention to fds nd trends? Do you cre bout fshion or technology fds? If you don?t cre bout these things, why? English Corner Topic: Socil Networking 1. Wht forms of socil networking do you use? (, Fcebook, MySpce, Xio Nei) How often do you use them? 2. Wht do you think re the dvntges nd d

27、isdvntges to different socil networks? Do you think one is superior to the others? Do you feel one is prticulrly sfe? 3. Wht do you primrily use these socil networks for? Do you think it?s possible to mintin deep reltionships only through socil networks? 4. How do you think socil networking hs chnge

28、d the wy people do friendships? Do you think the friendships you mke on socil network re s rel s the ones you mke in the other res of your life? English Club Topic: Vmpires 1. Do you think vmpires relly exist? Do you think they ever existed? Why or why not? 2. In your mind, wht do you think vmpire i

29、s like? Hndsome or ugly? Horrible or wonderful? Fscinting or repulsive? 3. In mny plces in different prts of the world nd t different times in history there hve been stories bout vmpires. How do you think so mny plces nd times hve come up with stories bout vmpires? Why do you think people tody re so

30、 fscinted with vmpires? 4. If you hd to choose between dying s humn tomorrow or becoming humn-blood-drinking vmpire tht could live forever, wht would you choose? Why? English Club Topic: Trust 1. How would you define trust? Is it just feeling? Is it decision? 2. How do you come to trust person? Does

31、 trust require time nd experience with nother person or cn you trust someone s soon s you meet them? 3. Who in your life do you trust the most? How hs tht person gined or erned your trust? If you found out tht person hd lied to you, would you trust them gin or not? 4. Do you feel tht you re trustwor

32、thy? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think trustworthiness is chrcteristic you cn develop? English Club Topic: Being Cool 1. Wht does it men to be cool? Wht does it men to be geek/nerd? Is it possible to be both cool nd geek? 2. Do you think the people in your high school thought/think you were/re cool or geek (or both)? 3. Wht socil groups or positions were/re there in your high school? (For exmple, in meric, we hve groups nd positions like

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