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1、四川大学翻译硕士英语2012年翻译硕士英语时间:2012-06-28 21:59 责编:admin 点击: 1353次考试科目: 211翻译硕士英语适用专业:英语口译(MTI)、英语笔译(MTI)(试题共14页)(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上不给分)I. Vocabulary and grammar (30)Multiple choiceDirections: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes

2、 the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1. The forests were very dry because of the dry spell. A. tree line B. explorers C. draft D. drought2. Self-denial is one of their tenets. A. reasons B. doctrines C. renters D. figures3. The Iranians did not see eye to eye with the Americans abou

3、t releasing the hostages. A. view B. scare C. agree D. quarrel4. The most pressing problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources. A. puzzling B. difficult C. terrifying D. urgent5. The firm of Bonnin and Morris in Philadelphia was probably the first American company to manufac

4、ture porcelain. A. silverware B. crystal C. china D. linen6. Children who come from deprived families are frequently poor readers. A. without respect B. without experience C. without funds D. without legs7. They raised a hue and cry just outside the gate. A. surrendered B. built a temporary shelter

5、C. made a great deal of noise D. flew the flag8. Carlo showed us his diagram if the machine. A. insides B. screws C. sketch D. masterpiece9. The beggar solicited passers-by for money. A. requested B. scowled at C. bargained with D. chased10. He took on so much work, he had no time for pleasure. A. a

6、llowed B. increased C. accomplished D. assumed11. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of _reality A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived C. what is conceived to be D. that is being conceived of12. Using many symbols makes _ to put a large amount of information on a si

7、ngle map. A. possible B. it is possible C. it possible D. that possible13. A vacuum tube is a glass tube from which most of the air has been removed, _ an almost complete vacuum. A. creating B. creates C. is creating D. it creates14. Booker T. Washington, acclaimed as a leading educator at the turn

8、of the century, _ of a school that later became the Tuskegee Institute. A. took charge B. taking charge C. charge was taken D. taken charge15. True hibernation takes place only among _ animals. A. whose blood is warm B. blood warm C. warm-blooded D. they have warm blood16. In central Georgia, archae

9、ological evidence indicates that Native Americans first inhabited the area_. A. since thirteen centuries B. thirteen centuries ago C. the previous thirteen centuries D. thirteen centuries were before17. In _, the advent of the telephone, radio, and television has made rapid long-distance communicati

10、on possible. A. one hundred years later B. one hundred years ago C. the one hundred years since D. the last one hundred years18. _, The Yearling, won a Pulitzer Prize. A. Marjorie Rawlings best work was B. Marjorie Rawlings best work C. Her best work was Marjorie Rawlings D. That Marjorie Rawlings b

11、est work19. Abstraction goes into the making of any work of art, _ or not. A. whether the artist being aware of it B. the artist is being aware whether C. whether the artist is aware of it D. the artist is aware whether20. Not until 1931 _ the official anthem of the United States A. “The Star-spangl

12、ed Banner” did become B. when “The Star-spangled Banner” became C. did “The Star-Spangle Banner” become D. became “The Star-spangled Banner”II. Reading comprehension (40)Section 1 Multiple choice (20)Directions: In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions. Read t

13、he passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage AJustice and injustice in criminal adjudication are more than abstract concept; in modern America each term conjures up its own paradigm image. Justice occurs in a somber courtroom where a robber reaches a legal decision. Injustice

14、is a bloodthirsty mob bearing lit torches, intimidating on the doors of the jail desperate to wreak revenge upon the suspected wrongdoer held within. This image of injustice provides many normative insights. One that courts have frequently drawn is that in criminal adjudication emotion is unalterabl

15、y opposed to reason and thus to justice itself. Taking this principle a step farther, courts have urged that the more a legal issue might provoke popular rage, the harder courts must work to insulate the legal decision from emotive influence. The classic example is capital sentencing, an occasion wh

16、ich evokes strong emotions. Here the Supreme Court has worked to ensure that “any decision to impose the death sentence be, and appear to be, based on reason rather than caprice or emotion”. The Court has, over a period of years, undertaken an extensive regulatory project aimed at suppressing emotiv

17、e influence in capital cases by mandating rationalistic ruled to guide sentencing. This insistence upon the injustice of all emotion stems from a misconception of emotion and its influence upon criminal punishment. Although the mob at jail scene illustrates that anger can lead to injustice, it does

18、not support the proposition that all decisions influenced by anger are morally tainted. Anger can be justified and have moral decision making is complex; untangling it involved a close examination of emotion than the law has generally undertaken. This has obvious significance for criminal law as a f

19、orm of social concord. But it is also important or its alleged role as a restraint on power. Criminal law does little or nothing to restrict the efforts of the various professionals now responsible for preventing and reshaping deviant behavior. Rather it is them who have colonized its territory, as

20、in the welfare of the professional authority that legitimates them and because they enter into the enabling role of the state as dispenser of benefits. This is to say nothing of other forms of market and bureaucratic power and social control exercised by groups other than government. Under these con

21、ditions the alleged protections of the criminal law seem premised on a nineteenth century view of the state and society; those interested in the law in the twentieth century must look to the potential of administrative law rather than to criminal law. Either way critical writers would be wasting the

22、ir time here. Whilst there is a lot of truth in this picture of the declining importance of criminal law, it is sensible not to exaggerate its loss of functions. From a critical point of view it would seem to retain a crucial ideological significance as being the form of closet touch with public. It

23、 is hard to credit the idea that these central liberal (bourgeois) notions have been displaced by the newer disciplines and strategies.1.The reason for the insulation of emotions in criminal adjudication is due to_.A. the severity of the possible punishmentB. the social concern for the adjudicationC

24、. the Supreme Court decisionD. the ideal of keeping order2. According to the authors opinion, the origination of the insistence upon the injustice of all emotion is _.A. that emotion is inevitably against reason and justiceB. the misunderstanding of emotion and its influenceC. the courts hard work t

25、o prevent the legal decision from emotive influenceD. that the death sentence was based on reason through suppressing emotive influence3. Regards to the role of anger in adjudication, which statement is INCORRECT?A. Only part of the decisions is influenced by anger, though it can bring biases.B. Tho

26、ugh moral decision-making is complex, anger can be justifiedC. Some decisions influenced by anger can be morally taintedD. Because of anger, moral decision-making is quite complicated4. The declining importance of criminal law is a consequence of _.A. the loss of importance of criminal law and incre

27、ase of interest in government as a benefit dispenserB. the exaggeration of the importance of criminal law and decrease of interest in government affairsC. the new trend in legal studiesD. the new ideas pouring out in the administrative law field5. The review is primarily _. A. dubious B. objective C

28、. partial D. criticalPassage BThe Eskimos believe that a human being is made up of a body, a soul, and a name, and it not complete unless it has all three. This belief has a great effect on the Eskimos daily life and runs like a golden thread through the Eskimo culture. As for the soul of man, the E

29、skimos do not claim to know exactly what it isbut then, who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, the initiator of all activities within a being, and the energy without which life cannot continue. An Eskimos name is believed to have a life of its own. It combines all the good qualiti

30、es and talents of all the persons who have been called by it. One may imagine it as a procession of ancestors stretching into the dim past and surrounding the present bearer of the name with a sort of magic protective aura. Many Eskimos believe that a newborn baby cries because it wants its name and

31、 will not be complete until it gets it. Immediately after a birth the angakok (medicine man) or some wise elders of the tribe gather to name the child. The name that is selected must be the name of someone who has died recently. The choice may in some cases call for much conjuring and soothsaying, a

32、nd in other cases be self-evident. When my son was born, everyone realized that it was his great-grandfather, Mequsaq, who had died a few months before, who had been reborn in him. The newborn infant had a slight squint in the very same eye that old Mequsaq had lost to the cannibals in Baffin Land. This was taken as a sign from the name spirit that the baby should be called Mequsaq.

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