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1、牛津上海版八年级上英语Unit2复习导学案设计无答案八年级上英语U2同步教案一.词汇短语复习1. similar adj. 相像的;类似的(有些方面很像但不是完全一样) 词转: n. _ 类似,相似点【反义词】difference n.差别;差异 短语: _ 与 相类似翻译句子: 我的新大衣和你的那件相似。_- 【近义词】alike adj. 相同的;相似的 【反义词】different adj. 不同的 2. successful adj. 达到目的;成功的;有成效的 例如: The Chinese team got a successful attempt to climb Mount Q

2、omolangma. 中国队成功地登上了珠穆朗玛峰。 短语用法:be successful in 在上成功 例如: Jason was quite successful in film making. 贾森在电影制作方面非常成功。【词转】 _ n. 成功; _ v. 成功; _ adv. 顺利地;成功地【反义词】unsuccessful adj. 不成功的;不顺利的3. luckily adv. 幸运地;幸好 例如:Luckily, the police came right away. 幸好警察很快就来了。【反义词】_ adv. 不幸地 【近义词】 fortunately adv. 幸运地【

3、词转】 _ n. 幸运;运气; _ adj. 幸运的; _adj. 不幸的4. popular adj. 受喜爱的;受欢迎的 例如: Football is a popular sport in the UK. 在英国,大家都很喜欢足球运动。【反义词】_ adj. 不受欢迎的 (unpopular) 【同根词】 _ n. 通俗性;普及 (popularity) 【短语】 _ 受的欢迎。例如:This film is_ _ the young people. 这部电影受到年轻人的欢迎。5. responsible adj. having the duty to do something有责任的;

4、负责的;承担义务的 例如: Simon is a responsible boy. 赛蒙是一个有责任感的男孩。 【短语】_ 对负责 be responsible for 翻译:巴士司机要对乘客的乘车安全负责。 _ 【反义词】irresponsible adj. 不负责任的;不可靠的6. simple adj. 简单的;易于理解的 例: The little boy can do simple problems in arithmetic rmtk. 那个小男孩会做简单的算术题了。 【近义词】_ adj. 容易的 【反义词】_/_ adj. 困难的;艰难的 【词义辨析】simple; easy:

5、simple 所指的“简单”除了表示“不困难的”之外,还可表示“单一的;不复杂不引起麻烦的”,而easy 只表示“不困难的”。例如: He lives a simple life. 他过着简单的生活。 This is an easy book. 这是一本容易读的书。7. achieve v. get, receive, succeed in doing(凭长期努力)达到(某个目的) 例如: The university has achieved all its goals this year. 这所大学已经实现了今年所有的奋斗目标。 He hopes to achieve all his ai

6、ms soon. 他希望尽快实现自己所有的目标。 【词转】achievement n. 成就;功绩 例如: The inventor was rewarded by the Government for his scientific achievements. 这位发明者由于科学上的成就而受到政府的奖励。 【短语】 achieve ones purpose / achieve ones aim 达到目的achieve ones goal 达到目标achieve success 获得成功8. fail vt. not pass an exam or test(及物动词,后可直接接宾语) (考试)

7、不及格;失败 例: He failed his English examination. 他的英语考试不及格。 注意:fail 还有“尽力做某事而未成功”的意思。例如: He never fails to write to his mother every week. 他从来没有忘记每周写信给母亲。 【反义词】pass vt. (考试)及格; succeed v. 获得成功 【同根词】failure n. 失败;不及格 例如: Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。9. attend v. go to, be present出席;参加 例如: Mo

8、re than 200 people attended their wedding. 两百多人参加了他们的婚礼。 【短语】attend school = go to school 上学; attend a lecture 听课;听讲座【词义辨析】 attend; take part in; join 与enter for 这四个词或短语都有“参加”的意思。 1)attend 一般指出席某种正式场合,如参加会议;Leaders from different countries all over the world attended the meeting in Shanghai. 来自世界各国的

9、领导人出席了在上海举行的这次会议。2)take part in 往往指参加某项活动;I will take part in the coming sports meet. 我将参加即将召开的运动会3)join 指加入某一组织或团体;My brother joined the army last year. 我弟弟去年参军了4)enter for 指报名参加某项比赛活动。Simon will enter for the high jump. 西蒙将会报名参加跳高比赛。10. continue v. 持续;继续做 例如: The fighting has been continued for a

10、week. 战斗持续了一星期。 【词组】to be continued 未完待续 【词组辨析】 continue to do something 与 continue doing something 前者指的是做A 这件事的过程中插入了B 这件事,做完B后再继续将A 完成;后者指的是在某件事已经做了一部分的基础上继续做下去,并未有第二件事情的插入。比较: Tom will continue to do his homework after dinner. 汤姆会在晚饭后继续做家庭作业。(吃晚饭是插入事件) Tom will continue doing his homework for ano

11、ther two hours. 汤姆还要做两个小时的作业。(汤姆一直都在做家庭作业) 【同根词】continuous adj. 连续不断的; continuously adv. 连续不断地 本单元词性转换总结: U2词性转换总结1success(n.)成功successful (adj.)成功的successfully (adv.)成功地 succeed (v.) 成功2luck (n.)运气lucky (adj.)幸运的luckily (adv.)幸运地unluckily (adv.)不幸运地3manage (v.)经营;管理manager (n.)经理4account (n.)帐户acco

12、untant (n.)会计5driver (n.)司机drive (v.)驾驶6collect (v.)收藏collection (n.)收藏品7discuss (v.)讨论discussion (n.)讨论8bore (n.)麻烦boring (adj.)令人厌烦的9sell (v.)卖sale (n.)销售10usual (adj.)通常的unusual (adj.)不寻常的usually (adv.)通常本单元短语总结: be similar to 与 相似be different from 与 不同at breakfast 在早餐时 be responsible for 对 负责on

13、the way to 在去的路上make phone call to sb. 打电话给twice a week 一周两次 return to 返回到 one of the top students in Shanghai全上海最好的学生之一 too simple for somebody 对某人来说太简单achieve A grades 获得A等 work in ones business 从事某人的生意;在某人的公司上班fail an exam 考试不及格collect somebody from school 从学校接某人get up 起床put on 穿(戴)上school unifor

14、m 校服 a family business 家族生意;家族企业start the business 开始从事这项生意attend a club 参加兴趣小组have violin lessons 上小提琴课work on 操作in an hour or two 在一两个小时内in ones own car 坐某人自己的小汽车continue doing some thing继续做某事notenough to do something不足以做词汇部分练习: 【随堂小练】Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.1.Beiji

15、ng Olympic Games was wonderful and_. (success)2.It is reported that the life in Fu Shikang is rough and_. (bore)3. Another earthquake hit Sichuan, _it did not cause great sufferings to the local people. (luck)4.The Chinese government took active measures to low the house price, and people expect the

16、se measures will . (work)5.The strawberries from Australia are _ from the ones from Japan. (difference)II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用所给的单词的适当形式完成下列句子)1. Miss Lin is (response) for our class. She is our class teacher.2. The painter got 1,200 from the_ (sell)

17、of his oil painting.3. Her work after dinner is (write) computer games.4. Our girls have (achievement) their goal in music competition - the firstprize for group singing.5.Vincent works as a (manage) in the office.6.It always (raining) here in April.7.Please answer all the questions in the questionn

18、aire_ (honesty).8. _ (she) best subject is P.E. lessons.III. Choose the right words or expressions to complete the sentences.1. It is raining heavily outside. Why not_ your raincoat? (put on/have on)2. Theory comes from practice and (in return/for return) serves practice.3. Everybody should study ha

19、rd and their own happiness and development. (be responsible for/be interested in) 4. The way you look at the problem is mine. (similar with/similar to)5. China has great success in economic construction since 1978. (received/achieved)IV. Choose the right word to complete the sentence. get article re

20、peated popular attend similar1. My brother did not _ marks because he was lazy all the year.2. This T-shirt looks to yours.3. I my new e-mail address so that she could write it down.4. Now chatting on the Net is very_among the young people.5. Our new manager sometimes meetings in other cities.6. Tod

21、ays newspaper has an about the latest policy of estate market in China.【keys】1. successful 2. boring 3. luckily 4. work 5. different 【keys】 1. responsible 2. sale 3. writing 4. achieved 5. manager 6. rains 7. honesty 8. Her【keys】1. put on 2. in return 3. be responsible for 4. similar to 5. achieved【

22、keys】1. get 2. similar 3. repreated 4. popular 5. attends 6. article 3. 重要句型及语法复习 1. a day in the life of Whizz-kid Wendy 天才Wendy生活里的一天 Life (n.) 生活;生命 短语: 在某人的生活中 _ 某人的一生中 _ 挽救某人的生命 _失去生命 _ live Adj. _ (中文) 读音: / / (写出音标) live v. 1) _ 2) _ (中文) 居住在上海_ 过着开心/艰苦的生活_ in ones life all ones life save one

23、s life / lives lose ones life / lives live in Shanghai live a happy / hard life 词义辨析: living alive live lively 2. Wendy must be one of the top students in the city. (1) one of the top students = one of the best / excellent students优等生/优秀生之一 one of+名词复数(谓语用单数) 。之一(2) must be 必定是/在(说话人绝对有把握的肯定推测) cant

24、 be绝不可能是/在(说话人绝对有把握的否定推测)3. Now all of her family work in her business. 现在她家里的人都在她公司上班。We have a family business.We discuss the business over breakfast.(1) business (不可数n.) 生意 (be) on business因公(出差) make a business trip to sp.到出差(旅行)businessman / businessmen businesswoman / businessmen (可数n.) 公司 = c

25、ompany businesses (复数) = companies(2) family (作单数) 家庭 Mr. Black has a big family. (作集体名词,判断为复数概念) 家庭成员 ,家人 His family go to France every year(3) discuss 讨论discuss sth. with sb. = talk about sth. with sb.discussion 讨论have a discussion about sth. With sb.(4) over breakfast = during breakfast在吃早饭期间 “ov

26、er”已学过的其它用法: 在正上方,反义词:under 在正下方A plane is flying over my head. 超过,多于 = more than over half a million games = more than half a million games (50万多) 越过 climb over the fence 爬过篱笆 短语 all over = throughout 遍及,遍布 over there 在那边5. And she is still at school. 她仍然在校学习/读书。still (adv.) 仍然,仍旧 (放在be / 助动词 / 情态动

27、词后,实意动词前,并且still 不能够放在否定词语的后面,也就是说只能说 still not, still hardly 等等)yet (adv.) 仍旧,仍然(通常放在句末,并且放在not后,即not yet)。6. put on my school uniform 穿上我的校服(1) put on (动副短语) 穿/戴上 (动作性短语) put it on 穿上它wear = have on (动副短语) 穿/戴着 (状态性词或短语) 辨析:put on穿上,wear穿着,dress穿着,打扮 in withput on强调穿衣的动作,宾语须是物; 反义词:take offe.g. Yo

28、ud better put on your coat if you want to go out如果想出去最好把衣服穿上。wear表示穿着衣服的状态;e.g. He is wearing a new suit today他今天穿了一套新的西装。dress既可指动作也可指状态,但宾语须是人。e.g. She dresses her child every day她每天都要给孩子穿衣服。In 介词 后跟衣服名词或颜色名词 做定语e.g The girl in yellow is my sisiter.Wear 及物动词 表示穿着的状态 后接穿的东西 用于进行时e.g Many girls are wearing school uniform.With 介词 指状态 只做定语 且只能与手套 眼睛搭配 不与衣服搭配e.g The boy with glasses is my friend. (2) a uniform7. 本文的have用法各异:(1) She has already written several successful computer games. (现完助动词“has”,否定 hasnt written)(2) I have breakfast

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