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1、大学英语病句改写全套改写病句串句串句:错误将两个独立的分句串在一起,不用连词、标点,误将两个句子当成一个句子。类型:1。用一个逗号把两个独立的句子连接起来。2。什么标点符号都没有使用.破句破句:是一组词由于缺少主语或动词无法表达完整意思的错句.只是句子的一个从属部分类型:从属词破句,分词、不定式破句,附加细节句,无主破句.1st: 修改串句:4 ways分成两个句子误 The local tire plant shut down for the holiday everyone had two weeks off.正 The local tire plant shut down for the

2、 holiday. As a result, everyone had two weeks off.误 She didnt feel particularly well she went to bed.正 She didnt feel particularly well. Therefore,she went to bed。误 He tried many times to give up smoking he never managed to。正 He tried many times to give up smoking. However, he never managed to。用连词an

3、d, but, for, or, nor, so, yet连接两个句子,连词之前加逗号。(误)Dont tease the dog you might get bitten.(正) Dont tease the dog, or you might get bitten。用分号连接两个句子1。He tried many times to give up smoking; however, he never managed to.2。The local tire plant shut down for the holiday; as a result, everyone had two weeks

4、 off. 用从属连词把一个分句化为从句,修饰或限定主句After we walked over to the waterfall slowly, we sat down to admire the beauty of the falls.There is no school tomorrow, so they will go on a picnic.最佳方法修改串句首选逗号加并列连词,用于两句之间有逻辑关系的句子;其次选择分号,用于两句中有表示连接关系的副词或副词词组时或后句是前句的说明时;最后考虑句号,用于两句没有逻辑关系或角度表化等情况。 2nd:修改破句:4类类1:从属词破句(误)Sm

5、okers claim the right to smoke in public places。 While nonsmokers claim the right to clean air.(正)Smokers claim the right to smoke in public places while nonsmokers claim the right to clean air.(误)Examinations remain as primitive as ever before。 No matter how advanced our science and technology have

6、 become in this modern society。(正)Examinations remain as primitive as ever before no matter how advanced our science and technology have become in this modern society.(误)After I arrived in Chicago by bus。 I checked into a room。 Then I went to a dinner to get something to eat. (正)After I arrived in C

7、hicago by bus, I checked into a room, and then I went to a dinner to get something to eat。(误)My daughter likes to make paper boats。 Which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath。(正)My daughter likes to make paper boats which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath.(正)My daughter likes to

8、 make paper boats. She floats them in the tub during her nightly bath.类2:分词和不定式破句修改方法(1)让破句与其前或其后的句子连接起来,使语义完整(2)增添主语,把现在分词改成动词的正确形式;(3)把being 改为be的恰当形式;(4)将不定式部分与前面句子连接起来。(误)Starting at the clock on the far wall. I nervously began my speech. I was afraid to look at any of the people in the room。(正)

9、 Starting at the clock on the far wall, I nervously began my speech。 I was afraid to look at any of the people in the room。(误)I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday. Trying to find a garage to repair my car. Eventually I had to have it towed to a garage in another town。(正)I spent almost two

10、 hours on the phone yesterday, trying to find a garage to repair my car. Eventually I had to have it towed to a garage in another town.(误)I plan on working overtime。 To get this job finished。 Otherwise, my boss may get angry with.(正)I plan on working overtime to get this job finished. Otherwise, my

11、boss may get angry with.类3:增加细节引起的破句especially, specially, for example, such as, for instance, like, also, as well as, except, but, besides后接n。时, 不能单独存在,只能是句子的部分。修改方法:(1)与其前面具有完整意义的句子连接起来;(2)增加主语和谓语动词;(3)改动, 使其成为前句的一部分。(误)My aunt likes watching daytime television shows。 Especially old movies and soa

12、p operas。(正)My aunt likes watching daytime television shows, especially old movies and soap operas.(误)Student cheating is still widely practiced. In spite of the fact that the violators get severe punishment once they are caught。(正)Student cheating is still widely practiced in spite of the fact that

13、 the violators get severe punishment once they are caught.(误)He failed a number of courses before he earned his degree. Among them, English, Economics, and General Biology.(正)Among the courses he failed before he earned his degree were English, Economics, and General Biology.(误)Cotton grows well in

14、their county. Particularly in Vanguard Commune。(正)Cotton grows well in their county, particularly in Vanguard Commune. 类4:缺少主语的破句 改正方法为:a。使破句依附于前面的句子b。增加主语(该主语往往是代词,指代前句中的主语)(误)They take an active part in social activities. On holidays, frequently do temporary jobs。(正)They take an active part in soc

15、ial activities, and on holidays, they frequently do temporary jobs。(误)One example of my fathers generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital. And takes along get-well cards with a few dollars folded in them在慰问卡里塞钱(正)One example of my fathers generosity is that he visits sick friends in

16、the hospital and takes along get-well cards with a few dollars folded in the(正)One example of my fathers generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital。 He takes along getwell cards with a few dollars folded in them。(误)Sarah looked with admiration at the stunningly attractive model. And w

17、ondered how the model looked upon waking up in the morning. (正)Sarah looked with admiration at the stunningly attractive model and wondered how the model looked upon waking up in the morning。3rd: 错误平行结构(1)词与词间的平行(名词、形容词、副词、动名词、分词以及不定式等)A wedding anniversary is a celebration of love, trust, partnersh

18、ip, and tolerance.Kate is not only beautiful but also intelligent.Tom works carefully and diligently.Working or resting, she always enjoyed herself。 The soldier preferred to die rather than surrender。(2)词组间的平行:Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.We prefer camping in the open t

19、o playing football in the field。(3)分句间的平行:The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.Take your books out and put them on the desk。He paid more attention to what he ate than to what he wore。(4)句子间的平行:Militarily, Great Britain was shockingly weak in 1941。 Soc

20、ially, however, the country was surprisingly strong。(误)Kate has been a waitress, a nurse and taught school。(正)Kate has been a waitress, a nurse and a teacher。(系列中的每个平行成分都应是名词。)(误)The governor is facing the difficult task of developing industry but how to not destroy the environment。(正)The governor i

21、s facing the difficult task of developing industry but not destroying the environment.(平行成分为动名词短语)(误)Recent movies reflect major improvements in not only photograph but also in editing。(正)Recent movies reflect major improvements not only in photograph but also in editing.(平行成分为动名词短语)(误)In fact, flyi

22、ng is often less dangerous than to drive a car。(正)In fact, flying is often less dangerous than driving a car.(被比较的成分都应为动名词形式(误)Jane is a beautiful and the kindest woman I have never met.(正)Jane is the most beautiful and the kindest woman I have never met.(误)When the weather gets cold, drafty and rai

23、ns a lot, it is especially important to keep your feet wellcovered。(正)When the weather gets cold, drafty and damp, it is especially important to keep your feet wellcovered。(前两项都是形容词,因此第三项不能用动词,必须改为形容词)常用的句子结构有:and, but, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also,both/and, whether/or, although/though/

24、yet, if/then,notbut,would/had ratherthan,preferto,asas/not as (so)as结构不平行的情况有3种:1。并列结构中的不平行省略(误)Most of us lack knowledge or comfort with science。(正)Most of us lack knowledge of or comfort with science。2。比较结构的不平行(误)Mars is nearer to us than Pluto. (正)Mars is nearer to us than to Pluto.( Mars is near

25、er to us than it is to Pluto.)“than”前为句子,后为单个词,所以造成句子的不平衡。在写比较级的句子时,一定要注意 “than”两侧的文法结构是否一致.3。 连词两侧的结构不平行(误)The math teacher not only irritates me by his highpitched voice, but also I began to hate the math class.(正)The math teacher not only irritates me by his highpitched voice, but also makes me h

26、ate the math class.4th: 修饰语错置修饰语错置是因将修饰语与被修饰语之间摆放的位置不恰当(通常是相互之间间隔得太远) :就是移位置Bill yelled at the howling dog in his underwear. Bill,in his underwear,yelled at the howling dog。The final scene unites two characters, who, in the beginning, had hated each other in a beautiful way. The final scene unites i

27、n a beautiful way two characters, who, in the beginning, had hated each other。Alice could see a lot of cars running fast outside through her window. Through her window, Alice could see a lot of cars running fast outside。He gave the rose to the lovely actress that he had bought for his wife。He gave t

28、he rose that he had bought for his wife to the lovely actress.1。像only, just, almost, nearly这样的修饰语时,尽量靠近被修饰语,且一般放在被修饰语前面。2。表示时间,地点,方式的状语从句放在句首3。状语修饰语难以在句中找到恰当的位置时,句首是个好地方。The mayor was able to cut the ribbon and then the band played when someone found scissors。 (动作顺序违反自然规律) When someone found scissor

29、s, the mayor was able to cut the ribbon and then the band played。4。以which或that开头的从句,要跟在被修饰的词后面。The house was in the woods that burned last night。 The house that burned last night was in the woods.5。不要把修饰语放在可以修饰句中两个部分的位置上,以避免模棱两可。People who walk normally are healthier than those who dont. People who

30、walk are normally healthier than those who dont。或Normally, people who walk are healthier than those who dont。5th:悬垂修饰语(误) Opening the cupboard, a skeleton fell out. (正)When I opened the cupboard, a skeleton fell out.(误)Discouraged by low grades, dropping out made sense.(正)Discouraged by low grades,

31、I thought dropping out made sense.(误) When bathing the baby, the water should be warm, not hot。(正)When bathing the baby, you should be sure the water should be warm, not hot。(误) Running along the high way, my ears felt frozen.(正)Running along the high way, I felt as if my ears felt frozen.(2)垂悬动名词:还

32、是找主语(误) Approaching the guard rail (围栏)on Lookout Mountain, a vast expanse of farmland could be seen。(正)When we approached the guard rail on Lookout Mountain, a vast expanse of farmland could be seen.(误)In talking with my students, they told me of their suggestions。(正)When I was talking with my students, they told me of their suggestions。(误)While

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