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选修7Unit 1Living well学案测试版.docx

1、选修7 Unit 1 Living well学案测试版选修7 Unit 1 Living well学案(测试版)一、必备写作词汇 请根据汉语提示完成下列词块或短句。1. _me on my success 祝贺我成功2. _ones post as chairman 辞去主席职务3. take_ food 带足够多的食物4. an _personality 开朗的性格5. the rulesof _ 行为准则6. sufferfrom poor _ 患有近视7. have a _today 今天听写8. recall his_ traveller 回忆他的旅伴9. set up a_ of h

2、is own 他自己开一家公司10. stand ina _ 站成一排11. emergency_ 紧急出口;太平门12. live with_ 有尊严地生活13. make a _of ten pence 获利10便士14. develop anew _ 开发新软件二、识别阅读词汇 写出下列单词的常用汉语意思。1. clumsy_2. architect _3. bench _4. earphone _5. microscope_6. literature _7. abolish _8.certificate _9. parrot _10. tortoise _11. companion _

3、12. lap _13. bowling _14. outwards _15. tank _16. politics _17. community _三、词形变化 在空格处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1. Dont feel sorry for the _ (disability) or make fun of them.2. They are _(ambition) although they are poor.3. Noise pollution can also damage our _ (hear).4. She was _(annoy) with Duncan for forgetti

4、ng to phone.5. Abraham Lincoln abolished _ (slave) in the United States.6. It was so _(noise) that we couldnt hear ourselves speak.7. Wearing apair of shorts and a T-shirt is certainly not _ (suit) for an interview.8. A good diet is _ (benefit) to health.9. We will have _ (hand) robots and computers

5、 to assist us with the boring things.10. Medicine should not be kept where it is _ (access) to children.11. We were surprised by the sudden _ (enter) of their teacher.12. The decision was made in my _ (absent).13. In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger _ (psychology).14. The young wr

6、iter owed his success to his teachers _ (encourage).15. The cabbages were stored in the _ (base).16. She offered me practical _ (assist) with my research.17. _(congratulate) on your excellent exam results!18. After _(graduate), he worked there as a lecturer.19. I hope my suggestions will meet with y

7、our _ (approve).四、短语词块速记 根据汉语提示翻译或完成下列词组、语块或短句。1. _换句话说2. _在很多方面3. _总而言之4. _(口语)(祝你)一切顺利5. _上气不接下气6. _不必担心;没关系7. _闲坐着8. have duties _ rights有权利也有义务9. _new environment适应新的环境10. _the details删掉细节11. _difficulties 遇到困难12._ others 取笑别人13. be suitable _ children适合儿童14. be beneficial _ ones health有益于健康15.

8、beannoyed _ sb about / at sth因某事对某人生气16. gainentry_ the building得以进入大楼17. adapt anovel _ television将小说改编成电视18. have access _ the library可以使用图书馆五、重点句型背诵 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. She isproud _(take) part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps (800 meters) this year.她很自豪今年参加

9、了比赛,并且打破了 800米记录。2. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in _ they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.我想我至少做过十亿次检查了,包括有一次检查,他们从我的腿部切下一块肌肉,放在显微镜下观察。3. Every timeI _(return) after an absence,I felt stupid because I was _ the others.每次缺课回来之后,我就觉得自

10、己很笨,因为我比别人落后。4. I have abusy life with no time _(sit) around feeling sorry for myself.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。5. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live _rich and full a life as you do.接受他们,给他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩,充实美满。六、能力提升 完形填空Just several days ago,a violent storm hit our

11、community.I looked out of the window and witnessed a tree being abused by the 1 wind.The branches bent,and swayed(摇摆) back and forth,thanks to their 2 to avoid breaking.The leaves desperately stuck to the branches because their life 3 the tree.The powerful trunk(树干) which held the tree upright bent

12、slightly 4 from the force in the battle to 5 its position.After the storm had passed,the tree gracefully returned to its 6 position standing tall among the chaos(混乱)It managed to 7 the storm.It didnt look the same as leaves had fallen and the soil had loosened,but what 8 is that the tree won the fig

13、ht for its life.For a long time I couldnt understand why this tree 9 my attention the way it did.As time passed,it became clear that it wasnt just about the tree but about the 10 roots which are deep into the soil providing 11 and nutrition.The roots allow the tree to be able to take a 12 because th

14、ey are there to support it. 13 ,the next time you catch your kids 14 when the job is driving you crazy,when you are underpaid and the 15 is tight,and when the storms of life are blowing,go back to your 16 Life is full of storms.They will make you 17 ,make you sway and even make you lose some leaves,

15、but the 18 your roots are,the stronger you stand.I challenge you to bend but dont break.However hard the wind blows,dont let life 19 you into an uncomfortable position.Your 20 lies in your roots.1A.fierce Bstrange Cunusual Dgentle2A.height Bflexibility Coutline Dweight3A.depended on Banswered for Ci

16、ntended for Dtouched on4A.towards Bover Cbackwards Dinto5. A. achieve B. reach C. establish Dmaintain6.A.current Bfinal Coriginal Dcomfortable7.A.explore Bavoid Covercome Dsurvive8.A.differs Bmatters Cconcerns Dreveals9.A.fixed Bpaid Ccaught Descaped10.A.unseen Bdirty Cobvious Dnew11.A. light B. sur

17、roundings C. sources D. water12A.stand Bfight Cchance Dturning13A.However BStill CThus DBesides14A.misleading Binterpreting Cwithdrawing Dmisbehaving15A.budget Bdeadline Chand Dliving16A.dream Bhome Croots Bbend Cloosen Dstay18A.deeper Bbigger Cmore Dbrighter19A.trick Bforce Clead Dadm

18、it20A.courage Bambition Cvalue Dstrength参考答案一、1. congratulate 2. resign 3. adequate / enough 4. outgoing 5. conduct 6. eyesight 7. dictation 8. fellow 9. firm / company / corporation 10. row (stand in a row =stand in line) 11. exit 12. dignity 13. profit 14. software二、1. clumsy adj.笨拙的2. architect n

19、.建筑师3. bench n.长凳4. earphone n.耳机5. microscope n.显微镜6. literature n.文学(作品);著作7. abolish vt.废除;废止8. certificate n.证书9. parrot n.鹦鹉10. tortoise n.陆龟;龟11. companion n.同伴;伙伴12. lap n.跑道的一圈13. bowling n.保龄球14. outwards adv.向外15. tank n.大容器;缸;大桶16. politics n.政治(学)17. community n.社区;团体;社会三、1. disabled句意为“

20、不要为残疾人难过或嘲笑他们”,表示“残疾人” the disabled (=disabled people),类似的还有the injured(受伤者), the wounded(伤员)等。2. ambitious作表语用形容词,表示“有雄心的;有野心的”。3. hearing在形容词性物主代词our后用名词,表示“听力;听觉”。4. annoyed作表语用形容词,表示“生气的”,be annoyed with sb(对某人生气)是固定搭配。5. slavery句意“林肯废除美国的奴隶制(slavery)”,作宾语用名词。6. noisy 作表语,用形容词,表示“吵闹的,嘈杂的”。7. sui

21、table作表语用形容词,be suitable for(适合,适宜)是固定搭配。8. beneficial作表语用形容词,be beneficial to(有益于)是固定搭配。9. handy在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“方便的,有用的”。10. accessible作表语用形容词,表示“可接近的,可使用的”。where it is accessible to children意为“小孩能拿到的地方”。11. entry在“the+形容词”后用名词,表示“进入”。12. absence在形容词性物主代词my后用名词,表示“缺席;不在某处”。13. psychologically修饰动词gro

22、w用副词,表示“心理上”。14. encouragement在名词的所有格后用名词,表示“鼓励;奖励”。15. basement在the后用名词,表示“地下室”。16. assistance在形容词practical(实际的)后用名词,表示“协助,援助”。17. Congratulations因congratulate是及物动词,其后没有宾语,所以应为名词,表示“祝贺”, congratulation通常要用复数,注意句首大写。18. graduation在介词后作宾语用名词,表示“毕业”。19. approval在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示“赞成;认可”。这类由动词变为名词的还有arri

23、vearrival(抵达;新到达的人或物),survivesurvival (存活;幸存),removeremoval(迁移; 免职; 去除)等。四、1. in other words 2. in many ways 3. all in all / in a word / in brief / in short / to sum up 4. all the best 5. out of breath 6. never mind 7. sit around 8. as well as 9. adapt to 10. cut out 11. meet with 12. make fun of /

24、play a joke on / play a trick on / laugh at / tease 13. for 14. to 15. with 16. to 17. for 18. to五、 have taken 2. which 3. returned; behind 4. to sit 5.as六、【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。主要讲述作者通过观察暴风雨中的树,从而进行联想,由物及人,感悟人生。1. A 根据上文中的Just several days ago, a violent storm hit our community,并与空前的being abused呼应可知,当

25、时风很猛烈(fierce),故选A。2. B 根据上文的and swayed(摇摆) back and forth并结合常识可推知,树因为有一定的柔韧性(flexibility)而不会轻易被吹断。3. A 根据上文的The leaves desperately stuck to the branches并结合常识可推知,树叶依靠(depended on)树而存活,因此其紧紧贴在树枝上面。4. C 结合上文的The powerful trunk(树干) which held the tree upright和常识可推知,树干在强风中轻微后仰,以保持(maintain)姿势,故选C。5. D 参见

26、上题解析。6. C 根据上文的returned可推知,大风过后,树又恢复到原来的(original)姿势,故选C。7. D 根据下文中的the tree won the fight for its life可推知,树在暴风雨中存活(survive)下来。8. B 根据上文中的It didnt look the same as leaves had fallen and the soil had loosened, but可推知,此处表示重要(matter)的是树在斗争中赢得了胜利,故选B。 9. C 根据上文中的I looked out of the window and witnessed

27、a tree being abused by the wind可推知,暴风雨中的那棵树吸引了作者的注意(catch ones attention)10. A 根据下文which are deep into the soil providing and nutrition并结合常识可知,那看不见(unseen)且深深植根于地下的树根为树提供水源(water)和营养,故选A。11. D 参见上题解析。12. B 与上文中的the tree won the fight for its life呼应可知,此处应表示“斗争,搏斗”,故选B。13. C 根据语境可推知,此处上下文存在逻辑上的因果关系,故选

28、C。14. D 根据语境可推知,此处表示你的孩子们行为不当。15. A 结合上文的when you are underpaid可推知,此处表示预算(budget)紧。16. C 根据上文中的when the storms of life are blowing,并与上文The roots allow the tree to be able to take a because they are there to support it呼应可推知,遇到生活中的暴风雨时,要回归根本(root),故选C。17. B 与上文中的the branches bent, and swayed(摇摆) back and forth,thanks to their 42 to avoid breaking呼应可推知,生活的暴风雨也会让人弯腰(bend)、摇摆。 18. A 与上文中的roots which are deep into the soil呼应可推知,根基越深(deeper),站得越牢固,故选A。 19. B 根据上文的However hard the wind blows可推知,不要让生活迫使(force)你进入难过的境地。 20. D 根据上

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