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1、国际经济学作业答案第七章1Chapter 7 International Factor Movements1Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following differs in its essential analytical framework?(a) International trade in goods(b) International conflict resolution(c) International trade in services(d) International trade in factors of product

2、ion(e) International borrowing and lendingAnswer: B2. The slope of the production function measures(a) the physical increase in output as country grows.(b) the dollar-value increase in output as a country grows.(c) the increase in number of workers as immigration proceeds.(d) the marginal product of

3、 labor.(e) the marginal product of capital.Answer: D3. International free labor mobility will under all circumstances(a) increase total world output.(b) improve the economic welfare of everyone.(c) improve the economic welfare of workers everywhere.(d) improve the economic welfare of landlords (or c

4、apital owners) everywhere.(e) None of the above.Answer: E4. If the world attained a perfect Heckscher-Ohlin model equilibrium with trade, then(a) workers in the labor abundant country would migrate to the capital abundant country.(b) workers in the labor abundant country would wish to migrate to the

5、 capital abundant country.(c) workers in the labor abundant country would have no desire to migrate to the capital abundant country.(d) workers in the capital abundant country would wish to migrate to the labor abundant country.(e) workers in the capital abundant country would migrate to the labor a

6、bundant country.Answer: C5. During the mass migration period of late 19th-early 20th centuries,(a) wages rose in the origin countries and fell in the destination countries.(b) wages fell in the origin countries and rose in the destination countries.(c) wages generally rose faster in the origin count

7、ries.(d) wages generally rose faster in the destination countries.(e) wages generally fell faster in the origin countries.Answer: C6. International borrowing and lending may be interpreted as one form of(a) intermediate trade.(b) inter-temporal trade.(c) trade in services.(d) unrequited internationa

8、l transfers.(e) None of the above.Answer: B7. The relative price of future consumption is(a) the interest rate.(b) unknown at any given time.(c) the real interest rate.(d) the relative interest rate.(e) None of the above.Answer: C8. A country that has a comparative advantage in future production of

9、consumption goods(a) will tend to be an international borrower.(b) will tend to have low real interest rates.(c) will tend to be an international investor or lender.(d) will tend to have good work ethics.(e) None of the above.Answer: A9. A U.S. multinational corporation(a) has a controlling share in

10、 a foreign subsidiary and is not itself foreign controlled.(b) is foreign controlled and has no controlling share in a foreign company.(c) has a controlling share in a foreign subsidiary and may itself be foreign controlled by a foreign company.(d) is a U.S. company whose major markets are outside t

11、he United States.(e) None of the above.Answer: C10. Why a good is produced in two different countries is known as the question of(a) internalization.(b) vertical integration.(c) exploitation.(d) location.(e) None of the above.Answer: D11. Internalization deals with the question(a) why workers prefer

12、 to work indoors(b) internationalization(c) why components are produced by one firm rather than by many.(d) Why a good is produced in two different countries(e) None of the aboveAnswer: C12. The home location of most of the worlds large multinational companies is(a) North America and Europe.(b) Nort

13、h America and Asia.(c) Europe and South America.(d) Europe and Asia.(e) None of the above.Answer: A13. Which of the following best refers to the outright construction or purchase abroad of productive facilities by domestic residents?(a) Foreign direct investment(b) Portfolio Investment(c) Short-term

14、 capital investment.(d) Long-term capital investment(e) None of the above.Answer: A14. Most direct investment in the United States has come from(a) Japan.(b) Canada.(c) Western Europe.(d) South America.(e) Asia.Answer: C15. Most U.S. direct foreign investment occurs in(a) communications.(b) agricult

15、ure.(c) petroleum.(d) manufacturing.(e) None of the above.Answer: D16. Most foreign direct investment in the United States occurs in(a) communications.(b) agriculture.(c) petroleum.(d) manufacturing.(e) None of the above.Answer: D17. Multinational corporations may provide benefits to their home coun

16、tries for the following reasons except which one?(a) Secure raw materials for the source country(b) Allow for exports of products, which involve company-specific trade secrets(c) Allow domestic firms to secure timely deliveries of commodities or products, which do not enjoy a stable or deep market i

17、nternationally(d) Shift home country technology overseas via licensing(e) None of the above.Answer: D18. Trade analysis involving multinational corporations differs from our conventional trade analysis because multinational corporation analysis involves(a) absolute cost differentials rather than com

18、parative cost differentials.(b) the international movement of factor inputs as well as that of finished goods.(c) purely competitive markets rather than imperfectly competitive markets.(d) portfolio investments rather than direct foreign investment.(e) None of the above.Answer: B19. Direct foreign i

19、nvestment may take any of the following forms except(a) investors buying bonds of an existing firm overseas.(b) the creation of a wholly owned business overseas.(c) the takeover of an existing company overseas.(d) the construction of a manufacturing plant overseas.(e) None of the above.Answer: A20.

20、Which of the following could logically explain why foreign direct investment might be attracted to the United States?(a) U.S. wage rates exceeding the productivity of U.S. labor(b) U.S. price ceilings that hold down the price of energy(c) Especially high price/earning ratios associated with the stoc

21、k of U.S. firms(d) Anticipations of future reductions in U.S. non-tariff barriers(e) None of the above.Answer: B21. Multinational corporations(a) increase the transfer of technology between nations.(b) make it harder for nations to foster activities of comparative advantage.(c) always enjoy politica

22、l harmony in host countries in which their subsidiaries operate.(d) require governmental subsidies in order to conduct worldwide operations.(e) None of the above.Answer: A22. American labor unions have recently maintained that U.S. multinational corporations have been(a) exporting American jobs by i

23、nvesting overseas.(b) exporting American jobs by keeping investment in the United States.(c) importing cheap foreign labor by shifting U.S. investment overseas.(d) importing cheap foreign workers by keeping U.S. investment at home.(e) None of the above.Answer: A23. Multinational corporations(a) alwa

24、ys produce primary goods.(b) always produce manufactured goods.(c) always produce services.(d) may produce primary or manufactured goods.(e) None of the above.Answer: D24. _ refers to highly educated and skilled people who migrate from poor developing countries to wealthy industrial countries.(a) Di

25、rect investment(b) Portfolio investment(c) Transfer pricing(d) Brain drain(e) None of the above.Answer: D25. International labor mobility(a) leads to wage convergence by raising wages in destination country and lowering in source country.(b) is in accordance with the specific factors model(c) is in

26、accordance with the Heckscher-Ohlin factor proportions model.(d) leads to wage convergence by raising wages in source and lowering them in destination country.(e) is in accordance with scale economy model.Answer: D26. In theory, labor mobility is(a) a complete complement to trade flows.(b) a partial

27、 complement to trade flows.(c) a complete substitute for trade flows.(d) a partial substitute for trade flows.(e) None of the above.Answer: C27. In practice, international labor mobility is(a) a complete complement to trade flows.(b) a partial complement to trade flows.(c) a complete substitute for

28、trade flows.(d) a partial substitute for trade flows.(e) None of the above.Answer: D28. If one observes that Japan was traditionally a net foreign lender, one could conclude that relative to its international trade and financial partners(a) Japans inter-temporal production possibilities are biased t

29、oward future consumption.(b) Japans inter-temporal production possibilities are larger than that of the other countries.(c) Japans inter-temporal production possibilities are biased toward present consumption.(d) Japans inter-temporal production possibilities are not biased.(e) None of the above.Ans

30、wer: C29. Rapidly growing developing countries tend to be borrowers on the international capital markets. From this information we may surmise that they have a comparative advantage in(a) capital goods.(b) future income.(c) disposable income.(d) consumer goods.(e) present income.Answer: B30. It may

31、be argued that theoretically, international capital movements(a) tend to hurt the donor countries.(b) tend to hurt the recipient countries.(c) tend to hurt labor in donor countries.(d) tend to hurt labor in recipient countries.(e) None of the above.Answer: C31. Transactions between branches of the same multinational corporations account for _ of U.S. imports.(a) one quarter(b) one third(c) one half(d) three quarters(e) allAnswer: C32. The shift of labor-intensive assembly operations from the United States to Mexican ma

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