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本文(全国市级联考word辽宁省凌源市届高三上学期期末考试英语试题有答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、全国市级联考word辽宁省凌源市届高三上学期期末考试英语试题有答案第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。AAmazonAdventurebySyMontgomeryJointheaward-winningauthorSyMontgomeryandthephotographerKeithEllenbogen. Tiny fish, calledpiabas, canhelppreservetheAmazon, itsanimalsandtherichlegacyofit

2、speople. Amazon Adventure is an eye-opening and ultimately hopeful exploration of how humanitys practices are affecting and shaping not only the Amazon, but our entire environment.CosmicCommandosbyChristopherEliopoulosJeremy and Justin are twins, but they are different from each other. Jeremy is a r

3、isk taker; Justin prefers to read, focus, and get all his facts straight before jumping in. But they do have one important thing in common: They both love video games.KatanaatSuperHeroHighbyLisaYeeKatana isnt like most high school students. In addition to training to be a super hero, Katana also fol

4、lows the noble warrior traditions of the Samurai. Now a mysterious presence has given her the responsibility of guarding a hundred ancient Samurai swords but why her and for what purpose? With the help of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Ms. Martian, and some of her other super friends, she intends to find

5、out. Lights, Camera, MiddleSchool!byJenniferL. HolmFor Babymouse, middle school is like a monster movie. You can never be sure whos a friend and whos an enemy, and the halls are filled with mean-girl zombies. They expect everyone to be just like them. But babymouse doesnt want to fit in she wants to

6、 stand out! So she joints the film club to write and direct a sweeping cinematic, epic(电影史诗).1. Whatshouldpeoplecaringfortheenvironmentread?A. AmazonAdventure. B. CosmicCommandos. C. KatanaatSuperHeroHigh. D. Lights, Camera, MiddleSchool. 2. WhatisJeremyandJustinscommonhobby?A. Adventure. B. Reading

7、. C. WatchingTV. D. Videogames. 3. Asahighschoolstudent, howisKatana?A. Modest.B. Curious. C. Particular. D. Diligent.BIn high school I was very shy, content to hang around with my small group of friends and to concentrate on my courses. I was quickly labeled a brain. I did so well that by the end o

8、f senior year I had perfect grades and enough college credits to give up an entire quarter of coursework.But in early June of senior year, the principal called me into his office. He asked me to give a speech at graduation. I gaped(目瞪口呆地凝视)at him, my heart thumping. This was the reward for my hard w

9、ork? I mumbled something and fled the office, blaming my self for staying away from physics, a subject sure to have broken up my perfect record. I finally agreed to a compromise. I would share the honor with five other students. I agreed to introduce my friend Judy, who would then give her own, full

10、-length speech. Graduation day soon arrived, Id been practicing my speech for days, and I had it memorized. The first half hour of the ceremony passed in a blur, and then my moment came. My name was announced. I managed to reach the podium without falling down. I faced my classmates. My voice trembl

11、ed a little, but mostly it was clear and strong. But within seconds, I was done and heading back to my seat. I accomplished something Id never dreamed of I spoke in front of hundreds of people.Although I didnt realize it at the time, the successful completion of that speech gave me the confidence to

12、 participate in class at college, to give verbal reports, and to eventually break free of my shyness. I never would have chosen to give a speech at graduation or ever. But Im glad I did . I no longer hesitate when Im faced with the prospect of doing something I dread. I know it may very well turn ou

13、t to be one of my shining moments.4. Whywasthewritercalledabrain?A. Shewasabookwormallthetime. B. Shewastheheadofhersmallgroup. C. Shewasthemostintelligentstudent. D. Shedidmorecourseworkforgoodgrades. 5. Whatcanweinferfromthesecondparagraph?A. Sheruinedherhealthbystudyinghard. B. Shegottherewardbey

14、ondexpectation. C. Shewasgratefulforgivingaspeech. D. Shewasntgoodatphysicsatschool. 6. Howdidtheauthorfeelatthebeginningofthegraduationspeech?A. Scared. B. Moved.C. Excited. D. Embarrassed7. Whatdidthespeechbringtotheauthoratlast?A. Shehadnothingtofearinlife, B. Shegotridofhersenseofshyness. C. She

15、wonenoughcollegecredits. D. Shedesiredtobecomeaspeaker. CDubai(迪拜)is one of the economically richest places in the world. With its numerous malls, hotels, and beautiful beaches, Dubai has always been a popular holiday destination. This city was visited by around 5 million tourists each year. The gov

16、ernment wanted to increase this number to 15 million. However, Dubai has only 45 miles of coastline, which is nowhere enough for so many people. To solve this problem, an island that looked like a palm tree was built in 2006, and named the Palm Jumeirah.The plan for the island was extraordinary. It

17、was to host several hotels, shopping malls, restaurants, and homes. Although the initial plan was to build the island from concrete(水泥), a decision was taken to create it from sand and gravel(砾石), so as to give it a natural look. To make sure that this project was a success, the best engineers from

18、across the world were employed. Engineers from Holland formed the majority in this group. To begin with, the engineers calculated the strength of storms at sea, and also the expected amount of rise in water levels due to global warming. And then they found that, the proposed location for the island

19、was neither very wide nor deep.One of the difficulties the engineers came across was to put sand on the sea bed to create the breakwater(防浪堤).Finding the right sand for the project was also a daunting task, as the sand from Dubais deserts was too fine. Instead, sand from the sea was used, as it was

20、coarser(粗糙). Once the breakwater was built, construction of the island began.The Palm Island are really impressive in terms of engineering. However, these projects are so large that they may have changed the ecology of the region. Also, an immense amount of money and resources go into maintaining th

21、e islands, which is a major concern at the moment. Only time will tell if building the Palm Islands was actually a good decision.8. WhatdoesParagraph 1 mainlyshowus?A, BeautifulattractionsofDubai, B. ThegeographicalfeaturesofDubai. C. ThepurposesofbuildingthePalmJumeirah, D. Thedifficultyindevelopin

22、gthetourismindustry. 9. Whyweresomechangesmadetotheinitialplanfortheproject?A. Toreducethebuildingcost. B. Togettheislandscompletedsooner. C. Togetthebuildingmaterialsmoreeasily. D. Tomaketheislandlookmorenatural, 10. WhatdoestheunderlinedworddauntinginParagraph4mean?A. meaninglessB. difficultC. Imp

23、assibleD. necessary11. Accordingtothelastparagraph, howistheconstructionofthePalmIslands?A. Profitable.B. Surprising. C. Worrying. D. Unbelievable. DBefore the statue of Liberty was completed and shipped to the United States for assembly(组装), a campaign was organized to raise funds to build the base

24、 on Bedloes Island for the enormous statue. Donations were very slow in coming, and in the early 1880s it appeared that the statue may never actually be assembled in New York. There were even rumors that another city, perhaps Boston, may end up with the statue.One of the fundraisers was to be an art

25、 show. And the poet Emma Lazarus, who was respected in the artistic community in New York City, was asked to write a poem that could be auction(拍卖)to raise funds for the base.Emma Lazarus was a native New Yorker, the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family with roots going back several generations in Ne

26、w York City. Yet she had become very concerned about the suffering of Jewish refugees(难民)in Russia. Lazarus was involved with organizations offering assistance to Jewish refugees who had arrived in America and would need help getting a start in a new country. She was knows to visit Wards Island, whe

27、re newly arrived Jewish refugees from Russia were housed.The writer Constance Cary Harrison asked Lazarus, who was 34 at the time, to write a poem to help raise money for the Statue of Liberty base fund, Lazarus, at first, was not interested in writing something on assignment.Harrison later recalled

28、 that she encouraged Lazarus to change her mind by saying, Think of that gooddess standing on her base down there in the bay , and holding her torch out to those Russian Refugees of yours that you are so fond of visiting at Wards Island.Lazarus reconsidered, and wrote the sonnetThe New Colossus. Thu

29、s in the mind of Lazarus the statue was not symbolic of liberty flowing outward from America, as Bartholdi, the sculptor who created the enormous statue, expected, but rather a symbol of America being a refuge where those oppressed could come to live in liberty.12. WhatwasthepurposeofraisingfundsinN

30、ewYork?A. TobuytheStatueofLiberty, B. TotransporttheStatueofLiberty.C. ToputtogethertheStatueofLiberty. D. TobuildthebaseoftheStatueofLiberty. 13. WhatcanwelearnaboutLazarus?A. ShewasborninRussia. B. ShedidalotinhelpingJewishrefugees.C. ShehatedtheStatueofLibertyatfirst, D. ShemovedtoAmericawithherp

31、arents. 14. WhywasLazarusunwillingtowritethepoem?A. Becauseitwouldbeauctioned. B. BecauseshewasntinNewYorkthen, C. Becauseitwasanassignmentinherview. D. BecauseshewasoccupiedwithworkinRussia. 15. BartholdimeanttheStatueofLibertytobeasymbolof .A. freedomB. shelterC. wealthD. power第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。HowtointerviewforyourdreamjobHer

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