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1、小升初英语完形填空试题精编1含答案2020年小升初英语完形填空试题精编1(含答案)1(2020邳州市)完型填空 Lucy is an American girlShe has a twin sisterThey look (1) They live in Suzhou (2) their parents,Mr King and Mrs KingMr King (3) in a hospitalMrs King is a teacher in our schoolShe teaches (4) EnglishAll of us are (5) to her and she loves us,to

2、o Lucy and Lily (6) a lot of fiendsThey(7) like eating Chinese food very much (8) Sunday morning,they usually go to the shop and help their mother (9) the shopping They often buy a lot of thingsMrs King (10) ,The things in Suzhou are cheap(1)AsameBthe sameCdifferentDthe different(2)AandBwithCalsoDei

3、ther(3)AreadsBwalksCworksDwork(4)AweBherCusDour(5)AstudentsBfamilyCfriendDfriendly(6)AhaveBhasCthere areDhaving(7)AbothBandCourDall(8)AInBAtCOnDWith(9)AdoesBdoingCdoDdid(10)AtalksBspeaksCtalkedDsays2(2020市南区)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案 What do you do at the weekend?Some people like to(1) at home,but ot

4、hers like to go(2) a walk or play soccerMy friend Jack works hard in a factory during the(3) At the weekend,he always(4) the same thingOn Saturday he(5) his car and on(6) he goes to a village by car with his familyHis uncle and aunt have a farm thereIt isnt a(7) one,but theres always(8) to do on a f

5、armThe children help with the animals and give them their(9) Jack and his wife help in the fieldsAt the end of the day,they are all(10) and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal(1)AplayBliveCstay(2)AtoBinCfor(3)AdayBtimeCweekdays(4)AdoesBmakesChas(5)AdrivingBwashesCsells(6)AMondayBSaturdayCSunday(7)AbigB

6、smallChard(8)AlittleBmuchCfar(9)AclothesBballsCfood(10)AfriendlyBhungryClate3(2020中原区)读短文,根据短文内容,选择适当的单词,将短文补充完整 Yesterday was SaturdayIt was sunnyBill (1) at 7:00After breakfast,he went to the forest park (2) his friend JimJim is (3) than BillThey went there by carThere (4) many people in the parkB

7、ill and John (5) a big bikeThey(6) under a big treeThey (7) bread,hamburgers and bananasJim (8) many fish in the waterHe fed(喂养)the fish with breadSo more and more fish(9) to themThey (10) pictures in the afternoonThey had a very good time(1)Agets upBwent to bedCgot up(2)AwithBtoCand(3)AtallBtallerC

8、tallest(4)AwereBwasCare(5)ArideBbyCrode(6)AcampingBwent campingCgo camping(7)AateBeatCeats(8)AseeBsawCsees(9)AswimmingBswamCswims(10)AtookBtakeCtakes4(2020寿光市)阅读短文,选词填空 This is a picture of a streetIn the street we can(1) a food shopThere is much food in the shopLook!Thats Uncle Wang He is(2) a bike

9、The bike is very oldThere are(3) old men at the tableThey are(4) tea,and they are talking happilyThere is a car in the street (5) is in the car?I think its Mr Smart(1)AeatBdrinkCsee(2)ArideBridingClooking(3)AaBanyCsome(4)AdrinkingBeatingCmaking(5)AWhereBWhoCWhose5(2020岚山区)完形填空 Lucy is a clever rabbi

10、t She is going to(1) grandma She puts some carrots in a basket (篮子) Then she leaves home On the way(2) Grandmas house, Lucy meets a bad wolf(狼)Lucy is afraid Suddenly she has an idea She asks, Mr Wolf, are you(3) now? Of course You will be my(4) I saw some meat under a big tree Really? Where is the

11、tree? Lucy tells the wolf the way The wolf feels happy and runs to the tree Lucy runs to grandmas house(5) (1)A lookB visitC watch(2)A ofB inC to(3)A hungryB thirstyC tired(4)A friendB dinnerC toy(5)A quickB slowlyC quickly6(2020淮安)完形填空 Traffic rules in the UK are (1) from those in China When you ar

12、e in the UK, you must (2) very careful in the street because the traffic goes on the (3) You must first look right and then left If there is a red light, the traffic (4) stop When the (5) light is on, the traffic can go In the UK, there are many big buses with two floors You can sit on the (6) floor

13、 You can see the city very (7) Its very interesting(1)A differentB sameC the sameD the different(2)A /B beCareDdo(3)A leftBrightCmiddleDroad(4)AcanBcantC mustD mustnt(5)AredByellowC blueDgreen(6)A oneB twoC firstD second(7)A quietB goodC wellD hot7(2019南山区)完形填空 In England, winter is not very cold an

14、d summer is not very hot There is not a great(1) between summer and winter Do you know (2) ? England has a mild (温暖的) winter and a(3) summer because it is an island country In winter the sea is(4) than the land The winds from the sea bring warm air to England In summer the sea is(5) than the land Th

15、e winds from the sea bring cool air to England The west winds blow over England all the year They blow from the southwest They are wet winds They also bring rain to England all the year So England has (6) rain all the year The west of England is(7) than the east The winds must blow over the highland

16、 in the west They leave more rain here The east of England is drier than the west The four seasons are all three(8) long Winter is in December, January and February Spring lasts from March to May Summer(9) in June and goes on to August Autumn is from(10) to November(1)A differentB reasonC difference

17、D same(2)A whatB whyC whileD how(3)A hotB coldC coolD dry(4)A coolerB drierC colderD warmer(5)A colderB hotterC warmerD cooler(6)A manyB a littleC a lot ofD little(7)A wetterB drierC hotterD colder(8)A daysB weeksC monthsD years(9)A stopsB startsC endsD lasts(10)A SeptemberB JanuaryC NovemberD Decem

18、ber8(2019南山区)As time goes on, all kinds of the new inventions come into our daily life New machines are(1) used all over the world Why are machines so important and necessary (必要的)(2) us? Because they can(3) us do things (4) For example, microwaves can heat water or cook food(5) we used toA washing

19、machine helps us to wash clothes A painting (印刷) machine helps us to print a lot of books, newspapers,magazines and many(6) things(7) Bicycles, car, trains and planes are all machines They help us to travel faster than (8) footThe computer is a wonderful machine It was invented not long ago It (9) s

20、tores information but also counts numbers millions of times as fast as a scientist(10) Lets study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a modern country(1)A widerB more wideC widely(2)A withB ofC for(3)A be helpedB helpC helping(4)A faster and betterB fast and betterC fast an

21、d good(5)A much fast thanB much faster thanC more fast than(6)A othersB the otherC other(7)A quickB quicklyC quicker(8)A onB byC in(9)A not at allB not onlyC both(10)A didBdoC does9(2019龙岗区)根据短文内容,从A B、C D中选择一个正确的选项填空 Mrs Black lived in a city She was very rich and did (1) at home In the evening,she

22、 often watched TV and she never took any (2) , and she was getting fatter and fatter It worried her and she had to see a doctor one day The doctor looked her over(3) and said, Im sorry, madamNobody can help you! Im sure youll (4) in a month! (5) this, the woman was very (6) She got home and didnt wa

23、nt (7) She cried and couldnt sleep all nightAnd a month later she didnt feel well (8) didnt die She became angry and went to the doctors again You said I was going to die, didnt you? said the woman Yes, madam answered the doctor You were(9) , sir! Look! Im here again! But I cured (治愈) you, said the

24、doctorArent you(10) now?(1)A nothingB somethingC anythingD everything(2)A restB houseworkC teamworkD exercise(3)A careB carefulC carefullyD careless(4)A liveB saveC dieD kill(5)A ListeningB HearingC LookingD Watching(6)A angryB happyC gladD sad(7)A eatingB to eatC ateD eats(8)A butB soC becauseD as(

25、9)A rightB greatC wrongD nice(10)A shortB fatterC thinD tall10(2019安庆)完形填空 My name is Mike I am 13 (1) old I go to school (2) Monday to FridayMy (3) day is Monday(4) Monday, I (5) maths, English,music and PE I like PE bestMaths is my first(6) I often answer maths questions In English class, I read m

26、any English stories,and I like to (7) English with my friends I play the piano or sing songs in (8) class In the afternoon, I have PE class I sometimes play football or exercise in the (9) Im not good at (10) , but I like football best(1)A yearB monthsC years (2)A fromB forC with (3)A loveBfavourite

27、C like (4)A AtBOnCIn (5)A haveB hasC do (6)A photoB classC book (7)A sayB talkC speak (8)A ChineseB musicC PE (9)A gymB libraryC kitchen (10)A runB to runC running 11(2019云龙区)完形填空:阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案 It is evening,(1) old cock(公鸡) is (2) in a tall tree A fox comes to the tree and looks at the cock

28、Hello, Mr Cock, I have some good news for you says the fox Oh? says the cock, What is it? All the animals(3) good friends now Lets(4) friends, too Please come down and play(5) me Fine! says the cock, Im very glad to hear thatThen he looks up, Look! There is something over there (6) are you looking at? asks the fox Oh, I see some animals over there(7) coming this way Animals?

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