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1、选词填空U1Aexplore transmit resource emerge yield pose assume confidence inherit comprehensive1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained _ and began to succeed in school.2. It is so difficult to _ the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex _

2、 from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often _ that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reason; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may _ a threat to social stability.6. After a(an) _ physi

3、cal exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural _ and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can _ enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam _

4、 the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to _ to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.Bconfident cultivate potential instinct approach stimulate curiosity assure capacity participate1

5、. By decreasing the tax rate, the government can _ or encourage consumer spending, business transaction and investments.2. Our bodies have greater _ than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.3. One important feature of team sports is that they can _ peoples team spirit and sens

6、e of collective honor.4. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depends mainly upon _.5. She has been saving money in the past two years, so she is _ that in the coming summer she will be able to afford a journey abroad.6. The doctor _ him that his condition was not se

7、rious and he would recover soon after a minor operation.7. Generally, children display great _ about every new thing they see, and they want to find out more about it.8. He was proud of being chosen to _ in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible.9. Though it has met with con

8、siderable enthusiasm, there has been resistance from some parents to this new _ to teaching and learning.10. The room only had a(n) _ for 100 people. However, over 200 enthusiastic students came to listen to the lecture.U2AEmbarrass polish emotional efficiency curb await donation dump stuff historic

9、al1. He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds, and each spring he eagerly _ their return.2. Thanks to the _ of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.3. John believes that the _ of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money.4. Mary was a careful speaker; every w

10、ord seemed to have been _ before it was allowed to escape through her lips.5. When she heard it was snowing in the city they were going to, she _ two more sweaters into her bag.6. During our stay in Europe we visited many places of _ interest, including several castles.7. The wedding ceremony of my

11、sister was a very _ experience for our family.8. He was _ when he discovered that he didnt have enough money to pay for the red wine he had ordered.9. The local government is pressed to find new places to _ waste.10. The new system designed to _ harmful emissions from factories will be put into use

12、soon.BAnticipate suspicious delicate awkward melt immense stretch complain overtake reluctance1. As a tall girl, I feel very uncomfortable and _ in high heels.2. Although we were supposed to finish the project this month, it looks like the work will _ well into the next month.3. It is believed that

13、the driver had lost control over his car while he was _ and running into another car.4. After the quarrel, things became very _ between me and my boss, and as a result I had to give up my job.5. The scientist did not _ that his research result would be put to an entirely different use.6. With five d

14、ays before the opening of the College Student Arts Festival, there is a(n) _ amount of work to be done.7. Hans is a warm-hearted person. When needed, he would show no _ to help others.8. Some older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit _ of any supposed advances.9. During the period of adju

15、stment, the international student tends to _ about everything in the new environment.10. Her anger _ away when she read his letter of apology.U3AResponse transform focus analyze estimate competitive compensate adopt typical regulate1. To make our companies _ in the market, we have to be more creativ

16、e and productive.2. People are beginning to realize that to _ nature at will is the biggest mistake that man has ever made.3. It is difficult to conclude what a(n) _ student does in his spare time because every student has different interests.4. A month ago I wrote to the store complaining about its

17、 bad service, but I havent gotten a(n) _ yet.5. Some of your suggestions have been _, but others have been turned down as they are not workable.6. All of a sudden, he lost his interest in engineering, and _ his attention on learning a foreign language.7. If a company decreases health benefits for it

18、s employees, they should increase salaries to _ the workers.8. I failed to pass the exam although I had worked very hard. I should _ the causes of my failure.9. When you do yoga, try to _ your breathing. Dont breathe too fast and make sure you breathe only through your nose.10. It was difficult to _

19、 how many people had been wounded in the earthquake.BEnable essential neglect positive arouse cease concern decline release schedule1. While professors are talking about economic theories, businesspeople are more _ about profits.2. The police could not prove he had been involved in the crime, so the

20、y had to _ him.3. Keeping a(n) attitude and remaining confident in your ability to get the job is a way to impress any hiring manager.4. If the Internet _ to function, the resulting losses could be measured in tens of billions rather than millions of dollars.5. WTO entry will _ a country to learn fr

21、om the worlds best brains and participate directly in international competition at home.6. There has been a sharp _ in profits this year, so some companies have dismissed many employees.7. It is said that the meeting, which is _ to be held this Friday, will be put off till next month.8. Discipline i

22、s _ to anyone who wants to be successful; we cannot hope to make any progress if we cannot work in an organized way.9. I dont object to your trying to make some pocket money while you are at university, but dont _ your studies.10. We have recently been developing a device which we believe will _ gre

23、at interest among young people.U4AAdvocate involve confine respond subsequent distinct intense fulfill circumstance reconcile1. Fortunately, the accident didnt _ many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.2. She _ her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work.3. Th

24、ey kept on trying their best to develop their business, but in such _ market competition, they had no idea if success would come along one day.4. As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators _ taking up a musical instrument at a young age.5. This rule should be ent

25、irely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any _.6. My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions, _ to questions in class, or talk with other children.7. I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; _ to the receipt of this letter I have neve

26、r heard from him.8. The duties to provide services for children in need are not _ to the local social services department.9. We pray that all nations be _ and that all people around the would live in peace.10. He suggested a small but _ improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.BLean co

27、llapse aspiration reflect abolish ignore identify slippery betray heal1. A heavy flood caused the bridge to _; now, no one can cross the river without boats.2. Susan has been crying a lot since her sister died a year ago; it seems that she could never _ from the heavy loss.3. Its sometimes considere

28、d bad manners to _ on the table while eating, so please be careful not to do so.4. After crying for some time, she looked at her face _ in the mirror, only to find she was such a sad and plain-looking girl.5. I had to hold tightly the handrails along the hall to keep myself from losing my balance on

29、 the _ floor.6. The man phoned the police and later went to the police station to look at photos to _ the robbers.7. The imperial examination system, which started in the Sui Dynasty, was _ in 1905.8. Many smokers choose to _ the fact that smoking is harmful to health and refuse to stop smoking.9. H

30、e no longer had a(n) _ for further education because he thought the costs were too high.10. Although she often seemed quite cold and strict, her smiling eyes _ her true nature.U5ASubstantial annual amateur assemble react furnish distinction contract apparent magnificent1. The _ conference which I attend every year is going to be held in London in January n

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