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本文(广州市 普通高中高考一模英语听说模拟考试答案及评分标准.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广州市 普通高中高考一模英语听说模拟考试答案及评分标准.docx

1、广州市 普通高中高考一模英语听说模拟考试答案及评分标准2011年广州市 普通高中高考一模英语听说模拟考试答案及评分标准(因没有收到正式的高考评分标准,此标准仅限此次评卷使用)Part A 模仿朗读题评分标准(共20分)档次分值语音语调标准分值语速内容标准A10-12发音清晰、准确,语调正确、自然,语流连贯、流畅8按原语速,且内容完整B8-9发音基本准确,语调基本准确,语流尚为连贯6-7基本按原语速,至多漏3个单词C4-7部分音素发音不正确,语调不连贯,语流有不连贯的现象3-5基本按原语速,有漏单词的现象D0-3大部分的音素发音不正确,语调不正确,语流不连贯0-2不能按原语速,漏一个句子或10个

2、以上词原则:先根据表中各档次的评分标准确定考生答案所属档次,然后按该档次的要求做调整,最后给出得分。注意:考生修正、重复个别单词或句子,按最后一次答案进行评价。Part B 角色扮演题评分标准(共16分)评分要素提问 (3小题,每小题2分)回答 (5小题, 每小题2分)分值标 准分值标 准语言1语法、选词正确1不影响信息理解0.5语法、选词基本正确:1. 动词时态和语态;2. 动词的及物性;3. 主谓一致0.5基本不影响信息理解0出现严重的语法、选词错误,导致误解或不能理解所表达的信息:1. 疑问词错误;2. 结构不完整,且意义不连贯0导致不能理解信息信息1基本按照要求传递了信息1按要求传递了

3、信息0.5传递了部分信息0.5基本按要求传递了信息(漏了一、两点次要信息、或添加了无关信息)0不能按要求传递信息0不能按要求传递信息原则:以是否有效交际作为评分的主要参照,提问部分先抓语言结构,再抓关键信息,语言结构基本正确,关键信息齐全时,可考虑给满分;回答部分主要关注信息是否准确,使用简单和完整回答皆可。完整回答时若出现不影响意思表达的语法错误不扣分。回答了部分信息按比例给分,回答的信息与答案毫不相关,刚评零分。注意:允许考生在录音规定时间内,修正答案,按最后一个答案评价。Part C 故事复述题评分标准(共24分)评分要素档次评分标准内容11-12包括了所有要点信息内容。-10包括了大部


5、意义无法理解。流利程度2表述连贯,意群停顿恰当。表述比较连贯,意群停顿较恰当。0表述不连贯,意群停顿不恰当。语音语调发音清晰准确,语调正确,自然,语流连贯,流畅。大部分的音素发音不正确,语调不正确,语流不连贯。原则:采用整体评分法与要素评分法相结合。评分时从内容(完整性)、语言(准确性)、流利程度(连贯性)和语音语调(地道性)四个方面确定考生答案所属档次。内容上主要关注信息的完整、语言上主要关注语法和句子结构、流利性上主要关注连贯与节奏。注意:考生只复述了故事的一小部分内容,按该部分内容所占的大约比例为最高分起评。注意几种情况的处理:1. 出现以下情况评零分:1)一直都有说,但不是在说英语,或

6、一个单词都听不懂的;2)可听到背景声音(有其他考生的声音,但很确定考生本身完全没有出声说的);3)考生乱说一气或背诵一些与考试答案完全无关的内容。2. 若录音中完全没有录到声音的,请及时上报组长,由技术人员处理。3. 若录音声音偏小,但能听清楚内容的,不能因声音小而扣学生的分。听说模拟考试题(文字稿):A卷(2011年1月15日上午使用)Part A Reading AloudOur sense of taste has evolved to guide us to what we need wherever we go. It lets us enjoy a wonderful range

7、of foods, limited only by the preferences were born with, and the occasional dish that poisons us. It takes us right to the edge of whats safe to eat. And theres one food above all others that shows just how far were willing to push those limits. Weve come to a hot chilli-eating competition in the A

8、merican Mid West, to find out just how far the human sense of taste can go. Keeping watch in the audience is Professor Paul Jones, whos spent years studying why we keep coming back for the burn.Part B Role Play情景介绍角色:你是学生任务:(1)和同学谈论报名参加俱乐部的计划。(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。M: Hi, Lucy. Its you. What a surprise

9、to meet you in the club.W: Oh, hi, Billy. I come here to take the modern dancing class. And what about you? Are you a member?M: Not yet. The summer holiday is coming and I want to take some lessons before I travel to Europe in August. So a few of my friends recommended that I join this club. You see

10、m to be doing really well. How long have you been coming here?W: For about six months. I come here every Friday after school. I really love dancing. When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a dancer and giving performances on the stage. Now I am preparing for a dancing contest next month.Task 11) 你是怎

11、么为舞蹈比赛做参赛准备的?W: Well, I mainly just practice really hard. I also like to dance in front of my friends to build up my confidence. Before going to bed, I also listen to the music to get familiar with the rhythm.2) 你喜欢俱乐部里的老师吗?W: Of course, they are all kind and patient. I have made great progress sinc

12、e I came here.3) 我怎样才能成为这个俱乐部的成员呢?W: Err first, you have to fill a form at the reception desk. The teachers will introduce to you some popular courses. If you havent got time now you can call the office for more information on 866 17958. As were students, we will get a 10% discount for our courses.T

13、ask 24)What does Billy plan to do in August?5)What does Lucy study at the club?6)How does Lucy build up her confidence?7)What does Lucy think of the teachers in the club?8)Whats the phone number for more information?Part C Story Retelling梗概:女儿向父亲抱怨生活的艰辛,父亲通过煮熟的马铃薯和鸡蛋的不同,启发女儿如何应对困境。关键词:complain(抱怨)po

14、t(锅)boil(煮、沸腾)react differently(反应不同)difficulty(困难、困境) A daughter complained to her father that her life was difficult and that she didnt know what to do. Her father, a cook, took her to the kitchen. He filled two pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Then he put potatoes in one pot and eg

15、gs in the second. He then let them boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter waited impatiently, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners and took the food out. He asked his daughter what she could see. “Potatoes and eggs,” she replied quickly. Her

16、father then asked her to look closer and touch them. The daughter was still puzzled. The father explained to her that the potatoes and the eggs had each faced the same difficulty - the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. In the boiling water, the strong and hard potato became soft

17、and weak. However, the egg, with only a thin shell to protect it became hard. The father asked his daughter again, “When difficulty knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato or an egg?” The daughter smiled and understood that when faced with difficulty, she should be determined to fi

18、ght back.B卷(2011年1月15日下午使用)Part A Reading AloudTo test how well human beings balance, weve set up a simple test with a suitcase, some weights and a group of volunteers. First the suitcase is filled with around 12 kilos of weight. The volunteers are asked to pick up the suitcase and repeat the moveme

19、nt a few times. Then we take them out of the studio and ask them a question that has nothing to do with the experiment. And while the volunteer is elsewhere we replace the weighted suitcase with an empty one. Because they dont know that a switch has been made they automatically balance themselves fo

20、r a heavy case. So they falter but they dont fall over.Part B Role Play情景介绍:角色:你是一名警察任务:(1)向一名失主了解失窃的情况。(2)根据谈话内容回答另一警察的提问。W: Officer, a man has stolen my car, just around the corner from my little boys school. Its a Honda, a blue one.M: Madam, when did this happen? Where exactly was your car?W: I g

21、uess it was about 3:20 this afternoon. I had just parked the car in the school car park area, thats where I always leave it, and was hurrying into the school playground to find my son and take him home.M: Hm, Madam. Ill give you a crime report number and I will need some more information. Do you min

22、d if I ask you a few more questions?W: Of course not.M: Did you see the person who stole it?W: Mm, only his back.Task 11) 你能把那个小偷描述一下么?W: Umm, well, he seemed quite tall and very thin. He was wearing a blue coat and black jeans. But Im not sure. I couldnt see his face. It all happened very quickly.

23、Less than 10 seconds after I got out, he had stolen the car.2) 他怎么能这么快把车偷走呢?W: You see I was in such a hurry and I I think I forgot to lock the car. I shouldnt have been so careless. But I thought it would be safe in a school car park.3) 能告诉我你的姓名和电话号码吗?M: Elaine Brown. Thats E-l-a-i-n-e, and Brown.

24、And my mobile phone number is 7956-117234.Task 24) Where was the car stolen from?5) What was the lady doing there?6) What did the thief look like?7) Why was the thief able to steal the car quickly?8) What is the ladys phone number?Part C Story Retelling梗概:旅行者的石头汤“秘方”吸引了灾区村民,好奇的村民提供食物作为汤料,每人都喝到了美味的汤。

25、关键词:traveler(旅行者)pot(锅)secret method(秘方)boil(煮、沸腾)contribution(贡献)Once, a terrible disaster hit a village. All the crops died. The villagers were hungry and people had to hide what little food they had so no one else could steal it.One day, a poor traveler arrived in a village. He hadnt eaten for th

26、ree days, and the only thing he had was a cooking pot. He poured some water in the pot and put it on a small fire. When a few villagers asked what he was doing, he replied that he was making a special stone soup using a secret method. He took out an ordinary stone from his pocket and put it in the p

27、ot. As the water boiled, he tasted his soup and said it was delicious, but a bit of salt would make it even better. One curious villager brought him some salt. “How tasty it would be with some oil,” said the traveler. Another man rushed home and brought him some oil. This continued with the traveler

28、 casually asking for some tomatoes, potatoes and a bit of meat. Finally, the whole village was able to enjoy the delicious soup. “The soup smelled so good. It must be that special stone,” they said. But the secret is that life will be better with everyones contribution.A卷参考答案及要点Part B Role Play(接受所有

29、正确的答案)Task 11) How do you prepare for the dancing contest? / What do you do to prepare for the dancing contest?/ 2) How are you preparing for the dancing contest?2) Do you like the teachers in the club / here?3) How can I become a member of this club?/ How can I join?Task 24)He plans to travel to Eu

30、rope./ travel to Europe.5)She studies modern dancing./ Modern dancing.6)By dancing before her friends./ She often dances before her friends./ Dances before her friends.7)She thinks they are all kind and patient./ They are all kind and patient./ Kind and patient.8)Its 866 17958./ 866 17958.模拟A卷 Part

31、B Role Play评分细则题号评分细则1How do (will) you prepare for the dancing contest?/ What do (will) you do to prepare for the dancing contest?/ How are you preparing (What have you done) for ? (2分)语言结构:How/ What you ?关键信息:prepare, (dancing) contestHow to prepare? (1.5分) How you prepare? (1分)How? What? / prepare/ prepare contest (0.5分)2Do you like the teachers in the club?/ You like the teachers, do you? / How do you like your teachers? / What do you think of you

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