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八上M 3练习题.docx

1、八上M 3练习题外研版八年级上册 Module 3 同步测试题I. 将下列形容词转化为副词slow heavy terrible happy busy safe careful good truefast early late II.根据句意和首字母提示写单词。1. Germany will play a Argentina in the World Cup final tonight. 2. If you hurry up, theres still a good c of catching the plane.3. Im p to see you all. Its ten years si

2、nce we graduated from high school.4. Please p me the salt. I cant reach it.5. The c organizes the training of the school team.III.选词填空(注意适当形式)。1. People their favourite player last night.2. Please turn the radio up a bit grandpa can hear it clearly.3. Im sorry for class again.4. The runners are befo

3、re the race.5. We keep reading English novels after class. Our English teacher us. 1. We will play _ the team from the UK. next month.2. _ me the salt, please.3. Lets do some exercise to _ a bit.4. It was _ of me to leave the door open.5. The text is very important. Please read it _ and remember it.

4、 They look so strong. I dont think I winning.pleased, careless, against, well, pity1. Dave is a(n) _ boy. He often makes mistakes in his homework.2. It is a(n) _ that Alice cant come to my birthday party.3. Simon will play _ Bill in this table tennis match.4. Bob and Jack both play football well.Yea

5、h! But I think Bob plays it a little _ than Jack.5. Jason did well this term and his parents were _ with him.cheer on, fan club, warm up, lose to, so that1. Without Tony, I think Green Team will _ Brown Team this time.2. Daming and his brother will go there _ their favourite players.3. When we got t

6、here, we saw all the players _ for the football match.4. Please help me look after my baby _ I can have a break.5. Last month Jackie and his friends started a _.IV.适当形式填空。1. She does her homework (slow).2. I can hear the teacher (clear).3. They (beat) us last year, so we try harder this time.4. Its

7、important (not be) late for after-school practice.5. He often gets up (quick) in the morning.1. Betty can draw Chinese paintings very _(good)2. Today Tom comes to school earlier than _(usually)3. The exam was _(difficult) than I had thought.4. He passed the ball _(quick) to the next.5. The _(hard) y

8、ou work, the greater progress youll make.1. The second question is _ (difficult) than the first one.2. Who studies much _(hard), Cindy or her sister?3. Simon always speaks very _ (quick).4. With this map, you can find Green Hotel very _(easy).5. Everyone thinks Blue Team did _(badly) than Park Team.

9、6. In our school running is _(popular) than many other sports.6Which runs_ (quick), the car or the train?7This story is _, but that story is much _. (excite)8She sings that English song _ (bad), so few people want to listen.9She tried _ (hard) this term than before.V.单项选择。1. Its more difficult _ old

10、 people to learn English.A. for B. to C. of D. with2. She is a _ girl. She does everything _.A. good; good B. well; good C. good; well D. well; well3. Please drive _ when you pass a school. A. nearly B. early C. slowly D. really4. The _ news makes him _.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited C. e

11、xcited; excited D. exciting; exciting5. I always listen to the teacher _ in class.Its very clever of you to do that.A. free B. freely C. careful D. carefully6. Is the maths problem _? Yes, I can work it out _.A. easy; easily B. easy; easy C. easily; easily D. easily; easy7. We are glad to see that D

12、alian is developing _ these years than ever.A. quickly B. more quicker C. more quickly D. less 8. Why was Mrs. Smith angry with Jack? Because he worked _ than the others.A. more carefully B. worse C. better D. more clearly9. I have to leave now _ I can catch the last bus.A. so that B. because of C.

13、until D. as soon as10 What does your father think of your school report this term? The smile on his face shows he is _ what I did in my study.A. worried about B. sorry for C. angry with D. pleased withVI. .完成句子。1. 请安静些!不要在阅览室里大声说话。 , please! in the reading room.2. 我们更加艰苦地训练打棒球,因为我们想要打败他们。We are to p

14、lay baseball because .3. 他起床太晚了,以致上学迟到了。He got up on time.4. 如果你再用功些,通过考试的可能性就更大。You will passing your exams if you .5. 粉丝们围在游泳池周围,给她加油。(gather)_ the swimming pool _.1.课外训练我从不迟到。Im never _ _ after-school training.2. Linda感觉学习汉语更加自信了。Linda _ _ _ to learn Chinese.3.现在队员们训练比以前更加刻苦。The players are _ _ n

15、ow than before.4.昨天几乎没有人去上课。Few people _ _ _ yesterday.5.请你尽可能地早到校。Please arrive at school _ _ _ _ _.6.我们希望进入决赛。We _ _ _ the final match.1.这次我们决定尝试一下不同的东西。(decide to do sth.)_2.晚上独自一人行走有点儿危险。(Its a bit . to .)_3.他为什么停止打篮球?(stop doing)_4.为了保持健康Jim经常早上跑步。(keep fit)_5.你吃健康食品越多,你将感觉越健康。(The ., the .)_五、

16、 完形填空There is a saying, “No sports, no life.” Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay _1_ and get good grades.Everyone in our class _2_ sports. Our favourite _3_ is PE. We only have PE lessons twice a _4_, but we play sports every day. The most _5_ sport in our class is basketball. T

17、he boys enjoy _6_ it, and many of the _7_ like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there are a lot of football fans(球迷) in our class. When the weather is _8_, we often play pingpong outside. We hardly ever(几乎不) play volleyball. We think its _9_. We have a basketball team. Our team often h

18、as friendship matches(比赛) with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to _10_ it. Its very interesting.I am in our school team and we are going to play _11_ another school next week. The practice starts at 10 am. We all _12_ as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.

19、 We are training harder than usual _13_ the other team beat us last year. This year we want to do _14_. I think we have a better chance of winning. Our coach is _15_ because we are playing better as a team now.()1. A. healthy B. cool C. fat D. thin()2. A. hates B. loves C. buys D. has()3. A. food B.

20、 drink C. subject D. fruit()4. A. month B. year C. twice D. week()5. A. dangerous B. popular C. expensive D. difficult()6. A. watching B. playing C. reading D. practising()7. A. kids B. teachers C. girls D. adults()8. A. cloudy B. windy C. fine D. rainy()9. A. boring B. relaxing C. exciting D. inter

21、esting()10. A. watch B. read C. look D. see()11. A. for B. against C. in D. on()12. A. leave B. start C. arrive D. stop()13. A. but B. because C. and D. so()14. A. well B. worse C. good D. better()15. A. interested B. shy C. pleased D. sad.单项选择1.Dont forget to take_umbrella when you go to play_tenni

22、s in the gym. A.a;the;the C.a;/;/2. Ben was helping his mother do the housework when the rain began to beat heavily_the windows. A.across B.through C.except D.against3. If you work harder,youll have another_to play the violin at a concert.A.sleep B.chance C.mistake D.problem4.The_news make

23、s him_.A.excited;exciting B.exciting;excited C.excited;excited D.exciting;exciting5.I like swimming very much. Me, too. I think its more_than any other sport. A.enjoyable B.boring C.tiring D.difficult6.We should listen to the teacher_in class.A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly7.Alex, woul

24、d you mind_down the music? Its too noisy.-Sorry, Dad, Ill do it right away. A.turn B.turning turn8.The Chinese national womens badminton team the Japanese team by 3:1 in India on May 24. A.won B.lost C.beat D.missed9.Polly has been ill for three days but she is a lot_today. B.better C.go

25、od10.She got full marks in the math exam. Her parents were_her.A.satisfied with B.tired of C.worried about11.The fans cheer us on_and Ifeel more confident to win the game.A.politely B.carefully C.slowly D.loudly12.You dont look well. Whats the matter with you? _A.I won the game B.Maybe I have a feve

26、r C.Thats too bad13.I missed the beginning of the TV showSinger.-_!But you can watch it on the Internet.A.What a pity B. That sounds great C.Good luck D.Good idea14.Time is money. -But I think time important as B.more important than C.the most important D. less important as15.I have to

27、 get up at 530am_I can catch te early order to B. because C. as soon as that.完形填空All over the world people enjoy_16_. Sports_17_people to keep healthy, happy, and to live_18_.People play different games in winter and summer._19 _is good for swimming. And in winter people often go skati

28、ng. Some sports are very interesting and people everywhere are interested in them. For example, football is very popular.In China most people, men,20_,boys,and girls, like to watch football games. They often21 _about it. Some people often play football.Running and jumping began long long ago.But basketball and volleyball are rather 22_. People began to play them not long ago. And people start new sports or games all the time.Water skiing is one of 23_.People 24_different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become_25_.16.A.spor

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