1、英语ppt演讲稿开场白英语ppt演讲稿开场白【篇一:英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句】开场白祝贺语: “good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “on behalf of our company id like to welcome you here to .” “thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白: “let me introduce myself. im ulrike huber, managers assistant .” “i am a consultant to .” 引出主题: “th
2、e subject of todays presentation is .” “ill give you an overview of .” “today i want to update you on .” 内容概述: “let me first give you a brief overview.” “ill start off by explaining ., then focus on .” “ill be talking about . first, then move on to .” 英文邀请信范本 (salutation), i would like to invite you
3、 to visit _ for a period of _ (days, weeks or months), beginning on or about _ (date). this visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the _ divisions work on (subject of meetings, workshop, discussions, or research). we will provide you with workspace and other work-r
4、elated support as needed. we understand that you will arrange funding for the remainder of your expenses. if you have any questions about the visit, please contact _ at (tel.) _ or by email _. if you have questions about these requirements, please do not hesitate to contact the individual mentioned
5、above. any questions regarding your immigration status should be addressed to mr. _ from _. 示用例句:id like to begin by telling you about . so that was the background. lets move on to . if you look at this diagram, you can see . that brings me to . to sum up then, . id like to conclude by saying . than
6、k you very much for your attention. if you have any questions, ill be happy to answer them now. despite our pressing need for delivery and a lot of troubles caused to your loading work, at the last minute the _ (products name) has been dispatched successfully. we appreciate so much your intense devo
7、tion to work and the firm stance of bearing clients interest in mind and will understand if you would ask for some compensation accordingly. 催货款的邮件 dear mr. smith, with eyes open widely, we regret not have seen your payment yet. we presume you must have once again overlooked your outstanding account
8、 with us. we for the last time request your immediate payment for _(amount) before _ (date). additional money and extra time if missing the time again! it is for your best to make immediate payment, which we will highly appreciate. 洽谈单价 as we mentioned in our previous quotation, the price is likely
9、to rise. since material price is a very crucial element for our cost accounting, we are compelled to shift this rise to our customers. the price for 33 euro has increased to 33.5 euro, packing charge and freight remaining unchanged. we thank you for your understanding and look forward to having a go
10、od cooperation with you. 开发信 we are marching with big steps towards the best time of the year: christmas with surprises and the new years eve with candle lights and sweet cookies. are you racking your brain to find a special gift for yourself or for your best friend? we give ourselves this opportuni
11、ty to recommend to you a special _ (products name) for the occasion. originating from _ (area), _ (products name) has received market recognition based on its elegant design and confirmed high quality. wish you enjoy the preparation time and gifts of the celebration!在商务信函中常用的提醒付款句式举例: we wish to cal
12、l your attention to the enclosed account which is now past due. we shall appreciate your prompt remittance. 兹随函附上逾期账单,提醒注意。如蒙迅速支付甚为感激。 please consider this letter as a friendly reminder. 谨以此函向贵方做出友好的支付提醒。 although we have sent you many reminders before, you have not reimbursed our bill of _ (date) u
13、ntil today. 尽管多次提醒您付款,您至今对我们_(日期)的账单仍未履行付款义务。 please recall the payment dated _ (date). 我们提醒您_(日期)付款。 we would like to call your special attention to our bill. 我们想提请贵方特别注意我公司的帐单。 客户满意度是我们衡量服务的标准.customers satisfactions are the standard of our service. 我们老板重视质过于量,还看重顾客满意度。 our boss emphasizes quality
14、 over quantity and customer satisfaction. 国际业务部从各方面完善自我,以提高客户满意度。 international business department seeks for improvement wherever we can in order to serve our customers to their entire satisfaction. 将客户满意率从80%提升至85%. increased the rate of customer satisfaction from 80% to 85%. 销售业绩和客户满意度是工作衡量的重要指标。
15、 this job will be measured by sales performance and customer satisfaction level. 我们提供100%顾客满意服务。 we offer 100% customer satisfaction services. 我们的成功取决于客户是否满意。 our success depends on customer satisfaction. 因资金紧张我们不得不放弃原方案。 we have to give up our project for shortage of funds. the point is that we are
16、 short of funds. 问题是我们短缺资金。 our funds are running low. 我们的资金越来越少。 our companys rather pushed for money just now. 现在我们公司的资金相当紧张。 reciprocal outstanding payment and staying higher receivables among enterprises have become a big chronic and stubborn disease in the running of the economy in china, which
17、 intensified the financial strain of enterprises and made many enterprises hardto continue their production and operation. 企业相互拖欠货款,应收帐款居高不下,已成为我国经济运行中的一大顽症,加剧了企业资金紧张的局面,也使不少企业生产经营难以为继。【篇二:英语演讲开场白十大实用句型】 英语演讲开场白十大实用句型 2008-10-26 09:51 1. let me start by thanking. 2. im very pleased to be here. 3. im
18、 very happy to have this opportunity to. 4. i feel great honored to be here. 5. its a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all. 6. we have the great pleasure to have mr.president with us. 7. we are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,. 8. today id like to say something a
19、bout. 9. well, the topic im going to deal with is. 10. im sure everybody is interested in. so i will share with yousome. 类别:english | 添加到搜藏 | 浏览(3361) | 评论 (3) 上一篇:社会生存的75条忠告-胜读十年. 下一篇:手术室 英语演讲开场白与结束语实用句型(2009-04-06 21:27:09) 标签:杂谈开场白 ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:good morning/afternoon
20、/evening. let me start by thanking. 2. 1. im very pleased to be here. im very happy to have this opportunity to. i feel great honored to be here. its a pleasure for me to share my experience with 3. 4. 5. you all. 6. we have the great pleasure to have mr.president with us. 7. we are honored today to
21、 be joined by our distinguished guest,. 8. today id like to say something about. well, the topic im going to deal with is. im sure everybody is interested in. so i will 9. 10. share with yousome. 结束语 thank you very much. that is all. thank you/thanks for your attention. thank you. 英语演讲教程:开场白及引入话题 i.
22、 opening remarks开场: sample opening remarks 1) thank you very much, prof. fawcett, for your very kind introduction. mr. chairman, ladies and gentleman, good morning! i consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about ?on this session of our symposium. 2) ladies and gentleman. its an honor to have
23、 the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. 3) good morning. let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. 4) mr. chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. president, distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentleman, good morning! is my voice loud enou
24、gh? 5) good morning, everyone. i appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. i am here to talk to you about?6) good morning, everyone. i am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. before i start my speech, let me ask you a question. by a show of hands, how many of you own a car?
25、 expressing thanks to the chairperson 向主持人致谢 mr. chairman, thank you for your introduction. first, i would like to thank mr. chairman for his gracious introduction. thank you very much, prof. fawcett, for your very kind introduction. i would like to thank dr. huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me t
26、he privilege to speak to this audience. forms of address and greetings对听众的称呼 distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentleman, good morning! members of the conference! expressing pleasure and honor 向听众致意i am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in hong kong. i am honored/privileged to be here (with you
27、this afternoon). i am proud to be here on this special occasion. its a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference. i consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about ?on this session of our symposium/ at this conference. it is a great pleasure to be given the honor of first
28、speaker on this important topic. others 细节,如确认话筒音量 can you hear me all right? is my voice too loud? reference to the audience 与听众呼应 i can see many of you are from ?department. i know many of you are familiar with this topic. you all look as though youve heard this before.【篇三:经典演讲稿开场白】 经典演讲稿开场白 经典演讲稿
29、 1 师德演讲稿-爱与责任 世上有很多东西,给予他人的同时,自己往往是越来越少,而唯有一样东西却是越给越多。您也许会惊奇地问我:“那是什么呢?”我将毫不迟疑的回答您:“那就是爱!”爱,不是索取,不是等价交换,爱是付出,是自我牺牲。只有在爱的基础上,教师才会投入他的全部力量,才会把他的青春、智慧无怨无悔地献给学生,献给教育事业. 师爱,是教育力量的源泉,是教育成功的基础,是教师的天职与责任。今年4月,我有幸在人民大会堂聆听了方永刚先进事迹报告会,感受到了这位“平民理论家”对学生的爱,对事业的爱。 2006年11月17日,结肠癌手术6小时后,方永刚从麻醉中醒来,第一句话问的是他的研究生:你的毕业论
30、文准备得怎么样了? 随后几天,方永刚又让妻子把自己的3个研究生叫到病房。没有讲台、没有黑板、没有课桌,方永刚坐在病床上给学生们上课。即使不一会儿就脸色发白,汗珠成串往下掉,他也不肯停下来。 做完第二次化疗,方永刚惦记着自己还有几次课没上完,要回去上课。系领导不同意,方永刚急了:“我肚子有问题,但脑子没问题,嘴没问题!如果离开了讲台,我可能真的会倒下。”说着说着他竟然哭了。在人生磨难面前,他没有掉泪;在伤病痛苦面前,他没有掉泪;在死神威胁面前,他也没有掉泪;但因为上不了心爱的讲台,这个顶天立地的男子汉却留下了两行热泪。他的泪水让我们真正明白了什么是教师的品德。 终于,经过再一、再二、再三的请求,
31、2007年1月15日,在第二次和第三次化疗的间隙,方永刚回到离开了两个多月的教室。看到学生们,方永刚眼里闪烁出欣慰和满足,那眼神似乎是说:同学们,我终于又见到你们了! 这堂课,方永刚讲的是新世纪新阶段我军历史使命。 整整军装,开场白只有一句话:只要我还能站着,就要为大家讲课,这是我的使命。 同学们强忍泪水,他们知道,此时此刻,他们的老师恐怕连站着都是一种抗争,一种与生命的抗争。好像这只是一堂普通的政治课,是方永刚无数次授课中最普通的一堂课,依旧是铿锵有力的声音,依旧是幽默风趣的语言,依旧是充满理性的思辩,依旧是入情入理的分析,只是一条白毛巾被他频繁地拿起又放下,手术后的引流管被他掖在了军装里面? 学生们震惊了,这是一个癌症晚期的患者吗?这是一个即将接受第三次化疗的病人吗? 两个小时的大课结束了。任何华丽的乐章也比不过这样一堂课更能触动心灵,任何精彩的语言也会显得苍白无力,同学们用雷鸣般的掌声和充满敬意的目光向方老师敬礼! 什么是使命?共-产-党员的使命是崇高的,军人的使命是伟大的,教师的使命是神圣的,不用多说什么,不用多做什么,方永刚,一名共-产-党员、军人、教师,在癌症晚期的时候往讲台上一站,就是对使命的最好诠
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