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1、TED英语演讲爱情的三大秘诀TED英语演讲:爱情的三大秘诀TED是Technology, Entertainment, Design(科技、娱乐、设计)的缩写,这个会议的宗旨是用思想的力量来改变世界。TED演讲的特点是毫无繁杂冗长的专业讲座,观点响亮,开门见山,种类繁多,看法新颖。而且还是非常好的英语口语听力练习材料,建议坚持学习。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:爱情的三大秘诀,欢迎借鉴参考。演讲者:Hannah Fry演讲稿Today I want to talk to you about the mathematics of love. Now, I think that we c

2、an all agree that mathematicians are famously excellent at finding love.But its not just because of our dashing personalities, superior conversational skills and excellent pencil cases. Its also because weve actually done an awful lot of work into the maths of how to find the perfect partner.今天我想要和大

3、家谈谈关于爱情的数学。 我想大家都 同意数学家在寻找真爱上特别在行。 但那并不是是因为我们精力充沛的性格, 超凡的对话技巧,和极好的笔盒。也是 因为我们真的花了许多时间精力在数学上, 计算如何找到完美的伴侣。Now, in my favorite paper on the subject, which is entitled, Why I Dont Have a Girlfriend -Peter Backus tries to rate his chances of finding love. Now, Peters not a very greedy man. Of all of the

4、available women in the UK, all Peters looking for is somebody who lives near him, somebody in the right age range, somebody with a university degree, somebody hes likely to get on well with, somebody whos likely to be attractive, somebody whos likely to find him attractive.And comes up with an estim

5、ate of 26 women in the whole of the UK.Its not looking very good, is it Peter? Now, just to put that into perspective, thats about 400 times fewer than the best estimates of how many intelligent extraterrestrial life forms there are. And it also gives Peter a 1 in 285,000 chance of bumping into any

6、one of these special ladies on a given night out. Id like to think thats why mathematicians dont really bother going on nights out anymore.现在,在此学科中我最爱的论文,名为 “为什么我没有女友”(笑声) Peter Backus试着计算他寻得真爱的机会。 现在,Peter不是一个非常贪心的人。 在英国所有适宜的女性对象中, 彼得所看的,就只是那个住在他附近的对象, 某个处于适宜的年龄阶段, 某个拥有大学文凭, 某个他很有可能相处地不错的对象, 某个有魅力的

7、女子, 以及某个认为他也富有魅力的对象。 (笑声) 结果他估计在全英国大概有26位此类女性。 这看来很不妙,不是吗,彼得? 我们好好思考一下这件事, 在无数聪明外星生命形式存在的情况下, 那是少于400倍数的估计呀。 那也给了彼得一个 在某晚遇见一个特别的女子 28万5千之1的机会。 我宁愿想就是着那为什么数学家 不再怎么想晚上出去约会了。The thing is that I personally dont subscribe to such a pessimistic view. Because I know, just as well as all of you do, that lov

8、e doesnt really work like that. Human emotion isnt neatly ordered and rational and easily predictable. But I also know that that doesnt mean that mathematics hasnt got something that it can offer us, because, love, as with most of life, is full of patterns and mathematics is, ultimately, all about t

9、he study of patterns. Patterns from predicting the weather to the fluctuations in the stock market, to the movement of the planets or the growth of cities. And if were being honest, none of those things are exactly neatly ordered and easily predictable, either. Because I believe that mathematics is

10、so powerful that it has the potential to offer us a new way of looking at almost anything. Even something as mysterious as love. And so, to try to persuade you of how totally amazing, excellent and relevant mathematics is, I want to give you my top three mathematically verifiable tips for love.重点是,我

11、个人其实并不 同意这种悲观的看法。 因为我知道,如同你们所有所知道的, 爱情并不是这样发生的。 人类的情感不是那样地秩序井然,干净利落,逻辑清晰,以及容易预测。 但我也知道那并不意谓着 数学无法提供帮助, 因为爱情,如同生命中多数的事物一般,充斥着许多规律, 而数学,最终,就是那讲求规律的学说。 从预测天候,到预测股票市场的开高走低, 到星球的运转,或都市的发展。 如果我们对自己诚实的话,上述那些东西,没有一个是 井然有序以及容易预测的。 因为我相信,数学的力量非常强大,以至于它让我们得以以新方法 重新 看待 任何事物。就算是和爱情一般神秘的东西也是。为了试着说服你们 数学的神妙用处, 我想要

12、给大家三个最重要的在数学上可以验证的爱情秘诀。OK, so Top Tip #1: How to win at online dating. So my favorite online dating website is OkCupid, not least because it was started by a group of mathematicians. Now, because theyre mathematicians, they have been collecting data on everybody who uses their site for almost a deca

13、de. And theyve been trying to search for patterns in the way that we talk about ourselves and the way that we interact with each other on an online dating website. And theyve come up with some seriously interesting findings. But my particular favorite is that it turns out that on an online dating we

14、bsite, how attractive you are does not dictate how popular you are, and actually, having people think that youre ugly can work to your advantage.Let me show you how this works. In a thankfully voluntary section of OkCupid, you are allowed to rate how attractive you think people are on a scale betwee

15、n one and five. Now, if we compare this score, the average score, to how many messages a selection of people receive, you can begin to get a sense of how attractiveness links to popularity on an online dating website.好,首先最重要的秘技一: 如何 赢得线上交友的机会。我最爱的线上交友网站是OkCupid(网站名:好吧,丘比特), 这并不 仅仅因为这网站是由一群数学家所架设的。因为

16、他们是数学家, 他们已经搜集了 近乎这十年来所有他们网站使用者的资料。 他们试着电子邮件寻找 我们用英语上 谈论时间和自己的方式的模式, 以及我们和他人互动的模式。 他们发现了一些重要的有趣结果。 但我特别喜欢的结果之一是 在线上交友网站上 你的魅力程度并无法预测你的受欢迎程度, 事实上,让人们觉得你很丑 可以让你拥有优势。 让我向各位展示这是怎么一回事。 在OkCupid的一个愿愿栏目中, 你可以评价人们的魅力值, 从1到5。 现在,如果我们比较这个分数,平均分数, 有多少人收到信息, 你就可以开始理解 在一个线上约会网站上魅力指数与受欢迎程度有关。This is the graph the

17、 OkCupid guys have come up with. And the important thing to notice is that its not totally true that the more attractive you are, the more messages you get. But the question arises then of what is it about people up here who are so much more popular than people down here, even though they have the s

18、ame score of attractiveness? And the reason why is that its not just straightforward looks that are important. So let me try to illustrate their findings with an example. So if you take someone like Portia de Rossi, for example, everybody agrees that Portia de Rossi is a very beautiful woman. Nobody

19、 thinks that shes ugly, but shes not a supermodel, either. If you compare Portia de Rossi to someone like Sarah Jessica Parker, now, a lot of people, myself included, I should say, think that Sarah Jessica Parker is seriously fabulous and possibly one of the most beautiful creatures to have ever hav

20、e walked on the face of the Earth. But some other people, i.e., most of the Internet .seem to think that she looks a bit like a horse.Now, I think that if you ask people how attractive they thought Jessica Parker or Portia de Rossi were, and you ask them to give them a score between one and five I r

21、eckon that theyd average out to have roughly the same score. But the way that people would vote would be very different. So Portias scores would all be clustered around the four because everybody agrees that shes very beautiful, whereas Sarah Jessica Parker completely divides opinion. Thered be a hu

22、ge spread in her scores. And actually its this spread that counts. Its this spread that makes you more popular on an online Internet dating website. So what that means then is that if some people think that youre attractive, youre actually better off having some other people think that youre a massi

23、ve minger. Thats much better than everybody just thinking that youre the cute girl next door.这是OkCupid得到的 图表 。一件重要的值得注意的事是并不是越有魅力的人,收到的信息越多。 问题是,为什么上面的这些人 比下面这些人要受欢迎得多, 即便他们都有相同的魅力值? 原因是,并不是直观的外貌是重要的。 让我来谈谈他们的发现,以一个案例说明。 如果你拿Portia de Rossi为例, 每个人都同意Portia de Rossi是个非常美丽的女人, 没有人觉得她丑,但她也不是超模。 如果你拿某个人

24、,比如莎拉杰西卡帕克(译者注:欲望都市女主角)状语从句:来她比较 许多人,包括我自己,我应该会说, Sarah Jessica Parker魅力极为出众, 有可能是地表上 最美丽的物种之一。 但许多其他人,比如,大多数的网友似乎 都认为她看起来像马。(笑声) 如果你问人们他们觉得自己有多美, 莎拉杰西卡帕克或波蒂亚德罗西 你要他们给自己打分,从1到5, 我猜他们也会大约 。一个和大家都差不多的数字 但是人们投票的方式各自不同。 因此鲍西娅的分数会聚集在4分左右, 因为所有人都同意,她非常美丽, 然而人们对莎拉杰西卡帕克却有截然不同的意见。 她的分差悬殊很大。 然而,事实上,就是那分差别具意义,

25、 那差异让你 在交友网站上受欢迎。 所以那意味着 如果有些人认为你别具魅力, 你最好有其他人认为 你很丑。 那远优于所有人认为 你的英文邻家的女孩可爱。Now, I think this begins to make a bit more sense when you think in terms of the people who are sending these messages. So lets say that you think somebodys attractive, but you suspect that other people wont necessarily be t

26、hat interested. That means theres less competition for you and its an extra incentive for you to get in touch. Whereas compare that to if you think somebody is attractive but you suspect that everybody is going to think theyre attractive. Well, why would you bother humiliating yourself, lets be hone

27、st? But heres where the really interesting part comes. Because when people choose the pictures that they use on an online dating website, they often try to minimize the things that they think some people will find unattractive. The classic example is people who are, perhaps, a little bit overweight

28、deliberately choosing a very cropped photo,or bald men, for example, deliberately choosing pictures where theyre wearing hats. But actually this is the opposite of what you should do if you want to be successful. You should really, instead, play up to whatever it is that makes you different, even if

29、 you think that some people will find it unattractive. Because the people who fancy you are just going to fancy you anyway, and the unimportant losers who dont, well, they only play up to your advantage.当你们开始思考一下这些寄送信息的人的话, 这开始变得合理些了。 这么说吧,假设你认为那个人很美, 但你同时猜想其他人并不会和你有同样的审美观。 那就意味着,你的竞争对手略少, 这就给你增加了额外

30、的动机去与他/她认识。 与之相对的情况是你认为某人很有吸引力, 但你猜想所有其他的人都认为那人很有吸引力, 嗯,让我们面对事实为什么要自取其辱呢呢? 这就是最 有趣 的部分。因为当人们去选择他们在交友网站上使用的照片时,他们总是试图最小化 其他人认为不吸引人之处的可能性。 最经典的例子是,那些体重略重的人 故意选择一个剪裁非常不正的照片, 例如那些秃顶的男士, 故意去选择他们带着帽子的照片。 但你的行为是与你的目标相悖的, 如果你想要在网上交友成功。 你真的应该,去选择让你看起来与众不同的照片, 即便你 为某些人会对此失去兴趣。 因为那些喜欢你的人无论如何都会去喜欢你, 而那些不重要的路人只是

31、渲染你的优势。OK, Top Tip #2: How to pick the perfect partner. So lets imagine then that youre a roaring success on the dating scene. But the question arises of how do you then convert that success into longer-term happiness, and in particular, how do you decide when is the right time to settle down? Now g

32、enerally, its not advisable to just cash in and marry the first person who comes along and shows you any interest at all. But, equally, you dont really want to leave it too long if you want to maximize your chance of long-term happiness. As my favorite author, Jane Austen, puts it, An unmarried woman of seven and twenty can never hope to feel or inspire affection again.(Laughter)Thanks a lot, Jane. What do you know about love?好了,最高秘诀2号:如何选择完美的伴侣。 让我们想象你的约会 精彩成功。 但问题来了你如何将那成功的约会 转变成长期的快乐,尤其是, 你要如何选择在哪个时刻安定下来? 一般来说,并建议人们立刻 与第一个出现 对你表达好感的人结婚。 但是,一般来说,如果你想要最大化你未来数

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