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1、3b快乐英语教案Unit 1 A homeless snail教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 homeless, sail, look for, rock, hill, bear, lose, be careful2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 Where are you going? Why are you crying? How can I get it?3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 homeless, sail, look for, rock, hill, bear, lose, be careful2. 能听懂、会读、会说句

2、子 Where are you going? Why are you crying? How can I get it?3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A. Warm up.B. 课文阅读1.整体感知,了解大意;Listen and point to the correct pictures. 通过整体感知课文内容能够帮助学生快速了解学习内容的大体意思2.初读课文,回答问题;Read the text by yourselves and answer questions.A. 蜗牛分别遇到哪些小动物?B. 蜗牛的房子在哪里?让学

3、生自读课文,初步了解课文内容思考并回答2个基础问题,能进一步帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆并为下一步合作学习打好基础。3.合作阅读,找出知识点。ARead in groups and find the useful expressions.BAsk more questions in groups.4.诵读课文,积累语言。(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for group show.C书后练习1. Look and judge.2. Read and judge. 1) The sn

4、ail loses her house. 2) The “house” is near the water. 3) The“house”is on the rock. 4) The tiger is near the “house”.DConsolidation.Unit 2 A lantern for others教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 lantern, others, dark, slow, hill, because, blind, carry, kind.2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 why do you carry a lantern? Who can help me

5、? 3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 lantern, others, dark, slow, hill, because, blind,carry, kind.2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子why do you carry a lantern? Who can help me? 3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:Step1: Greeting.Step2: Free talk.Step3: Presentation.1.T:Thanks for doing this. We ca

6、n help each other.揭题:Unit2 A lantern for others (板书 )(带领学生学习 lantern 和 others 这两个单词,要求能认,会读 )2. T: First, let s enjoy the story about the pigeon and the ant.(观看视频动画)3. T: Do you like the story?Ss:T: Read the story by yourselves , try to think and find the Chinese meaning. (学生结合书后生词表,朗读并理解课文大概意思)4.Lo

7、ok at the picture and answer the questions.(1) Is it dark(黑暗)? (2) Who has the lantern?Learn the new words: dark lantern5.Read the text and find out the new words.T: You did a good job. How do you know the word :slowS1: S2: T 总结:Reading tips阅读中,遇到生词,我们可以:1. 查生词表。2. 读课文图片,猜词义。3. 询问老师。4. Learn the new

8、 words: others,wait for,slow,because,blind,carry,kind.Underline the new words.5.Try to read them using your own ways.6.The blind can t see the road. Why is he walking with a lantern?Let s talk about.Read :I carry this lantern to help others in the dark.After listening that, what do the man do? The m

9、an: Let me carry your lantern. Be careful. We ll go together.Step4: Consolidation1. Read the story after the tape, one sentence by one sentence.2. Read and judge.a.It is in the moring so the man can t see the road.b.The blind has a lantern in his hand.c.The man with a lantern is blind.d.The man carr

10、ies a lantern for others.d.What do you learn from the story3. Act the story.4.What do you learn from the storyStep5:Consolidation.Unit 3 Hanging a bell on a cat教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 hang, bell, deal with, way, path, smell, neck, move, 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 How can we deal with the cat? Lets having a meeting

11、. Who can hang the bell on the cat? Not me.3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 hang, bell, deal with, way, path, smell, neck, move,2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 How can we deal with the cat? Lets having a meeting . Who can hang the bell on the cat? Not me.3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A.

12、Warm up.B. 课文阅读1.整体感知,了解大意;Listen and point to the correct pictures. 通过整体感知课文内容能够帮助学生快速了解学习内容的大体意思2.初读课文,回答问题;Read the text by yourselves and answer questions.C. 老鼠们想到了几个办法对付猫的?D. 对付猫的最好办法是什么?最后老鼠成功了吗?让学生自读课文,初步了解课文内容思考并回答2个基础问题,能进一步帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆并为下一步合作学习打好基础。3.合作阅读,找出知识点。ARead in groups and find th

13、e useful expressions.BAsk more questions in groups.4.诵读课文,积累语言。(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for group show.C书后练习D. Exercises.Unit 4 The donkey with the lions fur教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 donkey, lion, fur, everybody, scared, fool, shame, like2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 You

14、look worse than usual. What a shame!3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 donkey, lion, fur, everybody, scared, fool, shame, like2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 You look worse than usual. What a shame!3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A. Warm up.B. 课文阅读1.整体感知,了解大意;Listen and point to the correct

15、pictures. 通过整体感知课文内容能够帮助学生快速了解学习内容的大体意思2.初读课文,回答问题;Read the text by yourselves and answer questions.E. 课文中的狮子是真的狮子吗?F. 哪个小动物识破了这个狮子不是真正的狮子?让学生自读课文,初步了解课文内容思考并回答2个基础问题,能进一步帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆并为下一步合作学习打好基础。3.合作阅读,找出知识点。ARead in groups and find the useful expressions.BAsk more questions in groups.4.诵读课文,积累语言

16、。(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for group show.C书后练习Unit 5 The fox and the goat教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 goat, get into, well, get out, of course, climb, back, silly,pull up2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 How can I get into this well?Let me go up climbing on your back.How can I p

17、ull you up?3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 goat, get into, well, get out, of course, climb, back, silly,pull up2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 How can I get into this well?Let me go up climbing on your back.How can I pull you up?3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A. Warm up.T:(简笔画呈现fox和goat)

18、Whats this?Ss:.Teach:goatT:Today well learn a story about the fox and the goat.揭示课题B. 课文阅读1.整体感知,了解大意;Listen and point to the correct pictures. 通过整体感知课文内容能够帮助学生快速了解学习内容的大体意思T:(PPT呈现图片)Whats wrong with the fox?Ss:狐狸掉进了井里。Teach:well,How can I get into this well?2.初读课文,回答问题;Read the text by yourselves

19、and answer questions.A.狐狸最后从井里出来了吗?B.山羊怎么帮助狐狸的?让学生自读课文,初步了解课文内容思考并回答2个基础问题,能进一步帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆并为下一步合作学习打好基础。3.合作阅读,找出知识点。ARead in groups and find the useful expressions.BAsk more questions in groups.4.诵读课文,积累语言。(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for group show.C书

20、后练习读一读,圈出正确的答案。1.The fox/lion falls down into the well.2.The fox/goat wants to drink the water in the well.3.The fox/goat gets out of the well.Unit 6 The grateful mouse教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 angry, repay, mean, forgive, talk about, worry, safe, told2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 Im angry. I will repay you . Please for

21、give me.Dont worry.3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1.能听懂、会读、会说单词 angry, repay, mean, forgive, talk about, worry, safe, told2.能听懂、会读、会说句子 Im angry. I will repay you . Please forgive me.Dont worry.3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A. Warm up.T:(呈现狮子的图片)Who is he?Ss:He is Mr Lion.T:(简笔画呈现小老鼠

22、的图片)Who is he?He is Mr Lions best friend.Teach:a little mouse揭示课题:The grateful mouseB. 课文阅读1.Watch and answer整体感知,了解大意;Why is the little mouse so grateful?通过观看视频整体感知课文内容。S1:.S2:.Teach:forgive,let you go2.初读课文,回答问题;Read the text by yourselves and answer questions.a.(出示狮子生气的图片)狮子为什么这么生气?b.(出示狮子在网里的图片)

23、谁救了狮子?让学生自读课文,初步了解课文内容思考并回答2个基础问题,能进一步帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆并为下一步合作学习打好基础。Teach:angry,wakes me from.3.合作阅读,找出知识点。ARead in groups and find the useful expressions.BAsk more questions in groups. 4.诵读课文,积累语言。(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for group show.C书后练习 and

24、order.2. Read and circle.1) The mouse/cat falls down on the lions head. 2) The mouse/lion is angry.3) The monkey/mouse saves the lion.Unit 7 The Greedy Lion教学目标:3. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 greedy, favourite, make a noise, wake up, deer, bigger, better, catch, tired, give up, lost, both.4. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 Im too gree

25、dy. I cant make a noise . Im so tired.3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:5. 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 greedy, favourite, make a noise, wake up, deer, bigger, better, catch, tired, give up, lost, both.6. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 Im too greedy. I cant make a noise . Im so tired.3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A.

26、 Warm up.B. 课文阅读1.整体感知,了解大意;Listen and point to the correct pictures. 通过整体感知课文内容能够帮助学生快速了解学习内容的大体意思2.初读课文,回答问题;Read the text by yourselves and answer questions.G. 狮子先后遇到了哪些动物?H. 狮子最后吃到了午餐了吗?让学生自读课文,初步了解课文内容思考并回答2个基础问题,能进一步帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆并为下一步合作学习打好基础。3.合作阅读,找出知识点。ARead in groups and find the useful ex

27、pressions.BAsk more questions in groups. 4.诵读课文,积累语言。(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for group show.C书后练习1. Look and judge.2. Read and judge. 1) Lion is very hungry. 2) Lion wants to eat the rabbit. 3) lion wants to eat the sheep. 4) Lion eats the deer for d

28、inner.DConsolidation.一、Read and choose.1. is hungry. A. The rabbit B. The lion C. The deer2. The _ is sleeping . A. The rabbit B. The lion C. The deer3. _is lions favourite food. A. sheep B. rabbit C. deer 4. In the end ,the lion is _. A. happy B. angry C. lost5. What a _day. A. happy B.sad C. bad二、

29、图文配对。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. The lion is hungry. It wants something to eat.B. The lion sees a rabbit ,the lion wants to eat the rabbit .C. The lion sees a deer too, the lion thinks its better than the rabbit. D.The deer runs away, the lion is tired.The lion goes back to get that rabbit.But the rabbit run

30、s away too. The lion is so angry.Unit 8 The mother crab and baby crab教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 crab, sideways, look ahead, straight, try, watch, show, sure.2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 Dont walk sideways like that.You should look ahead.Why dont you listen to me?3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 crab, sideways, look ahead, straight, try, watch, show, sure.2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子 Dont walk sideways like that.You should look ahead.Why dont you listen to me?3. 能在老师的动作和图片的帮助下,理解课文。教学难点: 能在理解课文的基础上表演课文。教学过程:A. Warm up.Read and guessIt has two big arms. It has eight legs.It has a hard body. It has

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