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1、综合计划综合计划Aggregating planningAggregate plans综合计划 (production plans or staffing plans生产计划或员工安置计划) are statements of strategy that specify time-phased以时间为阶段的 production or service rates, workforce levels员工水平, and (in manufacturing) inventory investment. These plans show how the organization will work t

2、oward longer-term objectives while considering the demand and capacity that are likely to exist during a planning horizon of only a year or two在仅仅为一年或二年的规划周期内. In manufacturing organizations, the plan linking strategic goals to the master production schedule 主生产计划is called the production plan将战略目标和主

3、生产计划联接在一起的计划称为生产计划. In service organizations, the staffing plan员工计划 links strategic goals to the workforce schedule.To reduce the level of detail详细程度 required in the planning process, products or services are aggregated into Product families产品或服务家族, and Labor is aggregated along product family lines

4、产品家族线 or according to the general skills or services provided. Time is aggregated into periods of months or quarters.Four pure, but generally high-cost planning strategies are the two level strategies, which maintain a constant workforce size or production rate, and the two chase strategies, which v

5、ary workforce level or production rate to match fluctuations in demand需求波动. 【chase 追逐_ match 匹配, 使与一致_fluctuations 波动】Developing aggregate plans is an interactive process of determining demand requirements; identifying relevant constraints, alternatives, and costs; preparing and approving a plan; an

6、d implementing and updating the plan.Although spreadsheets, the transportation method, and linear programming can help analyze complicated alternatives, aggregate planning is primarily an exercise in conflict resolution and compromise. Ultimately, decisions are made by managers, not by quantitative

7、methods. 【complicated 复杂的_resolution 决心, 决定】综合计划:How to aggregateWhat items should be aggregated? Why companies need aggregate plans and how they use them to take a macro, or big-picture, view of their business?The aggregate plan is useful because it focuses on a general course of action, consistent

8、 with the companys strategic goals and objectives公司的战略设想和目标, without getting bogged down陷入困境 in details. For this reason, production and staffing plans are prepared by grouping, or aggregating, similar products, services, unit of labor, or units of time.For instance, a manufacturer of bicycles that

9、produces 12 different models of bikes might divide them into two groups, mountain bikes and road bikes, for the purpose of preparing the aggregate plan. It might also consider its workforce needs in terms of units of labor needed per month. In general, companies aggregate products or services, labor

10、, and time.The aggregate plan is useful because it focuses on a general course of action, consistent with the companys strategic goals and objectives公司的战略设想和目标, without getting bogged down in details.To reduce the level of detail required in the planning process, products or services are aggregated

11、into Product families产品或服务家族, and Labor is aggregated along product family lines产品家族线 or according to the general skills or services provided. Time is aggregated into periods of months or quarters.产品家族Product familiesA group of products or services that have similar demand requirements and common pr

12、ocessing, labor, and materials requirements相似的需求和相同的加工、劳动力和物料要求 is called a product family产品家族.Common and relevant measurements, such as units, dollars, standard hours, gallons, or pound, should be used. Sometimes product families relate to market grouping or, in the case of production plans, to spe

13、cific manufacturing processes.A firm can aggregate its products or services into a set of relatively broad families公司可将其产品或服务综合成相对宽泛的家族, avoiding much detail at the stage of the planning process.For example, consider the bicycle manufacturer that has aggregated all products into two families: mounta

14、in bikes and road bikes.劳动力LaborA company can aggregate labor in various ways, depending on workforce flexibility公司可用多种方式对劳动力进行综合,这主要取决于劳动力柔性. For example, if workers at the bicycle manufacturer are trained to work on either mountain bikes or road bikes, for planning purposes management can consider

15、 its workforce to be a single aggregate group, even though the skills of individual workers may differ.Alternatively, management can aggregate labor along product family lines by splitting the workforce into subgroups and assigning a different group to the production of each product family.In servic

16、e operations, such as a city government, workers are aggregated by the type of service they provide: fire fighters, police officers, sanitation workers, and administrators.时间TimeA planning horizon is the length of time covered by an aggregate plan综合计划所涵盖的时间长度称为计划周期. Typically, the planning horizon i

17、s one year, although it can differ in various situations.To avoid the expense and disruptive effect of frequent changes in output rates and the workforce, adjustments usually are made monthly or quarterly. In other words, the company looks at time in the aggregatemonths, quarters, or seasons, rather

18、 than days or hours.In practice, planning periods reflect a balance between the needs for: 1) a limited number of decision points to reduce planning complexity and 2) flexibility to adjust output rates and workforce levels when demand forecasts exhibit seasonal variations.It should concentrate on th

19、e managerial inputs, objectives, alternatives, and strategies associated with aggregate plans.管理输入Managerial inputsWhat kind of cross-functional coordination is needed? Managerial inputs管理输入are required from the various functional areas in the organization组织中的各个职能领域. This approach typically raises c

20、onflicting objectives相互冲突的目标, such as high customer service, a stable workforce, and low inventory investment. Creativity and cross-functional compromise创造性和跨职能部门的折衷 are required to reconcile these conflicts协调冲突. Managerial inputs from functional areas to aggregate plansThe figure shows the types of

21、 information that mangers from various functional areas supply to aggregate plans.How to coordinateWhat kind of cross-functional coordination is needed需要哪一种跨职能部门的协调? One way of ensuring the necessary cross-functional coordination and supply of information is to create a committee of functional-area

22、representatives创建职能领域的代表委员会.The committee of functional-area representatives, chaired by a general manager由总经理主持, has the overall responsibility to make sure that company policies are followed, conflicts are resolved, and a final plan is approved. 综合计划:方式The two basic types of alternatives are react

23、ive and aggressive. Reactive alternatives响应式的方法 take customer demand as a given. Aggressive alternatives进取式的方法 attempt to change the timing or quantity of customer to stabilize production or service rates and reduce inventory requirements. 【】响应方式Reactive alternativesWhat options should be considered

24、 to responding to uneven demand? Reactive alternatives are actions that can be taken to cope with demand requirements. Typically, an operations manager controls reactive alternatives典型地,营运经理控制响应式综合计划. That is, the operations manager accepts forecasted demand as a given and modifies workforce levels,

25、 overtime, vacation schedules, inventory levels, subcontracting, and planned backlogs to meet that demand.Decisions about the use of each alternative for each period of the planning horizon specify the output rate for each period. In other words, the output rate is a function of the choices among th

26、ese alternatives.1. Workforce adjustmentManagement can adjust workforce levels by hiring or laying off employees. The use of this alternative can be attractive if the workforce is largely unskilled or semiskilled and the labor pool is large. Attention:For a particular company, the size of the qualif

27、ied labor pool may limit the number of new employees that can be hired at any one time. Also, new employees must be trained, and the capacity of the training facilities themselves might limit the number of new hires at any one time.2. Anticipation inventory预期存货A plant facing seasonal demand can stoc

28、k anticipation inventory during light demand periods and use it during heavy demand periods.Although this approach stabilizes output rates and workforce levels, it can be costly because the value of the product is greatest in its finished state.3. Workforce utilizationAn alternative to workforce adj

29、ustment is workforce utilization involving overtime and under-time.(1) 加班OvertimeOvertime indicates the time that employees work that is longer than the regular workday or workweek加班是指员工的工作时间比正常工作日长的时间, for which they receive additional pay for the extra hours.Overtime can be used to satisfy output

30、requirements that cannot be completed on regular time.Overtime is expensive (typically 150 percent of the regular-time pay rate). Moreover, workers often do not want to work a lot of overtime for an extended period of time, and excessive overtime may result in declining quality and productivity.(2)

31、减班Under-timeUnder-time indicates the situation that occurs when employees do not work productivity for the regular-time workday or workweek.Under-time occurs when labor capacity exceeds a periods demand requirements (net of anticipation inventory) and this excess capacity cannot or should not be use

32、d productivity to build up inventory or to satisfy customer orders earlier than the delivery dates already promised.When products or services are customized, anticipation inventory isnt usually an option.Under-time can either be paid or unpaid减班可以是有薪也可以是无薪的. An example of unpaid under-time is when part-time employees are paid only for the hours or days worked. An example of paid under-time is when employees are kept on the payroll rather than being laid off.4. Vacation schedulesA fir

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