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本文(鲁教版五四制 六年级英语下册 Unit8 单元练习题+单元评价检测含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

鲁教版五四制 六年级英语下册 Unit8 单元练习题+单元评价检测含答案.docx

1、鲁教版五四制 六年级英语下册 Unit8 单元练习题+单元评价检测含答案Unit 8 Im watching TV Section A ( 20分钟 50分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. Mr. Wang d_ tea every morning. 2. I am c_ the classroom with my friends now. 3. Are many parents w_ at the school gate (大门)? Yes, they are. 4. He isnt t_ photos for children. Hes telling a story for

2、 them. 5. What are you doing? Im w_ my clothes. . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. Look. Somebody _ (swim) in the river. 2. _ (do) your homework by yourself. 3. John and Mary_ (watch) TV now. 4. They like _ (play) football on weekends. 5. Kate often _ (help) her mother clean the house. . 单项填空(10分)1. Listen! Who _

3、behind the tree? A. sings B. sing C. singing D. is singing2. We are waiting _ Mr. Jiang. A. for B. at C. from D. to3. Nancy with her friends _ now. A. play B. playsC. is playing D. are playing4. Jack _ doing _ homework. A. is; her B. is; myC. isnt; his D. isnt; my5. In the third photo, he is _ in th

4、e pool. A. swims B. swimC. swimming D. swiming. 句型转换(10分)将下列句子的时态改为现在进行时1. He talks to a friend. _2. I dont take photos in the park. _3. Do they play basketball? _4. Does she write a letter? _5. What do they look at? _. 完成句子(10分)1. 他正在房间里读英语。He _ _ English in his room. 2. 他们每天坐在电脑前玩电脑游戏。They sit bef

5、ore the computer to play computer games _ _. 3. 他的爷爷正在大树下喝茶。His grandfather _ _ _ under the big tree. 4. 她父母正在操场上散步吗?_ her parents _ on the playground? 5. 他正在和他的朋友一起看电视。He _ _ _ with his friend. . 完形填空(10分)A fox is 1 food. He is very hungry. Now he 2 near a wall. The wall is very 3 . The fox is look

6、ing up. He sees 4 fine grapes 5 the wall. He smiles and says, “ 6 nice they are! I want to eat them. ” The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, 7 the wall is too high. He 8 get the grapes. The fox says, “I must go now. I dont like those grapes. 9 are green. They are not 10 to eat. ”1. A. seeing B. fi

7、nding outC. looking for D. finding2. A. gets B. comes C. goes D. stands3. A. much B. small C. strong D. high4. A. a little B. few C. much D. a lot of5. A. in B. on C. at D. for6. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a7. A. and B. or C. but D. where8. A. cant B. can C. hasnt D. isnt9. A. We B. It C. You D

8、. They10. A. bad B. good C. hard D. better答案解析. 答案:1. drinks 2. cleaning 3. waiting 4. taking5. washing. 答案:1. is swimming 2. Do 3. are watching 4. playing5. helps. 答案:15. DACCC. 答案:1. He is talking to a friend. 2. Im not taking photos in the park. 3. Are they playing basketball? 4. Is she writing a

9、 letter? 5. What are they looking at? . 答案:1. is reading 2. every day 3. is drinking tea4. Are; walking 5. is watching TV. 1. 【解析】选C。句意:一只狐狸在找食物。 look for寻找;see看见;find out查清,弄明白; find找到,发现。2. 【解析】选D。句意:现在他站在墙附近。stand站立。3. 【解析】选D。句意:墙非常高。4. 【解析】选D。他看见墙上有很多葡萄。a lot of很多。5. 【解析】选B。葡萄在墙上,用on。6. 【解析】选B。多

10、好的葡萄啊!感叹句:how + adj. /adv. +主语+谓语。7. 【解析】选C。由上下句可知,此处表示转折,用but。8. 【解析】选A。句意:他得不到葡萄。表示能力,用can,否定形式用cant。9. 【解析】选D。句意:我不喜欢那些葡萄,它们是青的。代替前文的“those grapes”,代词用they。10. 【解析】选B。句意:它们不好吃。淡若清风Unit 8 Im watching TV Section B ( 20分钟 50分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. Mr. Smith has three c_. He loves them very much. 2.

11、 That TV s_ is very interesting. 3. Are you r_ books in the library? 4. His grandfathers story is a_ a wolf. 5. Her y_ brother is studying for a test now. . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. My father _ (water) the flower now. 2. Uncle Wang _ (not watch) TV now. Hes riding a bike. 3. Her mother _ (be) at work now.

12、4. _ (not listen) to music; the baby is sleeping. 5. Look, the girls _ (draw) pictures in the room. . 单项填空(10分)1. What are you doing,Mary? I _. A. read B. readingC. am reading D. am not reading2. _are the girls doing? Theyre dancing happily. A. Who B. WhatC. Where D. Why3. Listen! Who _ the violin?

13、A. plays B. am playingC. is playing D. isnt playing4. Look,what _ the boys _? A. does; do B. is; doC. is; doing D. are; doing5. Now theyre _ their teacher. A. talk about B. talking aboutC. are talking D. talking . 句型转换(10分)1. Mrs. White shops with her husband. (用now改写句子)Mrs. White _ _ with her husba

14、nd now. 2. Shes reading in the school library. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ _ in the school library? No, she _. 3. music, Steve, to, is, bedroom, in, listening, his(连词成句)_? 4. Nancy wants to go to the movies. (改为否定句)Nancy _ _ to go to the movies. 5. Are you watching CCTV news? (作肯定回答)_, _ _. . 根据短文内容及答语,写出问句

15、(10分)Its four thirty in the afternoon. There are many students on the playground. Jim and his friends are playing basketball. Li Lei and other boys are playing football. Miss Gao is watching the games. She is looking after the clothes, too. Where are the girls? They are over there. Some are running,

16、 and others are jumping. The twins(双胞胎) are on duty today. They are in the classroom. Lucy is cleaning the window. Lily is sweeping the floor. They are working hard. 1. _? Its four thirty in the afternoon. 2. _? Jim and his friends are playing basketball. 3. _? Miss Gao is looking after the clothes.

17、 4. _? They are in the classroom. 5. _? Yes, they are working hard. . 阅读理解(10分)Mr. Smith goes to town to see his son Tom. Tom is studying music in a school there. He tells his father he does well and his father is very happy. That evening, Mr. Smith buys two tickets for a concert(音乐会). They get ther

18、e after dinner. They are sitting in the hall. The music is beautiful and Mr. Smith enjoys it very much. But he finds his son doesnt like it at all. Mr. Smith wants to know something about Tom. So he asks, “Do you know the music? ” “Yeah. ” answers Tom. “And whats the musician playing now? ” Mr. Smit

19、h asks. Tom doesnt know how to answer it. He thinks hard and then says, “. . . the piano. ”根据短文判断正误(T/F)( )1. Mr. Smiths son is in town now. ( )2. Mr. Smith and Tom are listening to a concert. ( )3. The music isnt beautiful. ( )4. Mr. Smith likes the music. ( )5. Tom knows much about the music. 答案解析

20、. 答案:1. children 2. show 3. reading 4. about5. younger. 答案:1. is watering 2. isnt watching 3. is4. Dont listen 5. are drawing. 答案:15. CBCDB. 答案:1. is shopping 2. Is she reading; isnt 3. Is Steve listening to music in his bedroom4. doesnt want 5. Yes; I am. 答案:1. What time is it2. Who are playing bas

21、ketball3. What is Miss Gao looking after4. Where are Lucy and Lily5. Are Lucy and Lily working hard. 答案:15. TTFTF淡若清风Unit 8 Im watching TV (45分钟 100分)第卷(共45分)一、听力选择(10分)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出适合每个句子的答语。(5分)1. A. He is writing a letter. B. She is reading a book. C. They are talking on the

22、phone. 2. A. That sounds good. B. Lets go at six oclock. C. The movie is boring. 3. A. Yes, he is. B. In the park. C. His mother. 4. A. A new movie. B. He likes swimming. C. In the library. 5. A. Im watching TV. B. Sure, this video is boring. C. No,I dont like computer games. (二)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小

23、题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。(5分)6. What is Jenny doing? A. Reading a book. B. Seeing a new movie. C. Doing her homework. 7. What does Yun-Fat Chow do? A. A musician. B. An actor. C. A doctor. 8. Where is Jennys sister? A. At school. B. In the classroom. C. In her room. 9. What is Jennys sister doing? A. P

24、laying the piano. B. Playing the guitar. C. Playing football. 10. When do they go to a movie? A. At four oclock. B. At three oclock. C. At two oclock. 二、单项填空(15分)1. She can play _ piano, but she cant play _ volleyball. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; / D. /; the2. Its 7 oclock in the evening. Tina _ din

25、ner at home. A. is having B. haveC. has D. having3. One of our teachers _ to attend the meeting now. A. is going B. are goingC. will go D. can go4. Is your son drawing a bird? _. A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesntC. Yes, he does D. No, he is5. This coat _ nice. Would you like to try it on? A. tastes B.

26、smells C. sounds D. looks6. Ling Ming, are you listening or writing? _. A. Yes, I am B. Im listening C. No, I am not writing D. Im listening or writing7. Look! The boys _ football on the playground. A. plays B. playC. are playing D. played8. What are you doing here? Im _ a taxi. A. wait B. waiting C

27、. wait for D. waiting for9. Where do you swim? At the _. A. library B. mall C. pool D. apartment10. What does your grandfather like doing? _ magazines. A. Reading B. Seeing C. Looking D. Watching 11. Here _ some books for your daughter. A. be B. am C. is D. are 12. What are you doing, Bob? I _ a Chi

28、nese song. A. learn B. learningC. am learning D. am learn13. My mother often _ food from this restaurant. A. shops B. buys C. shopping D. buying 14. Could you lend me your _? I want to listen to music. A. watch B. photo C. radio D. magazine15. Laozhang _ Beijing Opera every morning. Listen, he _ in the garden. A. sing; sing B. sings

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