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1、广东省惠州市惠城区十二校届九年级下学期联考英语试题广东省惠州市惠城区十二校2012届九年级下学期联考英语试题一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A.听句子(共5分) 根据句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。(每小题听一遍)( ) 1. Which one is Li Mei? A B C( ) 2. What books will the man buy? A B C( ) 3. What has the woman just bought? A B C( ) 4. What does the woman have for break

2、fast everyday? A B C( ) 5. Whats the weather like today? A B CB、听对话 (共15分) 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(每段对话听两遍)听第1段对话,回答第6题。( )6. Hows Lucy going to Changchun?A. By car B. By bus C. By train听第2段对话,回答第7题。 ( ) 7. Where are they talking? A. In a bank B. On a road C. In a hospital听第3段对话,回答第8题。 ( )

3、8. How far is the nearest bookshop? A. 2 kilometers B. 20 kilometers C. 22 kilometers听第4段对话,回答第9题。 ( ) 9. What does the woman want? A. Potatoes B. Beef C. Potatoes and beef听第5段对话,回答第10题。 ( ) 10. When does the conversation take place? A. At breakfast time B. At lunch time C. At supper time听第6段对话,回答第1

4、1-12题。 ( ) 11. Whats Bill reading?A. A letter B. A book C. A newspaper ( ) 12. Where does Bill want to go for _ his university study? A. Beijing B. London C. New York听第7段对话,回答第13-15题。 ( ) 13. Who is Mrs. Brown? A. Jims mother B. The doctors mother C. Jims sister ( ) 14. Whats the dialogue about? A.

5、About Jims trouble B. About the weather C. About Jims school ( ) 15. Whats the matter with Jim? A. He is late for school B. He has a headache C. He is hungryC、听短文(共5分)根据短文内容,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。(短文听两遍) ( ) 16. What was “Santas Workshop” ? A. A classroom B. A factory C. At office ( ) 17. Who had an

6、idea one day?A. The teachers B. The students C. The parents( ) 18. How many toys did they collect? A. 10 B. 50 C. 100( ) 19. What did they do?A. They repaired the toys B. They bought the toys C. They sold the toys( ) 20. How did the poor children feel?A. Sad B. Happy C. AngryD、听填信息(共5分)请你根据所听到的内容,填写

7、表格的相关内容(短文听两遍)PersonWhat present WhenFrom whomSallyPianoat the age of 21._her fatherEmma22._on New Years Dayher 23._Bill24._25._ monthhis uncle二、单项填空(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。( ) 26. -What _ useful book it is!-Yeah, it tells you how to play _ guitar. A. an; the

8、 B. a; a C. a; the D. an; /( ) 27. -Is Mary _ friend, Alice?-No, she is a friend of _. A. yours; Jim B. your; Jims C. his; me D. you; mine( )28. -Where is Tony?-Hes left a _ saying that he will be back at 4:00. A. message B. information C. news D. advice( )29. -What a hot day!- The weather report sa

9、ys it will be _ tomorrow. A. much hot B. more hotter C. the hottest D. much hotter( )30-Are you and your classmates still raising money for charity?- Yes. We never _ hope of helping the people who are in need. A. give out B. give up C. take off D. give in( )31. Daming had little food for breakfast t

10、his morning, _? A. hadnt he B. didnt he C. had he D. did he( ) 32-Vegetables dont taste _ than meat, Mum. -But in fact they are as _as meat for our health. A. good; well B. delicious; better C. better; good D. much delicious; good( ) 33.It is reported that another bridge _over the river in two years

11、. A. will be built B. is going to build C. has been built D. was built( ) 34. -_ will your parents come back from New York, Tom?In two weeks. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far( ) 35. _ great fun it will be to walk in the rain! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 36. It is necessary _

12、 us _ the environment. A. of; to protect B. for; protecting C. of; protecting D. for; to protect( ) 37. -Look, your sister is playing the piano over there.-She _ be my sister. She has gone to America.A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. may not( ) 38. John together with his parents _ visit the Great Wal

13、l next month. A. is going to B. are going to C. goes to D. will going to( ) 39. It took me _ to finish the project. A. a half and two months B. two month and a half C. two and a half month D. two and a half months( )40. We wont go out _ it stops raining. A. if B. unless C. when D. but( ) 41. It is f

14、ive years since my aunt _ Huizhou. A. left B. has left C. has been away D. leaves( ) 42. -Do you know when Mrs Li _ back to school? -Sorry, but we will let you know when she _to school. A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. will come; will come D. comes; will come( )43. -Where is the photo _ I took

15、 yesterday?-Its on the desk. A. who B. whose C. / D. what( )44.-What did your granddaughter say just now?-She wondered _. A. what time was it B. whether the book was written by Mark Twain C. how could she use the MP4 D. when she will have a final test( ) 45.-Jack, would you mind if I use your iPad?-

16、_. A. Of course not, go ahead B. Yes, please. C. Of course, do as you like D. No, youd better not三、完型填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。The Japanese Macaca monkey has been studied in the wild for over 50 years, in 1952. On one small Japanese island, sc

17、ientists dropped some _46_ made dirt for the monkeys. The monkeys liked their taste, but they found the dirt _47_. One clever 18-month-old monkey found she could _48_the problem by washing the sweet potatoes in a nearby river. She taught this to her mother. Her _49_also learned this new way and they

18、 taught their mothers too.All the younger monkeys _50_learned to wash the dirty sweet potatoes to make them _51_ to eat. But many old monkeys found it very hard to learn this and still ate the _52_ sweet potatoes.Then something very surprising _53_. In the autumn of 1958, scientists found that the m

19、onkeys on other nearby _54_began washing their sweet potatoes too. Scientists still dont fully understand how this knowledge was _55_from one island to another.( )46. A. sweet potatoes B. green plants C. hard stones D. fresh nuts ( )47. A.beautiful B. terrible C. difficult D.interesting( )48. A. fin

20、d B. reach C. solve D. understand( )49. A. children B. brothers C. sisters D. friends( )50. A. quietly B. easily C. angrily D. awfully( )51. A. nicer B. smaller C.lighter D. driver( )52. A. small B. large C. new D.dirty( )53. A. took on B. took off C. took place D. took away( )54. A. trees B. island

21、s C. beaches D. rivers( )55. A. lowed B. dropped C. passed D. left四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读A、B两篇短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。AToys Anno The worlds smallest, but the most beautiful exhibition space for old-day toys.Opening hours:Monday-Friday: 10 a.m-6

22、p.m.Sunday: 9a.m-1p.mNational Museum, LondonBus26/91/206FREE homework support service for all young people aged 816. Homework staff(工作人员) on hand to help you. Space to work Books and revision guides FREE INTERNET USE FREE printing Manchester Library and Information ServiceEscape() from the Mummys To

23、mb!Let our new online game take you to an old Egyptian tomb(埃及古墓). Become a brave explorer and collect wonderful things thousands of years old. But be careful-there is a mummy(木乃伊) going around the tomb. Can you bring the wonderful things safely back to World Museum without being hurt by the mummy?

24、Visit www. and find out.Learning from poo(粪便) 1:30p.m 2:15p.m and 3p.m July It might sound terrible but archaeologists(考古学家)can find out many things from poolike how people in the past lived and what they ate. If you have interest, come and join us to watch some sam

25、ples (not real poo) and see if you can recreate the diets of our ancestor(祖先). Pick up a free ticket from Liverpool World Museum welcome desk( ) 56. Toys Anno is a space for _. A. offering latest toys B. making beautiful toys C. showing old-day toys D. selling smallest toys( ) 57. A boy aged ten CAN

26、NOT _ with Homework Support Service. A. ask the staff to do his homework B. print without paying C. search for information online D. review lessons with guides( ) 58. Escape form the Mummys tomb is a(n) _. A. guide book B. online game C. science fiction film D. popular magazine( ) 59. From learning

27、form poo, we can know _. A. archaeologist can learn what people ate in the past by studying their poo. B. the activity is open every morning in June. C. you can have a chance to watch the real poo of our ancestors. D. you must buy a ticket to join in this activity.( ) 60. You can join all those for

28、activities in _. A. America B. China C. the UK D. JapanBWhen I was a little girl my father loved to play catch (接球) with me. I wasnt very good at it, but we would play anyway. He was always telling me “keep your eye on the ball” as I would not be able to catch even the easiest of throws. As I got ol

29、der, we didnt play catch as much. If I had a problem and would go to my father to ask for his advice, he would try to joke with me and say “keep your eye on the ball”. We would both laugh because usually that advice did not apply to (适用于) the problem, but he would try to make me smile.My father beca

30、me ill in 1995 when I was 23. There were no more conversations , as he suffered from a stroke(中风) . He could not speak. He could only mouth words, which were sometimes hard to understand. I seemed to be pretty good at reading his lips(嘴唇) after a while, even better than the nurses who were caring for him.During one of our last conversations, I was telling him about a problem I was having with my then boy friend. Once again, I could read his lips:“Keep your eye on the ball.” We both smiled.That w

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