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1、高级口译词汇accordagreementWages accord reachedaidto helpMan aids policeairto make known, broadcastTV airs “facts” on Arms DeliveryassailTo criticize strongly Soviets assails US on A-testsaxeTo dismiss from a jobTo cut, destroy, take awayGovernor to axe Aide?Labor axe colleges in Tory TownsbackTo supportU

2、nions back peace movebalkTo refuse to acceptUnion balks at court orderbanProhibition; prohibitBus ban on pupils after attack on crewbarNot to allow, exclude Club faces shutdown for barring womenbidAttempt, offerNew peace bid in RhodesiaUnion rejects latest bidbilkTo cheatClerk bilks city of $1m.blas

3、tExplosion; strong criticismTo criticize strongly; strike with explosivesTanker blast near Manila.Regan blasts DemocratsblazeFireBlaze destroys factoryblowInjury / disappointment sufferedCarter poll blowboostHelp, incentiveIndustry gets boostciteMentionManagement cites Labor Unset for shutdownclaimT

4、o declare to be trueTo killMan claims ghost sightingBombs Claim 40clashDispute, violent argument, Battle (n.)To disagree strongly; fight (v.)Strikers in clash with policeMayor clashes with City CouncilcoolUninterested; unfriendlyHanoi cool to aid offercoupRevolution, change in governmentGenerals ous

5、ted in coupcurbRestraint, limitNew curbs on immigrationcutReductionBig cuts in air faresdeadlockA disagreement that cannot be settledJury deadlock in kidnap trialdealAgreementPay pits deal hopedriveCampaign, effortPeace drive succeeds dueExpectedGreek FM due todayeaseTo reduce or loosen1000 freed as

6、 Poland eases Martial LawenvoyDiplomatAmerican envoy taken hostageexitLeaveExit envoys in race stormeyeTo watch with interestWomens group eye court voteeveThe day beforeViolence on eve of independencefaultTo find in the wrongStudy faults policefeudDispute, strong disagreementBorder FlayTo accuse; cr

7、iticize stronglyUS flays Soviet BlockfoeOpponent; enemyReagan talks with congressional foesfoilTo prevent from succeedingFBI foils bid to hijack plane to IranGemsJewelsActress loses GemsGo-aheadApprovalGo-ahead for dearer gasgripTo take hold ofCholera fear grips JapangunmanMan with gunGunman raids 3

8、 banksgutTo destroy completely by fireYears biggest fire guts 178 homeshaltStopChannel tunnel HalthaulLarge quantity which has been stolen and later discoveredCannabis haulheadTo lead, directBuchanan to head peace missionhead offTo preventPresident heads off rail strikeheistTheftJewel heist foiledhi

9、tTo affect badlyFuel strike hits hospitalsholdTo keep in police control; detain7 hold for gamblinginkTo signThailand, Malaysia ink sea treatyjetAero planeThree killed in jet plungejoblessUnemployedNumber of jobless increaseskeyEssential, vital, very, importantKey witness dieskick offTo beginFiery sp

10、eech kicks off campaignlash outTo criticize strongly; accuseWarsaw Pact lashes out at NATO Missile PlanlaudTo praisePM lauds Community SpiritlaunchTo beginPolice launch anti-crime drivelinePosition; demandIsrael softens linelinkTo connectFungus linked to Mystery DiseaseloomExpected in the near futur

11、eTreaty dispute loominglootTo take away of valuable goods unlawfully (v.)Stolen money or goods (n.)Rioters loot storesPolice recover lootmanRepresentativeCarter man in ChinanabTo captureGang leader nabbednetTo totalTo captureDrug raid nets $1mPatrol nets 2 prisonersnodApprovalMinistry seeks nod for

12、oil saving planordealPainful experience, dramaJail ordeal endsofficeAn important government positionMinister quits: tired of officeoptChoose; decideSwiss opt to back tax for churchesoustTo take power away from, push out, drive out, replaceVoters oust incumbentsArgentina ousts Union leadersoutputProd

13、uctionIndustrial output increases in ItalypactAgreement, treatyWarsaw Pact endspayWages, salaryPay rise for minerspitCoal minePit talks endpleaRequest for helpA statement in court indicating guilt or innocenceGuilty pleas expectedpledgePromiseLabor pledges higher pensionsplungeSteep fallDollar plung

14、espoisedReady for actionBolivian workers poised to strikepollElection, public opinion surveyVoting stationSwedish poll shows swing to RightVoters go to the polls in Japan postPosition in government, business, etc.Unknown gets key cabinet postpress forTo demand, ask forTeachers press for pay riseprob

15、eInvestigationMayor orders fire probepromptTo causeCourt decision prompts public angerrageTo burn out of controlForest raidAttack, robbery$23M drug raidrapAccusation; chargeTo criticizeCorruption rap unfair says senatorSafety commission raps auto companies riddlemysteryGirl in shotgun death riddlero

16、ckTo shock; to surpriseGovt. Report rocks stock marketroutTo defeat completelyRebels routed, leave 70 deadrowTo quarrel, argument, disputeOil price row may bring down Govt ruleTo decide (especially in court)Court rules today in corruption caserule outdo not consider as a possibilityIsrael rules out

17、PLO talkssackDismiss from a jobJail chief sacked sack (from “ransack”)To search thoroughly and rob14 held for US Embassy sackingscarePublic alarmRabies scare hits Britain setDecide on, ready Peace talks set for AprilslayTo kill or murder2 slain in family rowsnagProblem; difficultyLast minute snag hi

18、ts arms talks snubTo pay no attention to Protestants snub Ulster Peace bid soarTo rise rapidlyInflation rate soarssolonlegislator5 solons killedsparkTo cause; to lead to actionFrontier feuding sparks attack splitTo divideNationalization splits Party at conferencesqueezeShortage, scarcityPetrol squee

19、ze aheadstalemateA disagreement that cannot be settledNew bid to break hostage stalemate stallMaking no progressPeace effort in Lebanon stalledstanceAttitude, way of thinking New stance toward power cutsstemTo prevent or stopRainy season stems refugee exitstormAngry reaction, disputeMPs racist speec

20、h storm growsstrifeconflictInter-Union strife threatens peace dealswayTo influence or persuadePresident fails to sway Union swindleAn unlawful way of getting moneyStock swindle in NYswitchChange, deviationDramatic switch in incomes policy announcedswoopSudden attack or raidDrug swoop in Mayfairtalks

21、discussionPeace talks threatenedthwartTo prevent from being successfulHonduras attack thwartedtiesrelationsCuba ties soontopTo exceedPost office profits top $40MtrimTo cutSenate trims budgettriggerTo causeKilling triggers riotvieTo competeIrish top ranks vie for officevoidTo determine to be invalidVoting law voided by courtvowTo promiseWoman vows vengeancewalkoutStrike (often unofficial)Factory walkout threat over sackingwedTo marryFinancier free to wedweighTo considerReagan weighs Tax Increase

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