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1、四年级英语下册重点词组总结四年级英语下册重点词组总结(4-6单元)Unit Four There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。1. seven days 七天 2. play a chain game玩一个接龙游戏3. in a week 在一周 4. the next day 第二天/明天5.the first day 第一天 6. the last day 最后一天7. my new Chinese book 我的新语文书8. my favourite subject 我最喜欢的学科9. my favourite class 我最喜欢的课 10. on

2、Monday 在周一11. how many classes 多少节课 12. on weekend 在周末13. talk in Chinese 用中文谈话 14.go to the park 去公园15. go to the theme park 去游乐园 16. see my grandpa and grandma17. have music classes 上音乐课 看望我的爷爷奶奶18. go roller skating 滑旱冰 19.this morning 今天早晨20. this weekend 这个周末 21. every day 每天22. a PE class 一节体育

3、课 23. an English class 一节英语课24. at twelve oclock 在12点钟Unit Five What will you do this weekend ?这个周末你将做什么?1. a fine day 一个好日子 2. have a picnic 野餐3. so many things 这么多东西 4. some bread 一些面包5. some sausages 一些香肠 6. Here you are. 给你。7.have a party 举行一个聚会 8. be interested in 对感兴趣9. go swimming 去游泳 g

4、ood at 擅长11. go shopping 去购物 12. two exercise books 两个练习本13. three markers 三个记号笔 14. enjoy jogging 喜欢慢跑15.enjoy watching TV 喜欢看电视 16. a good singer 一位优秀的歌唱家17. a good dancer 一位优秀的舞蹈家 18. do morning exercises 做早操19. put your hands up 举起你的手 20. put your hands down 放下你的手21. a notebook 一个笔记本 22. so many

5、 things 这么多东西23. this weekend 这个周末 24. go roller skating 滑旱冰25. good at nothing 什么都不擅长Unit Six Would you like to take a trip?1. in two days 两天后 2. take a trip 去旅行3. the Great Wall 长城 4. go to Beijing Zoo 去动物园5. go to the zoo 去动物园 6. Beijing Theme Park 游乐园7. a goose 一只鹅 8. two geese 两只鹅9. three giraf

6、fes 三只长颈鹿 10. these turkeys 这些火鸡11. those peacocks 那些孔雀 12. go on the merry-go-round 玩旋转木马13.go on the teacups 玩茶杯转椅 14. go on the roller coaster 玩过山车15.go on the bumper cars 玩碰碰车 16. go on the Ferris Wheel 玩摩天轮17.go ahead 继续做 18. go home 回家19. get there 到达那儿 20. by coach 乘坐长途车21. by cable car 乘坐缆车

7、22. at the zoo 在动物园23. bring some water and fruit 带一些水和水果24. go there 去那儿 25. go on the swing 荡秋千26. my good friends 我的好朋友 27. three English classes 三节英语课28. go to the beach 去海滩 29. tomorrow morning 明天早上四年级英语下册重点句型总结(4-6单元)Unit 4 There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。1. How many days are there in a

8、week ? There are seven days . 一周有几天? 有七天。2. Lets play a chain game. 让我们玩一个接龙游戏吧。3. Lets name the seven days. 让我们给七天命名吧。4. What day is today ? Today is Saturday. 今天星期几? 今天星期六。5. What day is the next day /tomorrow? The next day/Tomorrow is Sunday. 明天星期几? 明天星期天。6. What day is the first day of the week

9、? Sunday is the first day. 一周的第一天是星期几? 星期日是第一天。7. What day is the last day ? The last day is Saturday. 最后一天是星期几? 最后一天是星期六。8. What a nice book! 多好的一本书啊!9. How many Chinese classes do you have ? Three. 你们有多少节语文课? 三节。10. Do you like Chinese ? Yes, I do. 你喜欢语文吗? 是的,我喜欢。11. Shall we talk in Chinese ? 我们用

10、中文谈话好吗?12. Do you like sports ? Yes, I do. My favourite class is PE. 你喜欢体育运动吗? 是的。 我最喜欢的课是体育。13. Do you have a PE class everyday ? No, we dont. 你们每天都有体育课吗? 不,我们不是每天都有。14. When do you have PE classes ? 你们什么时候有体育课? We have PE classes on Tuesday and Friday.我们在星期二和星期五有体育课。15.What do you usually do on we

11、ekends ? 你们在周末通常做什么? I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays. 我通常在周六去游乐园。 I usually see my grandpa and grandma on Sundays.我通常在周日去看我的爷爷奶奶。 I usually have music classes on Sundays . 我通常在周日上音乐课。 I usually go to the park on Sundays. 我通常在周日去公园。 I usually go roller skating on Sundays. 我通常在周日滑旱冰。16. Wh

12、en do you have music classes ? 你们什么时候有音乐课? We have music classes on Wednesday and Friday.我们周三和周五有音乐课。Unit 5 What will you do this weekend ? 这个周末你将做什么?1.Shall we have a picnic ? Yes. Why not ? 我们去野餐好吗? 好的。为什么不去呢?2. What would you like ? Id like some bread and sausages. 你想要什么? 我想要一些面包和香肠。3. What will

13、you do this weekend ? 这个周末你将做什么? Ill have a party with my friends. 我将和我的朋友举行一个聚会。 Ill go to my music class. 我将去上我的音乐课。 Ill go to my art class. 我将去上我的美术课。 Ill go swimming. 我将去游泳。4. Are you interested in drawing and painting ?你对画画和绘画感兴趣吗? Yes, I am. 是的。5. Are you interested in swimming ? 你对游泳感兴趣吗 ? No

14、, Im not. 不,我对游泳不感兴趣。6. Is he interested in dancing ? 他对跳舞感兴趣吗? Yes, he is / No, he isnt. 是的。/ 不,他对跳舞不感兴趣。7. What are you interested in ? 你对什么感兴趣? Im interested in singing and dancing. 我对唱歌和跳舞感兴趣。 I enjoy reading and watching TV. 我喜欢读书和看电视。 I enjoy jogging and exercising. 我喜欢慢跑和运动。8. Youll be a good

15、 singer and dancer.你会成为一名优秀的歌唱家和舞蹈家。9. Are you good at swimming ? 你擅长游泳吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我擅长游泳。 No, Im not. 不,我不擅长游泳10. Do you like skating ? 你喜欢滑冰吗? Yes, I do . / No, I dont. 是的。/ 不,我不喜欢滑冰。11. What are you good at ? 你擅长什么? Im good at dancing. 我擅长跳舞。 Im good at roller skating. 我擅长滑旱冰。 Im good at noth

16、ing. 我什么都不擅长。 Im good at eating. 我擅长吃。12. Mum, shall we go shopping this morning ? OK.妈妈,我们今天上午去购物好吗? 好的。13. What would you like to buy ? 你想买什么? I want to buy a ruler , a pencil-box ,a notebook and two exercise books. 我想买一把尺子,一个铅笔盒,一个笔记本还有两个练习本。14. Can I help you ? / What can I do for you ? 请问您要买什么?

17、 I want to buy a Teddy Bear. 我要买一个玩具熊。I want to buy three markers. 我想买三只记号笔。Unit six Would you like to take a trip ? 你们想去旅行吗?1. What are these ? 这些是什么? They are ducks. 是鸭子。2. Are they ducks ? 它们是鸭子吗? No, theyre geese. 不,它们是鹅。3. What are those ? 那些是什么? Theyre peacocks. 是孔雀。4. Are those swans ? 那些是天鹅吗

18、?No, theyre cranes.不,是丹顶鹤。5. What would like to do ? Id like to go on the teacups. 你想做什么? 我想玩茶杯转椅。6. What would you like to play ? I would like to go on the bumper cars. 你想玩什么? 我想玩碰碰车。7.Where shall we go tomorrow? Tomorrow well go to the Great Wall. 明天我们将去哪里? 明天我们将要去长城。8. How can we get there ? 我们怎么到达那里?We can get there first by coach and then by cable car.我们可以先坐长途车然后再坐缆车到那。9. Would you like to go to the Great Wall ? 你想去长城吗?No, thank you. I want to go to Beijing Theme Park.不,。我想去游乐园。

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