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1、九年级英语期末复习教学案Unit4九年级英语期末复习教学案(一)一. 复习内容:9A Unit 4 TV programmers二. 教学课时:3教时三. 重点、难点:Comic Strips1. Im far too busy to go shopping. 我实在太忙了不能去购物。too to太不能 far 在这里起强调作用,表示“很,非常”e.g. She is far too tired to walk on.2. Then Ill have lunch and a little sleep between 2 and 7. 接着我吃午饭,然后在2点到7点之间小睡一会儿。 sleep在

2、句中做名词,表示睡眠, a sleep表示一段时间的睡眠。e.g. I dont have enough sleep.3. A dogs work is never done. 狗的活儿从来都干不完。be done 被动语态,“被干完”。e.g. The cars are made in Shanghai.Welcome to the Unite1. send out programmers on radio or TV.通过广播或电视传播节目。send out “发送,传播”e.g. The sun can send out light and heat.2. something that

3、controls a machine from a distance 从远处控制机器的东西 a distance 一个远的地方,一个远处。 distance,名词,表示“远处”。Reading1. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up-to-date information.综述一周体育事件,为你提供大量的最新体坛动态。weekly 每周一次的 e.g. a weekly magazine. They are doing the weekly cleaning.up-to-date 最新的, 其反义词是

4、out of date. e.g. The book is up-to-date. This ticket is out of date.2. There are also a number of interviews with the famous football players. 还有许多对著名球员的采访。a number of “许多,大量”,修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于many,动词用复数。e.g. A number of students are playing on the playground. the number of 的数量, 动词用单数。e.g. The number

5、 of students in our class is 42. Now the number of the traffic accidents is increasing.3. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live. 本年度北京音乐颁奖大会将进行实况转播。 will be covered live 将来时的被动语态。一般将来时的被动结构是: will be + v. ed. e.g. The meeting will be held tomorrow.4. Murder in a Country House is a hor

6、ror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director. 乡村小屋谋杀案是一位由新导演辛迪克拉客导演的恐怖片。 directed by 是过去分词短语做定语,修饰film。5. This film is excellent and is full of horror and mysteries. 这部电影很精彩,而且充满了恐怖和神秘色彩。be full of 充满,装满;类似的词组有 be filled withe.g. The world is full of colours. The bottle is filled with water.6. I

7、f you get scared easily, do not watch it.如果你容易被惊吓,就不要看了。get scared 被惊吓7. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the Asian Tiger. 这部长一小时的记录片让我们近距离地领略亚洲虎。take a close look at 近距离地看8. You can see scenes of Indian, one of the few places on earth. Where tigers still live. 你可以领略印度风光,这里是世界上老虎仍然生存的

8、几个地方之一。on Earth =in the world 世界上 e.g. You are the happiest man on earth. on earth 还可以表示“究竟,到底” e.g. Where on earth can he be? What on earth do you mean?9. It will be a good show to watch. (P62) 这将是一场好看的比赛。to watch 动词不定式,在句中做定语修饰show。e.g. Tom didnt know which book to buy. Can I have something to dri

9、nk?10. I dont mind feeling scared. 我不在乎恐惧。mind v. 介意,反对, 后跟doing sth. 多用于句型:Would you mind / Do you mind ? 表示征求意见e.g. Do you mind my smoking / Do you mind if I smoke? mind 作为名词,表示“大脑、精神” e.g. Wearing blue is good for the mind and body. He has made up his mind to be a teacher.VocabularyTypes of TV pr

10、ogrammerscartoon 卡通片 documentary 记录片 chat show 访谈节目 drama series 连续剧系列 comedy 喜剧 game show 游戏节目There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. (访谈)节目里总是有名人谈他们的生活。这是一个there be 结构的句子,注意句中的talking, 不能用talk原形。e.g. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. 壁炉里炉火正在燃烧。There is a bi

11、rd flying in the sky.Grammar A B A prepositional phrases of time: “between and ”and from to 表示时间的介词短语 between and ; from to between and 和 from to 都表示一段特定的时间between and 表示“在和之间”e.g. Between 2003 and 2005, Tiger Watch was taken in India.老虎观察是2003年和2005年之间在印度拍摄的。The girls like to eat snakes between lun

12、ch and supper.女孩子喜欢在午饭和晚餐之间吃零食。from to 表示“从到” e.g. I often do my homework from 7pm to 10 pm. We go to school from Monday to Friday.B Talking about when things happen with before, after, and until. 用before, after, until来表示事情发生的时间。 before, after, until 都可以用作时间连词 ,我们可以用它们来引导一个时间状语从句,这些连词可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。

13、放在句首时,要用逗号和主句分开。before “比早一点的时候”,“在之前”;after “比迟一点的时候”,“在之后”。e.g. Before the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous stars.颁奖活动开始之前,我们将采访几位著名的歌星。Simon went to play basketball after he finished his homework.until“直到的时候”。e.g. Lets wait until the train stops. 让我们等火车停下来吧。 until可以和till互换,

14、但till一般只位于句中,不能位于句首。e.g. I wont go to bed until / till those two programmers finish. not until 直到才 e.g. You wont find out the answer until the end of the film. 你要到电影结束才能发现答案。【模拟试题】一、英汉互译:1、far too busy _ 2、have a sleep_3、your own TV programmer_4、at dinner time_5、your least favourite programmer_ 6、pl

15、ay an important part in sth._7、get scared easily_ 8、be full of horror_9、such as _ 10、a weekly magazine_11、和某人吵架_ 12、痴迷于玩电脑游戏_13、做出决定_ 14、去购物_15、我最喜欢的节目_ 16、无事可做_二、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. He is _ with his homework while I am cooking _.(busy)2. There _ (be) some good news for you.3. How about _ (go) shopping

16、with me?4. The box is too heavy for me _ (carry).5. It was too dark outside. We had _ (stay) at home.6. The rich man _ (murder) last night.7. The meeting will _ (hold) the _ (come) Saturday.8. Zhang Yimou is a famous _ who _ the film Hero.(direct)9. I feel _ when I read this _ story.(bore)10. I enjo

17、y reading this kind of _ (week)magazine. 三、填入适当的介词:1. We have four classes _ the afternoon _ Monday to Friday and we dont have any classes _ Saturday.2. I was born _ May,1990 in Nanjing.3. CCTV news is on Golden TV _ 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm.4. Tom gets up _ 6;30 every morning to catch the early bus.5. _

18、 a cold morning, we left early for Beijing on business.四、完成下列句子:1. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?(两种方法译)What is your_?What TV program do you _?2. 昨天下午一点到四点我一直在睡觉。_.3. 你上周看了那场时装表演了吗?是的。你认为如何?很时尚。_.4. 南京这几年发生了很大的变化。_.5. 虽然那些演员都是新人,但他们演的很好。_.6. 这本书充满了神密感,你会很感兴趣的。_.7. 直到我看了这个节目才知道老虎处于危险之中。_.8. 睡觉前你必须把作业都做完。_.9. 请告诉他在8:0

19、0至9:00间给我电话。Please tell him to call me_.10. 书读完后,请准时归还给图书馆。_.Grammar C DC Using while and as. 运用while和as.while和as是时间连词,“当时候”; 表示事情(动作)同时发生。当连接同时发生的两个长动作时,常用while。e.g. While Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping. 当连接同时发生的一长一短两个动作时,用while或as引导时间较长的动作。这个长动作在时间较短的动作发生之前就已开始。e.g. While Eddie was sle

20、eping, Hobo went to watch TV. As mother was cooking, Mary went back.当连接同时发生的两个短动作时,常用as。e.g. As you see him, give him this letter.注意: while和as引导的状语从句在时态上必须和主句保持一致。D Comparatives and superlatives (of adverbs) 副词的比较级和最高级副词的比较级和最高级与形容词的比较级及最高级的构成方法相同,即单音节和部分双音节副词在词尾加“er”、加“est”构成比较级和最高级;多音节副词在副词之前加more

21、和most 构成比较级和最高级;以后缀ly结尾的副词要用more和most。e.g. fast faster fastestearly earlier earliestlate later latestbeautifully more beautifully most beautifullyslowly more slowly most slowlyquickly more quickly most quickly另外还有不规则副词的比较级和最高级:e.g. well better best badly worse worstmuch more mostlittle less leastfar

22、 farther fartheste.g. Sandy runs faster than Amy.Daniel draws the most carefully in our class.Integrated Skills 1. She is more interested in watching programmes about animals. 她对观看动物节目更感兴趣。be more interested in doing sth. 对做某事更感兴趣。2. Usually, she spends about two hours every day watching TV. 通常她每天花大

23、约2小时的时间看电视。3. He finds programmes about sports boring. 他发现体育节目无聊。这是宾补结构的句子, find sth + adj.做宾补e.g. I find English difficult.Main Task 1. the two children disagree all the time 两个孩子一直意见不合disagree vi. 不同意,有分歧。 反义词是agreedisagree with sb. / sth. 与某人意见不一致/不同意某事e.g. I disagree with you on that point. 我在那一

24、点上与你意见不一致。 I disagree with your suggestion. 我不同意你的建议。2. the two children argued about what TV programmes to watch 两个孩子争论该看什么电视节目argue with sb. about sth. 为某事与某人争论/争吵e.g. He argued with me about how to spend the money yesterday. 昨天他就怎样花这笔钱和我争论。Checkout 1. Today is such an exciting day! 今天真是令人兴奋!an ex

25、citing day 令人兴奋的日子exciting, adj. 令人兴奋的,主语是某件事情excited, adj. 使人感到兴奋的,主语是人e.g. I am excited about the exciting news. 我对这个令人兴奋的消息感到兴奋。such adj. 后接名词so adv. 后接形容词或副词上句也可写成: Today is so exciting a day!看下面两个句子:She is such a good teacher that everyone likes her.She is so good a teacher that everyone likes

26、her.2. It is you who made our story so perfect. 是你让我们的故事如此完美。“It is who ”是常用的强调句结构e.g. It is my mother who cooks supper for us every day. 是妈妈每天为我们做晚饭。 It was he who played games the whole night. 是他整个晚上都在玩游戏。 【模拟试题】一、听力测试: A:根据听到的句子选应答句:( )1、A. Its full of horror and mysteries. B. Its directed by a n

27、ew director. C. I have seen it twice.( )2、A. Todays Music Video. B. News Round up. C. Weather report.( )3、A. At 7:40. B. From 7:40 to 8:05. C. Every evening.( )4、A. Between 9:00 and 11:00. B. When you want to relax. C. This coming Saturday.( )5、A. Never mind. B. Im far too busy to go. C. My pleasure. B:听短文回答问题:1、How old is the girl?

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