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1、各类英语语法知识点易错题1短语 2动词3 动词短语 4非谓语动词 5句式 6虚拟语气7情态动词8名词代词9从句10 时态11交际12 形容词副词短语 13连接词 14冠词1短语1. The form cannot be signed by anyone _ yourself.A .rather than B. other than C .more than D .better than2 _, there are 200 visitors to the exhibition every day.A In average B At average C On average D For avera

2、ge3 _ I know, riding a bike is _ the easier than driving a car.A As far as; so far B As far as; by farC So far as; so far as D By far; as far as4 I wonder what will become of my son. _ endless of homework, he also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation.A With B Instead of C As wel

3、l as D Rather than5 She was nearly well-known to everyone because of the _ that she played in the film.A part B work C scene D section6-You look uneasy. Is there anything wrong?-I feel _ cold.A sort of B a sort of C of a sort D of sort7 -Does Bill do his new job well?- _ his old job. Im afraid there

4、 is no hope for him.A Not better as B No better than C Not so well as D No less than8 Tom did well in the last English exam, and much to my joy, Mary did _ than Tom.A no better B no worse C not better D not worse2动词3 动词短语1. The old lady _ the shopkeeper of charging her too much for the goods she had

5、 bought.A . charged B. blamed C .criticized D . accused2. The police _ him of giving them false information because they didnt find the _ according to his words.A. suspected; suspect B. suspected; suspectedC. suspected; suspecting D. suspecting; suspecting3. The system has been designed to give stud

6、ents quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.A. access B. passage C. way D. approach4. Her mother does not _ of her going to study abroad.A. admit B. agree C. prove D. approve5. As senior 3 students, it is the most important to _ a good state of mind in face of failure.A. keep up B.

7、 keep on C. keep out D. keep off6. If you are in trouble, dont turn to him for help, because he is not a person who can be _ .A. counted B. counted on C. depended D. based on 7. Some of the students have already learned enough English to _ a conversation with an English speaker.A. go on B. carry on

8、C. keep on D. hold on8. He _ his engagement just before the wedding.A. broke out B. broke away from C. broke off D. broke up9. It is all agreed that a good education doesnt _ a good job.A guarantee B result C depend D swear10 I wont want to _ the topic, but why on earth did you get home that late la

9、st night?A take up B make up C break up D bring up 11. I want to say I love you, but I dont know how to _ it.A say B put C get D take 12. Since it was getting late and there were no hotels nearby, we decided to _ at a small inn for the night.A. put off B. put away C put in D put up 13. In modern tim

10、es, people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.A keep with B stay with C meet with D live with14. Older people commonly enjoy listening to evergreen songs, which _ them of their past.A tell B warn C remind D persuade15. Almost all Taobaos $200 millio

11、n in income comes from advertising, which the company says _ in fact all its operational costs.A fills B contains C does D covers16. The experiment has _ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it doesnt mean no life on other planets.A found out B pointed out C rule out D ca

12、rried out17. After hours of preparing, her patience finally _.A gave out B gave off C gave up D gave back 18 The programme “Super Girl” on Hunan TV _ especially to young people.A tends B prefers C appeals D devotes19. Several important legal questions _ at the discussion yesterday.A rose B raised C

13、argued D arose 20.The opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games we had been looking forward to _ in the end.A coming B comes C came D having come21. Scientists believe that more and more countries are to _ solar energy in the future.A turn to B turn on C turn off D turn out 22 I asked him to show

14、 me the record that _ the meeting, but he refused.A kept B was kept C was kept of D kept of23 A gunman killed six people in Northern Illinois University on February 16. 2008. The peaceful life people have been used to _ disturbed now.A having been B have been C has been D is being24- Who do you thin

15、k will win the first prize in your class this time?-The one _ hardest.A is working B working C works D who working25 Such good use has been _ his spare time _ his English has improved a lot.A made of; that B made of; asC made in; that D found in; as26 Though we take a great risk of investing in the

16、project, yet it will _ in the long run.A go off B turn up C pay off D come up27 Ling Feng won the first prize in the national English competition and Im glad that her efforts at last _.A worked out B get back C paid off D turned out28The northeastern city of Harbin has banned indoor smoking in publi

17、c places just before World No Tobacco Day, which_on Tuesday.A falls B drops C covers D arranges 29 What actually _ the accident has not been determined yet.A brought out B brought in C brought about D brought up 30 Unfortunately, the element Madam Curie devoted all her life _ her death.A to caused B

18、 causing C to be caused D to causing 31 Some parents cant _ their children, which often sets off the conflicts of feelings between the two generations.A find out B relate to C turn to D take in32 No one in the department but Tom and I _ that the director is going to resign.A knows B know C have know

19、n D am to know33 I want to say I love you, but I dont know how to _ it.A say B put C get D take34 Since it was getting late and there were no hotels nearby, we decided to _ at a small inn for the night.A put off B put away C put in D put up35As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we mu

20、st send for an engineer to _ the problems.A handle B raise C face D present36 He was _ as the pioneer of the new field.A made B realized C recognized D thought37One day, youll _ this foolish behavior.A pay B pay for C pay back D pay off4非谓语动词1.When the man came in, gun in hand, we all stood there, _

21、 .A. astonished B. astonishing C. being astonished D. having astonished 2.How many times have you found yourself arriving at school to start your day, only _ that you left your homework at home?A. having discovered B. discovering C. discover D. to discover3.You should understand the traffic rule by

22、now. You have had it _enough.A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained4. With a lot of difficult problems _, the manager felt worried all the time.A. settled B. to be settled C. settling D. to settle5.The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught _ in the exam.A to cheat B che

23、ating C cheated D cheat6. Im examining the composition he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it.A correcting B to correct C corrected D correct 7.I wont have anyone _ in here . Whoever breaks the regulation will get punished.A to smoke B smoke C smoked D smoking 8.Tom admitted _ in the exa

24、m, _ that he wouldnt do that in future.A to have cheated; promising B having cheated ; promisingC .cheating; promised D to cheat ; promised9 When the man came in, gun in hand, we all stood there, _ A astonished B astonishing C being astonished D having astonished.10. _ twice a year, whether it is a

25、car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this way.A Examining B. Examined C. Being examined D. Having been examined11.The little girl was allowed to go shopping _ she kept near her parents.A provided that B in case C now that D even if 12 The teacher called Tom to his offi

26、ce because he was caught _ in the exam.A to cheat B cheating C cheated D cheat13. _ for a few days, the miners were in despair.A Surrounding B Being surrounded C Having surrounded D Having been surrounded14. _ herself with routine office task, she had no time to attend to her children.A Occupying B

27、Occupied C Being occupied D To be occupied15 Isnt it time you got down to _ the papers?A mark B be marked C being marked D marking16 No matter how attractive the advertisement _ the product is, its purpose is to take people into buying it.A linking to B to link with C with links to D linked to 17 Fi

28、nding her car stolen, _.A a policeman was asked to help B the area was searched thoroughly C it was looked for everywhere D she hurried to a policeman for help18 The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A forced B forcing C t

29、o be forced D having forced19 Ye Shiwen, a 16-year-old swimmer, set a new world record, _ the praise from the whole world.A. won B. to win C. winning D having won 20.It was astonishing that the mayor should have got the harbour, which would be of great benefit to the local economy, _ within half a y

30、ear.A be completed B to be completed C completed D being completed21.His mother worried that he spent too much time on the computer and not enough time _.A to study B study C studied D studying22 _ for two miles, the car broke down.A I drove my car B Having runC To have driven D Having driven23.Mich

31、ael never dreamt of _ for him to be sent abroad very soon. A being a chance B theres a chance C there to be a chance D there being a chance 24_ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D Facing25_to his research, he spared no time to spend a weekend with us.A Devoting B Devoted C Caught D Lost 26._with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.A Compare B When comparing C Comparin

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