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1、青海省中考英语试题青海省2020年初中毕业升学考试英语试卷(本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟)考生注意:1.答卷前将密封线以内的项目填写清楚。2.用钢笔或中性笔将选择题和非选择题的答案分别写在相应题号的表格内或横线上。3英语听力没有试听环节,播放的全部是考试内容。I 听力测试(共四大题,计 20分)A.听句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子相对应的图片。每个句子仅读一遍。 (每小题1分,共5分)4. A.5. A.C.B.听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子仅读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)B. It S Room 202.B. Yes, She is short.B. Not much

2、fun.6.A. Let me check.7.A. Yes, She is tall.8.A. I did nothing but sleep.C. It S great, thanks.C. Yes, She is of medium height.C. I Went to the park.9. A. My room is a mess.B. Yes, I will.C. Sorry, I Ve cleaned my room.10. A. So am I.B. I don t like the food.C. I m just kidd ing,(每小题1分,共5分)C.听下面五段对话

3、和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。11.A. Ten minu tes.12.A. He likes hot tea With honey13.A. I n Chi na.14.A. They are n ear.15.A. Getti ng UP late.B.Thirtee n minu tes.B. He will accept her advice.B. In a supermarket.B. They are clea n.B. Taking a Iong shower.C.Thirty minu tes.C. He will take some pills.C.

4、In a factory.C. They are at the comer.C. MiSS ing the early bus.D.听下面一段独白,根据所听内容完成表格,每空一词。独白读两遍。 (每小题1分,共5分)National High FiVe DayWhenEVery year, the 16. ThUrSday in April is AmeriCan NatiOnal High FiVe Day.WhatThe Way people USe high fives shows their differe nt feeli ngs Whe n 17. friends and CeIe

5、brat ing.How1.When people play a 18. and someOne SCores, they Congratulate them With a high five,SOmetimeS even two high fives With 19. han ds.2.In some 20. , a han dshake is the most formal Way among hand gestures.3.StUde nts Can make their OWn SPeCiaI han dshakes With differe nt people.16. 17. 18.

6、 19. 20. .单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)从A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案填入空白处。21. The dining hall is specially built for . That S great! People over SeVenties Won t have to worry about their daily Old man B. the old man C. the old22. Manyand her CIaSSmateS are busy PrePari ng for their final exam in ati on. That

7、S Why you Can always See learning in the library.A. them B. US C. her23.The Only jokes I tell are the that I hear from you.A. One B. OneS C. joke24.Cookies are just the thi ng to SerVe tall glasses of real lem On juice.A. at B. in C. With25.the PiCtUre On the wall and make it clea n? Could you PIeaS

8、eSure. I d love to.26. Lily is intelligent and hard -working, she do well in the singing competition. Sure. She was born to be a singer.A.should B. might C. can t27. Xining is getting more and more beautiful. Oh, yes. I think more changes are .A.on the radio B. in the end C. on the way28.I was still

9、 feeling hungry I had eaten some sandwiches.A. so B. though C. since29.A CCTV news reporter will come to interview Wang Lin tomorrow. Please tell her A. not to be late B. not to come C. to watch TV30. She was the best seller in the company and her boss gave her a special ten-day holiday. That s so c

10、ool. She sold out products than any others last year.A. the most B. more C. fewer31. What are you expecting to do when the fu stops spreading? I the world and enjoy different food.32.We I1 never forget those lost their lives for our country.A. who B. which C. whom33. It s difficult to get a ticket o

11、f Jay Zhou s concert. , I ve got one. Sounds like a good idea.35. What do you know about the earthquake happened in the morning? The wounded people to the hospital in time. We did. But nobody could say it would take.37. Why don t you find some workers to repair the machines?Well, Of them Want to do

12、SUCh a IoW -Paid job.A.a few B. few C. some38. an amuseme nt Cen ter, some restaura nts and hun dreds of StOreS in the shopp ing mall.Wow, it S amazing. I will go next week.A.There is B. There are C. There will be39. Why do so many Can adia n compa nies Want him to work for them?He Can SPeak both En

13、glish and French. It S Certainly his .A. decisi On B. Con diti On C. adva ntage40. You look dow n! What S up?A. I m WatChing a SitCOm B. My mom is ill C.1 just finiShed high schoolIn .完形填空(共两节,15小题,计15分)A.阅读短文,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个最佳的选项填空,使短文完整、通顺。 (每小题1分,共10分)Blue WhaIeS are the IargeSt ani mals in th

14、e world. BUt they are amaz ing 41. because of their huge size,but their slow heartbeat.For the first time , SCie ntists have researched the 42. of a blue whale. They found 43. Whe n blueWhaIeS dive (潜水)for food, their heart rates ( 心率)are as 44. as 2 beats Per (每)minute (bpm). SCientists USed to 45.

15、 that their diving heart rate WaS 15 bpm. When the WhaIeS go to the ocean 46. to breathe, Stheir heart rate is betwee n 25 and 37 bpm.Usually, the Iarger an animal is, 47. its heart beats, SinCe it takes more time to PUmP (输送)blood around 48. body. Shrews, the smallest mammals (哺乳动物 ),have a heart r

16、ate of UP to 1,000 bpm. HUmans usually Stay betwee n 60 and 100 bpm.49.slowing their heart rate, blue WhaIeS Can Send more blood to the muscles (肌肉)that they USe50. TheSe muscles become Stron ger, allowi ng the WhaIeS to dive for Ion ger PeriOdS of time.41.A. n eitherB. eitherC. not onlyD. although4

17、2.A. heartbeatB. body SiZeC. divi ngD. food43.A. itB. thatC. onceD. if44.A. manyB. littleC. fastD. slow45.A. regardB. expectC. thi nkD. doubt46.A. bottomB. SUrfaCeC. Cen terD. Side48. A. it SB.itsC.hisD.her49. A. ByB.InC.OnD.At50. A. to PUmP dive47. A. the slowerB. slow

18、erC. the fasterD. fasterB.用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 (每空1分,共5分)Safety CoUntry shock Set UP helpDUring World War I , a naval blockad海军圭寸锁 )kept food and SUPPIieS from entering Germany. EnglishCharity (慈善机构 )worker Egla ntyne Jebb WaS 51. to See the in flue nce that actio n had on ChiIdre n. In 1919, S

19、he 52. an Orga ni Zati On n amed SaVe the ChiIdre n, mainly help ing ChiIdre n get out of the difficult SitUati on. Today, SaVe the ChiIdre n works in 120 53. . It helps With food, educati On and health. In Syria, the orga ni Zati On54. more tha n 2 millio n ChiIdre n, PrOVidi ng food and other SUPP

20、lies, as well as 55. SPaCeS for ChiIdre n toIearnand get men tal health services. DUring major Con flicts ( 冲突)SUCh as the War in Syria, SaVe the ChiIdre n doesn t choose sicSt chooses ChiIdren.51. 52. 53. 54. 55. IV .阅读理解(共四节,20小题,计40分)A5 Great BritiSh Ban dsestNameOriginDateSMain band membersFamOU

21、SSon g/albumHonoUrSTheBeaIeSLiVerPool1960-70Joh n Lennon ,PaulMCCart ney, GeOrgeHarriSon, Ringo StarrThe BeatIeS (TheWhite AIbUm)BeSt- selli ng band in historyTheRolli ngStoneLondon1962 - PreSe ntMiCk Jagger, KeithRiChards, CharIie Watts,Ronnie Wood, BillWyma nIt S OnIy RockRoll4th On 100 GreatArtis

22、ts of All Timelist (Rolling SoneSmagaz ine)TheWhoLondon1964 -82,1985,1988 - 89,1996 - PreSe ntPete ToWn She nd, RogerDaltrey, Joh n En twistle,Keith Moo n, KenneyJoneSMy Gen eratio nHaVe SeVe n albumsOn Rolli ng Stone magazine S 50( GreateSt AIbUmS ofAll Time LedZePPeIi nLondon1968 -80(reunions:1985

23、,1988,1995, 2007)Joh n Bon ham, Joh n PaulJoneS Jimmy Page,RObert Pla ntStairWay toHeaVenSeCond best-selling band ever in the USAPi nkFloydLondon1965 - 1995,(One - offreu nion; 2005)Syd Berrett, RogerWaders, RiChard Wright,NiCk Mason, DaVid GilmourThe Dark Side of the Moo nSold more than 250 milli O

24、n albums worldwide仔细阅读表格内信息,选择最佳答案。 (每小题2分,共10 分)56. formed in Liverpool.A.The BeatleS B. The Rolli ng Ston es C. The Who D. Led ZePPelin57. lasts the Ion gest.A. The Rolli ng Ston es B. The Who C. led ZePPeIi n D. Pink Floyd58.Among the 500 GreateSt AIbUmS of All Time On Rolli ng Stone magaz ine, h

25、as SeVe n.59.60.WaS One of the members of Pink Floyd.OVer the last SiX mon ths, the Coron avirus Pan demic (冠状病毒疫情 )has affected differe nt CoUn tries and regiOnS in different ways. Here, We ll take a look at a few of the most important events that have happened.Italy ShUtS dow nOn MarCh 10. the Ita

26、Iian government decided to PUt the whole CoUntryon lockdown after the number of CaSeS(病例)in the CoUntry Started in CreaS ing quickly, people Were SUggeSted not leavi ng their home. The first CaSe WaS detected (检测至U ) as early as JanUary 31. In the following weeks, the number of CaSeS reached over 10

27、,000 by the time of the lockdow n. The lockdow n affected 16 millio n people across the CoUn try. Italy WaS One of the first of many coun tries that Carried out lockdow ns to PreVe nt the SPread of the virus.WHO declares Pan demicOn March 11, World Health Organization (WHO) officially characterized

28、( 描述 ) COVID -19 as a pandemic.This was because of a growing number of cases around the world. By this time, there were more than 20,0000 cases in Europe, including 1,000 deaths, as well as 1,000 cases in the US.Summer Olympics delayedOn March 24,President of the International Olympic Committee ( IO

29、C) Thomas Bach announced the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, which were planned to be held in Tokyo, would be delayed until the following year in the interest of protecting pubic safety.US hits over 1 million cases-19 cases nationwide. This came just fourOn April 28, the US officially recorded over one m

30、illion COVID days after it was announced that the virus had resulted in over 50,000 deaths across the country. The virus spread rapidly across the country, as the first case had been recorded three months earlier.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 (每小题 2分,共 10 分)61.The events in the passage are all connected with62.A. caused the lockdownsC. could result in death63.COVID -19 was officially announced as a pandemic because itB.had a growing number of cases in the worldD. spread quickly in Europe64.CBoth of my two sons were born in Toronto, but th

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