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1、教师学期寄语一句话英文50条教师学期寄语一句话英文(50条) 1、Your talent is like a spark, if you use diligent efforts to combustion, it will become a raging fire, extremely light and heat to release. 你的天赋好比一朵火花,假如你用勤勉辛劳去助燃,它一定会变成熊熊烈火,放出无比的光和热来。 2、Sow a faith, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a cha

2、racter; sow a character, reap a destiny. Students, a good seed, a good grasp of it! 播种一个信念,收获一个行动;播种一个行动,收获一个习惯;播种一个习惯,收获一个性格;播种一个性格,收获一个命运。同学们,好好播种,好好把握吧! 3、Do you have the same springs of wisdom and a pair of hard hands,no matter where you are lucky and happy to accompany you! 你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,不管你

3、身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你! 4、for the poor, the more the more a story. Hope the students positive in the new semester, to show their talents, the development of their personal skills, and comPhensively improve the overall quality of their own! “欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”希望同学们在新学期里积极向上,大显身手,发展自己的个性特长,全面提高自己的综合素质! 5、To your

4、 self-confidence in your cheerful, to your perseverance, but also my blessing, you will be able to sail on the other side of the ideal. 愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱。 11、 Yesterday is history; tomorrow, still unknown; yesterday andtomorrow is today connected together. May you

5、held today in hands! 昨天,已经是历史;明天,还是个未知数;把昨天和明天连接在一起的是今天。愿你紧紧地把今天攥在手心里! 12、An idle youth a needy age. Dear students, please cherish every sunny morning, devote themselves to study, let the sun shine on our magnificent life. “少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”亲爱的同学们,请珍惜每一个晴朗的早晨,全身心地投入学习,让那灿烂的朝阳点缀我们的壮丽人生。 13、Some people sa

6、y : everyone can be the architect of his own happiness. Wishes to you in the way, the construction of the building lucky with our own hands. 有人说:“人人都可以成为自己的幸运的建筑师。”愿你们在前行的道路上,用自己的双手建造幸运的大厦。 14、 Would you like that small streams, the peaks of the high life as a starting point, a jump, a road running,

7、 bravely bravely towards the sea of life . . 愿你像那小小的溪流,将那高高的山峰作为生命的起点,一路跳跃,一路奔腾,勇敢地勇敢地奔向生活的大海 15、 If life is a river, you are ready to move persistent leaf boat; if the life is a leaf boat, you would like to be a sailor in all weathers. 假如生活是一条河流,愿你是一叶执著向前的小舟;假如生活是一叶小舟,愿你是个风雨无阻的水手。 16、In the world t

8、he most Pcious is today, most easily lost is today; letyou in the coming year, infinite treasure this each today. 如果明天是一幢摩天大厦,今天就是决定那大厦寿命的基石。同学,让我们珍惜今天这一分一秒,把这大厦的基石打得无比坚实。 17、 If you have wasted time, please do not sigh as compensation; the road tomorrow, after all, is longer than the passing of the

9、 years. Afast step, the front is the dawn of happiness! 假如你曾有过虚度的时光,请不要以叹息作为补偿;明天的路途毕竟长于逝去的岁月。快迈步,前面相迎的是幸福的曙光! 18、 You want to get excellent results, please carefully cherish and spend your time. You take care of your life, never waste time, because you know that time is life shaping material. 你想获得优

10、异成果的话,请谨慎地珍惜和支配自己的时间。你爱惜你的生命,从不浪费时间,因为你知道:时间就是塑造生命的材料。 19、 plum blossom from the bitter cold, Bao Jianfeng from sharpen. The flower of success is watered with sweat. Whenever, we all need to hard conscious spirit, require indomitable courage; ask canal which clear, is the springhead. “梅花香自苦寒来,宝剑锋从磨砺

11、出。”成功之花是用辛勤的汗水浇灌出来的。无论何时,我们都需要刻苦自觉的精神,都需要顽强拼搏的勇气; 47、 Let the clouds the sun always accompany you come to the far-off regions; flowers out your lofty quest of the future. 愿云彩艳阳一直陪伴你走到海角天涯;鲜花绿草相随你铺展远大的前程。 48、 The marine life has rolled out the Golden Road, spray on both sides are respectively the sha

12、king of the flowers welcome. The courage to go, friends! Forward, has sounded the war conch; rosy clouds, are flying the banner of flowers . . 生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进,已吹响出征的海螺;彩霞,正在将鲜花的大旗飞舞 49、 Ah, let you in the fleeting time to ride the wind and waves, the waves,sail to success! 啊

13、,愿你们在飞逝而去的时间波涛上,乘风破浪,驶向成功的彼岸! 50、 Up at dawn, diligently good. I wish you love the spring of life, cherish the time of the morning, learned that the plum blossom, fight for the Dongfeng first branch . 黎明即起,孜孜为善。”愿你热爱生命的春天,珍惜时间的清晨,学那梅花,争作“东风第一枝”。 以你的自信,以你的开朗,以你的毅力,还有我的祝福,你一定能够驶向理想的彼岸。 你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鹰

14、,明天是你们的世界,一切因你们而光辉 6、 A clear pool, must be injected into the spring, continue otherwise, even if not dry, easily turbid. “问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”一泓清池,必须不断有清泉的注入,否则,即使不干涸,也很容易混浊。 7、Life is a smile in front of you, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life. 你面前那生活之海的沙滩,是一张金色的稿笺。愿你在这张无边的素笺上,用理想

15、的霞光写出人生的诗篇! 8、 Reading is the same, reading your intentions to persevere, to every book, every word. Believe that this summer must have been very happy! 读书也是一样,读书贵在持之以恒,要用心去感悟每一本书每一个文字。相信这个暑假里一定过得很愉快吧! 9、I wish you were a tree: a mountain spring, spit out the faint fragrance;summer, sprinkle with su

16、ch as spring cool shade; autumn, give a sweet fruit tree; winter, do a good dream to recuperate and build up energy! 愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦! 10、 Wish you are the wind, to muster the white sails; may you are the ship, cut open the blue waves. Life is a smile in front

17、 of you, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life. 20、 Dear children, you have the most enviable age, your roads ahead are golden, may you grow up, get your bright future. 亲爱的孩子,你有着最令人羡慕的年龄,你的面前条条道路金光灿灿,愿你快快成长起来,去获取你光明的未来。 21、 Wish you are the wind, to muster the white sails; may you a

18、re the ship, cut open the blue waves. Life is a smile in front of you, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life. 愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱。 22、 Say goodbye to summer laid-back lifestyle, return to campus ocean of knowledge, learn in the teachings of the teach

19、er, the help of students every day, ideal nautical Fluxus in the book, the mountains in the book in order to future work hard. School, and high morale bracing, you are the hope of the motherland, you are the pillars of society! 告别暑假的自在生活,回归校园的知识海洋,在老师的教诲下好好学习,在同学的帮助下天天向上,为了理想在书海里激浪,为了未来在书山上奋发图强。开学了,

20、昂扬斗志抖擞精神,你们是祖国的希望,你们是社会的栋梁! 23、Bloom youthful smile left fond memories of holidays wings open hope to greet the first day of school in September, the aspiring juvenile Raising ideal sailing, and strive upward swim in the ocean of knowledge, the familiar classroom blowing head a new breath, dear stud

21、ents the spirit of full show the vitality of the sun, and worked hard to greet the glorious power, Happy first day of school, the new semester to get good grades. (四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!) 比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹! 42、Do you have the same springs of wisdom and a pair of

22、hard hands,no matter where you are lucky and happy to accompany you! 你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你! 43、 The living sea beach in front of you, is a golden manuscript. May youin this boundless plain, write poems with rays of life ideal! 你面前那生活之海的沙滩,是一张金色的稿笺。愿你在这张无边的素笺上,用理想的霞光写出人生的诗篇! 44、 Seize

23、today! Firmly grasp it! Todays every minute, all need to do something to make progress, something to climb! 抓住今天吧!紧紧地把它抓住吧!今天的分分秒秒,都要有所作为,有所进步,有所登攀! 45、 A lofty ideal is the beacon light of life. With it, life will have a direction;with it, the heart was full. Stride a firm step, towards the establi

24、shed goals! 高尚的理想是人生的指路明灯。有了它,生活就有了方向;有了它,内心就感到充实。迈开坚定的步伐,走向既定的目标吧! 46、 Better as an ideal, in the call to you. You are a drop of water, all will be active in the sea! 朝霞般美好的理想,在向你们召唤。你们是一滴一滴的水,全将活跃在祖国的大海里! 明天入学的新生们注意了:一点小要求。你妈想帮你收拾衣服,收拾床铺的话,就随她吧。你爸想跟整个楼层的同学都打招呼,就随他吧。他们想把你这周末的一举一动都用相机拍下来,就由着他们吧。如果他们

25、让你有些尴尬,有些疯狂的举动,由着他们吧。当你展开生命的新篇章时,他们也开始了人生新的阶段。不管你信不信,这个阶段对他们来说要更困难一些。所以,就让他们最后一次把你当“宝宝”照顾吧。 36、I wish you will have a good matter where you are , what you do, in my mind you always the best one. 我希望你有个好的未来,不管你在哪,你做什么,在我心中你永远都是最棒的。 37、Most of the time, I compare my own course of development

26、: Have I made progress today compare with yesterday, and will I do better tomorrow than today? In this way, I continually challenge myself and surpass myself. 多数时候,我跟自己作纵向的比较,自己的今天和昨天相比是否有所进步,而明天是否会超越今天,永远挑战自己,超越自己。 38. Use passion and rationality to forge the future. 凭真诚与勤奋赢得尊重,用激情与理性打造未来。 39. Alwa

27、ys do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. 凡事都要尽力去做,因为有付出才会有收获。 40. Never accept failure, no matter how often it visits you. Keep on going. Never give up. Never! 即使再多的失败也决不能认输,坚持不解,永不放弃。 41. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful inpiduals above the crowd: a little bit more. 文章来源网络整理,请自行参考使用

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