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1、新东方考研个必备词组考研必备词组(734个)1. abide by 忠于;遵守(法律、承诺)同义替换:be faithful to , obey abide 原始涵义:Vt.忍受;屈从于 I am unwilling to abide the decision of the court.我不愿意服从法庭的裁决。vi.等候;继续下去,继续存在 Though many features were abiding, the changes were much felt.尽管许多特征依然存在,仍可感到发生了各种变化。 真题重现: Californians and New Englanders spea

2、k the same language and abide by the same federal laws.加利福尼亚人和新英格兰人讲同一种语言,并遵守同样的联邦法律。(1992年完形) 造句: I abide byobeyam faithful to what I said. 我遵守诺言。2. be absent from. 缺席,不在,没到场、没参加同义替换:defaultabsent原始涵义:adj.缺席的, 不在场的 At times he would be absent for a couple of days.他有时会离开几天。心不在焉的, 恍惚的 He listened wit

3、h an absent air and kept glancing at the door.他一副心不在焉的样子听着, 不时地瞥一眼门。Vi缺席,不在 造句:I will be absent from work tomorrow.我明天不上班3. absence of mind心不在焉同义替换:being absent-minded absence 原始涵义:n. 缺席,不在 I want to ask for leave of absence for several days. 我想请几天假。缺乏,不存在 In the absence of anybody more experienced,

4、 I took command. 由于找不到其他更有经验的人,只好由我来指挥。造句:Frequently absence of mind in the class made him fail in the exam. 经常在课上心不在焉使他考试不及格。4. be absorbed in 全神贯注于同义替换: be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on; be focused on ; be centered onabsorb原始涵义:vt. 吸收 A sponge absorbs water. 海绵吸水; 吸引的注

5、意力,使全神贯注;占去(注意力、时间等)The game absorbed the boy completely. 这男孩完全被游戏吸引住了。造句:Mary was absorbed in thought. 玛丽在沉思。5. (be) abundant in富于,富有同义替换:be rich in; be well supplied withabundant 原始涵义:adj. 大量的,充足的 Children under five have abundant energy partly because they take one or two naps daily.五岁以下的孩子精力充沛,部

6、分原因在于他们每天打一两次盹。造句:There is a river abundant in fish in my hometown. 在我的家乡有一条盛产鱼的河流。6. access (to) 同义替换:entryaccess原始涵义:n. (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 We have free access to the librarys scientific literature. 我们有免费使用图书馆科学文献的机会。真题重现:“Knowledge is power” may well be the truest saying and access to information m

7、ay be the most critical requirement of all people. “知识就是力量”可能是最有哲理的一句谚语了,获取信息则可能是人类需具备的最必要的条件。 (1995阅读)7. by accident偶然地,意外同义替换:by chance, accidentallyaccident 原始涵义:n. 意外遭遇, 事故 He witnessed the accident。他亲眼看见那个意外事故。造句:We met by accident at the airport. 我们偶然在机场相遇了。8. of ones own accord自愿地,主动地同义替换:wit

8、hout being asked; willingly; freelyaccord 原始涵义:n. 一致, 符合 They came to an accord that profits should be shared equally.他们达成协议, 收益由大家均分。vt. 给予, 赠予,授予(权力、地位、某种待遇) We accorded the boy due praise.我们给了孩子适当的表扬。vi. 符合, 一致 Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.我们班大多数同学都是那个意见。造句:The next day he spoke t

9、o her of his own accord, and his manner was somewhat changed. 第二天他主动和她说话了,而且态度有所改变。9. in accord with 与一致 同义替换:in accordance withaccord 原始涵义:见单词8。造句:Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.在渴望和平这一点上, 大多数人都是一致的。10. with one accord一致地同义替换:with everybody agreeingAccord 原始涵义:见单词8。造句:They pr

10、aised Tom with one accord. 他们异口同声地表扬汤姆。11. in accordance with 依照,根据同义替换:in agreement withaccordance原始涵义:n. 一致, 和谐, 符合 He acted in accordance with his beliefs.他按照自己的信念行事。造句:The rights of children are protected in accordance with the law.儿童的权利根据法律得到保护。12. on ones own account为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益同义替换:for

11、ones own interestAccount原始涵义:n. 账, 账户 The sum of money has been transferred into my account.那笔钱已转到我账上。vi. 说明原因(或理由),提出理由;是的原因;做出说明(或解释),解释(for) His illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病, 所以才缺席。vt. 以为,认为,把看做,把视作 We all account him a qualified teacher.我们都认为他是一名合格的教师。造句:Everything he does is on his ow

12、n account.他做的每件事都为自己的利益打算。13. takeinto account把.考虑进去同义替换:considerAccount原始涵义:见单词12。造句:Our strategy must take into account the possibility that our guesses are wrong.在制定战略方针时,我们必须考虑到我们的猜测有可能是错误的。14. give sb. an account of 说明,解释 (理由)同义替换:explainAccount原始涵义:见单词12。造句:In describing an object we can give

13、an account of its shape, size, color and function.描写一个静物时应说明物体的外形、大小、色彩以及功能。15. account for 解释,说明同义替换:give an explanation or reason forAccount原始涵义:见单词12。真题重现:What might account for this strange phenomenon? 造成这一奇怪现象的可能原因是什么? (2007阅读)造句:Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies. 缺钱是她辍学的

14、原因。16. on account of 由于,因为.同义替换:because ofAccount原始涵义:见单词12。造句:The drilling was delayed on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好,训练推迟了。17. on no account绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)同义替换:in no case, for no reasonAccount原始涵义:见单词12。造句:On no account should you leave the door unlocked.你无论如何也不应该不锁门。18. accuseof指控,控告同

15、义替换:chargewith; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain aboutAccuse 原始涵义:vt. 指责,谴责;控告We accused him of taking bribes.我们控告他受贿。19. be accustomed to 习惯于同义替换:be in the habit of, be used toaccustom 原始涵义:vt. (使)习惯于It takes a moment for her eyes to grow accustomed to the dark.她花了片刻的时间使双眼习惯这种黑暗。造句

16、:I am accustomed to working inside the room of noise and excitement.我习惯于在喧闹的房间里工作。20. be acquainted with 了解;熟悉同义替换:to have knowledge of了解;to have met socially熟悉acquaint 原始涵义:vt.使熟悉, 使了解This book acquaints the students with the ancient cultures of Europe.这本书帮助学生了解欧洲的古代文化。通知, 告知Acquaint him with your

17、plans.把你的计划告知他。真题重现:Ms. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be acquainted with everyone who comes to the store.虽然在这个镇上只住了一年,然而格林小姐似乎认识来店里的每一个人。(1996词汇)造句:I was first acquainted with him on board a whale vessel.当初,我是在一艘捕鲸船上同他结识的。21. act on 奉行,按照行动同义替换:be according toact

18、原始涵义:vt. & vi. 做,做事,行事;行动,采取行动The time for thinking is past, we must now act.思考的时间过去了, 我们现在必须行动。表演, 举动像;装出,假装,做作Oliver is acting tonight.奥利弗今晚演出。n.行为, 行动My first act was to run into the waiting room.我的第一个行动就是跑进客厅。真题重现:Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their p

19、eople depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.世界各国政府都按照这样一个假设行事:人民的福利在很大程度上取决于经济实力和社会财富。(2000翻译)造句:The police are acting on the information received.警方正根据获得的情报采取行动。-22. adapt oneself to使自己适应于同义替换:adjust oneself toadapt 原始涵义:vt. & vi. (使)适应,(使)适合She knew how to adapt hers

20、elf. 她懂得如何适应环境。vt.改编, 改写Many of Dickens books have been adapted as films.狄更斯的许多书都已改编成电影。改变以适合(for)Many city vehicles have been adapted for use as school buses.许多城市车辆已改为校车。vi.适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to)She has not yet adapted to the climate.她还没适应气候。造句:You should adapt yourself to the new environment.你应该适应新环境

21、。23. adapt(for)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)同义替换:make sth. Suitable for a new needadapt 原始涵义:见单词22。造句:The author is going toadapthis playfortelevision.作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。24. in addition 此外, 又, 加之同义替换:besidesaddition 原始涵义:n.加; 加法That is a simple addition.那是简单的加法。增加的人或事物Theyve just had an addition to the family.他们家里刚刚添

22、了一口人。造句:In addition, reference is made to the novel techniques.此外,还介绍了一些新的方法。25. in addition to除外同义替换:as well as, besides, other thanaddition 原始涵义:见单词24。造句:In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.除英语外,他还要学第二外语。26. adhere to 粘附; 坚持, 遵循同义替换:abide by, conform. to, comply with,

23、 cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, beliefadhere 原始涵义:vi.黏附, 附着The two surfaces adhered, and we couldnt get them apart.这两个表面粘着, 我们无法将它们分开。坚持, 支持He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.他坚持他在会上所说的话。27. adjacent毗邻的, 临近的同义替换:next to, close toadjacent原始涵义:adj.与毗连的;邻近的We w

24、ork in adjacent rooms.我们在毗邻的房间里工作。28. adjust.(to) 调节; 适应;同义替换:change slightlyadjust原始涵义:vt. & vi.(改变以)适应; 调整; 校正The man adjusted very precisely.那个人调得很准。造句:The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team un

25、iforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames. 经过了若干年,从事职业运动的人的身体发生了显著的变化,而经纪人更乐于调整团队的制服以适应他们日益变大、变长的骨架。29. admit of 的可能,留有的余地.同义替换:be capable of, leave room foradmit原始涵义:vt. & vi.许可进入This ticket admits two persons.这张票可让两人进场。承认, 供认She admitted having done wrong.她承认自己做错了。vt.允许,让得到,让享有He

26、was admitted into their fullest confidence.他获得了他们的充分信任。vi.(门)开向,通往(一地)(to)The gate admits to the yard.这道门通向院子。容许,容许有,容得;留有余地,给予机会(of)The regulations admit of no exception.规章不容破例。造句:His statement admits of one interpretation only.他的话只有一种解释。30. in advance 预告, 事先同义替换:before in timeadvance原始涵义: vt. & vi

27、.(使)前进, (使)发展; 促进I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance.我示意他离开, 但他还是继续往前走。提高, 提升Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。vt.提出He advanced many reasonable proposals.他提出了许多合理化建议。提前They advanced the time of the meeting.他们把会议时间提前了。预付, 贷(款项等)I advanced 200 pounds more on these books.这些书我又多预付了200英

28、镑。把(钟、表等)拨快Clocks must be advanced one hour.钟表必须拨快一小时。(尤指凭抵押品)贷(款);借(钱)The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer.银行通常贷款给农民购买种子和化肥。 n.前进, 发展, 改进, 进步Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers.什么也无法阻挡战士们的前进步伐。增长, 提高There has been no advance in the price of rice for many years

29、.许多年来米价一直没有上涨。借款, 预付款, 贷款The factory gave me an advance so that I could get my necessities.工厂先付钱给我, 便于我买一些必需品。adj.预先的, 在前的We sent out an advance party of soldiers.我们派出一支先头部队。预先做好的; 预先供给的They have got advance information of the storms approach.他们事前已得到将有暴风雨的消息。vi. (在锦标赛中)获胜后进入下一轮比赛He advanced into the

30、 second round.他获胜进入第二轮比赛。造句:Its a very popular play, and it would be wise to book seats well in advance. 这是部很受欢迎的戏剧,提前定好座位是明智的。31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.advantage原始涵义:n.有利条件, 有利因素, 优势Her Olimpic experience gave her a big advantage over the other contestants for the final victory.她的奥运会参赛经历使她比起其他竞技对手在争取最后获胜上具有很大的优势。益处, 利益There are advantages to not having servants.不用仆人有不用仆人的优越性。vt.有利于,有益于,有助于;促进,推动;使处于有利地位It would advantage you to work hard.努力工作对你会有益。造句:Hang the picture somewhere where it will show up to advantag

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