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1、高中英语模块综合检测模块综合检测(时间:100分钟;满分:120分)第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)AAsked to picture an electric guitar,most people will immediately bring to mind Leo Fenders most famous modelthe Stratocaster.Upon its introduction in 1954,the Stratocaster not only redefined(重新定义) the sound of American mus

2、ic,but also immediately became an astonishing piece of design.Many musicians found Fenders first model,the Telecaster,clumsy,so he simply improved the instrument,making its shape fit a players body.For Fender,form followed function as naturally as morning followed night.You can learn more about elec

3、tric guitars from The Birth of Loud.Ian SPorts book is a vivid account of the careers of Fender and his main competition,Les Paul,the star guitarist.The book explores the two mens rise with extraordinary skills and authority.Although they would be forever linked in their fame,they were in many ways

4、opposites.Fender was silent and could often be found working in his laboratory until late at night,while Paul was a showman,a musical and technical whiz(奇才) who was one of the biggest stars before the age of rocknroll pop.What they shared was that they both dared to try out crazy ideas.They were“unt

5、rained men who could build or fix almost anything”,Port observes.This book reflects Ports ability to marry an anecdotal writing style to a musicians ear.Describing sound is extraordinarily difficult.I myself have played electric guitars designed by Fender and Paul for many years,and Ports descriptio

6、ns of their different sounds are the most accurate I have ever read.Ports writing skills are shown clearly when he describes Hendrixs famous performance of“The StarSpangled Banner”at Woodstock in 1969,which pushed rock guitar playing to a height it may never again reach.Port wisely ends his book her

7、e.The story of these instruments is the story of America from 1945 to the 1960s:loud,cocky(自大的),aggressively new.【语篇解读】语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与社会之文学、艺术与体育。本文是一篇书评,此书主要介绍了电吉他发明和推广的两大功臣。而作者赞美了书籍作者的写作技巧和在音乐方面的专业性。1What is Stratocaster famous for?AIts main functions.BIts wide application.CIts professional desig

8、ner.DIts unique sound and form.D推理判断题。根据第一段的“the Stratocaster not only redefined the sound of American music,but also immediately became an astonishing piece of design”以及下文描述的Stratocaster是Fender将原有的电吉他的外形进行了改进后制造出来的情况可知,Stratocaster的音色不仅重新定义了美国音乐,它本身也是一件令人吃惊的设计品。可见它是因其独特的声音和外形而闻名的。2What similarity d

9、id Fender and Paul share?AHaving a bright personality.BEarning a reputation as a pop star.CBeing ready to put ideas into practice.DConcentrating on rocknroll all their life.C细节理解题。根据第三段的What they shared was that they both dared to try out crazy ideas.They were“untrained men who could build or fix al

10、most anything”,Port observes可知,Fender和Paul都是乐于将想法付诸实践的人。3Which is a distinguishing feature of the book according to the author?AIt combines music with history.BIt records the birth of rock music.CIt shows professional knowledge.DIt focuses on events rather than persons.C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“This book refle

11、cts Ports ability to marry an anecdotal writing style to a musicians ear”和“Ports descriptions of their different sounds are the most accurate I have ever read”可知,Port在这本书中能够精准地描述相关的音乐知识,作为熟悉电吉他的作者也称赞Port在书中所展现的专业知识。4What is the text meant to do?ARecommend a good book.BSpread electric guitars.CAdvoca

12、te rocknroll.DHonor two musicians.A推理判断题。阅读全文可知,本文是一篇书评。首段通过讨论人们常见的电吉他形象引出话题,第二段简要介绍书的作者和内容,第三段又回到书中主要呈现的人物,最后一段从写作风格和专业性上赞扬了这本书。由此推知,此文的主要目的是为了推荐这本书。BThis July my husband and I decided to move both our kids,aged 14 and 10,from their previous schools to a new international school thats located in ou

13、r neighborhood.It wasnt an easy decision.We knew switching schools would be a challenge for our kids.Put two kids in the same situation and they react and feel differently.Nina,outgoing and talkative,has no problem making new friends and adjusting to(适应) the new school.It took her less than a week t

14、o say,“This school is great.I like it.”Everywhere she goes,shes surrounded by friends.It took Michael months to say,“I guess this is fine.”Before that,he complained about everything.Hes sensitive and quite hard on himself.Words of encouragement need to be told on a daily basis.To make our children c

15、omfortable before,during,and after the move,we included them in our plan from the beginning.Theyre big enough to take part in decisionmaking activities.We researched,compared,and asked questions.We listed everything about their old schools and the new one,and we discussed every item.We were open wit

16、h them from the start.Our kids knew what was going on and what was about to happen.They had time to prepare themselves.They trusted us.Communicating with their new teachers was also important.For the first three months,we kept an eye on our childrens academic(学业的) performance and their social life.I

17、f we discovered a drop in their grades or any unusual behavior,we were quick to arrange appointments with their teachers.We dont aim to be helicopter_parents,but it doesnt mean we let them go completely.Balancing this role is hardthe older the kid,the harder it getsbut its not impossible.The key is

18、to listen first,and act second.【语篇解读】语篇类型是夹叙夹议文,主题语境是教育。作者讲述了自己一家人是如何帮助两个孩子应对转校问题的。5Why were the children probably moved into a new school?AThe old school is not good enough.BThey wanted to make more new friends.CThe new school is conveniently located near their home.DThe outgoing child can help the

19、 shy one in the same school.C细节理解题。根据第一段的a new international school thats located in our neighborhood可知,作者的孩子们转校的一个原因可能就是新学校离家特别近,非常方便。6How did the parents help the children deal with switching schools?ABy tolerating their behavior in school.BBy choosing the best teachers for them.CBy encouraging th

20、em to enjoy social life.DBy having open communication with them.D推理判断题。根据第三段可知,为了帮助孩子们适应转校,作者和丈夫从一开始就与他们商讨转校的利弊,让他们有充分的准备。也就是说,为了帮助孩子们处理转校问题,父母与他们开诚布公地交流。7What might the underlined phrase“helicopter parents”in the last paragraph refer to?AParents who pay very close attention to their children.BParen

21、ts who send their children to school in person.CParents who talk too much rather than take action.DParents who listen to their children all the time.A词义猜测题。阅读最后一段可知,划线短语与该句的we let them go completely是父母对待孩子态度的两个极端,所以“直升机父母”指的是那些密切关注孩子一举一动的父母,与完全放养孩子的父母形成对比。CWhat kinds of rooms are your favorite spots

22、 for studying?We are going to guess that they are probably not painted bright red or yellow.But maybe they should be.Imagine.You are suddenly asked to prepare for an exam.You have two rooms to choose from.One is a pale blue,and the other is a bright red.Which one do you settle into for study?Is one

23、going to get your brain fired up for learning,or let you relax into a best state of concentration?According to researchers at Curtin University in Australia,it might be best to camp out in the bright red room when you are looking to store information.It might sound strange,since we often think of pa

24、le roomssoft blues or light greensas relaxing,or even reassuring(令人安心的)And they seem to be:The Curtin University study showed that pale colors made participants feel more relaxed and calm,while bright colors increased heart rate.But calming and relaxing,it turns out,may not always be the best enviro

25、nment for deep concentration or knowledge gaining.Reading comprehension(阅读理解) was much better in the bright rooms than in the paler rooms.Although participants reported that they generally preferred the pale rooms to study in as an approach to relax into work,the researchers saw just the oppositetha

26、t the brightcolored rooms seemed to lead to greater concentration.While this might seem only surprising,the finding gets into a rather controversial area of psychological(心理学的) study.The YerkesDodson Law says that a little bit of stress is good for achieving best performance,while too much stress ne

27、gatively affects it.The higher heart rate and the reports of the bright colors creating a heavy atmosphere might just suggest that a little stress was good for the brain.【语篇解读】语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是心理研究。根据澳大利亚科廷大学的研究,当你想要记忆大量信息的时候,最好在色彩明亮的房间里待着。8What is the common idea mentioned in the first paragraph?AFew

28、people like bright red or yellow.BPale colors are connected with good grades.CLightcolored rooms make you feel nervous.DBrightcolored rooms are not good for studying.D推理判断题。根据第一段的We are going to guess that they are probably not painted bright red or yellow可知,人们普遍的观点是:色彩明亮的房间不利于学习。9What might directl

29、y affect the research results according to Paragraph 2?AParticipants preferences in colors.BHow participants reacted to colors.CTime participants spent in the rooms.DWhat participants read in the rooms.B细节理解题。根据第二段的The Curtin University study showed that pale colors made participants feel more relax

30、ed and calm,while bright colors increased heart rate可知,直接影响研究结果的是参与者对颜色的反应。10What can be concluded from the study by Curtin University?AMost people know how to make use of colors.BStress is needed when you want to concentrate.CThe higher the stress,the better your performance.DBeing relaxed is very

31、important to people studying.B推理判断题。根据第二和第三段可知,科廷大学的研究说明,放松的环境并不一定是最好的学习环境,而色彩明亮的房间可以制造适当的压力,让人们学习时能够更加集中注意力。11Whats the main idea of the text?AFindings about peoples favourite room colors.BRoom colors can affect ones academic performance.CBrightcolored rooms can create a heavy atmosphere.DLightcolo

32、red rooms help people feel relaxed into work.B根据文章第一段第一句 What kinds of rooms are your favorite spots for studying? 可知,文章与适合学习的房间颜色有关,然后在第二段中介绍 Curtin 大学的相关研究,研究人员发现色彩艳丽的房间让人感到压力,却更能让人集中注意力,最后一段则介绍初步结论适当压力会让人取得好成绩。即房间的颜色会影响学习成绩。B项“房间的颜色会影响一个人的学习成绩”,符合文意。A项“关于人们最喜欢的房间颜色的研究发现”,C项“色彩鲜艳的房间会创造一种沉重的氛围”,D项“浅色房间有助于人们在工作中感到放松”,均不正确。故正确答案为B。DThe term“liberal bubble”(自由泡沫) suggests that p

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