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1、穿透式微波水分传感器使用说明书SIED PAPER TECHNOLOGYL&W Scanpro Moisture Measuring Head DS-115DS115穿透式微波水分传感器Manual使用说明书Contents目录1 General简介2 Mechanical Design机械设计3 Electrical Design电气设计4 Installation安装5 External Connectors and Controls 外部连接和控制6 Operating Modes操作模式7 Processing the Output Signal输出过程信号8 Replacing th

2、e Measuring Head Window测量窗口的更换9 Technical Specification技术指标10 Spare Parts 备品备件11 Graphs 曲线图12 Drawings 尺寸图1. General简介The Scanpro type DS 115, dual-sided, non-contacting measuring head is intended for on-line measurement of the moisture content in paper and paperboard. DS 115型双面不接触测量头是专门为在线测量一般纸和板纸水

3、分设计的。Its main application is after the drier section, but it may also be used at earlier process stages for correspondingly lighter paper grades .主要应用在干燥部以后,但也可根据相应低定量纸的情况用在比较前的位置。The DS 115 supplies a standard DC output signal, mainly represent-ing the amount of water in the sheet. DS115提供标准的直流输出信号

4、,主要代表纸张的水分值. For moisture percentage presen-tation, the signal has to be basis weight compensated, linearized and calibrated in the users own processing unit.如果要代表水分的百分度,就要对信号进行定量补偿、线性化,用户在自己的处理单元中进行校正。Measuring principle测量原理Water has a much higher dielectric constant (app. 75) than cellulose (app.

5、2.5). 水比纤维有高的绝缘度.The proportion of moisture in the paper sheet will thus be strongly reflected in its dielectric constant. This effect can be meas-ured with high accuracy by using microwave technology. 因此纸张的含水量就反映了它的绝缘度,可以通过微波技术得到高精度的测量。The moisture sensor in the DS 115 is a microwave cavity resonat

6、or.One of its resonance frequencies is sensitive to the dielectric constant and the amount of material in the cavity. DS115型测量传感器是一个微波空腔谐振器,其中一个共振频率对绝缘度和空腔中的原料很敏感。Another resonance fre-quency, insensitive to the material, is used as a reference. The differ-ence between the two frequencies is the bas

7、ic measurement value. 另外一个共振频率对原料不敏感作为参照,两者之间的频率差是基本的测量信号。If the reading obtained by the DS 115 is combined with that of a basis weight gauge, themoisture percentage and the dry basis weight of the sheet can be separated.DS115得到的测量值含有定量值,水分和绝干量可以被分开。Calibration校正The measuring result is little influe

8、nced by additives such as kaolin,titanium dioxide,zinc oxide etc., or by pH variations. The bulkiness,the surface structure, the colour of the sheet and the water distribution inside it have no effect on the measuring result. A characteristic fea-ture is the insensitivity of the result to ink residu

9、es from recycledproducts.添加剂(例如:高岭土,钛氧化合物,锌氧化合物)会对测量结果产生一点影响,纸张的大小,表面结构,颜色,水分的分布不会对测量结果产生影响,另外一个特性是对废品中残留墨不敏感。For widely different grades of paper, separate calibrations will be re-quired.Within large groups of paper grades, however, the calibration differences will be quitesmall or negligible.对于不同等

10、级的纸,要求分别作校正,然而,对于大部分的纸种,校正的差别是很小的或者是可以忽略的。The dielectric constant of the water/fibre structure has a certain tem-perature dependence. When necessary, the sheet temperature should be measured and compensated for at the final computation of the moisture percentage.水和纤维的绝缘度跟温度有一定的关系,必要的时候,纸张的温度要测量和补偿来完

11、成最后的水分计算。Stability稳定性Thanks to the reference resonance, the measurement is insensitive to ambient temperature variations, and largely free from drift in general. The reference resonancealso compensates for moderate variations of the gap geometry. 作为共同谐振器,测量结果对环境温度不敏感,并且一般也不会有大的漂移,对不大的空隙变化也有补偿性。For t

12、he DS 115 to maintain its performance on O-frame scanners of any standard, two additional gap compensation systems are integrated with the measuring head. 为了使DS115在任意的O型架上都保证它的性能,测量头上还要另外两个间隙补偿系统A quick-acting servo keeps the resonator halves aligned in the X and Y directions.An additional microwave

13、 resonant frequency is used for compensat-ing even large gap variations in the Z direction.一个快速反应的伺服系统保证谐振器在X轴和Y轴各分一半,另外一个微波用来作补偿,即使有大的间隙在Z轴方向。Resolution分辨率When calculated as moisture percentage, the resolution of the DS 115 is better than 0.1% over its full measuring range. The cross-machine resolu

14、tion of the sensor is 40 mm, and the time resolution is equiva-lent to 80 moisture samples a second.当对水分作校正时,DS115在整个测量范围具有超过0.1的分辨率,每秒有80次采样。2. Mechanical Design机械设计The DS 115 measuring head is designed to be mounted straight onto the users own sensor platform.DS115测量头的设计可以直接安装在客户自己的传感器平台上。The meas

15、uring head assembly consists of two parts on either side of the paper web: the microwave part and the servo part. 测量头包括分布在纸页两侧上下两个部分:微波部分和伺服系统部分。Each part con-tains one half of the primary moisture sensing element, the micro-wave cavity resonator. With each part there is also a separate window assem

16、bly with a membrane facing the paper web.每一部分包含一半的水分传感器和微波空腔谐振器,两个部分还有各自的面对纸幅的一个膜。The window assemblies are to be mounted in the users platform base, preferably flush with the web-facing side of the base. The mi-crowave and the servo parts are mounted on legs fastened to the rear of the platform bas

17、e, with the resonator halves at a short distance be-hind the membranes. The length of the legs is adapted by the user to the thickness of the platform base.窗口装置装在用户的平台基础上,微波和伺服部分装在柱子上固定在平台基础的后面,柱子的长度根据用户平台基础的厚度来调节。The resonator half in the servo part may move 3.0 mm in the X and Y directions behind

18、the fixed window membrane. It is kept aligned with the other half of the resonator by the servo system. The Z dis-tance between the two resonator halves needs to be preadjusted manually for optimum performance of the dynamic Z-gap compensa-tion system.装在伺服器的谐振器部分可以在固定的膜后面的X和Y轴方向移动/30mm,两个谐振器之间Z轴方向的距

19、离要事先人工调节,以适应动态的Z方向间隙补偿。 The microwave part contains all the hardware for processing the measuring signals: a microwave oscillator unit, a sweep board, a de-tector board, and a controller board with software. 微波部分包括所有的过程信号测量的硬件:一个微波震动器,一个扫描板,一个探测器板和一个带软件的控制器板。All the connectors are situated on the co

20、ntroller board. In the microwave part there isalso a permanent magnet for the position control of the resonator half in the servo part.所有的连接器都安装在控制器板上。在微波部分还有一个伺服部分谐振器位置控制的永久磁铁。The servo part contains four Hall elements for sensing the field from the permanent magnet. A servo board and two servo mot

21、ors control the side position of the resonator half via an arrangement of cams on the motor gear shafts.On top of the microwave part there is a holder for the controller board box. The box may also be placed at the side of the sensor assembly.伺服部分包括四个感知永久磁铁的器件。一个伺服板和两个伺服马达通过装在马达齿轮轴上的凸轮控制谐振器的位置。在微波部分

22、的顶部有一个固定控制板的盒子,这个盒子也可以装在传感器的侧面。3.Electrical Design电气设计Moisture measurement.水分测量There are three microwave resonances used in the measuring system, one in a closed resonator controlling the fixed frequency oscillator and two in the measuring cavity, where one is used as a reference and the second, the

23、 measuring resonance, is sensitive to the test piece.测量系统用了三个微波谐振器,一个封闭的控制固定频率的振荡器,两个在测量腔内,一个作参照,一个来测量。The frequency difference between the fixed resonance and the refer-ence is determined by the measuring gap, while the difference be-tween the reference and the measuring resonance is a measure of t

24、he moisture in the resonator gap.固定频率的谐振器和参照的谐振器之间的频率差别决定于测量间隙,而参照的谐振器和测量的谐振器之间的差别就是谐振器间隙水分的值。The moisture measuring result depends on the size of the measuring gap, and the gap measurement is therefore used in the calculation of the moisture-measurement compensation.水分测量的结果依赖于测量间隙这一面,因此间隙的测量用来作水分测量

25、的补偿。The result is also dependent on the alignment of the upper and lower parts of the measuring head. A servo circuit therefore controls the X-Y positioning of one resonator half relative to the other.测量的结果也依赖于上下两部分测量头的排列,因此伺服电路用来控制相对于另一边的谐振器的X-Y轴的方向。The basic signals are conditioned in the electron

26、ics and are then sent out as a voltage signal and a current signal.送出去的电压信号和电流信号是受电子电路的调节的。The unit has three different modes, the start mode, the garage mode and the normal mode.The start mode is activated at voltage setting of the instrument, the ga-rage mode is used for resetting the compensation

27、 functions when in the garage position, and the normal mode for normal measuring con-ditions.The built-in processor takes care of the different modes and all compensating functions.装置有三种模式:开始模式,一般模式和复位模式。开始模式被设备设定的电压驱动,复位模式使用来在复位位置复位补偿功能的,一般模式是作为通常的测量用的。处理器会处理不同模式和补偿功能的。Temperature channel.温度通道A tem

28、perature sensor may be included in the measuring head, in which case the signal is conditioned and sent out as a voltage signal and a current signal.一个温度传感器可以包含在测量头里边,根据环境的不同送出电压和电流信号。4Installation安装Preparing the platform base平台基础的准备The DS 115 can either be mounted straight onto the platform base pl

29、ate or the user may prefer to create his own sub-unit for insertion into the platform. In either case, the fundamental arrangement de-scribed in Chapter 2 must be followed, which makes for an easily re-movable window assembly, with one resonator half being free to move behind the window membrane.The

30、 required machining of the platform base plates is shown on the drawings submitted.The DS 115 does not require cooling at temperatures below 70C. Clean air is commended. Overpressure on the window membranes, if applied, must not exceed 0.1 kPa (0.016 psi). Note the optional O-ring seals shown on the

31、 drawings.DS115可以直接安装到平台基础的平台上或者用户安装到用户自己的装置中插入到平台中,不管在那种方式下,都要遵循第二章所述,那样会使窗口装置容易取下,谐振器可以自由的在窗口膜后面移动。平台基础的平台的加工要求由建议的图纸中说明。DS115在70摄氏度以下不需要冷却,推荐用空气清洁。如果应用要求,窗口膜上的空气压力一定不要超过0.1Kpa。注意图纸上所示的可选O型密封。Measuring gap测量间隙There is an optimum distance between the resonator halves them-selves,whereas the distanc

32、e between the window membranes may be chosen more freely. The optimum distance between the resonator halves is preadjusted statically, and dynamic variations of up to 1.5 mm are then detected and compensated for by internal electronic cir-cuitsand software algorithms.在谐振器之间有着一个最适宜的距离,而两个膜之间的距离可以自由调整, 谐振器之间的距离实现已经预调整过,动态变化距离超过+/-1.5mm时将会被电子电路感知并由软件算法得以补偿.The position o

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