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1、初中英语语法形容词与副词语法专题-形容词与副词一、形容词和副词的构成1.合成形容词的构成 单个形容词的构成比较复杂,考生要熟记常见的形容词的后缀(如:-able, -al, -en ,-ful, -ish, -ous -y, -ly等等)。而合成形容词是有规律可循的。规 则例 词规 则例 词形容词+名词-edkind-hearted名词+形容词world-famous形容词+形容词dark-blue名词+现在分词peace-loving形容词+现在分词ordinary-looking名词+过去分词snow-covered形容词(副词)+形容词wide-awake名词+(普通)名词English

2、-language副词+现在分词hard-working数词+名词-edthree-egged副词+过去分词newly-built数词+名词twenty-year2.副词的构成规 则例 词在形容词后加“ly”entirely curiously exactly fortunately attentively immediately将形容词的词尾“le”变“ly”comfortablecomfortably gentlegently possiblepossibly probableprobably词尾“y”变“i+ly”busybusily easyeasily heavyheavily an

3、gryangrily hungryhungrily luckyluckily happyhappily特殊词truetruly二、形容词和副词的功能1.形容词的功能功 能举 例定语He has never seen such a more interesting film.他从来没有看过这么有趣的电影。表语(1)连系动词+adj.连系动词:be动词感官动词(look; smell; feel; touch; taste; sound)“变化”型:(become; turn; go; get) “保持”型:(keep /remain/stay)(2)Its+adj.+(for/of sb.)+t

4、o do sth.(3)so+adj.+that句子“如此以至”(4)too+adj.+to do sth.(5)形容词/副词+enoughIm fine, but tired.我身体很好,但很累。The weather is getting warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和。The music sounds beautiful.The food my mother cooked tasted delicious.She looks beautiful today.Keep quiet! The baby is sleeping.Its important for us

5、to learn English well.Its very kind of you to help me.He is so young that he cant go to school.=He is too young to go to school.=He isnt old enough to go to school.主语(宾语)补足语make/leave/.+形容词The fish was caught alive.这条鱼是活抓的。(主语补足语) Tom always makes his mother happy. Tom总是逗他妈妈开心。(宾语补足语)Leave the windo

6、w closed when you go out.伴随状语He spent 7days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.他在风雪中度过了7天,又冷又饿。She stared into the distance, speechless for a long time.她盯着远处看,好长时间不讲话。与定冠词连用表示某一类人或物,在句中可作主语、宾语The rich and the poor live very different lives.富人和穷人过着不同的生活。2.副词的功能功 能举 例状语He worked hard all his life.他

7、一辈子工作努力。 He plays tennis very badly.他网球打得相当糟糕。作表语Sorry, Mr.Smith isnt in. He is out.抱歉,史密斯先生不在,他出去了。定语On our way home,we saw a traffic accident. 在回家的路上,我们目睹了一起交通事故。宾语补足语I saw you out with Mr.White yesterday morning. 昨天早上我看到你和史密斯先生出去了。注意:副词主要用来作状语,只有少量的副词如:away, up, on, in, off, out等才可以用来作表语和宾语足族语。he

8、re,there可以用来作表语,还可以后置修饰名词用作定语。三、形容词在句中的位置形容词作定语通常前置,但在下列情况下后置1修饰some, any, every, no和body, thing, one等构成的复合不定代词时nobody absent, everything possible2以-able, -ible结尾的形容词可置于有最高级或only修饰的名词之后the best book available, the only solution possible3alive, alike, awake, aware, asleep等作定语时后置the only person awake4

9、和空间、时间、单位连用时a bridge 50 meters long5成对的形容词可以后置a huge room simple and beautiful6形容词短语一般后置a man difficult to get on with7enough修饰名词时可以前置也可以后置,但修饰形容词或副词时要后置_to take his adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enoug

10、h D. Students enough brave注意:多个形容词修饰同一个名词的顺序熟记口诀就可以顺利解题:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠。规则:限定语(The、A)+ 描绘性形容词 + size(小)+ shape(形状)+ age(年龄、时间)+ color(颜色)+ origin(国籍、来源)+ material(材料)+ purpose(目的)+ 名词。This _ girl is Lindas cousin. A. pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little pretty C. Spanish pretty li

11、ttle D. little pretty Spanish四、形容词和副词的重点用法情 况例 句同级比较时常用 asas以及not so(as)asShe is as tall as her mother.I am not as/ so good a player as you are.双方比较,表示一方超过另一方时,用“比较级 (+ than)”的结构表示。要注意题干中将比较的另一方阴藏起来的情况。This picture is more beautiful than that one.I have never seen such a more interesting film (than

12、this one).表示一方不及另一方时,用“less + 原级 + than”的结构表示This room is less beautiful than that one.表示一方随另一方变化时用“the morethe more”句型The harder you work, the more progress you will make否定词+比较级表示最高级(肯定意义)I cant agree with you more.我再同意你的意见不过了(或:我完全同意你的意见)。The weather couldnt be worse.天气再糟糕不过了。This could give her n

13、o greater pleasure.这使她再高兴不过了。Theres nothing cheaper.没有比这再便宜的了。There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends.为朋友而放弃生命的爱是最伟大的爱。比较下列两句:He couldnt care more.他非常介意。(或:他最关心不过了。) He couldnt care less.他毫不介意。(或:他最漠不关心了。) 倍数的表达表达法一:A is three(four, etc.)times the size(heig

14、ht, length etc.)of B. The new building is four times the size(the height)of the old one.这座新楼是那座旧楼的四倍大(高)/这座新楼比那座旧楼大(高)三倍。表达法二:A is three(four, etc.)times as big(high, long, etc.)as B. Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大/亚洲比欧洲大三倍。表达法三:A is three (four, etc.)times bigger(higher, longer, e

15、tc.)than B.Your school is three times bigger than ours.你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍。用times 表倍数通常用于三倍以上,两倍可以用twice或double.五、形容词、副词的易混点情 况易混点形容词和副词的区别和联系容易把以“ly”结尾的形容词当成副词。下列这些都是形容词:deadly, friendly, lovely, likely, lonely, silly, livelyWhat he said sounds _.A. nicely B. pleasantly C. friendly D. wonderfullysound是连

16、系动词要跟形容词作表语,四个选项只有C是形容词,故答案为C。有些副词加“-ly”后变为另一副词,意义容易混淆常见的有:close近closely密切地 deep深deeply深切地hard努力hardly几乎不 late迟lately近来free免费freely无限制地 most非常mostly大多数too much和much too的区别:too much有下列用法too much的含义是“太多”,充当形容词用时,too是副词,用来修饰much,后接不可数名词;too much充当副词用时,可用来修饰动词;too much充当代词用时,后面不接名词,代替上下文提到的事物。I have too

17、 much homework to do.我有太多的家庭作业要做。Watching TV too much is bad for your health.看电视看得太多对你的健康有害。You gave me too much.你给我的太多了。much too意为“太”,much(副词)用来修饰too(副词),以加强语气,只可起副词作用,在句中修饰形容词或副词。Its much too expensive.太贵了。You walk(much)too far yesterday.昨天你散步走得太远了。Its much too cold.天气太冷了。相同形式的形容词和副词意义上的混淆This kin

18、d of material feels very hard. 这种材料摸上去很硬。(形容词)He found modern art very hard to understand.他发现现代艺术很难理解。(形容词)He is working hard at maths.他正在努力学习数学。(副词)If he were well,he would do the work well.如果身体好的话,他会把这项工作做好的。(第一个well是形容词,第二个well是副词)After all sounds were still,he had been thinking for hours,but sti

19、ll he couldnt decide.一切静下来后,他一直思考了好几个小时,但还是做不了决定。(第一个still是形容词,第二个still是副词)He is a fast reader.他读书速度很快。(形容词)The door was fast shut.门紧闭着。(副词)His father was fast asleep.他的父亲睡得真香。(副词)as+原级+as构成的词组as much as+不可数名词:多达Each stone weighs as much as fifteen many as+可数名词:多达I have as many as sixteen re

20、ference early as:早在As early as the twelfth century the English began to invade the far as:远到;就而论We might go as far as(走到远至)the church and back.As far as I know(就我所知),he has been there before.asas one can:尽其所能He began to run as fast as he could.asas possible:尽可能Just get them to fin

21、ish up as quickly as, such, so用法容易混淆as+形容词+a+单数名词This is as good an example as the other is.such和so的句式结构so+形容词/副词 so+形容词+a(n)+单数可数名词 so+ many / much /little/few +名词such +a(n)+形容词+单数可数名词such+形容词+不可数名词such +形容词+复数名词注意:These are such little boys that they cant dress themselves.因为little在这儿表示

22、“小”,而不是表示“少”的意思。more/less than及其相关结构more than具体数字 =over多于、超过 more than名词/动词/形容词/副词:不仅仅He spoke English more than two years.(两年多)China Daily is more than a newspaper and it can also help us learn English.(不仅仅是一份报纸)not more than不超过(顶多)=at most There were not more than 70 women in the store then.(不足70个

23、妇女)no more than仅仅,只不过The theater was no more than a painted barn.这戏院只不过是漆了油漆的库房而已(没什么大不了的)。less than少于、不足Their car broke down where they drove less than five miles.(不到五英里)not less than以上,至少=at least He has not less than 200 dollars.(至少200美元)no less than不会少于,与一样,简直就It is no less than robbery to ask m

24、e for so much.要我这么多钱,简直跟抢劫没有两样。morethan与其不如He is not more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位艺术家,不如说他是位哲学家。not morethan不如,不及You are not more careful than he is.你不如他仔细。no比较级than仅仅,最多只不过,和一样不This kind of plant grows no higher than one inch.这种植物最多长到一英寸。The officials could see no more than the Emperor.官

25、员们看到的和皇帝一样多。He is no more a good player than I am.他和我一样都不是好球员(他也好不到哪里去)。less形容词/副词/名than比更少,不如Jane is less beautiful than Suan.He is less slow than lazy at his work.=He is more lazy than slow at his work.not lessthan不比少,不亚于She is not less charming than her daughter.她跟她女儿一样有魅力。no lessthan不会比差,正如一样”A

26、dolphin is no less a clever animal than a dog is.海豚不会比狗笨吧!连接性副词不弄清上下文的逻辑关系就会误用这些连接性副词。常用的此类词有:besides而且、再说,instead而是、反而,though不过、可是、然而,however不过、仍然、然而,thus/therefore因此、所以,furthermore/moreover此外、而且、再者,otherwise/or否则、不然,anyhow/anyway反正、不管怎样,even so即便如此、即使这样,or rather更确切地说等等。Progress so far has been ve

27、ry good._, we are sure that the project will be completed on time. A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides“一直进展良好”与“按时完工”是因果关系,用therefore。本题答案是C。The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings;_ , it caused 20 deaths.A. or else B. therefore C. after all D. besides由前后语境不难确定,是要表示“此外,还

28、有,而且”,用besides。其它选项不合语境:or so大约;therefore因此;after all毕竟。本题答案是D。Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. , their political influence should be very great.A. As a result B. As usual C. Even so D. So far由前后的语意逻辑可知,所填之词应是表示“即使如此”之意,用even so。句意:工会已经失去很多权力了;即使这样,他们的政治影响还应当还是很大的。本题答案是C。注意:1. 可以

29、修饰比较级的词有:much, many, a lot, even, far, a bit, a little, still, yet, by far, any, a great deal;2. 表示“最高程度”的形容词没有最高级和比较级。如:favourite, excellent, extreme, perfect,superior, junior等。中考链接1.【2011哈尔滨】 English people cant give up hamburgers or fried chicken because theyre delicious. However, the French are

30、changing. They arent interested in food like before.A. fast B. healthy C. natural2.【2011呼和浩特】What do you think of Toms speaking? No one does in our class. A. good B. better C. well D. best3.【2011四川达州】Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly _history. Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921. A. 90 years; at B. 90-year; inC. 90-years; of D. 90-year; on4. The bag of rice is heavy for Tom to carry. Lets go and help him.A. too

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