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Module 6 Animals in danger教案.docx

1、Module 6 Animals in danger教案Module 6 Animals in danger 备课人:德州三中 郭金东I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 技能目标听Match pictures with descriptions about animals 说Ask and answer questions about protecting animals读 Read articles about animals 写Write about animals in danger语言目标 功能句式Talk about animals in dangerDid you l

2、ike the zoo?Yes, I saw the pandas at last! But I am interesting to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people to get closer to them.Its sad to think of the pandas and other animals in danger.We need to protect them better.In order to protect pandas in the wild, the governme

3、nt is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.Lets find out what else we can do to save as many as animals as possible.WWF wants to protect all animals. And it chose the panda to be its symbol.词汇1 1. 重点词汇2 danger, protect, interested, allow, grow, enough, raise, develop, feed, symbol3 4 2

4、. 短语5 In danger, think of, take away, in peace, in order to, look after, natural reserve语法Infinitive structures1. It allows people to get closer to them2. Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live.3. We all need to help the animals live in peace.4. But many people decide not to think about it

5、. 5. But its sad to think about all those animals in danger.II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析 本模块以“Animals in danger”为话题,以学习动词不定式的用法为主线,介绍了当前濒临灭绝,需要人类保护的动物的情况,并重点介绍了大熊猫的保护情况。在此基础上,学生可以根据自己的建议制定更合理的动物保护措施;模块同时通过该话题还复习了一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、一般将来时的用法。 IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listen

6、ing and speaking Period 2 Grammar Period 3 Reading and writing Period 4 Language in use IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speakingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇 danger, protect, interested, allow, grow, enough, raise, in danger, think of, take away, in peace,

7、in order to, look after2. Key structures 重点句式 I saw the pandas at last. / I am (not) interested / sad/ right/ hard to do sth.need/ decide(not) to do sth. / Its sad to think of the pandas and other animals in danger. 3. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about animals in danger. 4. Teaching me

8、thods 教学方法 Listening and speaking. 5. Teaching aids 教具准备 Tape recorder.6.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming-up Talk about animals. T: Animals are our friends. We should learn to live together with animals. Many families now havepets at home. That is, human beings are living with ani

9、mals. They are pet animals. What pet animals do you know?S: Cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. T: Do any family keep tiger, lion, elephant, etc as pet animals?S: No. T: Do you know why?S: Because they are dangerous. S: Because they are too difficult to keep.T: Good. Just think about this: Where do these anim

10、als live? What do they eat? Whats their situation like? Do you know? Encourage students to speak out what they have in mind. S: We can only see them in the zoo.S: People kill them to make money. S: We must protect them.T: Quite true. From now on, we are going to talk about animals in danger. (emphas

11、ize the phrase “in danger”). Now please look at activity 1 on page 42. Ask students to complete the quiz with the words in the box, check the answers and then read each word twice loudly. Step II Listening and reading Listening First ask students to read the questions in activity 2 and get them to t

12、ake notes while listening. Then listen and check the answers. Then ask them to listen to the conversation between Lingling and Betty carefully with their books closed. And then complete the table. Step Reading Ask students to read after the tape first. Work in pairs and read the conversation repeate

13、dly and then ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Ask students to find out the infinitive structures in the conversation and read them together. Read through the word and expressions in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually.Ask students complete the

14、passage individually, and then check with partner.Call back the answers from the whole class.Step Dealing with the key words and expressions.1. be interested ininterested adj. “关心的,感兴趣的”,其主语一般指人。常构成短语: be interested in 对感兴趣。如: He is interested in that movie. 他对那场电影感兴趣. I am interested in science. 我对

15、自然科学感兴趣辨析 interesting, interestedinteresting和interested都作形容词, interesting意思是“有趣的、令人感兴趣的”, 常作表语或定语, 指人或事物本身具有趣味。interested主语通常是人, 常见的词组: be interested in sth.(对感兴趣)。There is an interesting program on television tonight. 今天晚上的电视有一个有趣的节目。This book is interesting. 这本书很有趣。The little girl is interested in

16、 basketball. 这个小女孩对篮球感兴趣。链接interest作名词, 意为“兴趣;关注”, 是可数名词。常见的词组: take / show an interest in sth. (对感兴趣)。 此外, interest还可作动词, 常见的词组: interest oneself /sb. (in sth.)(使自己或某人感兴趣)。如:He showed a great interest in music at the age of five. 在他五岁时他对音乐产生了极大的兴趣。 Your story interests me. 你的故事引起了我的兴趣。Practice1. Th

17、e party is _. I have a lot of fun. 2. Tom is _ in English. He studies English every day. 3. David is a very _ person. He can tell lots of different stories. 4. Are you _ in playing computer games? 5. Its _ to play with children. 6. I found Jasons talk very _. He always tells jokes.(interesting, inte

18、rested, interesting, interested, interesting, interesting)2. in dangerin danger 处于危险中,在危险之中 Man should protect animal in danger by law. 人类应该依据法律保护濒危动物。His life was in danger. 他有生命危险。out of danger 脱离危险链接danger n. 危险 In war, life is full of danger for everyone. 在战争中, 每个人的生活都危机四伏。 派生词: dangerous adj. 危

19、险的; 反义词: safety n.安全 safe adj. 安全的Practice用 danger 的适当形式填空 。 1) Be careful; its too _. 2) He always helps people in _.3. allowallow 允许; 许可, 具体用法:(1) allow (doing) sth 允许(做)某事。如: The facts allow no other explanation. 事实不允许有其他的解释。 We dont allow eating in the classrooms. (我们)不允许在教室吃饭。 注:有时用于被动语态。如: Dog

20、s are not allowed. 狗不得入内。 Smoking is not allowed here. 此处不准吸烟。(2) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事。如: My parents dont allow me to go out at night. 我父母不允许我晚上出去。 Her boss doesnt allow her to use the telephone. 她的老板不允许她使用电话。 注:有时用于被动语态。如:Passengers are not allowed to smoke. 乘客不准吸烟。(3) allow sb sth 给予某人某物(尤指钱

21、或时间);让某人有(拥用或带有)某物。如: He allows his son too much money. 他给他儿子的钱太多。 Well allow you time to answer. 我们将给回答的时间。 We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each. 我们允许每个乘客带一件手提行李。 注:有时用于被动语态。如: Im not allowed visitors. 我不准有访客。4. protectprotect vt. 保护I wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from the sunligh

22、t. 我带墨镜保护眼睛使免受太阳光的伤害。 He raised his arm to protect his face. 他举起手臂护住脸部。protect常见搭配: protect sb. / sth. from (doing) sth. 保护某人/某物不受某物侵害 派生词: protection n. 保护 protective adj. (为了)保护的,防御用的Practice选择填空 We should _ (stop / protect) the trees from sand.5. take awaytake away意为“把(东西)拿走;把(某人)带走”,可分开用。与take有关

23、的词组有: take off 脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞 / take on 承担(工作,责任) take out 拿出;除去 / take care 小心 / take care of 照料 My book was on the desk just now. Who has taken it away? 我的书刚才在桌子上了,谁把它拿走了? When does the airplane take off? 飞机几点钟起程? Take off your shoes, please. 请把你的鞋子脱掉。 You can not take on the whole task individuall

24、y. 你个人不能承担全部的任务。 He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook. 他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。 Take care of my brother and sister. 帮我照看一下弟弟和妹妹。 Keep warm and take care of yourselves. 要保暖,照顾好自己! Take care not to wake the baby. 当心,别惊醒了孩子。 Take care! Theres danger ahead! 当心!前面危险!Practice_ away this dirty shirt and

25、bring me a clean one. A. Pick B. Bring C. Carry D. Take 【解析】选:D。句意:拿走这件脏的衬衫,给我拿一件干净的。take away意为“带走”。6. enoughenough adj. 足够的adv.充分地;足够地 I havent enough time for reading. 我没有足够的时间读书。 He runs fast enough. 他跑得够快了。注: enough作形容词时一般修饰名词,可放在名词前,也可放在其后;作副词时,常用来修饰形容词和副词,放在被修饰词的后面。Practice(2011哈尔滨市) The youn

26、g man is _ carry that heavy bag. A. strong enough to B. enough strong to C. not strong enough D. strong enough 7. in order toin order to为了,表示目的, 可以用于句首、句中,其否 定式为:in order not to。 He got up very early in order to catch the first bus. 为了赶上早班车他很早就起床了。= In order to catch the first bus, he got up very ea

27、rly. Turn the volume down in order not to wake the child. 音乐关小一点别吵醒孩子。拓展in order to 在句中表示目的时,常可以转化成 in order that 或 so that 引导的目的状语从句。如: We should work hard in order to pass the exam. We should work hard in order that / so that we can pass the exam. 为了能通过考试,我们应该努力学习。8. look afterlook after 照料 My fri

28、end looked after my cat while I was on holiday. 在我去度假的时候,我的朋友照料我的猫。 Roberts old enough to look after himself. 罗伯特这么大了,已经能照顾自己了。拓展look back (与 on, to 连用)回想,记起 look down on 轻视,看不起 look forward to 盼望;期待 look in 顺便看望;短暂访问 look out 注意;当心! look at 看, 查看 考虑 look for 寻找 期望 look forward to 盼望, 期待 look like 看

29、起来象 看来要 look round 观光, 游览 look through 浏览 look up and down 仔细打量(某人); 到处寻找Practice(2008吉林中考) My little dog is lost. All of my friends are helping me to _ it. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like Step Speaking Pronunciation T: In English, a sentence can be divided into several parts or gr

30、oups. When we read these sentences, we can often pause between these groups. Now listen to and repeat the sentences in activity 5. Speaking Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in activity 6. T: Whales are large animals in the sea. Some whales can weigh 160 ton. They are reall

31、y frightening. But are you surprised to find out that whales are in danger? Why do some animals have no place to live in? Now work in pairs and discuss the questions in activity 7. Sample conversation:S: I learned about whales when I was very young. They are very large animals. I thought human beings are afraid

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