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1、最新国际贸易英文版教材作者、书名、出版社、出版年份、目录Thomas APugel. International Economics(15th). Renmin University of China press. 2012-12CONTENTSChapter 1 International Economics Is Different Four Controversies Economics and the Nation-State The Scheme of This Book PART ONE THE THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Chapter 2 The

2、 Basic Theory Using Demand and Supply Four Questions about Trade A Look Ahead Demand and Supply Case Study Trade Is Important Global Crisis The Trade Mini-Collapse of 2009 Two National Markets and the Opening of TradeChapter 3 Why Everybody Trades: Comparative Advantage 33 Adam Smiths Theory of Abso

3、lute Advantage Case Study Mercantilism: Older Than Smithand Alive Today Ricardos Theory of Comparative Advantage Ricardos Constant Costs and the Production-Possibility Curve Focus on Labor Absolute Advantage Does Matter Extension What If Trade Doesnt Balance? Chapter 4 Trade: Factor Availability and

4、 Factor Proportions Are Key Production with Increasing Marginal Costs Community Indifference Curves Production and Consumption Together Focus on China The Opening of Trade and Chinas Shift Out of Agriculture The Gains from Trade Trade Affects Production and Consumption What Determines the Trade Patt

5、ern? The HeckscherOhlin (HO) Theory Chapter 5 Who Gains and Who Loses from Trade? Who Gains and Who Loses within a Country Three Implications of the HO Theory Extension A Factor-Ratio Paradox Does HeckscherOhlin Explain Actual Trade Patterns? Case Study The Leontief Paradox What Are the Export-Orien

6、ted and Import-Competing Factors? Focus on China Chinas Exports and Imports Do Factor Prices Equalize Internationally? Focus on Labor U.S. Jobs and Foreign Trade 86 Chapter 6 Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and Trade Scale Economies Intra-Industry Trade Monopolistic Competition and Trade Ext

7、ension The Individual Firm in Monopolistic Oligopoly and Trade Extension The Gravity Model of Trade Chapter 7 Growth and Trade Balanced versus Biased Growth Growth in Only One Factor Changes in the Countrys Willingness to Trade Case Study The Dutch Disease and Deindustrialization Effects on the Coun

8、trys Terms of Trade Technology and Trade Focus on Labor Trade, Technology, and U.S. Wages PART TWO TRADE POLICY Chapter 8 Analysis of a Tariff Global Governance WTO and GATT: Tariff Success A Preview of Conclusions The Effect of a Tariff on Domestic Producers The Effect of a Tariff on Domestic Consu

9、mers The Tariff as Government Revenue The Net National Loss from a Tariff Extension The Effective Rate of Protection Case Study They Tax Exports, Too The Terms-of-Trade Effect and a Nationally Optimal Tariff Chapter 9 Nontariff Barriers to Imports Types of Nontariff Barriers to Imports The Import Qu

10、ota Global Governance The WTO: Beyond Tariffs Global Crisis Dodging Protectionism Extension A Domestic Monopoly Prefers a Quota Voluntary Export Restraints (VERs) Other Nontariff Barriers Case Study VERs: Two Examples Case Study Carrots Are Fruit, Snails Are Fish, and X-Men Are Not Humans How Big Ar

11、e the Costs of Protection? International Trade Disputes Focus on China Chinas First Decade in the WTO Chapter 10 Arguments for and against Protection The Ideal World of First Best The Realistic World of Second Best Promoting Domestic Production or Employment The Infant Industry Argument Focus on Lab

12、or How Much Does It Cost to Protect a Job? The Dying Industry Argument and Adjustment Assistance The Developing Government (Public Revenue) Argument Other Arguments for Protection: Non=economic Objectives The Politics of Protection The Basic Elements of the Political-Economic Analysis Case Study How

13、 Sweet It Is (or Isnt) Chapter 11 Pushing Exports Dumping Reacting to Dumping: What Should a Dumpee Think? Actual Antidumping Policies: What Is Unfair? Case Study Antidumping in Action Proposals for Reform Export Subsidies WTO Rules on Subsidies Should the Importing Country Impose Countervailing Dut

14、ies? Case Study Agriculture Is Amazing Strategic Export Subsidies Could Be Good Global Governance Dogfight at the WTO Chapter 12 Trade Blocs and Trade Blocks Types of Economic Blocs Is Trade Discrimination Good or Bad? The Basic Theory of Trade Blocs: Trade Creation and Trade Diversion Other Possibl

15、e Gains from a Trade Bloc The EU Experience Case Study Postwar Trade Integration in Europe North America Becomes a Bloc Trade Blocs among Developing Countries Trade Embargoes Chapter 13 Trade and the Environment Is Free Trade Anti-Environment? Is the WTO Anti-Environment? Global Governance Dolphins,

16、 Turtles, and the WTO The Specificity Rule Again A Preview of Policy Prescriptions Trade and Domestic Pollution Trans-border Pollution Global Environmental Challenges Chapter 14 Trade Policies for Developing Countries Which Trade Policy for Developing Countries? Are the Long-Run Price Trends against

17、 Primary Producers? Case Study Special Challenges of Transition International Cartels to Raise Primary-Product Prices Import-Substituting Industrialization (ISI) Exports of Manufactures to Industrial Countries Chapter 15 Multinationals and Migration: International Factor Movements Foreign Direct Inv

18、estment Multinational Enterprises FDI: History and Current Patterns Why Do Multinational Enterprises Exist? Taxation of Multinational EnterprisesProfits Case Study CEMEX: A Model Multinational from an Unusual Place MNEs and International Trade Should the Home Country Restrict FDI Outflows? Should th

19、e Host Country Restrict FDI Inflows? Focus on China China as a Host Country Migration How Migration Affects Labor Markets Should the Sending Country Restrict Emigration? Should the Receiving Country Restrict Immigration? Case Study Are Immigrants a Fiscal Burden? APPENDIXES A The Web and the Library

20、: International Numbers and Other Information B Deriving Production-Possibility Curves C Offer Curves D The Nationally Optimal Tariff 周瑞琪. International Trade Practice. University of International Business and Economics press. 2011.9CONTENTSChapter One General Introduction(第一章导论)1.1 Reasons for Inte

21、rnational Trade (国际间贸易的起因)1.2 Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade (国际贸易与国内贸易的差异)1.3 Classification of International Trade(国际贸易的分类)1.4 Export and Import Procedures(进出口贸易的程序)1.5 Overview of This Book (本书的基本内容)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样

22、本)Chapter Two International Trade Terms(第二章国际贸易术语)2.1 Three Sets of Rules (三种贸易术语的解释规则)2.2 Basics of Incoterms 2010 (2010年国际贸易术语解释通则基本概念)2.3 Application Issues(贸易术语在使用中应注意的问题)2.4 Determinants of Choice of Trade Terms (贸易术语选用的决定因素)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Chapter Three

23、 Export Price(第三章出口商品的价格)3.1 Expression of Export Price(出口价格的表达)3.2 Pricing Considerations(影响定价的因素)3.3 Calculation of Price(价格的计算)3.4 Understanding the Price(价格的评估)3.5 Communication of Price(价格的沟通)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Chapter Four Terms of Commodity(第四章商品条款)4.1 Na

24、me of Commodity (商品的名称)4.2 Specifying Quality(商品的品质)4.3 Measuring Quantity(商品的数量)4.4 Packing and Marking(商品的包装及标志)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Chapter Five Cargo Transportation(第五章国际货物运输)5.1 Ocean Transportation (海洋运输)5.2 Other Modes of Transportation (其他运输方式)5.3 Transpor

25、tation Documents(运输单据)5.4 Shipment Clause in the Sales Contract(销售合同中的装运条款)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Six Cargo Transportation Insurance(第六章货物运输保险)6.1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance(货物保险的基本原则)6.2 Marine Risks and Losses(海上风险和损失)6.3 Cove

26、rage of Marine Cargo Insurance of CIC(我国海上货物保险范围)6.4 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of ICC(协会货物保险范围)6.5 Other Types of Cargo Insurance(其他货物保险的种类)6.6 Procedures of Cargo Insurance(货物保险程序)6.7 Insurance Terms in the Sales Contract(销售合同中的保险条款)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)

27、Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Seven International Payments(第七章国际货款支付)7.1 Issues in Concern(影响支付条件的因素)7.2 Paying Instruments(支付工具)7.3 Remittance(汇付)7.4 Collection(托收)7.5 Basics of Letter of Credit(信用证基础知识)7.6 Types of Documentary Credit(跟单信用证的种类)7.7 Letter of Guarantee(L/G)(保函)7.8 Export Financing(出口融资)7.9

28、Payment Problems(支付中出现的问题)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Eight Export Documentation(第八章出口单证)8.1 Significance of Documentation(单证的重要性)8.2 Basic Requirements for Documentation(单证的基本要求)8.3 Prerequisites of Documentation(制单的依据)8.4 Export Documents(出口单证的种类

29、)8.5 Clause Concerning Documents in the Sales Contract(销售合同中有关单证的条款)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Nine Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration(第九章商检、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁)9.1 Commodity Inspection(商品检验)9.2 Disputes and Claims(争议和索赔)9.3 Force Majeure(不可抗

30、力)9.4 Arbitration(仲裁)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Key to Exercises(练习答案)Glossary(词汇表)Appendix 1INCOTERMS 2010 (FOB, CFR, CIF)(附录12010年国际贸易术语解释通则(FOB,CFR,CIF)Appendix 2CISG 1980 (Part II)(附录2联合国国际货物销售合同公约1980(第二部分))References (参考书目)帅建林. International Trade Practice. Univer

31、sity of International Business and Economics press. 2007.9CONTENTSPart 1 OverviewChapter 1 Introduction to International TradeChapter 2 International Trade PolicyChapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade BlockChapter 4 WTO :A Navigation GuidePart 2 Terms of International TradeChapter 5 International Trade TermsChapter Terms of CommodityChapter International Cargo TransportChapter 8 Cargo Insurance

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