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1、小升初完整版形容词辨析专题练习题含答案小升初(完整版)形容词辨析专题(练习题含答案)一、选择题1I hear there will be _jobs for people because robots will do some of the jobs.Afewer Bless Cmore Dbetter2Would you like to go mountain climbing with us?I am afraid not.Thats the _ in the world I want to doAvery Bbest Clast Dfirst3Its really _ that mode

2、rn technology can help doctors treat patients online!Aprivate Bfamous Camazing Dtraditional4How do you like the talk show?I think its _, but some people think its so _.Awonderful enough; bored Benough wonderful; boringCwonderful enough; boring Denough wonderful; bored5The basketball match will be co

3、vered _ on TV tonight.Alively Blive Cliving Dalive6There isnt an airport near where I live. The _ one is about 90 miles away.Abusiest Bfarthest Cnewest Dnearest7Its _ knowledge that bad moods can have an influence on our health.Aunusual Bspecial Cgeneral Dcommon8As the number of the novel coronaviru

4、s infections grows_, the World Heath Organization takes active steps to control the serious disease.Amore Blarger Chigher Dwider9Millie used to be _, but now she can make friends with others and organize activities.Ashy Bactive Chonest Dlively10My little sister is _ and she always asks me different

5、kinds of strange questions.Acreative Bwise Ccurious Dgenerous11It will be _.Thats great! The whole world will be white.Asunny Bcloudy Csnowy Dfoggy12 Are you a fan of the TV show Chinese Poetry Conference ? Of course. Ive never missed any of episodes and I am _ by these players excellent knowledge o

6、f classical poems.Atired Bsatisfied Cbored Damazed13 What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a _ word! Neither can I. Hes from India. So I guess its Hindi.Asilent Bsingle Csimple Dsimilar14Its very _ for teenagers to feel a little bit worried and stressed because most of us have such

7、feelings.Acommon Bstrange Ccurious Denergetic15Millie does welt in her lessons, but she never shows off.I cant agree more. She is quite_.Amodest Bcurious Cgentle Dpolite16 How do you find the price now? As a_rule, prices follow needs.Aprivate Bgeneral Ccentral Dfixed17Dad, Ive tried my best but I st

8、ill cant solve these problems.Dont worry, my son. No one is _ and everyone fails from time to time.Asuccessful Bconfident Cperfect Dexcellent18As the population _, the world seems to be smaller.Aincreases more Bincrease larger Cgrows larger Dgrows more19 You see, more and more cows are getting sick.

9、 If the problem is so _, the farm will be closed from tomorrow on.Aheavy Bpopular Cstrong Dserious20My English teacher is a_ lady and she often corrects my pronunciation again and again.Apatient Bcreative Cmodest Dcurious21Mr. King is very _. He explains the difficulties many times until we understa

10、nd them.Astrict Bpatient Cpolite Dhard-working22Yesterdays film was really _ and it made all of us laugh.Aboring Bfunny Cmeaningless Dexpensive23 How do you find the price now? As a _ rule, prices follow needs.Aprivate Bgeneral Ccentral Ddifficult24Were late! Its already 7:30.Dont worry. My clock is

11、 20 minutes _.Afast Blate Cslow Dearly25Its _ knowledge that moods can have an influence on our health.Aunusual Bspecial Cgeneral Dcommon26Sadly the number of the tigers is getting _.Amore and more Bfewer and fewer Csmaller and smaller Dless and less27Students should be _ that even a small thing lik

12、e saving water and looking after a tree can make a big difference to our environment.Aalone Bawake Caware Dafraid28Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go? Yes, it sounds _ and its popular among young people.Anice Bbad Cterrible Dstrange29You may meet many difficulties in the future, you should

13、learn to be _ enough to take on any challenge.Aconfident Bmodest Cgenerous Dcurious30The girls voice sounds _. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows up.Aterrible Bwell Csweet Dwonderfully31I really cant believe such a wise man has made so silly a mistake. Dont you know _ sense is worth m

14、ore than knowledge?Ageneral Busual Cspecial Dcommon32Henry, you seem _ than before. What are you doing these days?Well, I am preparing for the coming examination.Abusier Bhappier Clazier Dhealthier33You havent said a _ word since last Friday. Whats wrong?Nothing. Just let me alone.Asimple Bsingle Cs

15、imilar Dsilent34Like so many creative people, he was never _.Thats why he has made lots of valuable paintings.Acheerful Bskillful Csatisfied Dsurprised35With true friends, we feel _ to share our joy and sadness to the greatest possible degree.Afree Bsuitable Cstrange Dfriendly36Have you found that m

16、ore and more visitors come to our hometown?Youre right. Thats because were now building Huaian a _ city!Alive Blively Cliving Dalive37 Mr. Green, please feel _ to let us know if you arent satisfied with our service. OK, I will. It has been good so far.Areal Bready Cfree Dfresh38Because of the war, l

17、ove and happiness were totally _ from little Toms childhood.Aseparate Babsent Cextra Dblind39It is a _ choice to decide whether take on a new challenge or remain the same.Yeah, I just have difficulty making the decision.Asimple Bstraight Cdouble Dtypical40 Why do English people talk so often about t

18、he weather when starting the talk?Because the weather is a (an) _ topic.Asafe Bserious Cawful Dexciting【参考答案】一、选择题1A解析:A【详解】句意:我听说人们将会有更少的工作,因为机器人会做一些工作。考查形容比较级。fewer更少的,修饰可数名词;less更少的,修饰不可数名词;more更多的;better更好的。根据后面robots will do some of the jobs可知,空处是说更少的工作,所以排除选项C与D;根据空后jobs可知,jobs为可数名词,所以空处应该用修饰可

19、数名词的fewer。故选A。2C解析:C【详解】句意:明天你愿意和我们一起去爬山吗?恐怕不能,那是世上我最不想做的事情。考查形容词。very非常;best最好的;last最后的;first 第一;根据题干结合“I am afraid not”推测设空处句子的句意是“恐怕不能,那是世上我最不想做的事情”,由此判断句子中缺少“最后的”一词,故答案为C。3C解析:C【详解】句意:现代科技能帮助医生在线治疗病人,真是太神奇了!考查形容词辨析。private私人的;famous著名的;amazing惊人的,神奇的;traditional传统的。根据“modern technology can help

20、doctors treat patients online”可知,此处感慨科技的神奇,故选C。4C解析:C【详解】句意:你认为脱口秀怎么样?我认为它足够精彩,但是有些人认为它是无聊的。考查形容词辨析和enough的位置。bored无聊的,修饰人;boring无聊的,修饰物;enough修饰形容词时,要放在形容词后,排除B/D;而第二空表达“无聊的”,修饰物“the talk show”,应用ing形容词,故选C。5B解析:B【详解】句意:今晚电视将直播篮球赛。考查形容词辨析。lively生机勃勃的,活跃的;live活的;现场直播的; living活着的;alive活着,在世。根据“be cov

21、ered _ on TV”可知,这里是篮球比赛通过电视现场直播的。故选B。6D解析:D【详解】句意:我居住的附近没有机场。最近的一个大约有90英里远。考查形容词辨析。busiest最忙碌的;farthest最远的;newest最新的;nearest最近的。根据There isnt an airport near where I live.可知,这里表示“最近的机场”,故选D。【点睛】7D解析:D【详解】句意:众所周知,坏心情会影响我们的健康。考查形容词辨析。unusual不寻常的;special特殊的;general普遍的;common通常的。根据英语表达习惯,common knowledge

22、意为“常识”,符合句意,故选D。8B解析:B【详解】句意:随着新型冠状病毒感染的人数增加,世界卫生组织积极采取行动来控制这种严重的疾病。考查形容词词义辨析。more更多;larger更大的;higher更高的;wider更宽的。根据句意指新型冠状病毒感染的人数增加,the number of数量的多或少用large或small修饰。故选B。9A解析:A【详解】句意:米莉过去很害羞,但现在她可以和别人交朋友,组织活动。考查形容词辨析。shy害羞的;active积极的;honest诚实的;lively活泼的。根据“but now she can make friends with others a

23、nd organize activities”可知,句意上有转折,后半句说结交朋友,组织活动,则前半句应该指之前很害羞。故选A。10C解析:C【详解】句意:我的妹妹很好奇,她总是向我询问各种各样奇怪的问题。考查形容词辨析。creative创造性的,有创造力的;wise明智的;curious好奇的,求知欲强的;generous慷慨的。根据句中“she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.”可知她总是问我各种各样奇怪的问题,故可以推测出她是一个好奇的小孩。故选C。11C解析:C【详解】句意:要下雪了。太棒了!整个世界将是白色的。考

24、查形容词辨析。sunny晴朗的;cloudy多云的;snowy下雪的;foggy有雾的。根据“The whole world will be white”可知,下雪了整个世界是白色的,故选C。12D解析:D【详解】句意:你是电视剧中国诗词大会的粉丝吗?当然。我从来没有错过过任何一集,我对这些玩家对古典诗歌的渊博知识感到惊讶。考查形容词辨析,tired疲劳的,厌倦的;satisfied满意的,满足的;bored无聊的,无趣的;amazed十分惊奇的。根据“Ive never missed any of episodes”没有错过一集,那么应该是很感兴趣,对这些玩家对古典诗歌的渊博知识感到惊讶,符

25、合句意与逻辑,故选D。13B解析:B【详解】句意:那家伙在说什么语言?我几乎一个字也听不清!我也不会。他是印度人。所以我猜是印地语。考查形容词辨析,silent沉默的;single单一的;simple简单的;similar相似的。观察句子,根据“Neither can I”说明应该是听不懂,“catch a single word”表示抓住一个字,因为不懂所以一个词也听不懂,故选B。14A解析:A【详解】句意:青少年感到有点担心和压力是很常见的,因为我们大多数人都有这样的感觉。考查形容词辨析,common常见的;strange不平常的,奇怪的;curious好奇的;energetic精力充沛的

26、。根据后半部分“because most of us have such feelings.”那么应该是常见的,故选A。15A解析:A【详解】句意:米莉的功课很好,但她从不炫耀。我完全同意。她很谦虚。考查形容词辨析。modest谦虚的;curious好奇的;gentle温和的;polite有礼貌的。根据句意和前一句中的“but she never shows off”可知米莉从不炫耀,所以她很谦虚,故选A。16B解析:B【详解】句意:你觉得现在的价格如何?一般来说,价格随需求而变化。考查形容词。private私人的;general一般的;central中心的;fixed固定的。此处用短语as

27、a general rule表示“一般来说”。故选B。17C解析:C【详解】句意:爸爸,我已经尽力了,但还是解决不了这些问题。别着急,儿子。没有人是完美的,每个人都会时不时地失败。考查形容词辨析。successful成功的;confident有自信心的;perfect完美的;excellent出色的;根据下文“everyone fails from time to time”推断空格是安慰儿子,没有人是完美的,每个人都会时不时地失败;故选C。18C解析:C【详解】句意:随着人口的增多, 世界似乎在逐渐变小。考查动词辨析。作为不及物动词,increase和grow都有“增加,增大,增长”的意思,

28、 grow一般指经过逐渐的历程,population 作为一个抽象名词,用来指一地(国家、都会、城镇)的人口,后面用 increase 或 grow 都可以的。population指人口的数量,需用“大(big/large)或小(small)”修饰,不可使用“多(much)或少(little)”修饰;可知排除A和D;the population是抽象名词,第三人称单数,可知谓语动词使用三单形式,increase是原形,grows是三单形式,故选C。19D解析:D【详解】句意:你看,越来越多的奶牛生病了。如果问题如此严重,明天起这个农场将会关闭。考查形容词辨析及语境。heavy重的;popula

29、r受欢迎的,流行的;strong强壮的;serious严重的,严肃的。If从句中的主语是the problem“问题”,因此这里表示“问题很严重”。故选D。20A解析:A【详解】句意:我的英语老师是一位很有耐心的女士,她经常反复地纠正我的发音。考查形容词辨析。patient耐心的;creative有创造力的;modest谦虚的;curious好奇的。根据she often corrects my pronunciation again and again,可知,她经常反复地纠正我的发音,说明她很有耐心,故选A。21B解析:B【详解】句意:金先生非常有耐心。他把难题解释很多遍直到我们理解。考查形容词辨析。strict严格的;patient耐心的;polite有礼貌的;hard-working努力工作的。根据“He explains the difficulties many times until we understand them”可知他讲解问题很多遍,说明他很有耐心。故选B。22B解析:B【详解】句意:昨天的电影很有趣,我们都笑了。考查形容词辨析。boring无聊的;funny搞笑的;meaningless无意义的;expen

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