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1、完整word专为中考考生准备的初中xx常用短语、词(用法和辨析)、一、常用短语(包括学过的所有短语)a bit有点Its a bit hot today.今天有点热。a bit of一点(修饰不可数名词,相当于a little.)There is a bit of / a little water in the bottle.瓶子里有一点水。advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事【advise是动词,名词形式:advice】The doctor advised me to exercise more.医生建议我多锻炼。after all毕竟;终究;到底I do like he

2、rafter all, she is my sister.我确实喜欢她毕竟,她是我妹妹。all the time一直;始终I looked for that letter everywhere, but it was in my pocket all the time.我到处找那封信,但它却一直在我的口袋里。and so on等等As as soon as一就【由该短语引导的时间状语从句,需用一般现在时态表示将来时】Ill call you as soon as I get there.我一到那里就给你打电话。as well (在口语中用得很多,用法和too一样,两者可以互换,通常位于句末)I

3、 can do it as well.我也能做这件事。as well as除之外;并;和;也He gave me money as well as advice.他除了给我中告外,还给了我钱。ask for请求;要ask for +某人意思是:找某人,要求见某人Someone is asking for you at the door.门口有人找你。ask for +某物意思是:要某物He wants to ask for some water.他想要些水。ask sb. for sth.向某人要某物,请求某人给予某物She asks him for his address.她向他要他的地址。

4、At at last最后;终于【指经过一番拖延或曲折后终于达到某一目的,强调所做的努力,也可指期待已久的事情终于实现,带有一定的感情色彩。它只用在过去时的句中,不能用于否定句】In spite of the heavy rain,we arrived at last.尽管雨很大,我们最终还是到达了。at least至少It will cost at least 100 yuan.它至少要花费100元钱。at that moment那时He was looking for his bike at that moment.那时他正在找自己丢失的自行车。at this moment这时;此刻What

5、 are you doing at this moment.你此时正在干什么?at the age of在岁时He could speak French well at the age of 10.他10岁时法语就讲得很好。at the end of在的末端(它既可指时间,也可指位置)Our school is at the end of the street.我们的学校在这条街的尽头。(位置)They often have no money at the end of a month.他们的钱经常花不到月底。(时间)at the latest最晚;最迟Please be here by te

6、n at the latest.请最迟10点钟到这儿。at the same time同时;一齐,还可意为“然而”【表示前后两个分句在意义上的转折】The little girl is laughing and crying at the same time.那个小女孩又哭又笑。He works hard,but at the same time he doesnt do well in his lessons.他学习很努力,但是他的功课却不好。【at the same time表示转折】Be be able to能够【后跟动词原形】He was a clear student, so he

7、was able to work out the problem at last.他是一个聪明的学生,所以最后他能解出这道难题。be angry about因某事而生气be angry at因某人的言行而生气He was angry at being kept waiting.他因久候而生气。be angry with sb.生某人的气He was angry with himself.他在生自己的气。be famous as作为而出名Einstein is famous as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家著称。be famous for以而闻名China i

8、s famous for the Great Wall.中国以长城而闻名。be filled with (同义:be full of )充满;装满The bag is filled withbooks.=The bag is full of books.这个书包装满了书。because of因为由于【后接名词、代词及名词性短语,在句子中一般用作状语】Because of illness,the boy did not go to school.因为生病,这个男孩没有去上学。beginwith以开始Well begin our class with some questions.我们的课将以几个

9、问题开始。be good at(同义:do well in在擅长;精通(可接表示人或事物的名词、代词、动名词)He is good at swimming.(= He does well in swimming.)他擅长游泳。be good for对有好处(反义be bad for对有害处)(可接表示人或事物的名词、动名词、代词)Doing morning exercises is good for my health.做早操对我的健康有好处。Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.电视看得太多对你的眼睛不好。be good to对好(反义:be b

10、ad to意为:对不好)【to之后一般接表示人的名词或代词】She is very good to us.她对我们很好。The boss is bad to the workers.老板对工人们很不好。be made by由制造【介词by后跟动作的执行者】The model ship is made by Uncle Wang.这个轮船模型是由王叔叔制作的。be made from由(材料)制成【表示物品制成后,已看不出原材料是什么,原材料在制作过程中Nylon is made from air,coal and water.尼龙是用空气、煤和水加工制成的。已起了化学变化】be made of

11、由(原料)制成【表示某物制成后,仍可看得出原材料,原材料在制成过程中仅起了物理The shoes are made of cloth.这些鞋是用布做的。变化】be mdae in在(地点)制造【介词in后接产地】The kind of computer is made in the USA.这种电脑是在美国制造的。be on上映;上演【on在此处是副词】Whats on at the cinema this week?这个星期电影院上映什么影片?be proud of (同义:take pride in)为感到骄傲【proud是形容词;名词为:pride】We are all proud of

12、 Yang Liwei.=We all take pride in Yang Liwei.我们都为杨利伟感到骄傲。be worried about(同义:worry about)担心Dont be worried about me.=Dont worry about me.不要为我担心。bit him on the hand咬他的手bit her in the leg咬她的腿borrow sth. from sb./somewhere向某人或某处借某物Do you often borrow books from the library?你经常从图书馆借书吗?bothand既又;和都【连接两个并

13、列的概念。连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词Both my father and my mother are workers.我的爸爸和妈妈都是工人。要用复数形式】bringinto action使起作用bring two persons face to face使两人面对面by chance (= by accident )恰巧;碰巧;偶然;意外I met Jim by chance yesterday.我昨天偶然遇到了吉姆。by the way顺便问一下;顺便说一下By the way,do you like collecting anything?顺便问一下,你喜欢收藏东西吗?close do

14、wn停止播放(指“广播电台结束一次的广播节目”)Itsmidnight and were now closing down.时间已是午夜,今天的节目到此结束。Come come face to face with sb.与某人碰面Jim came face with his old friend on the street.吉姆在街上碰到了他的老朋友。come on开始,来到跟随,来Night cameon.夜色降临了。You go first. Ill come on later.你先走,我随后就到。come out(有很多意思)表示“出来”。He has got a three-years

15、 sentence, but he may come out early.他已被判处了三年徒刑,但表示“(日、月、星等)出现”也可能提前释放。The rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停了,太阳出来了。表示“(花)开放”The flowers/buds are coming out.花开了/发芽了。表示“(消息、真相、秘密等)被透露;被披露”The affair will come out inthe newspapers.这件事将在报纸上登出来。表示“(书籍、杂志、文章等的)出版;发表”The magazine comes out once a month

16、.这份杂志一月出一期。表示“(照片等)被冲洗出”All the pitures have come out very well.所有的照片全都冲洗得很好。come up被提出、被讨论;(指种子、草本植物等)长出地面;发生、出现;The question hasnt come up yet.问题尚未被提出。The seeds havent come up yet.种子还没有发芽。Ill let you know if anything comes up.如果有什么事发生,我会告诉你的。come up with提出、提供;追上、赶上、跟上【注意:分号前后是不同的解释】He usually come

17、s up with some ideas.他通常能提出一些好主意。We came up with the climbers at the top of the hill.我们在山顶上赶上了那些爬山者。count down倒计时On New Years Eve, people often count down before 12 oclock.在新年除夕,人们在12点之前经常倒计时。Decidev.决定decide to do sth.(同义:make ones mind to do sth.)决定做某事(否定式在to do前加I decide to help you.我决定帮助你。not )d

18、epend on取决于,依赖于,依靠Health depends on good food and enough sleep.健康在于合理的饮食和充足的睡眠。different from与不同My idea is different from yours.我的想法与你的不同。do with (sb./sth.)处理;处置;对待What did you do with the eggs?你是怎么处理那些鸡蛋的?dress up打扮;化妆【常用作不及物动词,其后一般不接表示衣服的名词】Mr Green something dressed up in a blue coat.格林先生有时打扮一番,穿

19、上蓝色大衣。Enjoyv.喜欢enjoy sth.喜欢某物I enjoy that storybook.我喜欢那本故事书。enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事They enjoy playing football.他们喜欢踢足球。enjoy oneself (相当于have fun, have a good time )玩得高兴;过得愉快My students enjoy themselves every day.我的学生每天都过得很愉快。except for除去;除以为Except for this, he is a good student.除去这一点,他是个好学生。explain

20、sth.(to sb.) (给某人)解释某事Please explain this problem to me.请将这个问题解释给我听。far away远离How far away is it from your hometown to the city?从你家乡到这座城市有多远?fight with sb.与某人打架【fight的过去式和过去分词都是fought】He fought with his friend yesterday.昨天他与朋友打架了。fillwith用装满【fill是动词,意为:装满、填满】He filled the basket with eggs.他用鸡蛋把篮子装满。

21、find out查明;弄清楚【改短语为副词型短语,表示经过观察、调查把某事查出;搞明白,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况】Ill try to find out who broke the window.我要设法弄清楚是谁打坏了窗户。first answer to it它的第一个答案【在英语中,如果表示“问题的答案、门上的钥匙”等说法时,必Pass me the key to the car.递给我汽车钥匙。须用介词to,而不用of】Do you know the answers to the question?你知道这些问题的答案吗?forget doing sth.忘记做了某事I forge

22、t posting the letter.我忘了已寄了这封信。forget to do sth.忘记做某事【表示事情还没做】I forget to post the letter.我忘记寄这封信了。get a chance (= have a chance )有机会If you get a chance to go, take it.如果你有机会去,(那么)抓住机会。get back回来回来,相当于come back, return.若跟宾语,后需跟介词to,意为“返回某地”。I wont get back to the city.我再也不会回到那座城市了。取回;送回。当其宾语为名词时,可为于

23、get back之间或back之后;若宾语为代词,只可位于getThe book is mine. I will get it back soon.那本书是我的,我尽快取回它。back之间。get cooler变得凉爽get dressed穿好衣服get together相聚,聚会【这是个动词短语;而get-together是一个名词,意为“相聚,聚会】Families get together on Mid-Autumn Day.在中秋节家人相聚。There is a big get-together in my family every year.每年我家都有一个大聚会。go back回去

24、【该短语是不及物动词短语,其中的back是副词】Youd better go back for it.你最好回去取它。go coming去野营【go +v.ing形式,常用来表示运动或娱乐消遣】go on doing sth.继续做某事【这个短语表示同一个动作继续进行下去】I asked him to have a rest,but he just went on working.我让他休息一下,但他只是继续工作。go on to do sth.又接着做某事【表示结束了一个动作再接着开始另一个动作】I finished my homework and went on to watch TV.我

25、完成了我的家庭作业后又接着看电视。go to bed就寝【表示“上床睡觉”这个动作,与get up意思相反】We usually get up at six in the morning and go to bed at ten in the evening.我们通常早晨6点起床,晚上10点睡觉。great success非常大的成功Last months flower show was a great success.上月的花展是非常成功的。Havev.have got(是由助动词have加动词get的过去分词构成的现在完成时态的谓语形式,在口语中,相当于have,意为“有”)I have

26、got a new dictionary.我有一本新词典。have to必须,不得不【强调因客观情况使得主语“不得不做”,否定式dont have to.】You dont have to go with me.你不必跟我一起去。hear sb. doing sth.听到某人正在做某事I heard him singing in the next room.我听到他正在隔壁房间唱歌。hear do sth.听到某人做了某事(在主动语态中省略动词不定式符号to,故用原型)We heard mother come back.我们听到妈妈回来了。Helpv.帮助(即可用于名词有可用于动词

27、)help sb.帮助某人Li Ping often helps his sister.李平常常帮助他妹help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事(在句中可省略不定式符号to)He often helps the old man (to) do housework.他常常帮助这个老人做家务。help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人He always helps her with her work.他总是在工作上帮助她。help oneself(help oneself to sth.)自用或自取某物Children,please help yourself to som

28、e apples.孩子们,请随便吃些苹果吧。canthelp doing sth.忍不住/情不自禁做某事When you see the Great Wall,you always cant help asking the question;How did thepeople build that?当你看到长城时,你总会情不自禁问这个问题:人们是怎样建造长城的呢?hit him on the head打它的头hit me in the face打我的脸in front of在的前面(强调在某物的范围之外,相当于before)There is a tree and some flowers in

29、 front of the house.房前有一棵树和一些花。in my opinion (同义:I think; It seems likely to me that)依我看;我觉得;我认为In my opinion, we should stop at once.我认为,我们应该立刻停下来。in spite of虽然,尽管仍,不顾。【该短语是介词词组】They went out in spite of the rain.虽然下着雨,他们还是出去了。in the end最后【指经过许多困难和捉摸不定的情况之后有了某种结果,强调最终的结果。常可与atlast换用。不同的是in the end可

30、指未来,用在将来时的句子中,而at last则不可以】I hope that everything will turn out to be all right in the end.我希望一切最终都会顺利。in (the) face of在面前in the front of在(里面)的前面(表示在某物的范围之内)Hes sitting in the front of the car.他坐在小汽车的前面。“in +一段时间”构成的时间状语常用在一般将来时态的句子中,意为“之后”Were going to visit your school in a few days.几天后我们将参观你们的学校。

31、in time及时【指句中动作发生在所提到或规定的时间之前】But you must come and renew it if you cant finish it in time.但是,如果你没能及时看完的话,你一定要续借。Keepv.keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事Why did you keep your mother waiting for a long time?为什么让你的母亲等这么长的时间?later on后来;以后lend something to somebody把某物借给某人You mustnt lend it to others.你一定不要把它借给别人。likebetter than (同义:preferto)与相比更喜欢I like pears better than apples.= I prefer pears to apples.与苹果相比,我更喜欢梨。like doing sth.喜欢做某事【注意:like后接v.+ing形式,表示经常性的爱好;后接to do形式表示偶然一次性的动作】Mary likes swimming very much,

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