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1、牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5 The seasonsUnit5本单元的主要话题是“季节及气候”。学习一些常用的与气象相关的一些词汇以及如何询问天气及应答。本单元A部分所涉及的词汇较多,内容也较杂,所以我建议先教B,C两部分,之后的A部分教学,我们会觉得轻松些,教完课文后,我们可以做一些教学拓展,出示一副副美丽的国外城市风貌,接着通过询问其他国家的天气情况,既渗透了外国风土人情于教学中,又提高了学生使用语言的能力。 第一课时一、 教学内容: 6B,Unit 5,B部分Look,read and learn.二、教学目标:1 学习B部分,学生会读和拼写spring,

2、summer,autumn,winter。2掌握三会单词warm, cool ,sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, foggy, snowy .三、教学重点:1学习B部分,套用旧句型,以旧带新。2掌握四会单词和复习旧句型。四、教学难点 灵活运用所学句型进行交际。五、课前准备:1 准备录音机和第五单元的磁带。2 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 B部分Look, read and learn.3 一些季节和天气的图片。六、教学过程:Step1.Free Talk.T: What date is it today? S: Its the .T: Whatsthe wea

3、ther like today? S: Its .Step2. Presentation and practiceTeach snowy, windy, foggy, rainy,cloudy, sunny,cool,warm.T: Look at the picture, its snowy.让一排学生读。T: Can you tell me which city is often snowy in China?S:(引导学生说) . is often snowy.T: Look at these weather pictures and work in groups。采取的步骤是,先是组内

4、交流,后是组间交流,最后由组长提问把全班不知道的单词解决。教学思想是尽量发挥学生的作用,让学生教学生,教师仅仅是指导者,参与者,组织者。Step3. Consolidation. 1 小组内快速记忆,互相帮助。2 单词接龙,无错误的小组积分。3 知识竟猜,Which city is foggy city? Which city is snowycity? Which city is windy city?( Answers: London, Beijing)4. See quickly.老师拿出两幅天气的图片,快速在学生眼前闪过,让学生猜。猜对小组积分。Step4. Presentation

5、and practiceTeach spring, summer, autumn, winter.T: How many months are there in a year?S: There are twelve.T: How many days are there in a year? S: There are 365.T: How many seasons are there in a year? 师自问自答,There are four. 在学生理解season的含义后,问What seasons do y ou know? 让学生自由说,说对小组积分。Step5.Consolidat

6、ion小组竞赛活动如下:1. 一位学生先说季节,另一位学生说季节特征。如:spring和warm。2一位学生形容季节,另一位学生说是哪一个季节。如:The house is white. The tree and grass are white.Everything is white.3 一位学生来到讲台上,老师拿出一幅图其他学生说出季节,这位学生做有关这个季节的动作。Step6. Play a game.拿出准备好的图片,每组出一人,组成一个新的小组,每人四张,第一个学生说出图的内容,下一个学生如果有与之相配的图说出并仍下,第一个手中无图的学生为胜者,并为原小组积分。七:板书设计:Unit5

7、 The seasons八:教后记牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5 The seasons第二课时一、 教学内容: 6B,Unit 5,C部分Ask and answer.和一个四会句型Whats the weather like.?二、教学目标:1掌握三会句型Which season do you like best? I like.Why? Because its . I can.2掌握四会句型Whats the weather like.?三、教学重点:1 学生能看图迅速说出内容。2 拓展句型Which season do you like best? I like.Why? Becaus

8、e its . I can.四、教学难点 灵活运用所学句型进行交际。五、课前准备:1 准备录音机和第五单元的磁带。2 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 C部分Ask and answer.3 一些季节和天气的图片。4 一些著名中外城市的图片,最好有明显的季节体现。六、教学过程:Step1.Say a rhymeSpring,spring,spring,its warm,warm,warm,Summer,summer,summer,its hot, hot, hot,Autumn,autumn,autumn,its cool,cool,cool,Winter,winter,winter,i

9、ts snowy,snowy,snowy,Windy,windy,windy,its Beijing,windy city,Foggy,foggy,foggy,its London,foggy city,Sunny,sunny,sunny,its Lasha,sunny city.Step2. Free talk. The topic is WEATHER.T: Whats the weather like in spring in Lan Yungang? S: Its warm.让学生自由谈论一些城市的气候。Step3.Pre-task1. Teach becauseT: Im weari

10、ng three sweaters. Because its cold. Im drinking some water. Because its hot.在学生理解because的涵义后,让学生用because造句。2. Teach I like . best. Because its. I can.T: I like winter best. Because its snowy. I canmake a snowman.学生以小组为单位,表达自己喜欢哪个季节,并说明原因。3.操练对话Which season do you like best?I like. Why? Because its

11、. I can. 例如:T: Which season do you like best? S: I like summer. Because its hot. I can swim in the sea.Step 4While-task 任务一,Do a survey. 调查并填空,做一个小记者完成下列表格:培养学生于他人共处的合作精神和参与意识NameSeasonActivity任务二,Look and say观察并描述,培养学生的观察力和根据情况灵活运用英语的能力。 采取的活动如下: 让四幅图分别在学生眼前停留五秒钟,师问:What season does David like? Why

12、? 然后分别由三位学生问,其它学生抢答,回答正确的学生给小组积分。Step5 Post-task根据所提供信息,汇总哪些人喜欢哪些季节,并说出原因。七:板书设计: Unit5The seasons Whats the weather like in summer in Beijing? Its hot.八:教后记牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5 The seasons第三课时 一、 教学内容:A部分Listen,read and say.二、教学目标:1 学习A部分,学生会读countryside,snowball fights。2熟练掌握四会句型Whats the weather like .

13、?3 进一步理解三会句型Which season you like best?三、教学重点:1理解A部分的含义。 2进一步掌握三、四会句型。四、教学难点:1 初步使用比较级。2 了解be going to 时态。五、课前准备:1 准备录音机和第五单元的磁带。 2 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 B部分Listen, read and say.六、教学过程:Step1 Free talk.Step2.Presentation and practice1.Look and guess.先让一位学生站起来面对大家,教师出示一幅天气的图片,其他学生问Whats the weathe

14、r like today?这位学生回答,正确给小组积分。2看一段天气预报的电视录象,回答问题,正确给小组积分。例如:S1: Whats the weather like in Chong Qing? S2:Its sunny.3.看图回答问题,用电脑做出下列课件:第一幅图是纽约的图片。问题:What city is it?第二幅图是纽约秋季大风的图片。问题:Whats the weather like in autumn in New York?第三幅图是纽约的人们在秋季的活动。问题:What do the Americans usually do in autumn?第四幅图是纽约冬季孩子们

15、堆雪人的图片。问题:What do the childrenusually do in winter in New York?Step3 Consolidation听A部分两遍,小组内根据所听内容把下列句子排序并读出,同时解决countryside这个单词。1 New York is very beautiful in spring.2 Ben likes making snowmen in New York.3 New York is usually very hot in summer.4 Su Yangs father is going to New York.5 People in N

16、ew York like to go to farms in the countryside.Step5.Read and answer the questions1以小组为单位自己读课文,注意语法现象,读过后小组内讨论解决,解决不了的在自由提问时间由老师或其他学生解决。为帮助学生有一定的针对性,老师出示以下问题:1.Whats the difference between the two sentences?a. Su Yangs dad is going to work in New York next week.b. Su Yangs dad is going to New York s

17、oon.2.Tell us the meanings of the following phrases:in the countryside, pick pumpkins, make snowmen, snowball fights, as hot as Nanjing3.Find the same rule of the following sentences.a. Its colder than in Nanjing.b. Your dad needs some warmer clothes for the winter in New York. 2 逐句模仿跟读课文一遍后,独立完成课后的

18、填空练习。七板书设计Unit5 The seasons(有关本课的挂图两幅)八:教后记牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5 The seasons第四课时 一、 教学内容: A部分Listen, read and say.和D部分Listen and write。二、教学目标:1熟练掌握四会句型Whats the weather like .?2 熟练运用三会句型Which season you like best?3 理解运用A部分的语法内容。3 完成D部分。三、教学重点:指导学生做好听力题。四、教学难点:1 理解D部分的新单词。2 训练学生提取有用信息的能力。五、课前准备:1 准备录

19、音机和第五单元的磁带。2 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 六、教学过程:Step1. Morning report.A 采取两人对话式报告一城市的天气。B 采取两人聊天式谈论一城市的季节及活动。Step2. Read1. 抽签朗读排序。几位学生到讲台抽签,读出签上内容,并根据课文顺序站好。2.看D 部分的四幅图,在教师的指导下读出并写出四幅图所涉及的短语。Step3. Fill in the blanks1. 听第一遍,做简单的记录,试填空。2. 听第二遍,根据短文的发展填空。 3. 听第三遍,进一步理解短文,全力完成剩余的空。3. 小组内汇总组员的错误,讨论错误的产生原因,该如何避免

20、。4.在小组汇总的同时,老师深入各个小组掌握典型错误,进行分析。5. 听第四遍,小组讨论回答问题。a. What does Ma Li usually do in springs morning?b. Does Guangzhou often rain in summer?c. Did Ma Li go swimming in summer in Guangzhou before?d. What does Ma Li usually do after school in winter?Step4.Repeat每小组出四人准备后,接龙式复述D部分。七板书设计:Unit5 The seasonst

21、urn green, go rowing, get shorter, go walking, go jogging八:教后记牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5 The seasons第五课时 一、 教学内容: E、F部分.二、教学目标:1进一步在真实的语言环境中应用本单元句型,提高英语做事能力。2 培养学生看图理解运用的能力。3 实践中总结游戏规则和自创玩法。三、教学重点:1 游戏中掌握所学知识。2 在真实的语境中处理所学知识。四、教学难点:1 游戏中全部使用英语。2 及时发现错误并解决。五、课前准备:1 准备录音机和第五单元的磁带。2 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 .3 准备好已做好的

22、游戏道具。六、教学过程:Step1 Warming up1. Look and spell. 老师事先把weather, spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, cold写在卡片上,以小组为单位半分钟内,一个学生看卡片做口形,另一个猜并拼读,看一看哪个小组完成得多,胜者积分。2 Look and do. 老师事先把warm, cool, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy, sunny, foggy, rowing, snowball fights, countryside写在卡片上,一个抽卡片并做动作,其他学生举手抢答,答对为小组积分。S

23、tep2 Talk about the weather of some cities.老师准备一些写有地名的卡片,每个小组代表来抽,按所抽地名准备对话并表演。例如:哈尔滨A:Whats the weather like in winter in Haerbin? B: Its cold and windy. Its often snowy.A: What do people usually do?B: They usually go skiing and go skating.Step3 Talk about the students hometown, finish part E.小组间交流

24、检查答案是否正确。Step4 Play games about part F.在小组内交流玩这个游戏,并鼓励学生改变游戏。Step5 Homework七板书设计 Unit5The seasons哈尔滨北京南京海口 昆明拉萨 八:教后记牛津小学英语6B教案Unit5 The seasons第六课时 一、 教学内容: G、H部分.二、教学目标:1进一步在听说基础上培养学生四会句型写的能力。2培养学生ow组合发音运用的能力。3感受歌谣的旋律美。三、教学重点:1活动中训练学生写句型的能力。2 总结ow组合发音。四、教学难点:1句子中的字母组合的发音训练。2初步感受歌谣的旋律。五、课前准备:1 准备录音

25、机和第五单元的磁带。2 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 .六、教学过程:Step1.Act 根据A部分的对话,把小组自创的对话表演出来。老师可以组织学生当评委打分。Step2. 看词连对话。 老师给出一些单词让学生独立完成对话,写在课堂作业本上。小组间交流评比,无错误的小组积分。题目如下:1 Lianyunguang , summer , go swimming 2 Nanjin, autumn, go climbing3.Shanghai, spring, go walking4 Suzhou, spring, visit the gardensStep3.连词成句1 in, bes

26、t, which, New York, you, do, season, like,(?)2 in, go, people, farms, countryside, to, the ,like,(.)3 New York, is, soon, to, father, going, my4 season, New York, autumn, best, the, is, in (.)Step4. 每个小组把其中一个组员在步骤2中的对话变成填空给其他组做。Step5.G Fun house1 学生听录音跟读brown, cow, how, now,四个单词,体会并发出ow组合发音。2 呈现G部分,

27、启发学生用这四个单词编一句话,对能参与的学生给小组积分。3 利用李阳疯狂英语的办法操练G部分这句话。A 跟磁带慢读三遍,在自己中速读三遍,快速读三遍。B 试着一口气读这个句子,每组选读得最多的进行比赛。C 每组选一个代表看谁能最快速最清晰最大声读出这个句子。Step6.完成H部分。1 组织学生听录音模仿读。2 老师和学生一起读,根据内容动作,让学生边做边理解。3 集体读和做动作。Step7 Homework七:教后记6B Unit5课后练习一、 写出下列各词的反义词。1 right 2 fast 3 sunny4 warm 5 cold 6 new7 fat 8 big 9 early10 h

28、igh二、读一读,连线。1 Its warm and rainy. A Leaves fall to the ground.2 Its cool and windy. B Trees and grass are green.3 Its hot and sunny. C Children often go skating.4 Its cold and snowy. D Children usually go swimming三、读一读,选词填空。Swimming summer autumn warm spring winter snowman fly farms windy cold1 Its

29、usually very hot in .Children like to go in the river.2 Its cool and usually sunny in .Sometimes its .People like to go to in the countryside.3 Its in .We can kites in the countryside.4 Its very in . Children can go skating and make四、单项选择。1 A: Which do you like best? B: I like summer best. A weather B season C seasons2 In New York, the weather in summer is as as in Nanjing.A hot B cold C hotter3 In Beijing, the weather in winter is than in Nanjing. A cold B cool C colder4 I like best,because I can make snowmen in the snow. A summer B winter C spring

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